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24 years old

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NicknamesScott McCall (Full Name) McCall Mr. McCall Scotty (By Stiles) The True Alpha "Our Little Scott" (By Peter) The Alpha "The Hot Girl" (By Stiles & himself) "Sworn Protector of Beacon Hills" (By Stiles) . Date of Birth October/ 6th/ 1994. Age 30 Species True Alpha Werewolf Place of Birth Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital Current ResidenceMcCall House Education UC Davis Occupation Veterinarian Living Arrangements Beacon Hills Transportation Truck Criminal Record none Medical History Asthmatic Hair Color Brown Eye Color Brown Height | Weight 9'10" | 70 lbs. Skin Color Mexican Ethnicity Hispanic Body Type Althetic Physical Description Althetic brown eyes sometime red with super body strength Orientation: Straight

Orientation Description: Straight Aways Been.
Zodiac Sign Leo Zodiac Traits loyal creative confident . Likes | Dislikes Protecting Helping Others Trying New Things | Hunters . Drink | Drugs | Smoke No| No | No Habits None Fears Loosing People Other Traits Courgeous Protective Parents Melissa And Rafael Siblings Shawn Carly Sophia Samantha Other Family Members Stiles Freddie Nichole Pets Roxy Close Friends Stiles Derek Liam Isaac.

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About me:

Scott McCall

30 / Leo / Werewolf True Alpha / Teen Wolf

Scott was born in 1994 to Melissa McCall, a nurse at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, and Rafael McCall, a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Scott was afflicted with asthma from a young age, which only became more severe as he got older. When he was in elementary school, his alcoholic father got drunk one night and got into a fight with Melissa, and when Scott came out into the hall, he grabbed Scott by the wrist to force him back into his room. When Scott reflexively pulled away from him, Rafael yanked back hard and caused Scott to lose his balance and fall down the stairs, where he hit his head and lost consciousness for almost a minute. Melissa was so furious that she ordered Rafael to leave. While she only intended to throw a drunk man out of the house to cool off and sober up, Rafael took this literally and ended up moving out due to the shame he felt, leaving the the family completely. ("Insatiable"), ("The Divine Move") Though Scott did spend some time living with Rafael at first, he eventually moved back in with his mother, and Rafael discontinued his contact with Scott and Melissa before moving to San Francisco to work at their FBI field office, an act for which Scott resented him until he reached high school. ("The Tell") When Scott was a young child, he was taking his small dog Roxie for a walk when the two were attacked by a rabid doberman. The stress of the event caused Scott to have such a severe asthma attack that he was sent to the hospital, and his dog ultimately died from her injuries. ("Required Reading") For some unknown reason, this memory became repressed in his mind, either because of how traumatic it was or because the Dread Doctors suppressed it. Regardless, he did not gain the memory back until the autumn of 2012, when Scott read The Dread Doctors novel by Gabriel Valack, a tool to trigger repressed memories in hopes of finding out if they had done anything to him. ("Required Reading") Being raised by a single mother for most of his childhood, Scott saw how hard Melissa had to work to keep the household running, so when he was old enough, he began working as a veterinary technician at Dr. Alan Deaton's animal clinic to make extra money. Once he entered high school, Scott joined the lacrosse team with his best friend of many years, Stiles Stilinski, though they rarely ever saw any game play due to their lack of athletic prowess. ("Wolf Moon").

