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โ˜ฝ โ„’una โ„ณoth โ˜พ

05/02/2024 12:45 PM 

Rules and Information!" style="margin-bottom:10px; padding:5px;" /> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris aliquam ex congue pulvinar gravida. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Nam sed nunc purus. Duis luctus varius maximus. Suspendisse non aliquam metus. Nullam et ullamcorper nulla, vel blandit ipsum.Sed id varius turpis. Aenean faucibus diam id magna ultrices tristique. Aenean varius dolor vitae erat tincidunt sollicitudin. Donec consectetur, mi eget tincidunt ultricies, orci tellus porta nulla, vitae imperdiet nunc leo at erat. Donec et accumsan purus. Praesent tristique vel ligula eget sagittis. Donec condimentum justo in nibh viverra, non condimentum urna egestas. Donec arcu libero, imperdiet id aliquam sit amet, varius nec ex. Nulla sit amet imperdiet mi.Sed imperdiet interdum eros, a maximus enim posuere sit amet. In sit amet lacus erat. Nam turpis sapien, commodo ut arcu sed, ornare fermentum sem. In id ligula accumsan arcu sagittis rutrum vel non ligula. In eget tincidunt sapien. Phasellus et ante ut orci rutrum ultrices. Nullam sed arcu sem. Praesent rutrum quam id massa finibus eleifend.Cras ac turpis id dui sollicitudin scelerisque. In ac tellus ornare, posuere nisl id, venenatis dolor. Ut elementum malesuada mauris at ornare. Donec accumsan porttitor massa non scelerisque. Morbi consectetur tincidunt dignissim. In et lacus ut felis ultricies sodales. Pellentesque pulvinar odio vitae magna rhoncus, vel efficitur nulla consequat. Phasellus pulvinar neque eget ipsum viverra faucibus.Vivamus ultrices ornare feugiat. Ut vitae felis ac mi semper bibendum. Ut vitae enim gravida, fringilla neque a, suscipit lorem. In sodales justo condimentum nulla gravida aliquet. Quisque consectetur leo lorem, feugiat tincidunt libero vehicula at. Donec sit amet orci non massa maximus imperdiet. Pellentesque vitae interdum eros. Mauris commodo sodales nunc in tincidunt. Suspendisse auctor justo ac ligula sagittis malesuada. Donec semper ut nulla vitae viverra. Vivamus varius, orci id consequat finibus, lacus magna tempor purus, eget vulputate ipsum dolor nec ligula. Proin a dui diam. Cras sagittis in velit ut hendrerit. Maecenas nisi odio, luctus id ipsum non, pellentesque pellentesque erat. Donec eu maximus odio. Nunc feugiat lectus vitae augue euismod, efficitur rhoncus elit fermentum.  created by creativian INFORMATION Medium. Adeline can see the dead and uses this for Medium work with the police (She often travels all over the world, renowned for her abilities at this point) but they are highly unreliable at giving information, often they don't remember important details such as names or descriptions. She has grown used to seeing them but they still scare her sometimes: they can be aggressive, angry, mean, venegeful, frightened also or absolutely mutilated. It also seems that when it comes to the murdered and violent deaths they tend to be attached to something belonging to the one who killed them, the killer themselves or to their own deceased body.   The Nocturna. Addy owns The Nocturna Goth Club in Downtown, DC. After she moved from Portland to get away from the life she had there (working as a Medium for the police was hard on her mental health) she tried to erase her past traumas and finally allowed herself to dive into her passions. She got an associates in Business Management, took out a Business Loan and opened up her club. It's nestled like a Speak Easy in the back alley and requires a password to enter which passes by word of mouth. It began to attract some less than savory characters but to Addy their money was just as good as anyone elses and so she turns a blind eye to the seedier exchanges that happen under her roof so long as they don't abuse her staff or use her property to conduct their dirty business (such as murder). The Luna Moth. Adeline often sings at the club, though she doesn't tend to sing much outside of it's walls and she has become known in the Goth Scene as The Luna Moth, a title given lovingly to her for her beauty as well as for her haunting soprano. Mental Health. Addy has had a hard life, like many, her mother was abusive and her romantic life hasn't been much better; she's been in an out of asylums and rehabs since she was 6 for misdiagnosed Schizophrenia, Posssession, Attempted Suicide, Self-Harming, Alcoholism and Addiction. She tries to put on a brave face, act friendly and charismatic but to a degree, much of it is an act. Addiction. Due to the Ghost Sight, Adeline has always been dependant on some form of drug to try and drown them out. While in Portland she only used prescription medications for anxiety, sleeping pills, vicodin, weed, liquor and anything that could calm her nerves or get rid of her sight for a while. When she moved to DC, she tried to take control of her life rather than spending it helping the dead but the ghosts of course didn't stop needing her and the guilt combined with the frustation and fear caused her to dive worse into the drug scene. By the time she'd opened The Nocturna, she was addicted to crack as well as several other drugs, though she avoids psychodelics after a bad experience with LSD and her Ghost Side scared her so bad she still has nightmares.  

