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⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

02/09/2012 08:34 PM 

Trading places

TRADING PLACES Story Lead: Katarina   The Wish Isabelle Wolfram & Hart

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

02/09/2012 05:03 PM 

The Future is Gone

The Future is Gone Story Lead: Kat The Future is gone Hyperion The Fanged Four Segugio di Buongustaio Bakery Wolfram and Hart

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

02/09/2012 05:03 PM 

Buffy and Angel Reunion

Will be listed hereBuffy/AngelStory Lead: BuffyBuffy/AngelThe Lab W&HXander/Buffy

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

02/09/2012 05:03 PM 

Darla's first Victim

Darla's First Victim Story Lead: DarlaAll blogs involved in this story are linked and listed here:Darla's first victimThe Prisoner of Bel Air

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

02/09/2012 05:02 PM 

Closed Stories

The Chosen Darla's First VictimThe Future is Gone

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/09/2012 09:45 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Share Info

| HOME | <--- Back to CONTENTS || GROUP   Group Description (for SHARING/Advertising/AFFILIATION): Name: ĒrānshahrVerse: Historical Fiction (Classical Antiquity || 35-27 BCE)Writing Style: Multi-Para/Novella || 18+URL: Needed: There are already-made roles available but writers can also create their own character or join with a character they already have!About the Group:The Persian Empire, 35-27 BCE, a world for you to explore!All the information you need is provided and you can role-play characters of different backgrounds and nationalities, according to your liking.The background story focuses primarily on the conflicts between the Persian Empire (Parthian era) and the Roman Republic as well as on conflicts with other neighboring nations. It is the time of Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius and the rise of the Roman Empire.There are no rigid story-lines to be followed and members are not obliged to role-play with everyone else. Members can create whatever characters and story-lines they want as long as they fit the setting.<br /> <b>Name:</b> Ērānshahr <br /> <b>Verse: </b> Historical Fiction (Classical Antiquity || 35-27 BCE) <br /> <b>Writing Style:</b> Multi-Para/Novella || 18+ <br /> <b>URL:</b> <a href=""></a> <br /> <b>Roles Needed:</b> There are already-made roles available but writers can also create their own character or join with a character they already have!<<br /> <br /> <b><u>About the Group:</u></b> <br /> The Persian Empire, 35-27 BCE, a world for you to explore! <br /> All the information you need is provided and you can role-play characters of different backgrounds and nationalities, according to your liking. <br /> The <u>background story</u> focuses primarily on the conflicts between the Persian Empire (Parthian era) and the Roman Republic as well as on conflicts with other neighboring nations. It is the time of Cleopatra and Marcus Antonius and the rise of the Roman Empire. <br /> There are no rigid story-lines to be followed and members are not obliged to role-play with everyone else. Members can create whatever characters and story-lines they want as long as they fit the setting. <br />  

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/08/2012 08:40 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Videos from the Game Trilogy

