Darcy on RolePlayer.me - www.roleplayer.me/thedarcynolan Darcy
Georgia Peaches

26 years old

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June 01 2024

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Unflappable Courage - Darcy has stared down malevolent spirits and paranormal threats that would break most people. She possesses an innate fearlessness and boldness when confronting the unknown. Intuition - Her close attunement to the spirit world gives Darcy an almost preternatural intuition about people and situations. She can read between the lines and sense when something is amiss. Psychic Sensitivity - Darcy's powerful mediumship abilities allow her to perceive and communicate with supernatural entities invisible to others. She can analyze paranormal energies and occurrences. Occult Knowledge - Having immersed herself in obscure ritual practices and supernatural lore over the years, Darcy has amassed extensive proficiency in the occult and metaphysical disciplines. Adaptation - Existing in the margins of the paranormal world has made Darcy highly adaptable and able to think on her feet in even the most bizarre circumstances.


Isolation - Concealing her abilities from the world has caused Darcy to build emotional walls, making her distant, distrustful of others, and prone to loneliness. Cynicism - So many encounters with restless spirits and dark entities has bred a cynical world-weariness in Darcy. She struggles to find hope or meaning in the living world. Impulsiveness - Her boldness can manifest as reckless impulsiveness when Darcy feels she's onto a paranormal lead or dealing with a powerful entity. She takes unnecessary risks. Addiction Issues - Darcy self-medicates with alcohol, nicotine and thrill-seeking behavior to cope with the mental strain and trauma of her paranormal experiences. Mental Strain - Existing simultaneously in the living and spirit worlds has started to fracture Darcy's psyche over time. She suffers from night terrors, memory lapses, and disassociation. Unresolved Grief - The loss of her parents at a young age, combined with helping lost souls' transition, has left Darcy wrestling with personal traumatic grief she hasn't properly processed.

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Darcy Nolan was born and raised in the historic district of Savannah, Georgia. From a young age, she seemed tuned into the spiritual energies that permeated the antebellum homes and oak-lined squares of the city. Darcy could sense presences unseen by others - the lingering imprints of those who had lived and died in Savannah over the centuries. Her family had a long history in Savannah, dating back to the 18th century when their ancestors first settled in the coastal town. Darcy's parents tried to rationalize away her "imaginary friends" and strange experiences as an overactive imagination. But she knew the ghostly figures and disembodied voices she perceived were very much real.

When Darcy's parents died in a tragic accident during her junior year of high school, she felt a profound sense of displacement and disconnection from the world around her.She ended up living with her grandmother, who eventually got it into her head that they did that to themselves on purpose to get away from her.

As Darcy grew older, her abilities to sense and communicate with spirits became stronger. She learned to secretly hone her skills, reading every book she could find on paranormal phenomena and spiritual traditions. Savannah's haunted history became an open portal into unseen realms.

After graduating high school, Darcy took a job at The Book Lady Bookstore in downtown Savannah. The store was one of her favorite childhood haunts. Darcy had an undeniable connection and ease among the old books and curio items lining the dusty shelves.

Age 3: Darcy's first playmate was the spirit of a young girl who died of cholera in the 1860s. While neighborhood kids participated in imaginary games, Darcy's make-believe companion was very real to her - spinning tales of life during war-torn Savannah as the two frolicked through the iconic squares. Her parents thought her friend "Mary" was an invention until they saw Darcy having full conversations alone and setting out snacks for the unseen guest.

Age 6: The first of many ghostly encounters occurred when Darcy awoke screaming to the apparition of a Confederate soldier looming over her bed. In a thick Savannah brogue, the hollow-eyed entity repeated the date of his death in battle before dissipating into swirling mists. For Darcy's family, it was the first of many bone-chilling paranormal displays they struggled to comprehend.


NAME: Darcy Nolan
DATE OF BIRTH: February 24th
PLACE OF BIRTH: Savannah, Georgia
ETHNICITY: Input info
HEIGHT: 5'0"
PARENTS: Input info
OCCUPATION: Works at The Book Lady Bookstore
LIKES: Old, musty bookstores and libraries - Darcy feels at home surrounded by ancient tomes and the whispers of previous readers. Thunderstorms - The elemental power of storms seems to amplify paranormal energies and activity. Vintage clothing and jewelry - She's drawn to items that carry residual essence of their previous owners' lives. Dry, morbid humor - Darcy copes with the strangeness of her work through sarcasm and galley wit.
DISLIKES: Organized religion - Too many restrictions and rules around spirituality for Darcy's taste. Being stuck indoors for too long - Wide open spaces are easier for her to exist in without spirit interference. Traveling by air - Planes and airports seem to dull or disrupt her psychic senses for some reason.
ADDICTIONS: Sleep Aids. - The threat of night terrors and restless spirits visiting her dreams forces Darcy to rely on heavy sleeping pills and medication. She'll go through cycles of insomnia, followed byabusing sleep aids to the point of conscious torpor for days at a time to avoid the trauma of nightmares. This inconsistent sleep pattern takes a toll on Darcy's physical and mental health.

Thrill-Seeking. - When she's not chasing paranormal leads, Darcy looks for other adrenaline-inducing highs and risks to feed her appetite for danger. She may take up risky hobbies like street racing, rock climbing, or other extreme sports for a time until the thrills wear off. This constant need for hazardous excitement is Darcy's way of making her existential reality facing the supernatural feel more "normal."

Retail Therapy. - Working at the bookstore provides Darcy some semblance of routine, but she also can't resist purchasing impulsive metaphysical items and occult literature related to her paranormal experiences. She's constantly dropping her meager wages on new tarot decks, charged crystals, haunted antiques, or any objects that call out to her psychic sensitivity in the hopes they'll provide her some insight or power.
SCARS: A jagged scar along Darcy's left forearm from a run-in with an angry poltergeist. During a house cleansing, objects began violently flying about and a shard of broken mirror sliced her arm open. She refused to go to the hospital, allowing the wound to scab over into a gnarly scar as a badge of her paranormal dealings.


Darcy Nolan has an outwardly sardonic and aloof demeanor that masks her truly compassionate nature. Growing up having to hide her paranormal abilities made Darcy guarded and skeptical of people's motivations. She doesn't easily trust others or open up about the supernatural world she inhabits. However, beneath her sarcastic and frequently eye-rolling exterior, Darcy is driven by a deep empathy for lost souls. She feels a profound connection and responsibility to the restless spirits she encounters. Darcy will go to great lengths to ensure their unfinished business is resolved so they can finally be at peace. Her years of communicating with the dead have given Darcy wisdom beyond her years. She has an old soul and tends to be the level-headed voice of reason, even in the most stressful or bizarre supernatural situations. Darcy approaches everything with pragmatism, analysis, and a dark sense of humor about the absurdity of the paranormal world. While not outwardly emotional, Darcy does have a sensitive side that she conceals from the world. She has a nurturing instinct, especially when it comes to spirits who were young or mistreated in life. Their plight tugs at Darcy's heartstrings in a way she doesn't show on the surface. At her core, Darcy is a loner and a free spirit.

Georgia Peaches

This is just a little group that I'm so excited to be a part of!

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