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05/02/2024 04:43 PM 

Mental Health Drabble

How does Kian handle his mental health…I’m not so sure that is question anyone can answer, including Kian.Kian has a very traumatic past full of horror stories of abuse, and clinically, he would most likely be continuously described as being a cruel, careless, short-tempered, manipulative, moraless and slightly unreasonable individual. Possibly a sociopath.  Though he shows little to no regard for other people in general, Kian does on rare occasions feel a slight sense of guilt and remorse for some of his actions, he just does not show it.  For someone who has never been shown love or affection and had it beat into them that they were not worthy of love, eventually deems themselves unlovable.  This in turn causes them to develop very unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to protect themselves while hurting others.  Kian has no idea how to heal or how to allow himself to feel anything at all.  He does have emotions, very choatic, extremely intense ones when they are provoked.Years of humiliation and physical/emotional abuse at the hands of those meant to protect him are the ingredients that make a monster.  He was let down by the justice system, and mentally mutalated at the hands of foster families.  That coupled with his biological parent’s inability or will to care for them (Kian and his twin sister Keylee) and instead abandoning them was a betrayal that Kian has never been able to overcome.  What really f***ed him up mentally, was his inability to protect his twin sister Key’s from the abuse done by their long term foster father.  This failure remains the catalyst that provokes Kian's self-sabotaging behaviors and forever fuels his internal rage that often surfaces in despicable ways. Vengeful and power-hungry, he will stop at nothing to achieve his ends and remove those who stand in his way.Kian refuses to trust anyone aside from his sister Key’s, convinced no one does anything with good intentions, and he will never allow himself to be set up for disappointment.  Every new person or situation he encounters will be overthought and analysed.  Kian will mull over every possible motive and bad intention this individual may have, spending hours imagining all the different ways they are plotting against him and all the possible outcomes of those conjured up ideas.  This is why Kian always places the person’s usefulness before pleasure and will usually only keep people around while they suit his needs and then they are discarded. There is a truly sadistic side to Kian, notably when he deals with people that he feels have crossed him or his sister.  Once he believes someone has committed some sort of treason against either one of them, that person will suffer a slow and painful demise, usually in the form of Kian setting out to ruin their lives, hell bent on burning them until they are nothing more than a mere pile of ash.  This is usually carried out in the form of blackmail that ultimately leads to them virtually being erased.  Kian is a skilled investigator and will find anything damaging that is out there to use against a nemesis.  He is so savage that even if the victim succumbs to his demands, he often will still follow through with the plot of their demise.  It depends on how sever he has deemed their crime.  He does this by way of slaughtering their reputation publicly, exposing all their dirty little secrets, sometimes setting them up to get caught in compromising positions.   He will use anything, ensuring that they lose their job, completely decimate their relationships with friends, their spouses, family…even including their children.  Kian shows no mercy, punishing them from behind the scenes and reveling in his victory to the very end, until they are in complete ruin, left with nothing,  He can sometimes be cold and ill-mannered, and he is also not above using children in his schemes, but he hates people in general who mistreat or abuse their children; due to how he was mistreated and abused by his foster Father.  This is also why Kian shows such an intolerance for children, he doesn’t want them around, afraid he will see the same pain in their eyes that no one saw in his. Kian is meticulous with his sense of self-preservation.  Whenever he is in a situation where he knows he might not come out on top, he reveals information that keeps his enemies from attempting any form of retaliation.  Kian will even hurt those he doesn’t set out to purposly harm, seeing them as nothing more than collateral damage in his quest for revenge.  Kian rarely gets made a fool out of and doesn't like to be made a fool out of either. He is nearly impossible to catch off guard as he is highly intelligent, intensely calculating, and always thinks of contingencies.  He secretly admits that he makes mistakes and learns from them as well, but he is always two steps ahead of his enemies.  Obviously, he is not a very forgiving person and despite being manipulative, he does not like being lied to. He does not take being betrayed very well, especially if it is someone that he may have taken a liking to. While he might seem like all gloom and doom, Kian does however have a sarcastic sense of humor and is capable of having a good time once in a while.  He is sarcastic even towards the only person he cares about, his sister, and can on rare occassions even be known joke around with others he has come to tolerate.   Kian’s  hunger for power and ruthless displays that portray a lack of empathy or compassion truly are just ways that he hides a deep fear of being alone forever, believing he truly is unlovable.  Everything he does is simply his mind’s instinctive defense system, entrusted to keep him from ever feeling the pain of rejection and worthlessness ever again.   This all stems from the trauma of his abusive childhood.Even if he is cruel, he still has a part of humanity which is shown when he is overly protective of Key’s and does have some compassionate moments of vulnerability with her.  He is very possessive and jealous and sometimes in a very dangerous way, that is the only evidence you might find that proves he likes you. All Kian truly wants is for people in general, to be loyal to him and respect him of their own free will, but he won’t allow that to happen.  He is his own worst enemy in that regard.  Although he puts up a tough demeanor, deep down in that cold black soul of his, he cares and wants to believe he is capable of love and being loved, he just needs someone to show him how, to convince him to let them break through those fortress walls forged around him. So how does he cope with his mental health…he doesn’t, he just let’s his demons run loose while he attempts to harness their evil for his own gain. 

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05/02/2024 01:18 PM 

A few words from the writer...

I’ve been writing for almost 20 years—my roleplay journey started on Myspace in 2005, and since then I’ve written through quite a few interesting events and as a number of characters. With that being stated, as times changes and things evolve, I’ve found that I hold to a lot of the older roleplay etiquette, style, and traditions. Sometimes it feels difficult to connect with writers who are newer to the scene as a result of this, perhaps because I don’t quite understand the way things are done now versus how they were done then. It’s also worth saying that it takes a lot for me to be comfortable sharing my writing and ideas—ironically, it actually makes me anxious to do so.It’s a process.Celestia Nightingale can be classified as an original character, but the catch is that she’s also from an original verse. Meaning, everything about her listed on this profile is my brain baby—it’s just been adapted and simplified for the sake of roleplay.The truth is that she’s the sequel main character to a story I wrote called Fate’s A Tragedy—she has a story, relationships, a world, and even a prequel, that’s been developed over the years. Her tale is just one that was never published into anything official. Some of the older folk still around might actually remember her predecessor.With this in mind, I’d like to set some very clear expectations about what I’m looking for from this experience. First and foremost: being comfortable with reading, learning, and discussing things about crossing over and character interactions is imperative. I’m seeking long-term stories and therefore look to world-build together with who I’m writing with. I will bring a lot to the table to discuss, especially if I’m familiar with a character or verse—and honestly? I expect that effort to be matched. It gets tiring carrying the weight of a discussion only for it to go either unreciprocated or unanswered.If I’m not what you’re looking for or interested in, be honest. I won’t be offended.On the flipside of that, don’t be afraid to say what’s on the bucket list either. Has it been a long-standing dream to write a scene at a ball? A tavern brawl? Jumping off rooftops? Or even a murder mystery? Anything? This is a safe space to let ideas run wild. If the shoe can fit, I’ll gladly oblige. Also—I love, love, love to be asked questions about my character and her world, and to ask them in return. If the vibe is right, I’m never averse to making new friends out of character, either. Never be afraid to ask: “How would Celestia react to x?” Or “What kind of Pokemon trainer would she be?” I want to know a character’s (and their writer’s) head-canons, motivations, reactions, etc.In terms of shipping (on the off-chance): Celestia can be a difficult character to romance. She’s awkward and reluctant in her expression of affection, doesn’t like being around most people, and plays most of her vulnerable thoughts and feelings quite close to the vest. She’s an acts of service type for sure—but, genuinely worth it if you’re willing to overcome and invest in the challenge. I don't write smut. No issues with others who do, it's just not my cup of tea.Status and comment banter will be done occasionally, but it isn’t my focus for this character and I don’t find it very fulfilling. I’m open to using it as a test-run between characters, however.On that note—I do realize that this can take a lot of time, and just as I request patience, I’m not so daft as to not have it with others in return. We’ve all got lives outside of roleplay!Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk. 