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/06/2012 01:43 PM 

[PoP] - Afsoon {original}

Queen Afsoon {Eva Green} PROFILE: n/a STATUS: OPEN Basic Information Full Name: Afsoon Mihran (of the House of Mihran) Nickname(s): Queen of the North Title/Rank: Queen / Satrap (governor) Occupation: Satrap of the Aturpatakan Satrapy (province) Affiliation (team/side): The Persian Empire / herself Appearance Gender: female Age: 27 Height: 5' 6'' (1.68 m) Eye Color: blue Hair Color: black Hair Style: long and wavy Body Type: slender, toned Other Features: n/a (up to the writer) Background Nationality: Madai Place of Birth: Hagmatana (capital-city of the Mada Satrapy) Current Residence: Ganzak (capital-city of the Aturpatakan Satrapy) Marital Status: widow Love Interest: Saen (only if the writer wants it) Known Relatives: parents, siblings, other relatives, husband (deceased), step-children Other Connections: n/a (up to the writer) Personality Strengths/Qualities: ambitious, determined, strong-willed, witty, shrewd, unpredictable; her intelligence and charms usually get her out of tight situations Weaknesses/Flaws: sometimes loses her temper when her plans fail, her judgment is occasionally clouded by anger or distress; stubborn, unforgiving, sometimes cruel, merciless with enemies (unless the contrary serves her purpose), lacking in physical strength (the kind expected of a military commander) Fears/Phobias: n/a (up to the writer) Goals/Motivations: expand her reign over larger territories, incorporate into the Persian Empire the Kingdom of Armina and the other neighboring kingdoms that had belonged to the Persian Empire centuries before, and most importantly push back the Romans and recover the territories they had conquered (also former territories of the Persian Empire) Hobbies/Interests: mystical practices, astronomy, government, politics, history, hunting Abilities General Skills: diplomatic tactics (through subtle manipulation), strategic warfare tactics, proficient horse-riding and hunting, basic weapons training, skilled with a bow, competent in the art of poisoning Uncommon Abilities: potential for engaging in mystical practices Weapons/Equipment: bow and arrows, poisons Personal History: Afsoon was born a princess, a daughter of the king of the Mada Satrapy and one of his queens. Under Persian rule the satraps governing each satrapy also retained their noble titles, such as king or queen, while the Absolute Monarch who governed the entire empire held the title King of Kings. Control over the vast territory of the Persian Empire was shared by seven clans (houses) organized as feudal aristocracies that governed one or more satrapies. All of the seven houses were subordinate to the house of the King of Kings with its seat of power at Babylon. The House that Afsoon was born into was that of Mihran, a dynasty of the Madai people, who had inhabited the region of Mada for hundreds of years. Under the current Persian rule no subjects of the empire were forced to renounce their nationality, mother tongue, religion or customs. Obedience to the King of Kings and the required tribute sufficed. In her teenage years Afsoon was married by her father to a much older man than she, the king of Aturpatakan, a semi-independent kingdom, with loyalties to both the Persian-Empire to the south-east and the Kingdom of Armina to the north-west. Once a territory of the First Persian Empire, Aturpatakan detached itself during times of turmoil but still remained subordinate to the Persians. With the increasing threat from the Roman Empire whose sphere of influence was spreading over Armina more and more with each passing year, Afsoon's father arranged her early marriage for pure political reasons. The marital contract was also one by which Aturpatakan, originally part of the land of Mada, became once again a satrapy of the Persian Empire, under the full control of the King of Kings. Some years into their marriage Afsoon's husband grew ill and became bedridden. This was a most pleasant surprise for Afsoon, not only because she had always disliked the man but also because she had developed into a strong-minded and ambitions woman with a fierce appetite for political power and governance. Soon after her husband became incapacitated Afsoon hurried to assume his position and all of his duties, claiming that the kingdom had to secure its position in the face of pending threats and growing unrest in the region and no delays could be afforded. After her husband's death Queen Afsoon officially assumed the position of supreme