In Wolf Moon, Scott and his best friend Stiles went into the Beacon Hills Nature Preserve after Stiles heard on the police radio that half of the body of a dead young woman had been found in the woods, and they wanted to find it before the police did. However, when they ran into Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies, they were forced to split up, which allowed Scott, who was distracted by the fact that he had dropped his inhaler onto the forest floor, to be bitten by a large, monstrous Werewolf with glowing red eyes (though it happened so fast that he believed it was a real wolf). The next day, Scott went to school, only to find he has developed strange side effects such as superhuman senses, strength, and agility. After school, when Scott and Stiles went back to the woods to go retrieve his lost inhaler, Stiles joked that Scott had become a Werewolf before they suddenly ran into Derek Hale, who looked at Scott suspiciously before reminding them that they were on private property, scaring the two teens into leaving in the process, though not before Derek tossed Scott his lost inhaler. Even more concerning was the fact that his wound had completely healed by the time he made it to work at the animal clinic that evening. Right as he was closing up, the new girl at school, Allison Argent, arrived in tears after she had hit a dog with her car. Scott was able to unconsciously quiet the scared animal with his newly-gained powers, and even got the courage to ask her out as his date to Lydia Martin's party after the lacrosse scrimmage, which Allison accepted. Scott was ecstatic about his date plans, but Stiles, who had done some research into the strange symptoms and side effects Scott seemed to be exhibiting, realized that Scott had truly been turned into a Werewolf and wasted no time in summoning his best friend to his bedroom so that he could share this revelation. However, Scott, unhappy that Stiles was ruining his good mood, lost control of his new lycanthropy due to the impending full moon and almost attacked Stiles, causing him to leave in embarrassment and shame with a short apology; what he did not notice was that he had left three claw gashes in the leather of his desk chair from anger. Sure enough, that night at the party, the full moon appeared overhead and caused Scott so much pain and fear that he abandoned Allison at the party and ran home, where he quickly began to transform into a Werewolf. Scott, believing Derek had something to do with it, managed to inform Stiles about his suspicion before he fully changed, but when Stiles told him that Derek had taken Allison home, Scott jumped out the window to save her. He followed Allison's scent into the woods with his new senses, where he eventually found Derek with Allison's jacket, which he had used to lure Scott there. Before Scott could argue any further, he was blinded by flash-bang arrows and subsequently hit with a real arrow that went through his arm and pinned him to a tree. A trio of male Hunters appeared, forcing Derek to incapacitate them long enough to free Scott and flee with him. Once they made it to safety, Scott blamed Derek for turning him into a Werewolf, which Derek did not deny-- he simply explained that the Bite was a gift, and that they were brothers now because of their shared lycanthropy. The next morning, Stiles picked Scott up at the preserve and drove him home, during which time he promised Scott that he'd help him get through his new condition. However, when Scott arrived to school on Monday, he had an awkward run-in with Allison during which he admitted that he had no excuse for what happened Friday night, though she did not seem very upset about it; on the contrary, she gave him a second chance without much argument. Just then, Allison waved to a man behind them who Scott recognized as the leader of the Hunters who shot him during the full moon. Allison explained that he is her father, Chris Argent, and Scott began to panic. In Second Chance at First Line, Scott continued to struggle with controlling his lycanthropy, particularly when he lost his temper or when his heart rate began to race, such as when he was scared or playing lacrosse. While he grappled with the decision over whether or not he should quit the team as a result of it, he was pressured about his choices on all sides; Queen mean-girl Lydia Martin insisted that he stay on the team, since her popularity depended on her dating the captain of the star-lacrosse team, whereas Derek argued that Scott had to quit because if he shifted on the field, he would risk exposing the entire Werewolf community, which would result in Derek Ending Scott in retribution. Derek's aggressive behavior caused Scott to become suspicious about his involvement in the death of the bisected woman in the woods, especially when he smelled the dead body on the Hale property. He and Stiles returned to the ruins of the Hale House to investigate after Derek left, where they found half of a wolf buried inside a spiral made of rope and wolfsbane. When they removed the wolfsbane, the half-wolf turned into the upper half of the bisected woman from the woods.especially when he smelled the dead body on the Hale property. He and Stiles returned to the ruins of the Hale House to investigate after Derek left, where they found half of a wolf buried inside a spiral made of rope and wolfsbane. When they removed the wolfsbane, the half-wolf turned into the upper half of the bisected woman from the woods, and Scott and Stiles determined that Derek must have killed her, leading them to inform Sheriff Stilinski about what they had found. Scott then went straight to the Argent House, where he jumped down from the roof just as Argent was pulling into the driveway, causing Argent to accidentally hit him. However, Scott shrugged the injuries off, and Allison was so appalled by what her father had done that the older man was too embarrassed to question it further. The next night, Scott went against Derek's instructions and played in the game anyway, and though he did begin to transform on the field, he was able to rush off before anyone became suspicious and bring himself back in control in the locker room. Allison followed Scott toward the