05/01/2024 07:13 PM 


Name: Helzra Clawmay   Age: 16 to 20 Quirk: shadow shiftform Basically she can manipulate shadows in a way that she can form non living and living things from shadows, bigger the shadow space means bigger or more she can form. She can also use her own shadow to shift her own form into a large demon like wolf. Appearance: standing at roughly 5 foot 6 she is usually dressed in more goth punk style stuff but nothing crazy edgy. She has very vibrant blood red curls that reach about just above her shoulders and bright ivy green eyes with think slit pupils similar to a cats. Her face is soft and covered if freckles that are more noticeable around her nose and eyes. She has a dark red wolf tail that she can move at will and her nails and teeth are similar to a canine or felines, sharp. Likes:she loves cats despite how she only mainly forms wolves with her quirk, favorite color is purple no matter the shade, food especially ribs. Dislikes: she don't hate dogs but she isn't a big fan of dog energy that dogs have, rude for no reason people, the cold


05/01/2024 01:24 PM 

Too Many Tears-Soldier of Fortune

Goodbye my love, A week had passed since the phone call with Tawny or very nearly, and he regretted not calling to check up on her but he could certainly place the blame on the actual recording sessions. Intended to be a one day session, it had stretched out to take several days to complete, due to the fact the sessions had been plagued with equipment failures, or other such nonsense. And yet here he was, driving alone to a gig. It seemed that since that outburst it had been one failure after another, and he hoped there was going to be nothing to foul this gig up.But luckily the traffic wasn’t giving him a headache with a backup on the thoroughfare, but his mind, it seemed, was a universe away. Idly he pressed a preset button on the radio and II Can’t Quit you Baby by Led Zeppelin came through the car speakers. Certainly an ironic song for the way he was feeling right now. Before he knew it, the exit for Sunset Boulevard was approaching, and he prepared to pull off the highway. It was certainly true. Since the evening he had met Tawny at that restaurant, he had been smitten beyond belief by Tawny, and even through this separation, it was impossible to quit her. Even at the thought of it, his heart had seemed to lodge in his throat, threatening to cut off air. Why was he so f***ing nervous? He and Tawny had known each other since 1987. There shouldn’t be any reason why he should be acting in such a manner. It wasn’t like this was a first date…or was it?David pulled into the parking lot of the Black Cat and found a parking space in the back. Gripping the steering wheel he inhaled sharply. He glanced at the sky and furrowed his eyebrows, funny. There was no talk of rain in the forecast from what he’d heard but the sky looked like it was about to let loose at any moment, which did no small favors for him, but it lit a fire under him to exit the car, and hightail it to the stage door entrance of the club.The backstage area was cramped, but he maneuvered to his dressing room and shed his jacket, then hung it on the inside of the door. Even from his vantage point in the dressing room, he could hear the band beginning to set up for a soundcheck. At least he wasn’t late for it.He glanced over to the small closet in the corner and saw that his clothing for the show had already been unpacked and hung up neatly, but he was soon distracted by a knock at the door. Immediately he presumed it could be one of the boys coming to tell him they were ready to begin the soundcheck. But something told him it couldn’t be. The knock was lighter. He adjusted the leather jacket he was wearing and approached the door. He reached out and opened it. Instead, he saw Tawny, in a short dress that accentuated her curves exquisitely. The look was completed by fishnets and stilettos with her hair teased to perfection.“I hope you don't mind me coming back here, David. A friend just dropped me off. And I thought…”David stepped aside and gestured for her to come in, then closed the door behind her. “You look incredible, baby.”She only gave a small smile and figited her hands in front of her, which caused David to furrow his eyebrows in concern. “Tawny?” he intoned as he urged her to sit down. br> There was another knock at the door and he could hear Adrian’s voice on the other end. “David, we need to get to that soundcheck. The management is yapping about it.”“I’ll be out in a few, stall them for a few moments, I don’t care.” Adrian didn’t need to know he was in here trying to talk to Tawny. He glanced at the door a few moments then turned his undivided attention back to Tawny. “Baby, I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me. There has got to be something a lot deeper than just missing me. Is your depression weighing you down again?”“David, I really don’t know what it is. I made a rash decision in the heat of the moment when I walked out. I know that for a fact. And I also think it could be the fact that I was off my medication at the time of our fight. That’s what caused me to snap. And I just…walked out without thinking. Which I shouldn’t have done.”He sighed and stood, raising an eyebrow at this newfound information. His mind was swimming. Her outburst was now making more sense. She hadn’t been in her correct frame of mind when she’d had the outburst and walked out. But he knew the wrong thing to do at this moment was to react the way she had done. Waiting for a few moments, he came and sat beside her. “Baby, listen. If taken correctly per doctor’s orders, that medicine is there to help you. In order for me to come back home, you have to be back on it, baby. It won’t do us any good if we’re always at each other’s throats.” He took one of her hands into his and gently threaded it through her hair with the other. “Listen. After the show tonight, we’ll talk more, I promise. You know how my bandmates are. If I don’t show up for this soundcheck, they’re going to knock down that door.” It was meant as a jest, but there was an element of truth in the statement as well.” He stood, glanced down at her and squeezed her shoulder. “Try not to worry, baby. If you want to, you can either stay here or you can sit in on the soundcheck. It’s up to you.”Tawny thought for a moment, but David could tell something else was eating at her. “Something’s bothering you Tawny.”She sighed, as she pondered how to approach the subject. “I know it’s a Deep Purple song, but you don’t sing Soldier of Fortune much, if at all. And you really don’t talk much about your time in Deep Purple.”David exhaled slowly, and came to sit beside Tawny. “There’s a good reason I don’t talk about it much, but I think it’s time you know. I was young when I was in Deep Purple. I was just barely into my twenties. I wrote Soldier of Fortune for a girl I had fallen in love with. It was a whirlwind relationship, and things moved fast…she also introduced me to the rock n roll lifestyle. She was a groupie that went by the moniker of ‘Stardust Delight’. Only a few months after we met, we were engaged. Her name was Sapphire Rain.” He grew quiet after a moment and he felt Tawny squeeze his hand, which gave him the resolve to continue. “We had gotten high one night, and it was storming. I was driving her back to the hotel she was staying in, and I took a curve too fast. Sapphire went through the windshield and was killed instantly. But it caused me to go cold turkey to get cleansed up.”He sighed and squeezed Tawny’s hand. “Baby, look at me. Don’t feel you have to compete. You have my full devotion. She’ll always be a part of me, but you’ve also seared yourself onto my heart. Had that not happened, we probably would have never met.” .   Until we meet again in another life CREDIT: WU SHIFU

