☂ᗪevil's ᗩdvocate☂ on RolePlayer.me - www.roleplayer.me/Raynebow_Eyes ☂ᗪevil's ᗩdvocate☂
I look like something from an Evil Dead movie...

29 years old
New York City , New York
United States

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May 09 2024

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Rayne made it home, falling into the arms of Shelly Knyte, who had been waiting for her arrival. Frantically little Ray covered her face and in panicked, and her muffled voice tried to explain to the nanny what she had just witnessed. Nothing the child said could be understood, but Shelly saw the little girl in the light and rushed the girl inside.

Within the large home, Shelly sat Rayne down in the kitchen and began to brush away the child�s tears. The infliction seems to be gone suddenly; the nanny would have assumed it was a trick if the child wasn�t shaken to the bone. To distract the girl until her parents came home, they began their scheduled activities, first violin, and harp lessons, then dance and edicts.

It was late, and Ray had fallen asleep before she was able to greet her parents that night. Shelly told James and Julia Dai about the incident after school. Rayne�s mother began to scream, but James was able to calm his wife before she woke their little girl. They asked the nanny to keep between them for now, and because of her love for Rayne, she did as she was told.

The first few months Rayne stayed home, taking the pills her parents gave to her. They told her that the pills were supplements. Her parents began talking a little louder about mutants, and Rayne began paying attention to what was going on outside those gates. Within a few days of being cooped up, she discovered that her bones only illuminated when she is exposed to direct sunlight.

Two months had passed, and Rayne locked herself in her room to hide her new disgusting features. Shelly stayed most of the day keeping little Rayne company and tutored Ray in what she was missing in school. Every day she would take the pills her parents gave her until she began to get severe stomach pains.

Shelly would slip in several current event lessons about mutants. On her own, she learned more than what she wanted about her parents. She found out that they took a strong stand against mutants, supported several anti-mutant organizations, and donated to several experimental mutant facilities.

After the fourth month of taking the mystery pills, she was unable to handle the chronic pain in her stomach and was taken to the hospital. They found out that the drugs Ray had been given had eaten her stomach and kidney severely that she would need surgery and a transplant.

Ray survived the surgeries, and the recovery went well, but she was left with ugly scars around her abdomen. Her parents watched her as if she had just become a science experiment. Once their daughter was fully recovered, they noticed that she was able to enjoy the sunlight without any signs of her powers.

This only lasted a couple of weeks. This time she noticed her eyes changing rapidly, like a kaleidoscope of bright reds, blues, greens peered back at her. As she screamed at her reflection, her parents came to her aid, but they just looked at her disappointedly.

Her parents were unable to find any other help for their daughter. Mrs. Dai must have given up altogether because one afternoon she called for Rayne to come to the kitchen. She made small talk with her child for a moment before pulling out a knife and stabbing Ray in the head.

Within the gated community of Fishkill, New York, Rayne lived her childhood unaware of the mutant threat, debates for mutant rights and registration. Her school never mentioned mutants and what they could do, the only time the children her age would hear comments about mutants would be in hushed tones between the grown-ups.

Everyone Rayne knew in her little community were chauffeured to school in their parent�s BMWs, Mercedes, and limos. At 13, Ray was becoming more independent and restless within the confines of Van Wyck Meadows. She begged her parents to let her walk to school on her own, immediately their answer was no, but after a couple of months of constant pleading Mr. and Mrs. Dai caved to their daughter's request.

Rayne was able to convince several other parents to allow their children to walk with her. The group of youngsters met outside the gates and made their way to school; the young blonde had the time of her life with her friends out in the real world. The school day seem to creep by, Ray could barely concentrate on her class work, but once the final bell rang she was outside regrouping with her friends and classmates. Most of them had additional extracurricular after school; the group dispersed leaving just Ray and Theo, the boy from down the street she had a crush on for the better part of a year now.

The two walked, talking about whatever young teenagers talked about, as Rayne completely gushed over him. About a block away from their homes Theo had reached out and touched Rayne�s cheek, stopping her in her tracks, instantly she closed her eyes and puckered up. After a few insanely long moments of nothing happening, she opened her eyes to look upon the boy just dumbfounded as she was. When she asked what was wrong, all he could do is laughed and asked what was wrong with her face.

Almost immediately Rayne reached for her pocket mirror, and what she saw staring back at her sent running home mortified and frightened. Theo called out to the girl but she didn�t stop, hot tears built up and overflowed. The tiny mirror, broken on the ground, showed a perfect little blonde girl with a skeleton�s face.

