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𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎.

12/16/2011 02: PM 

Current mood:  productive

Hi! Welcome to my Roleplayer.Me page! Just a few rules before we RP.1. DISCLAIMER: I am NOT Olivia Munn, nor do I claim to be in any way,shape, or form [a name's just a name]. Refer to my blog about the differences between the real life Munn, and my character. 2. I'll RP anything,even if I don't know it very well... But I'll try to go with the flow. 3.  I use to do Para style for roleplay, but I've upgraded to Novella. 4. Do NOT God Mode. It's STUPID...You'll become the second most hated person on the Internet. The first will always be Justin Bieber.5. USE PROPER F***IN' ENGLISH..I don't want to see 'u' for 'You', and '4', for..'for'.Or 'Dat' for 'that', 'wat' for 'what', and the list goes on.I hate it!It makes you look stupid, and that is one thing you should avoid around me; my character's a Soldier, and the U.S. Military expects a professional image, so will I.6.  My page is not for children, let's get that right: I swear like a motherf***er. I shoot firearms. I do engage in violence, because war isn't tag. I f*** men or women, and that leads me to this rule: should our storyline involve sexual activity, we'll do it in messages. I'm just comfortable that way. Don't like it? PACK. YOUR. SH*T. An old friend once said: ACT YOUR AGE. NOT YOUR F***IN' SHOE SIZE.7. If you kill me off, I'm fine with it.. Just remember: my character's part RE/MGS, I'll definitely be back at some point to kill you. That's a guarantee. I'm a proud soldier of the United States Army, so don't go thinking I'm some chick you can victimize, because I can and will gladly turn you into my bitch. Don't believe me, I'll provide you with a list of people who will always be known as MAMA'S BITCHES.8. When you send the starter, I expect detail and structure. I don't want one liners, or stupid scenarios like 'so-and-so bumps into you one day', or something like that. Take your time when creating the starter, please. I strongly urge that to all of you.9. My character tends to promote through the ranks from time to time. But at least I do it within a month or two, so it doesn't cause any confusion. I'll also inform you ahead of time, if you don't understand my meaning.10 When we RP, it's RP only, alright? None of this stupid RL drama bullsh*t, got it? If you can't handle it... Kill yourself. Just do it. You'll open up more lanes on the freeway with you out the way.11. Always remember: RP is not F***IN' REAL!!!!!If you think it is.. Again, kill yourself. You'll save the world a lot of trouble. If you can't seem to figure that out and you need help, I will happily oblige in pulling the trigger for you.. Or throwing you off a cliff- whichever tickles your vagina.12. Please decide which character you want to be please! I don't like it when people change in the middle of RP. It f***s everything up, and complicates the storyline! Change first, before you send a starter! If you change in the middle of a storyline, you WILL be DELETED.13. Relationships. I thought I didn't have to put it up, but alright. My character is a Soldier, and Fidelity is taught to all who serve. Therefore, if my Olivia is taken, she is TAKEN. None of this, 'side chick' bullsh*t. Don't try to flirt with my Olivia when she's taken. You'll be disappointed after she turns you down. And I don't think it matters who I'm with; male or female, if I'm interesting to you, then don't be shy, send me a message. 14. I expect complete Professionalism with ALL Roleplayers that come in contact with me. This especially pertains to those who added me. If I've known you for awhile, say a duration of three months or so, then okay, I will be lenient to this rule. We can then goof off, f*** around, and what have you. But as of today, a lot of people have been irritating me with their lack of professionalism. And they added me, so honestly, what the f***. I've had idiots email me 'I'd love to eat your p**sy.." Really? Is your sex life outside RP that bad that you have to come get it here? What, your hand give up? I'll allow sexual content during roleplay, but that sh*t will not fly on my watch.15. I should have stated this earlier, but better late than never. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ROLEPLAY MY CHARACTER! That's called AUTO RP, and that is considered GOD MODE. An example: "______ ran through the field, looking for Olivia, who was armed with an M4." How in the F*** would you know that I was there, and how the F*** did I have an M4? My character may be a soldier, but that doesn't mean I have to be armed with an M4. I could be holding the HK416, a Benelli M1014 Shotgun, AA-12, or whatever the f*** I want to carry. DO NOT PLAY MY CHARACTER. YOU HAVE YOUR OWN, SO STICK TO YOURS, BEFORE I STICK MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS. 16. I AM NOT A F***ING NUMBER. I know I shouldn't have to, but ever since I made the transition from MySpace to RolePlayer.Me, I've gotten friend requests, and almost the majority of them do not even ask for a starter, or discuss a storyline with me. They just add me, and say nothing. I am not going to be just another number for you 'friend whores', if you're going to add me, you better be sure you're going to ROLEPLAY with me. 17.   I don't mind OOC from time to time, but if all we're gonna do is have small talk OOC, then get the f*** off my page and fool around with someone else. This is called 'ROLEPLAYER' for a reason, and that's what I am here to do. 18.  I'm the only one to portray Olivia Munn as a soldier- the first to do it since MySpace, as well as being the only one to roleplay her. Lisa herself, as in the RL OLIVIA MUNN, is aware I portray her, and has been aware of that since Mama made her debut on MySpace. That being said, I'm not adding any others with Olivia's face. I just don't do that sort of thing. Not to sound like a snooty bitch, but if I wanted to face a double, I'll do it on my own terms. My character's a soldier. She has her own problems, as well as fulfilling her duty to the country. Don't interfere with your complaints and bullsh*t! It's bad enough this war is as f***ed up as it already is! Thank You for taking the time to read and understand these rules. I look forward to the RP, but when we RP, I expect FULL effort. None of this half-assed bullsh*t that some RPers do. And if you agree to the expectations stated above, then we'll have no problems.To put it bluntly: Read the rules and follow them. Quit being BEECH about how I run my page, because I don't tell you how to run yours. Even though some of you stupid idiots are so Goddamned illiterate I wished they had retained your monkey asses in Preschool to teach you how to properly speak some f***in' English, but that's just me. CURRENT GRADE/POSITION: Command Sergeant Major/ CSM(E-9)- Olivia Elizabeth Munn�Command Sergeant MajorUnited States Army  D-Squadron, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta(1st-SFOD-D)