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05/01/2024 12:46 PM 

tw// alcoholic parent.

It was a familiar feeling for her, a feeling that brought back memories of a night long ago, when a friend stopped by for help and she'd had to turn them away due to her mother and her mother's bad habits. She sunk down to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees for comfort as she cried. She hadn't had a mother figure in years, the alcoholism had made Sandra so selfish in her ways. She didn't consider what Maddie might want or need, and often the girl had to find the help somewhere else.She'd been lucky to have Simon, the kind of friend who never turned her away. A better friend than she'd been able to be all those years before... And now, the likelihood of her having to be separated from him, as well, loomed ahead. What am I going to do now...?Maddie, Simon and Nicole had been planning their futures together ever since the topic of college applications had even come up. The blonde had always been keenly aware that college was her way out, and the idea of being with her chosen family as they started life's next chapter meant the world to her. And now all of that had been ripped away by her mother's selfish choices. She couldn't take it back, it was too late. In an instant her own mother had sold Maddie's future without even a second thought.

trigger warning: alcoholic parent, school spirits,

King of the Damned

05/01/2024 12:13 PM 

Frequently Asked Questions/ About Me

Please do not ask me if I want to write, or try to discuss a story with him, or try to make a meeting place. Dean is the Demon Ruler of Hell. You can summon him and make a deal with him, and that's how the story can start. I don't do chance meetings or random bar meetings, or meetings in the park, etc. If you want to "meet" Dean, you can summon him. Please don't ask me about my character, or how I play him. I spent a lot of time writing out a lengthy blog detailing how I play my Dean and I don't need to repeat it in a message because you are too lazy to read it. I am a multi-shipped writer. that means I am going to have more than 1 relationship at a time.  I could be married to 1 page and in a different kind of relationship with the other.  I don't allow jealous pages. If you get jealous, we probably won't fit. Do not play the,  my character is more powerful than yours game with me. Dean's blades can kill hybrids of any combination and I have Dean as a lot older than he looks character. He has Ghost Rider's powers and Etrigan's Powers. I suggest you look them up, both are equally powerful as Demonic Entities, as well as The Mark of Cain and Michael's Power, while weakened, he still has Archangel Grace in him. I am not the I add I'll start, or you add you start page. If you want to write with me, send me something. Don't wait around for me to get to a message for you. I will send my own messages in time, and they are all in character, so please no out of character banter in messages. I do not want my banter broken up for a discussion topic. I will banter with you in stats, I do my role-play in messages no comments. I talk to who I want to talk to, and I take my own time to answer things. Sometimes it may be fast, and sometimes it may be slow, but it's my game and I play how I want to play. Limited online time, I am not always around, but I try to be when I can. I only write semi- to para for my replies, I don't enjoy writing multiple paras or books. I will not answer random doorknocker messages or comments. Those aren't starters to me. I also won't answer stuff about trying to get a discussion for a role-play, or asking me about my character and how I play him, again, it's all broken down already. I am here to just have fun and enjoy myself with as little drama as can be helped, and I am looking forward to playing this game with each and every one of you.-- Dean's writer 