She can see auras that surround every living being. These are beautiful waves of color that can decipher ones mood and intentions. Her eyes seem to reflect these auras, contently shifting like a kaleidoscope. However, she is otherwise completely color blind.

She is able to see a few moments into the future. A power she tried to suppress for a long time, she is now coming to terms with it and controlling it.

Although unable to reproduce the powers she had in Limbo, separating a soul from its body, she is still able to control those she had modified, such as Justin and Adam.

In direct sunlight Rayne's skeleton is able to appear through her skin. For years she hid this, now without Alex she is forced to live with it.

NAME: Rayne Dai
NICKNAMES: Raynbow | RaynDear | Rayne-Roo | Ray
DATE OF BIRTH: November 8th 1989

ETHNICITY: Caucasian
EYE COLOR: Multi-Colored/Spectrum
HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: 120lbs
BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: Visible scar on her forehead

TRAITS: Understanding | Caring | Worrisome | Funny | Charismatic | Smart | Stubborn
DISORDERS: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Depression (Formerly)
Addictions: LSD (Formerly) | Cocaine (Formerly) | Alcohol (Occasionally)
LIKES: Reading | Being Right | Music | Life
DISLIKES: Skeletons | Seeing the Future | Being Wrong | Death
QUIRKS: Has a habit of checking the time and date.

MOTHER: Julia Dawn Johnson-Dai
FATHER: James Joseph Dai
BROTHER(S): Justin Knyte (Step-Brother)
Other Family: Mary Lu Johnson (Aunt) | Jamie Jo Dai (Aunt)

PAST RELATIONSHIP(S): Adam Lost | Virgil Hawkins

HIGH SCHOOL: Received High School Diploma
COLLEGE: Obtained a Law Degree

JOB DESCRIPTION: Representing or defending those who have been wronged by the law.
AFFILIATION: X-Men (Formerly) | Outsiders/Outcasts (Formerly)
BASIC POWER: Precognition | Spectrum Eyes | Visible Skeleton | Aura Sight

Rayne was pronounced dead upon arrival. A small funeral was held a few days after, the grave lies in the far east corner of her families graveyard, with a beautiful stain glass rose imbedded into white marble, with the usual remarks engraved on the stone.

But obviously it was all a lie, Rayne didn�t die on the kitchen floor or on the way to the hospital. Shelly Knyte, the family�s maid, picked the blood soaked, whimpering Rayne, and escaped the mansion. Rayne was placed in the hospital under an alias while she recovered, It�s unknown if the woman possessed a mediocre level healing factor or if it was sheer luck that forced the little girl to survive.

Ray suffered greatly emotionally, the damage to her Central Cortex rendered her fully colorblind, and her mutation was never fully able to develop properly. Her parents were completely aware of their daughter�s survival and promptly paid the maid to care for Rayne and keep her mouth shut about the incident. Shelly agreed to take the mutant into her small home with her young son, Justin.

With the disturbing wound and unsightly mutation, Rayne was homeschool for most of her life. Ray grew to severely miss her family, friends, and formal school. This caused her to resent her mutation, hate herself, and fall into a deep depression. Shelly, the former maid, barely had a grip on her own life, after the incident with Rayne she had a terrible time finding a job to support the two children. Justin became unruly and hateful towards Rayne for uprooting their lives, which only caused her to suffer more. Rayne would find out some years later why Justin�s misplaced hatred was always geared towards her.

Sixteen now, Justin introduced Rayne to marijuana, but within that year she decided it no longer had the desired effect. She needed something to help her forget the pain; a beautiful distraction is what she often asked for. Rayne�s life seem to go downhill from there, every night was a party with a new drug on the menu. There was times she woke up unsure of where she was at, this new life got her into more trouble, and gave her the attention she craved.

Rayne knew she wasn�t the only mutant, but she seems oblivious to the help she could have asked for, or the current events happening in the world. At this point, her powers were not able to evolve, she was still a skeleton by day, and her eyes constantly shifted colors like a kaleidoscope. She found out years later that the drugs had also played a key role in her powers intermission.

At this point, Shelly pleaded with Rayne�s parents to help their daughter back on the right path. They agreed that Rayne needed help, and gave her an allowance, to keep whatever recreational activities she was engaging in out of the public eye.

Soon after the money was given to her, Ray used it to buy a condo leaving behind the life she had with the Knytes�. Justin suddenly felt betrayed and lashed out at Rayne, every chance he got. She was unaware that around this time Justin was discovering his own mutations.

