☽ ℒuna ℳoth ☾

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May 16th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 32
Sign: Leo
Signup Date:
April 28, 2024


05/02/2024 12:45 PM 

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Medium. Adeline can see the dead and uses this for Medium work with the police (She often travels all over the world, renowned for her abilities at this point) but they are highly unreliable at giving information, often they don't remember important details such as names or descriptions. She has grown used to seeing them but they still scare her sometimes: they can be aggressive, angry, mean, venegeful, frightened also or absolutely mutilated. It also seems that when it comes to the murdered and violent deaths they tend to be attached to something belonging to the one who killed them, the killer themselves or to their own deceased body. 
The Nocturna. Addy owns The Nocturna Goth Club in Downtown, DC. After she moved from Portland to get away from the life she had there (working as a Medium for the police was hard on her mental health) she tried to erase her past traumas and finally allowed herself to dive into her passions. She got an associates in Business Management, took out a Business Loan and opened up her club. It's nestled like a Speak Easy in the back alley and requires a password to enter which passes by word of mouth. It began to attract some less than savory characters but to Addy their money was just as good as anyone elses and so she turns a blind eye to the seedier exchanges that happen under her roof so long as they don't abuse her staff or use her property to conduct their dirty business (such as murder). 

The Luna Moth. Adeline often sings at the club, though she doesn't tend to sing much outside of it's walls and she has become known in the Goth Scene as The Luna Moth, a title given lovingly to her for her beauty as well as for her haunting soprano. 

Mental Health. Addy has had a hard life, like many, her mother was abusive and her romantic life hasn't been much better; she's been in an out of asylums and rehabs since she was 6 for misdiagnosed Schizophrenia, Posssession, Attempted Suicide, Self-Harming, Alcoholism and Addiction. She tries to put on a brave face, act friendly and charismatic but to a degree, much of it is an act. 

Addiction. Due to the Ghost Sight, Adeline has always been dependant on some form of drug to try and drown them out. While in Portland she only used prescription medications for anxiety, sleeping pills, vicodin, weed, liquor and anything that could calm her nerves or get rid of her sight for a while. When she moved to DC, she tried to take control of her life rather than spending it helping the dead but the ghosts of course didn't stop needing her and the guilt combined with the frustation and fear caused her to dive worse into the drug scene. By the time she'd opened The Nocturna, she was addicted to crack as well as several other drugs, though she avoids psychodelics after a bad experience with LSD and her Ghost Side scared her so bad she still has nightmares. 



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