King of the Damned

05/01/2024 12:04 PM 

The Demon- Ruler of Hell- Dean Winchester

My Dean is different than other Dean Winchester players. During the time of the Apocalypse, Dean had said yes to Michael and the war happened. Taking out over half of the planet. It killed his father John, and his brother who was taken over by Lucifer at the time Sam. Dean managed to take control over Michael for a brief moment that ended up casting himself to the pit.   During his time in Hell, Michael was severely weakened, causing a blurred line between the human known as Dean Winchester and the Archangel Michael. Both viewed themselves as Dean Winchester instead of referring to themselves as two separate entities. Dean lost his humanity when he killed Sam and John, and Michael lost most of his Grace during the battle between Lucifer and the other Archangels at the time.   During their time spent in Hell, Dean hooked up with a Demon known as Etrigan and another Demon known as The Spirit of Vengeance. Both were powerful entities and were known more for being a force of good. During his time in Hell, Dean had acquired the Mark of Cain and The First Blade from Cain himself. It was an attempt to get rid of Michael once and for all and try to salvage what was left of his burnt soul.    That is why he had allowed Etrigan and The Spirit of Vengeance the right to possess him. 2 Demonic-Like entities now forged into 1 vessel along with a broken Archangel. Dean's will was strong, but he was losing himself. In a last attempt, he forged the Mark of Cain into his being to try to regain control but turned into a whole other entity of Demon. The beings known as Etrigan and The Spirit of Vengeance were lost within Dean now. He had their powers, their particular brand of Hell, but were now corrupted during his time in Hell.   Dean was Dean, but he also still had Michael and now the Mark of Cain. The Mark of Cain, for the most part, kept Michael at bay. With his new powers, Dean took over Hell and became the ruler, known as "The Demon" or "Demon's Head.."  With the help of his #2 Crowley, he has become the first human to succesfully take over Hell and keep its rule.    Dean is still Dean, for the sake of the story and my RP he still has his mannerisms as the TV. Dean. He likes the same music, eats the same stuff, ect. His personality is a little more cold in tone, he's hardened by battle and his time in Hell. He's seen so much Death that it's hard for him to be anything different. He's half human- half demon. Instead of getting rid of the Mark and the First Blade, he embraced it and through the absorption of the 2 Demons he met in Hell and their powers, he's stronger than Lucifer.   He has the ability to make Demons of his own, make monsters, and control monsters/demons and other hell-related entities. He is the Alpha Demon.  During the times he spends on Earth, he goes by the title "The Ghost Rider" and uses "Baby" as his vessel. She turns into a ball of flames and a different form of the Impala when he activates his powers, but rarely uses them. He has enough Demonic and Fallen Angel powers that he doesn't recall that, and only does that in special circumstances. --------------  Demonic Traps work on him, but he is The King of Hell, he can escape out of them.   Holy Oil traps him, but he's able to get out of it eventually.  >p>Salt acts as a Supernatural border against him for a while and will slow him down.   Angel Blades and Demonic Blades wound him.    Even though he technically is part Angel, he doesn't need people's permission to possess them as he is more Demon now. He's like 4% Angel, 96% Demon, mostly Angel in the title.   He can be summoned like a regular Demon, and he can make Demon Deals.   Powers:   The Flame of Hell: He can burn any Demonic Entity or Entity of a Hell-based origin.   He can Damn Demons back to Hell or kill Demons with his will alone. -- When Sam had Demon Blood in him-- Example.. Energy blasts: He can create pure blasts of Angelic energy that can wound and kill Knights of Hell.   Smiting: by placing his hand on a Demon and using his power, he can Smite them.   He has a healing factor, and can't really die, because he'll just get sent back to Hell where he rules. Flight: can't sustain it for long, but has the ability to fly for periods at a time. The Penance Stare: is a supernatural ability that incapacitates victims and is only performed by the Spirits of Vengeance or Ghost Rider. When in close combat, the Ghost Rider locks eyes with his opponent and induces self-mortification by imposing his or her every negative action, behavior and sensation, and sin to the pain of others that individual has ever committed in their lifetime. Its effects are similar to the soul-searing effect of hellfire. It can, however, backfire with certain individuals.===============================================Weapons Dean Uses: The First Blade:  A powerful weapon forged through Hell that can control Demonic Creatures, Angelic Creatures, Knights of Hell, Reapers, and other creatures. - can only be used with the Mark of Cain. Excalibur: A sword forged out of mystical properties. Rare metal. Can kill any mystical creature of magical origin/nature. HellFire- Burns all known and unknown Demons and Angels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Dean is neither good nor evil, he is neutral for the most part. He won't bother you if you don't bother him. I play his personality virtually the same as the T.V. Dean, a little more darker and rougher at times, he is the King of Hell now and has gone through some sh*t. ---------------------------------------While the weakness's don't kill him, he still has basic weakness's. Devil's Traps. Salt. Holy Oil. Bullets hurt him. Angel and Demon Blades. ----------------All of his relationships good and bad are from the show though. Ex. Castiel and he are still close friends. He looks up to Bobby as a Father Figure. He'll interact with Sam as his brother. Ect.. He's just from an Alternate Universe--- Multi-Ship 


04/30/2024 11:12 PM 

[ changes to lauren bradshaw ]

 โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€ Hello darlings!  I’ve been roleplaying for a v e r y long time - about 15+ years. I've come and go from this site many times, due to loss of muse or rl being way too hectic. It had nothing to do with the people I've met or was writing with. It was my problem. If you are reading this, I just wanted to give you a run down on my character if we’ve ran across each other in the past. Whether it was from a group or just talking ooc, I changed some things. Otherwise, Lauren is relatively the same. This character is my baby and I just needed to give her a refresher. Change 001: First thing's first, the obvious. Lauren’s fc is normally Nina Dobrev or Nikki Reed because of her husband, Kaeden James, used Ian Somerhalder. Since he is no longer in the picture, I decided to change it up. Change 002: She used to be a veterinarian and now she’s a trauma surgeon. I wanted to keep her in the field of helping but instead of it being animals, she now helps people. Change 003: Lauren is now going to be a more darker character instead of what she was. I decided to implement some stuff from one of my other characters because I love the drama. This wasn’t part of Lauren’s story before but I’m making it part of it now. You’ll have to comment or read Lauren’s biography to find out what it is. Change 004: Lauren will most likely have darker/angsty storylines now based on her background, but I will still accept some plain jane/super cute storylines just to even it out. Change 005: more coming soon...maybe. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I know I didn't have to write this, but I felt like I owed it to the people who I've talked to in the past. Honestly, it probably doesn't matter and I'm just doing it for myself. haha   xoxo,The writer behind Laurenโ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ฝฅ ๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜†: *.โ˜ฝ .* :โ˜†๏พŸ. โ”€โ”€โ”€I have a few things to say to these two people. If you aren't Kaeden or August, you can just ignore this. Thank you.  Kaeden, if you're still around - I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being the best writing partner that I could have ever asked for. I wouldn't have changed anything for it. You are a huge inspiration as to why I kept writing as Lauren and have so many ideas for her, even though they are sad. It's only because you aren't apart of her story anymore. No matter how I portray him in Lauren's new story, she will always love him. Again, thank you for everything.  August, I know we were together for such a short time and I was probably under the name Eva (at some point, truthfully I don't remember. it's been too long..haha) and I just sort of left unannounced. I lost my muse and I was too afraid to say anything. You didn't deserve that, but I will never forget being Danielle Grey with you and our extremely angsty, drugged out characters. The Keegan to my Troian. Thank you for giving me ideas to use in the future. Thank you for getting me into darker storylines. Oh, I still have your dm open on discord, but I doubt you remember who I am. If you're both still around, I would love to write with you again. Don't be afraid to come say hi. If not, it was nice while it lasted.