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     ☂ᗪevil's ᗩdvocate☂'s Details
Status: Single
Here for:Friends,
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Athletic
Education:Some college
Characters: Rayne Dai
Verses: Comic, Marvel, X-Men
Playbys: Elisha Cuthbert
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Genre: Comic, Crossover, Heroes/Villains,
Member Since:September 08, 2011

   ☂ᗪevil's ᗩdvocate☂'s Schools
New York University of Law
New York City, New York
Grad Year: College
Student Status: Alumni

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☂ᗪevil's ᗩdvocate☂'s Friends Comments
Displaying 6 of 6 Comments (View All | Add Comment)
*~Sparks Will Fly~*

Mar 26th 2018 - 6:10 PM

Shogo looked at Rayne curiously, he’d seen a lot of interesting eyes, red one, black ones, but none as pretty as hers.  As she indulged him with silly faces he giggled, leaning forward and sticking his tongue out at her. “...buh..!” he giggled, as he was lifted and deposited in the high chair he pouted a little, high chairs were not Shogo Lees favourite things. The bribe of ice cream however soon chased that pout away and he clapped his little hands together happily. “.....Raaaay-Neeeeeeeeeey!” He babbled happily, placing his hands on the high chair tray and leaning forward.

“I know, I’ll go gray a hell of a lot sooner now.” Jubilee chuckled as she fished around in the baby bag for some toys. Finding plastic farm animals she put them on the high chair tray. The sheep instantly got picked up by Shogo, closely followed by a cow.


“Inside voice Shogo.” Jubilee smiled as she consulted the menu, SHe smiled at the waitress, feeling a little bit envious as Rayne ordered wine. “You lucky thing.” She chuckled, “Ummm, a black coffee please, a kiddies juice and the pasta special. The Kid’s recently eaten, but could I have a small plate so he can have some of my meal ple-”

“...Momma no!” Shogo protested pouting.

“Excuse me a minute,” Jubilee cringed a little, “what?” she looked at Shogo who gave her a jutted out lower lip and big eyes. “Shogo...you can’t possibly be hungry....” SHe looked at his pleading eyes and sighed, “scrap the little plate, can we have a baby Mac’n’Cheese please?”

“Yay Momma...yay….’ank-ooooo.”

Rolling her eyes Jubilee thanked the waitress and settled back in the booth.     As Rayne asked her question Jubilee burst out laughing, “Well Rayne, I was visited by an angel and apparently the holy spirit had came upon me.” Jubilee joked, realising that her joke was borderline offensive she gave Rayne an apologetic smile. “I found him.” She revealed simply.

She stopped talking as their drinks appeared and she busied herself transfering Shogo’s juice into his sippy cup. When they were alone again she continued. “I found him in Budapest. I was over there not having the best of times, the whole vampire thing had got a bit old…” Rayne was one of the few people who had actually seen Jubilee when she’d been fanged. The experience had alienated Jubilee and she’d abandoned her life when she’d started viewing her friends as food. “Wolvie had been trying to find me so I went to one of the few places I’d think they’d look. Anyway, as fate would have it there was a massive natural disaster.” SHe frowned, her expression sad. “There was so much loss of life when those meteors hit...I found Shogo in the street, in a diaper, no one around but dead people.” She reached over and ruffled her Sons mop of black hair. “I couldn’t leave him, it was weird, the air was thick with the smell of blood and all I could think about was keeping him safe…”

*~Sparks Will Fly~*

Mar 3rd 2018 - 5:17 PM

When Jubilee spotted Rayne a huge smile spread across her face. "RAYNE!" The last time she had seen her friend Jubilee had been going through a hard time, it was not long after she'd been turned into a vampire and it had been a somewhat sombre occasion. It was during the time that Jubilee had started to view her friends as food, that was when her own self inflicted isolation had began. Rayne was one of the few people that Jubilee had kept in touch with, be it via email or text.

Seeing Rayne made Jubilee feel alive and it took all of her self control not to put down bag and baby and pull her old friend into a big hug. As her friend relieved her of the baby bag she grinned. "Thanks, you wouldn't believe how much stuff kids need." She laughed, as she turned Shogo a little too show him off proudly.

Shogo looked at Rayne curiously, his Momma had shown him photos of her friend and there was a flash of recognition on his chubby little face. "...Buh�!" He giggled excitedly, reaching an arm out, trying to get the brim of Raynes hat. Seeing what he was up to Jubilee tutted lightly, which made the little boy look to his Momma. She gave him a slight look and it was enough for him to know to leave Raynes hat alone. He gave his Momma a slight pout before looking back at Rayne. "......Rayyyyyy-Nayyyyyy�." he grinned at her proudly as he tried to remember how to say her name.