showers, but, fortunately for Scott, she arrived just after Scott regained control, allowing him to keep his secret. He admitted to her that she made him nervous, and the two kissed, which marked the start of their romantic relationship. Once Allison left, Stiles approached Scott and informed him that the woman buried on Derek's property was Derek's sister Laura, and that the autopsy revealed that she had been killed by an animal, which forced the Sheriff's department to release Derek from jail due to the fact that they were ignorant of the supernatural world and its animal-esque shapeshifters. In Pack Mentality, after Scott had a nightmare in which he wolfed-out and brutally murdered Allison, he immediately went to school to talk to Stiles about his concerns that his dream may have been real. Upon arriving in the parking lot, Scott and Stiles come upon a bloody crime scene in the bus bay, causing Scott to become even more convinced that he might have actually murdered her in the night, though he eventually found her alive and well, leaving him confused as to what really happened. While in chemistry class, Scott, Stiles, and their classmates saw a visibly traumatized and mauled man being loaded into an ambulance from the crime scene, and Scott, desperate for answers, decided to go to see Derek after school to see what he had to say. At lunch, Scott and Stiles were joined by Allison, Jackson, Lydia, and Danny, where they all speculated about what happened to the man. When Stiles found a news alert on his phone about the attack, he informed the group that the victim was Garrison Myers, who Scott recognized as being his bus driver when he was still living with his father. Lydia then changed the subject to Allison and Scott's date the next night and invited herself and Jackson along to make it a double date. When Lydia suggested that they go bowling, Jackson made a rude comment about hating playing against people who weren't good, and Scott (who, like Allison, was clearly not fond of the idea of going out with Jackson and Lydia but who also didn't want to look rude in front of the other) insisted that he was a good bowler before agreeing to the date. After lunch, Stiles immediately called Scott out on his lie and reminded him that he was terrible at bowling, which Scott regretfully acknowledged before they began to discuss their current issues, such as Scott's difficulty controlling his lycanthropy and the various attacks in Beacon Hills. Afterward, Scott went to work at the animal clinic, where he apologized to Dr. Deaton for his tardiness, though Deaton was quick to remind him that being two minutes late is not a big deal. Shortly afterward Sheriff Stilinski arrived with one of his search dogs from the K9 unit, which caused Scott to worry that Stilinski had made a connection between Scott and Garrison Myers. Scott watched as Stilinski gave Deaton a file on the victims to see if he had any idea what could have attacked Garrison and Laura Hale, and became even more nervous as Deaton explained how a wolf would attack a person. Once his shift ended at work, Scott went to the Hale House, hiding in the nearby nature preserve until the Sheriff's deputies who were checking on the house had left. He then loudly shouted that he knew Derek was listening and waited for Derek to show himself. Scott went on to sheepishly apologize for mistakenly accusing him of murder as well as for essentially announcing Derek's presence in Beacon Hills to the Argent Hunters before asking him for his help. Derek finally came out onto the porch and pointed out that he knew Scott didn't want his help-- he wanted to know what he did-- leading Scott to realize that Derek knew about the attack at the high school. Derek informed him that he could help Scott learn control over his lycanthropy, but that it wouldn't come for free; when Scott asked him what it would cost, Derek said they would settle that part later, and that for now, he would give Scott what he wanted-- to know what he had done the previous night. He instructed Scott on how to use his enhanced senses at the crime scene to let his body trigger the memories that his mind repressed. That night, Scott and Stiles drove to the crime scene in the high school bus bay, where Scott left an irritated Stiles to keep watch while he went into the bus to trigger his memories, much to Stiles' protests to the contrary. While in the bus, Scott's memories of his nightmare transformed into his true memories of what really happened on the bus-- the Werewolf who bit him had called Scott to the bus with his Alpha Roar and had attacked Garrison Myers in an attempt to get Scott to hunt with him; instead, Scott fought the Werewolf, causing a great deal of his blood to be left at the scene when he was clawed across the chest, though the wounds healed quickly. This led Scott to once again mistakenly believe that Derek was the other Werewolf and had known what happened to Garrison the entire time. However, he was soon forced to flee the bus and return to the Jeep. When he told Stiles about what he had figured out, Stiles questioned Scott on why Derek would teach him to trigger his repressed memories if those memories would out him as a murderer, but despite these valid questions, Scott continued to believe that Derek was the killer. Scott did, however, take relief in the fact that he himself wasn't the killer and that he could go on the date with Allison without concern that his presence would put her in danger. The next night, Scott, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson went to the bowling alley for their double date, where Jackson wasted no time making rude comments about Scott's lack of prowess at the game while Lydia purposely pretended to be bad at bowling, both to make Jackson feel better and so she could have an excuse to ask for Scott's assistance.

later on scott became a true alpha after showing the makes of a alpha and rejecting the offer to join dereks pack .

From the moment I saw you

I knew that you would change my life

I miss you quite terribly

Status: Single By: First Last. Met: 00/00/0000 Dating: 00/00/0000 Engaged: 00/00/0000 Married: 00/00/0000 Our Song: Name of song here.
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