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04/30/2024 09:29 PM 

Angel of death

Angel  Of  Death Alone in her bed, Claudia felt a rush of all sorts of emotions. She was still covered in the blood of her lover, Charlie. His name once rolled off her tongue and past her lips in such a sweet manner but now... now his name brought horrific grief to the young one. All in one night Claudia had lost her virginity to a man she loved, fed on him, the sweetest meal she had ever had, and then killed him. She hadn't meant to. She had been so lost in the euphoric moment of lust and hunger that she hadn't been able to control herself.She had begged her parents, begged Uncle Les to help. She knew he could have if he wanted to. The trouble was he didn't want to. Instead, he used this as a lesson to Claudia. That she'd never be anymore, have any more than just him and Louis. This heartbreaking reality finally hit Claudia as Lestat forced her to drag Charlie's body to the incinerator and watch it burn. Watch his beautiful form and face melt away into the nothingness death seemed to be.Now alone here she lay in pure emotional turmoil. Laughing, crying, completely distraught, and suffering something close to temporary insanity it felt like. That was until she felt something.Claudia was alone in her little white coffin with pink satin inside. At least she thought she was alone. Suddenly though she could smell him, Charlie. Was it his blood she was still covered in? No. She felt someone lay beside her and whisper in her ear."You still my angel Claudia. Angel of death. You still mine." That voice. Claudia would know it anywhere. It was Charlie. He was still here.. somehow. The sound of him whispering sweetly into her ear, the weight of him beside her was enough to lull poor sweet Claudia to sleep.   template credit.  

Kamen Rider

04/30/2024 06:08 PM 

Bata Aug

S.H.O.C.K.E.R  Sustainable Happiness Organization with Computational Knowledge Embedded Remodeling, A organization shrowded in secrets began to experiments on humans combing Human DNA, animal and cybernetics into one new creature called augs (short for augmentation) During one kidnapping Ray Tyler, a College Student at Habor City University was kidnapped and transformed into Bata Aug (japanese for Grass hopper). Before the final steps could be taken making him a loyal soldier for SHOCKER Ray excaped with the help of the scientist behind his armor and belt. in the first month as a Hero Ray took on many other Augs including another Bata aug named Nick Hodges, the two would them team up against the one behind it all. Sacrificing himself Ray seemingly died turning into a foam like substance and disapearing, Although 3 months later thanks to a government branch called the Anti SHOCKER task force he was brought back. Now with the help of this division he hunts down other Augs like him self as the Mask wearing hero, Kamen Rider

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04/30/2024 02:17 PM 

even the (non?)dead have rules.

001: No age inappropriate ships, ever.No she will not be the May to your December. 002: No ooc drama, please! I'm too old for that sh*t.Lets just all have fun, keep it chill.003: This account is multi-ship, multi-storyline, multi timeline. Must be 21 plus to ship. 004. Will only write smut in character, in small doses,and only after lots of story and writer to writer respect is there. I care more about telling the story and the emotions involved than sexual activity between characters and I am NOT interested in anything where that kind of thing would be gratuitous. Please respect that, I'll always extend that respect of your character not just being one thing with one purpose to you and yours.005. Feel free to message me if you have an issue or a question, but please don't bug me too much about replies, sometimes life gets overwhelming and I retreat to stream musing. I'm not ignoring you, I'm recharging. Its good for us all, I can call the writer 'S'. I look forward to creating stories with you all!

rules, School Spirits RP, ghosts, haunting,

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04/29/2024 10:21 PM 

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Wilting  Flower Alone Gothel sat writing in her diary, cataloging her last trip outside the tower. Gothel only left when she needed to. When she needed to replenish supplies for herself and Rapunzel. Venturing out more than that might draw attention. Someone might recognize her, might suspect what she kept locked away in her high and hidden tower.There were the sounds of the birds outside, the stove nearby, and the scratching of Gothel's quill. She glanced up however when she heard a small whimper. "Mommy.." a soft voice spoke. Setting eyes upon her sweet golden-haired daughter Gothel stared at her for a moment. "What? What is it?" She asked not really wanting to be disturbed at the moment."I don't feel well. My tummy hurts." Whined Rapunzel. Gothel sighed and only rolled her eyes turning her attention back to her diary. "I'll be there in just a minute. I'll make you some soup and-" she looked up again when she heard the soft thud. Seeing Rapunzel fall to the ground Gothel's diary was forgotten. Standing quickly she hurried to Rapunzel and knelt down gently scooping her into her arms. "Rapunzel... what.. how long have you been feeling this way?" She asked. "A few days.." the girl mumbled. Gothel felt the girl's head and cheeks, she was burning with fever. Without hesitation Gothel stood, carrying Rapunzel upstairs to her bed.For the next few days, Gothel tended to Rapunzel night and day. Bringing her food, keeping her clean, and trying her best to keep her cool. She had tried in vain to use Rapunzel's own magic to heal her. It seemed Rapunzel could not heal herself with her gift. This worried Gothel. She herself had no magic, she couldn't heal Rapunzel. She also couldn't risk taking her from the tower to a doctor or having one come to her.Sitting at Rapunzel's bedside Gothel looked down upon her beloved daughter. She looked so pale, so weak, and so frail. Gothel knew she'd need to do something soon. Before her eyes her precious flower as she often referred to Rapunzel as was wilting before her eyes. And if she wasn't careful Rapunzel could and would die.   template credit.  