Jubilee laughed, "He is a complete handful," she confirmed, "he sure keeps me on my toes, who needs a gym!?" She filled her friend into the restaurant, looking around in interest. It had Raynes influence all over it, her friend had done do well for herself. Seeing the booth Jubilee nodded, "perfect, and we have so much to catch up on." She reached out a hand and touched her friends arm lightly, sensing that it may all seem a bit of a daunting prospect. "Hey, it's ok," she said softly, "we're family, remember." It wasn't even a question, Rayne was the closest thing she'd ever had to a sister. "Here," she handed Shogo over to her friend, "hold him while I get a high chair, he's a monster and will make a run for it if he isn't in one." She chuckled, only half joking. "Oh, and watch out for your hair� He loves hair."

*~Sparks Will Fly~*

Feb 27th 2018 - 9:33 AM

"Buh�!" Shogo Lee babbled, waving his little fists in the air, his little feet kicking happily.

"Yes, Buh! Now stay still, I've got to get you out of this thing." The nimble fingers of the mutant Jubilation Lee, Jubilee if you didn't want a punch, fiddled with the straps of her adopted Sons car seat.�

"Buh. Momma. Buuuhhhhh!" The toddler cheered happily, leaning forward and grabbing his young Mothers fingers.

"Yes Buh, jezz, we need to work on your vocabulary Baby." Jubilee chuckled, as she finally got the car seat clasps to unfasten, freeing the wriggling infant. "Umph! Shogo!" Jubilee exclaimed as Shogos foot accidentally connected with her jaw.

Shogo looked at his parent, his almond shaped eyes wide as his bottom lip began to wobble a little.

"No, no, no�" Jubilee said hurriedly, cupping his chubby little cheek and caressing her thumb tenderly over his baby soft skin. "It's ok, it was an accident�please don't cry kid�not in the car�" She pleaded. "it's always ten times louder in a car�and not in the parking lot, people judge me for being a young Mom as it is�"�

Shogo took a shuddery breath and eyed Jubilee, his bottom lip ceased wobbling and his chubby little fist rubbed his eyes, stopping unshed tears.

Jubilee let out a sigh of relief as she smoothed her hand over Shogo's head, pressing a kiss to his brow. She loved Shogo with every ounce of her being, she never imagined herself capable of a love that was so un materialistic.� If someone had told her a year ago that she'd be a single mother she'd have laughed in their faces. No way! Not a chance! Yet, here she was, the legal parent of a little boy who brought her so much love and joy. With a smile she lifted Shogo from the seat and balanced him on her hip as she shouldered the 'Shogo kit', a bag stuffed with everything he might need.�

"Right Shogo Lee, time to finally introduce you to your Auntie Rayne." Jubilee smiled at Shogo, which resulted in a happy squeal. Jubilee laughed as she locked up her ancient yellow car.�

"...Ray..Nay..!" Shogo mispronounced happily, tugging at his Mothers jacket whilst jiggling around on her hip.

"Shogo!" Jubilee laughed, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek. "Try again, sounds like Ray...Neeee." She chuckled as she made her way across the parking lot and into the restaurant.�

𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓸𝓷

Feb 16th 2015 - 10:18 AM

𝓒𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓸𝓷

Feb 16th 2015 - 12:15 AM

:D Awww, why thank ya deary!

Mar 7th 2012 - 8:34 PM

Remy LeBeau had been out and about in the city to get away from the stresses of being an X-Man for a bit. So far he had been able to stay out of trouble. He wasn't interested in playing poker or making money through that. Whenever he played, trouble seemed to follow.

He maneuvered his motorcycle along the streets...a few times he'd weave in and out of traffic. But only when it seemed safe to do so, he was stuck behind a poke, and when there weren't any cops in sight.

It was nighttime currently and the air felt cool...not too humid. In fact it was proving to be a beautiful and enjoyable night. The Cajun came to a stop close to a cemetary. Something had caught his eye and he pulled the goggles back from his face to reveal his red on black eyes. Gambit glanced around, the red portion of his eyes seemed to glow somewhat.

Finally his gaze came to stop on a girl sitting by a grave. He kicked the kickstand down of his motorcycle and switched the engine off. He began to stride forward in the direction of the girl. He came to a stop in front of her and gave her a small smile.

"Everythin' ok?" he asked.

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