ruler, a function she was already fulfilling in her husband's absence. She sent into exile her late husband's children, wives, mistresses and any of his former loyal subjects who would not swear their allegiance to the new ruler, replacing them with subjects loyal to her. She argued that she was the first entitled to inherit the throne, above any of her late husband's children because she was a descendant of the Madai dynasty who had ruled over Aturpatakan when it was still a part of Mada. Also, because the kingdom became a satrapy of the Persian Empire after Afsoon's marriage to the late king, control over the region was now held by the House of Mihran. To make her claims more convincing Afsoon also accused some of her late husband's relatives and subjects of having betrayed their people by conspiring with the Romans. Initially, all the drastic measures that the new supreme ruler of Aturpatakan was taking were not well received by the Persian central government and her own father also frowned upon it at first. However, she was able to convince him of the higher goals she was pursuing and it was not difficult to gain his trust and support, since she had after all inherited his temperament and mentality. In turn, the king and satrap of Mada supported his daughter's actions before King Sharaman, the King of Kings, and convinced him of the necessity of such actions in the troubled times they were facing. The King of Kings could not afford to completely avoid harsh, even brutal tactics since the threat posed by the expanding Roman Empire was a very real one and the Babirus Satrapy, the Persian center of power, ruled by the dynasty of the King of Kings, lay at the very western border of the empire, with only the Ufrātu river and the vast and arid Syrian desert as natural barriers between the Persian and Roman empires. To the north however the Persian Empire had as direct neighbors the kingdoms of Nodshirakan and Osraine, the latter also a direct neighbor of Roman Syria. Despite these regions having once formed part of the Fist Persian Empire and now being client kingdoms of the reconstructed Persian Empire, the possibility of Romans expanding their influence over these regions in order to get closer to the Persians could not be ignored. There was another neighboring satrapy that supported the politics of Queen Afsoon, the Varkāna Satrapy of the far north, bordering Aturpatakan to the west. The region was governed by the House of Karen and Afsoon had had close contact with one of its members. When a massive rebellion erupted at its western border with the Kingdom of Nodshirakan, with support from the Kingdom of Armina, influenced in its turn by Roman generals, Babylon sent troops to aid the army of Aturpatakan in suppressing the rebellion and restoring order. The troops were led by Commander Saen of the House of Karen. With Afsoon's husband being ill and bedridden and the lack of affection she had always suffered from in her arranged marriage, she was easily drawn towards the charming commander. During the months that Saen spent in Aturpatakan fulfilling his military duties he also engaged in an affair with the enchanting queen. Once his assignment had been fulfilled Afsoon asked if he would consider ruling the satrapy by her side when her husband would be gone but Saen avoided giving a clear response due to other obligations. He had promised his father that after his death he would take over his place as Commander of the King's Personal Guard. This was also the wish of the King of Kings who saw that he could trust Saen as much as he trusted his father. While in Aturpatakan, Saen received word of his father's death and because of this he could not delay his stay once order had been restored. In his heart Saen had no desire to be a ruler. He had left his homeland of Verkana with disgust for family feuds over who would inherit the throne, and grief for his wife's death who had been an innocent victim accidentally thrown in the midst of a foul plot. According to some beliefs, a person's name, or rather its meaning, is tied to their destiny. Afsoon's name can be interpreted as charm, bewitchment or spell. Some considered these to be fitting descriptions of her personality, way of being or looks but hushed rumors accused the queen of being involved with dark mystical practices. Together with the people she had had executed for treason Afsoon also sent to the executioner people she accused of spreading false and despicable rumors about her, namely that she had caused her husband's illness and afterwards his death.