04/28/2024 11:06 PM 

The Hanging Road - Drabble

• •• •   @chiefmathias   The rusted chains holding up the porch swing groaned in protest as Mathias gently rocked back and forth, gaze fixed on The Hanging Road clearly visible in the night sky. Mathias had always likened The Milky Way to a giant crack in space, only ever changing in color depending on how the light of the sun reflected off the swirling gasses and space dust–equally ominous and majestic. Having been raised with both Christian and Traditional teachings, Mathias had never been sure what he believed about the afterlife. Nor had he ever really given it much thought beyond his own selfish desires of not dying anytime soon, but staring up at the mottled band of blues and purples now, he couldn’t help but wonder what existed beyond this life, and where the people he loved had ended up. The creak of the screen door drew his attention and he looked over at Henry Standing Bear, a man Mathias had known his entire life but had always been at odds with until recently. “May I join you?” Mathias’s gaze returned to the stars above. “It’s a free country, Standing Bear. At least that’s what they say.” Unperturbed by Mathias’s usual ambivalence, Henry made his way over, waiting for Mathias to reluctantly make room on the swing. “I think Jules has nearly lulled Nell to sleep.” “You two didn’t need to stay.” “A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice,” Henry rebuked without any real annoyance. Mathias’s only acknowledgement was a slight purse of his lips and pinch of his brow. Silence stretched between them for a long moment before the police chief spoke again. “Seems like we all should have all gotten together before something like death. Maybe having more people around her would have kept her away from the drugs.” Although Henry doubted that, he did not verbalize his disagreement, watching as Mathias pushed his lips out towards the stars above to guide Henry’s gaze there. “Which fork do you think she’ll take?” Henry considered both the stars and the question for a long moment before answering. “I do not think it matters what I think.” “Just humor me, Henry. You know I don’t really believe in this sh*t much anyways.” Henry gave Mathias a reproachful look, knowing the man had far more respect for the beliefs of their people than he was letting on. He turned his attention back to the Milky Way above them. “I would like to believe that even those whose lives were shadowed by darkness are able to walk the long fork to Seana. After Mingan…” Henry’s voice grew thick with emotion and Mathias looked over at the other man with understanding. “I have to believe that he was not forced to walk the suicide road, and I do not believe your sister would suffer it either.” “I don’t know what I think anymore,” Mathias admitted, eyes lifting once more to the heavens. “When my dad died, I wanted him to take the short fork…or just go straight to Hell altogether. I didn’t care which god was up there or what afterlife existed as long as he got his punishment. But when mom died…I wanted to believe she was headed wherever good people go. Heaven, the camp of the dead… Didn’t matter, as long as she got there.” Henry waited for him to continue, but Mathias seemed to be stuck on a memory from the past. “What about Kyanna?” He gently prompted. For several moments Henry wasn't sure Mathias would answer, even though he could see the question twisting in the other man's mind. “I love my sister, I do…but life with her was never easy. The running away, the drugs, getting pregnant and ending up in prison for possession with the intent to distribute,” he scrubbed his hands over his face and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as he tried to find the right words. “I’m not sorry for Nell’s life and I would take her in and raise her all over again if I had to, but I never forgave Ky for putting me in the position of having to do it. There’s a part of me that’s pissed that she relapsed and OD’d before I ever got the chance to forgive her. That part of me wants her spirit to suffer–for me, for Nell, for all the sh*t she caused in her life that I had to clean up…but the other part of me just wants her spirit to finally be at peace.” Guilt and grief coalesced within him, sitting heavy on his heart and choking him with a sudden wave of emotion. He hadn’t cried since he’d found her unresponsive on the bathroom floor, but now the tears were burning his eyes. He pressed his thumbs into the corners, trying desperately to hold them back, but they burst through the dam regardless. He had only ever cried in front of Henry once before. The day Mingan had died; the day everything had changed between them. Their grief had been shared in that moment, but now Mathias was keenly aware that he was the only one breaking down. He couldn’t wipe the tears away fast enough, and Henry’s hand settled on his shoulder to offer solace in the moment. “I’m so sick of all this sh*t.” His voice sounded as broken as his spirit felt, and he gave in to the tears–letting them course down his face, falling to the ground between his feet as they dripped off his cheeks and chin. “The f***ing poison that’s killing our people–killing my family.” Henry drew in a deep breath before releasing it slowly. “You and I both want to see the drug trafficking end on the rez–.” “It isn’t just the f***ing drugs,” Mathias interjected hotly, wiping his face with his sleeve and pushing off the swing to pace the porch in his anger and despair. “It’s all of it! Between the mob bringing in the drugs, The Red Pony poisoning our people with alcohol, and the bleach boys coming in here and raping our women, how am I supposed to do my job? How am I supposed to save anyone?!” “You cannot save people from themselves,” Henry rose from the swing, stepping into Mathias’s path to stop his pace, forcing the other man to look him in the eye. “All you can do is limit their access. Now that I have control of the casino, there is one less avenue for drugs to be brought onto the rez. Jules knows when to cut someone off at the bar, when to take their keys, and who not to serve, just as I did. Would you rather our people go to another bar where the same considerations would not be given?” “And what about when Jules leaves and hands the bar off to someone else? You really think she’s gonna stick around the rez for good? Come on, Henry. She may be content now, but the day’s going to come when she’ll want to leave again. You can’t oversee the casino and the bar.” “While I appreciate the faith you have in myself and Jules to help keep the problems in check, it is also unfair to place that burden on us. It is not lost on me how difficult your job is, and how little support you have, but the problem is bigger than the three of us.” As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Henry was right. Leaning both hands on the porch rail, Mathias closed his eyes and hung his head, feeling the weight of it all pressing down on him. “Maybe we retired Hector too early.” “I do not think even the real Hector could have prevented all of this, less so with me acting in his place.” Henry moved closer and placed his hand again on Mathias’s shoulder. “I know it does not seem so right now, but you did not fail her, Mathias.” “I need to be angry with someone right now, and since she’s not here for me to be mad at…” he let the words hang in the air between them. “For what it is worth…” Henry paused long enough that Mathias looked over at him in question, finding earnestness in his gaze that was as unsettling as it was comforting. “You are not alone.” Emotion swelled in Mathias, threatening to make him break down again. “I need to take a walk.” He nodded towards the house. “Can you stick around until I get back? Tell Jules…” he paused, jaw trembling as he thought about his orphaned niece, now completely in his care. “Tell her I can’t thank her enough for helping with Nell.” Henry nodded, letting his hand slide off Mathias’s shoulder as the other man stepped around him and off the porch. Mathias was a few yards away before he turned back. “Standing Bear…” He waited for Henry to look at him. “Thank you.”


04/28/2024 12:30 PM 

Too Many Tears.

                                Too Many Tears   "Tell me baby, where did I go wrong?"August 1990 2:30 in the morning.It had been nearly three weeks since Tawny had walked out after an explosive argument that honestly David had really no recollection of what it had been about. Words had been said in anger, that he desperately wished he could take back, from both of them. He glanced to his left on the table of his hotel room that he’d been sitting at, at the smoldering cigarette that lay precariously on the ashtray but he didn’t pick it up, or even have any desire to finish smoking it.He glanced at the pen and hotel stationary before him. He needed to vent and get these damned feelings out and in the open, before it began eating him from the inside out. Grabbing the pen, he began scribbling down lyrics.“I used to be the man for you.Did everything you wanted me to.So tell me baby, where did I go wrong?” He paused for a moment and glanced at the words he had written down and inhaled sharply. Already it was off to a damned good start, and there was no better option than to continue.“I told you everything you wanted to know. Precious secrets never spoken before.All I’m askin’, where did I go wrong?” It only took him at least fifteen minutes to pen the lyrics in their entirety. Folding it, he placed the paper in the inner pocket of his leather jacket so he could take it to the studio so he could work on the composition in the morning, as he was determined to get the blasted thing finished before the gig he had at the end of the week.He’d hoped that Tawny would understand that this wasn’t a jab at her in the slightest. In fact it was actually quite the opposite, and sometimes there was also a hidden message in the songs as well, messages that a normal listener would not pick up on, but only the intended would be able to pick up on. Pushing back the chair, he stood and walked to the window and looked out onto Los Angeles, wondering just what Tawny was up to at this very moment. More than likely sleeping, or….no. He wouldn’t go there. He didn’t want to think of a worst case scenario. He just couldn’t understand where he had gone wrong, and why a passionate relationship had come to be in tatters.He turned toward the door, grabbed a pack of cigarettes, stuffed it into the inside pocket of his leather jacket and headed out of the hotel room allowing the door to click shut behind him. At least at three o'clock in the morning, he wouldn’t have to worry about fans clamoring around him for autographs. That wasn’t to say he didn’t love the attention. Hell, he adored it. He wouldn’t be in this business of making music otherwise. But then again, right now everything seemed extremely superficial. Tawny was his muse, the inspiration behind most, if not all of his music and honestly with this, he wasn’t sure how he was going to pull through.Luckily, the beach was only a few hundred yards away and he made it there in only a few moments, extracted the pack of cigarettes, tapped it in his hand and extracted a cigarette and placed it between his lips. He then fished for his lighter and lit the cigarette. He removed it from his lips and exhaled the smoke slowly while staring out at the ocean.“Jesus Christ, Tawn.” he said, and glanced at his left hand still bearing his wedding ring. He took another long drag from the cigarette, snuffed it out and tossed the butt into a nearby rubbish receptacle. Looking over his shoulder he noticed an all night diner. Perhaps just a cup of coffee and maybe a little something to eat, but first he was going to see if there was a payphone and try to call Tawny. This silence between them could not go on any longer.He crossed the deserted street and walked inside, and greeted the hostess. “There a payphone here?”The hostess nodded and pointed at the entrance. “You just passed it actually. It’s just inside the door.”David turned and looked over his shoulder. “Ah, I must have missed it.”“Wait…aren’t you David Coverdale of Whitesnake?” the woman inquired while closing the register.David chuckled. “So I’ve been told. Let me call my wife really quickly, then I’ll order something and you can have an autograph." Before the woman could answer, David had crossed the room and approached the payphone, put a couple quarters in and dialed Tawny’s number and waited for her to pick up.“Hello?” Came the familiar voice on the other end. Her voice sounded ragged and tired, and it seriously concerned him. He took a seat on the small bench just behind him.“Tawny, It’s David. Don’t hang up, baby, please.”There was silence on the line for a while and he feared she had hung up, until. “I’m here, David. I’m just not doing good right now. I…I miss you.” he could tell she was on the verge of tears.He glanced outside for a moment. “I know, baby. I miss you too. If I could I would come home tonight, but I’ve got a recording session tomorrow and then a show at the Black Cat. Why don’t you meet me at the show on Friday night and we can talk afterwards?”“Okay. Baby, I’ll have to get something to wear in the meantime. I know what the dress code is at the Black Cat. But I’ll be there, I promise. What time does the show start?”“Seven o’clock. And baby, I am sorry about the outburst. I shouldn’t have lost my temper. I love you, Tawny.”BR> Again there was silence on the other end of the line. “I love you too, baby.”He sighed. “Baby, I’m going to get me something to eat. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”“David?”“Yes, love?”Again there was silence on the phone.“Tawny?” There was no response, so he figured she must have fallen asleep. He smiled softly, then gently placed the phone back in the cradle and walked back into the diner. . "We've got nothing in common."   CREDIT: WU SHIFU    

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