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/06/2012 12:34 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Documentaries

THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conflicts with Rome THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Creation and Evolution THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conflicts with Greece THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Conquest of Alexander THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Ancient Military Power THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - The City of Babylon THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - The Zarathustrian Religion THE PERSIAN EMPIRE - Ruling Dynasties Timeline

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/06/2012 09:35 PM 

ERANSHAHR - Affiliates (The List)

| HOME | <--- Back to CONTENTS || GROUP   ~* Affiliates Share Train *~ Historical Connections  ~*~ Imagine RP Magazine  ~*~ τwιsτεd ιron   ~*~ One Hundred Kingdoms RPG | GROUP | мagic яєigиs | GROUP |    

Eranshahr *~ [Historical RPG]

02/05/2012 05:46 PM 


| HOME | <--- Back to CONTENTS || GROUP   DOCUMENTARIES The Persian Empire, Babylon, Zoroastrianism and other   MOVIE Videos Trailers and clips from Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time   GAMES Videos Trailers and clips from the Prince of Persia Game Trilogy(The Sands of Time, Warrior Within, The Two Thrones)


02/03/2012 08:01 PM 

The Real Me.
Current mood:  adored

Hey there. I'm not one of those people who come on here, just for roleplaying (although, that's the main reason). I also come on here for meeting new people. Well, not really meeting them, since I probably wouldn't meet any of them. I'm not from where most people on here are. I live in a little country called Australia. Perhaps you've heard of it?I am a girl. Yes, a girl roleplaying as a gay boy. Got a problem with that? If you do, delete me. If not, then by all means, keep reading. On July 21st, I will in fact be 20. Yes, no longer a teenager. I'm not looking forward to that. I currently only work at my local McDonalds restaurant, but in a few weeks I hope to go back and study. In Australia we have this school called Tafe. I hope to go to that and study Child Care. I will then continue onto University and get a teaching degree. I want to become a primary school teacher. I will also write stories in my free time. I mainly write Glee or Harry Potter fan fictions, but I have a few originals I'm still writing. The best review I got on a fan fiction told me I have the talent to make up my own characters and publish a book. I always remember that when I'm having trouble believing in myself. I couldn't stop smiling when I read that review.My favourite show is obviously Glee. It's about the only show I watch. It's what helps me through when I'm feeling sad. My favourite book series is Harry Potter. If I had to go the rest of my life reading the one series it would be Harry Potter. I know what it's like getting bullied your whole life. I guess that's the best way I connect with Kurt. He held his head high through it all though. I didn't. There were a few times I cried at school. The only friends I had were ones that were two years younger than me. I spent my class time either doing classwork or writing. Back then I was into writing The Jonas Brothers stories. I would escape into their world instead of staying in mine. I guess that's why I only just graduated. If I had my chance to do it all again, I would study. I would have thrown myself into study instead of story writing. Sure, all those hours I spent in class writing, helped my writing develop, but didn't help my grades. In English I would hope for a writing assignment and when I finally got one, I was so happy. It was year 11 (second last year). I wrote 8 pages but my English teacher turned around and said I had to shorten it. It was too long. Back then I was better at writing longer stories than shorter. I wasn't sure how it turn out, but I had to. I can't remember the grade.Anyway, I think I've babbled on enough tonight. Message me if you want to know more :)

Real, Me.

The Unknown Shahbanu

02/02/2012 06:17 PM 

Maniya's Combat Style

Maniya uses her superior agility and flexibility in moves that are not very violent in nature. She does not attack her opponents with weapons, instead she prefers to use evasive tactics, to escape her aggressors and disarm them when necessary. She does not kill for pleasure and when needed she renders her opponents unconscious. Rarely she actually goes as far as killing them. As such, the modern fighting technique that bears the greatest resemblance to the sort of acrobatics that Maniya performs is Capoeira, inspired by old African practices. Technically this is not actually a fighting style but rather a game meant for pure entertainment, a form of dancing in many ways. ~ CAPOEIRA ~ The game: The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, subterfuge, and extensive use of groundwork, as well as sweeps and kicks. Throughout the game, a player must avoid a sweep, trip, or kick that may knock him or her on the floor. Less frequently-used techniques include elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body-throws. Capoeira does not focus on injuring the opponent! Rather, it emphasizes skill. Each attack that comes in gives players a chance to practice an evasive technique. The ginga (literally: "rocking back and forth; to swing") is the fundamental movement in capoeira. It is accomplished by maintaining both feet approximately shoulder-width apart and then moving one foot backwards and then back to the base, describing a triangular 'step' on the ground. This movement is done to prepare the body for other movements. The rest of the body is also involved in the ginga: coordination of the arms (in such a way as to prevent the body from being kicked), torso (many core muscles may be engaged depending on the player's style) and the leaning of the body (forward and back in relation to the position of the feet - the body leans back to avoid kicks, and forward to create opportunities to show attacks). ATTACKS: Capoeira primarily attacks with kicks, sweeps, and head strikes. Punches and hand strikes can also be used, but they are not as common. One probable explanation for the primary use of feet is the common West African belief that hands are for creation and feet for destruction. Elbow strikes are commonly used in place of hand strikes. Knee strikes are sometimes seen. Capoeira also uses acrobatic and athletic movements to maneuver around the opponent. Cartwheels, handstands, hand-spins, hand-springs, sitting movements, turns, jumps, flips, and large dodges are all very common in capoeira. Fakes and feints are also an extremely important element in capoeira games and the setting of "traps" or illusory movements are very common. DEFENSES: Capoeira defenses consist of evasive moves and rolls. A series of ducks called esquivas, which literally means "escape", are also staple of a capoeiristas' defensive vocabulary. There are typically different esquivas for every step of the Ginga, depending on the direction of the kick and intention of the defender. A common defense is the rol�, which is a rolling move that combines a duck and a low movement. This move allows the defensive player to quickly evade an attack and position themselves around the aggressor in order to lay up for an attack. It is this combination of attacks and defense which gives a game of capoeira its perceived 'fluidity' and choreography. Other evasive moves allow the capoeirista to move away or dangerously close in an attempt to trip up the aggressor in the briefest moment of vulnerability (usually in a mid-kick). The Wonders of Capoeira


01/26/2012 04: PM 

Krystal's Bakery and Florsist
Current mood:  adored

Uploaded with ImageShack.usKonnichiwa! Welcome to Krystal Bakery and Florsist shop !* she bow to them * Uploaded with ImageShack.usHave a seat as we have free WIFI and taste are wonderful  cookies , pies, cakes and pasterys as well as fresh muffin of all kinds .We have coffees , soda, and sort of drinks on the menu. On monday and friday if you get here really early I will have fresh out of the over all sorts of breads for sale and there are sample out of all of them.Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usIn my other shop I have fresh flowers for that love in your life .  Or I can send them to your room or anywhere you choice just come and pick what you like.Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usCome by and see me !


01/25/2012 12: PM 

Chance Barton bio

Chance Barton is the oldest son of Clint and Bobbi Barton, alias Hawkeye and Mockingbird of Avenger's fame. His conception was kept a secret by his parents to the other Avengers, except for the maid at the West Coast Avengers compound, Maria. Bobbi had planned for Maria to be her child's nanny; however a plot had been formed by Buck Chisholm, alias Trickshot to force Bobbi into losing the child by drugging her secretly.  In her fourth month, the unknown delivery of the drug into her body by Maria caused Bobbi to have a miscarriage. Emotionally distraught, the loss of the child inadvertently caused Clint and Bobbi to reconcile before both her and Clint seemingly died later. The child however was not dead and was secretly kept alive in an incubator by scientist of the Secret Society, an organization that Trickshot had ties to.  Chance was later legally adopted by Trickshot and raised as his own child without knowledge of his biological parents. Trickshot hoped that Chance had the same natural abilities as his father Hawkeye. Chance was brought up in the carney atmosphere and trained by Trickshot in the art of archery, just as his father had been as a youth and soon became a star attraction to the show. As he grew older though, he found out more of the real source of his "father's" financial wealth.  Following Trickshot into the ranks of the Secret Society, Chance found his niche as an operative within the organization and received additional training by Boomerang and Wyre. For the next several years Chance worked as a freelance bodyguard, assassin, and mercenary for well-paying clients. As time went on Trickshot was diagnosed with terminal cancer and that he only had a short time to live. Wanting to die a noble death, Trickshot sought out Clint, who had become a very accomplished archer and took the name Hawkeye. Trickshot wanted to set up a duel between him and Hawkeye in which Barton would win. Trickshot then went about luring Hawkeye to an island in Greece, and they fought but Hawkeye found he could not kill his old teacher. Instead the two made their peace and went their separate ways.  Later, Trickshot learned that Crossfire had put a bounty on Hawkeye's shooting arm and had hired a variety of criminals to attack him. At around the same time he received word that Trickshot's cancer had gone into remission. Wishing to help his former student, Trickshot assisted Hawkeye in taking out one faction of the Secret Empire and the act seemingly ended in Trickshots death. However, Buck had survived and after hearing of the event that caused Hawkeye's death in Manhattan, he decided to tell Chance the truth of his lineage.  Now, Chance has heard of sightings of his mother and father and their apparent resurrection and has joined the cause to bring Hawkeye to his knees. Trickshot however has fallen to cancer again and the young man is struggling with his responsibilities to which he should stand with. His real mother or the man who he calls his father, Trickshot. In any case, he wants Hawkeye to pay and will do anything to see this achieved.

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