12/10/2011 12: PM 

Sinner Family Tree

Brother: AvailableSister: AvailableDaughter: AvailableUncle: AvailableMother: AvailableFather: AvailableCousin: AvailableLove Interest(Female): AvailableI can't think of anything else at the moment but more then one person can be my brother and sister


12/06/2011 12: PM 

Avenger Disassembled
Current mood:  adored

Avenger Dissasembled Part 1   There comes a time in every man's life when he must change; a point when the way he lived is no longer suitable for the way he is. Age, injury, sickness, the big x-factors; no matter how good you have, they can take it all away. This change can often kill the man; not physically, though. Hell, not even mentally. Change can do damage that nothing can heal and change can kill a man's soul.  Location: The North Shore of Ireland; Malin Chance Barton had just put on his new spiffy uniform and stood in front of the mirror, flexing his muscles and thinking about how cool he looked. It was moments like these that he was glad he had signed up with the Fraternity and fell into the ranks of the IRA sanctioned Saints. The suit was all black with a material closely similar to leather and was covered with little arrows of scarlet plastic. It was the perfect detriment to his biological father's costume, the Avenger known as Hawkeye. Lowering his glance to the table next to him, Chance picked up his gear, a modified crossbow and small quiver. He placed each on opposing upper outside thighs, a grin encasing his face as he spoke silently. "It's almost time a few hours you go home...or at least away from here." Almost on cue, his door slid open, and Chance turned to face it as a man walked inside the room. The man was lean , with dark blonde hair and glowing red eyes. In his hand was a mask that was very familiar to the young man. The visitor spoke in a light voice, extending the mask towards the younger Barton.  "It be time mate. Ye be meetin up wit Sean in an hour." Chance nodded his head and then looked at the man's hand. The man continued, speaking in a deep Irish accent with a touch of Australian mixed in for good measure. "Dis belonged ta Trickshot Chance..Wear it wit" Chance's brows lowered almost angrily as he took the mask from the Man's hand and slipped it along his brow, then guiding it along the brim of his nose. Chance replied. "Of course Dominic..he was the closest thing I ever had to a father.." The young man quickly caught himself before continuing. "Outside of you and Sean that is. I take it Azad contacted you with Hawkeye's location?" Dominic Lyncoln, better known to the world at large as Lync Gevoel responded in return.  "Aye mate...dis is da time we been waitin fa. Don take da shot though..Ah wan dat.."  Lync paused for a brief second, almost as if he were reflecting on some past event, namely the moment Clint Barton took away every human feeling he would ever know with a well placed arrow to his neck.  "Nada...ah deserve dat one fa what da bloke took from me."  Chance nodded as Lync raised a hand and placed it on his shoulder, tapping his hand on it twice.  "We be God's chosen mate....neva forget ya place in da new world order."  Lync then lifted his hand from Chance's shoulder and tapped his cheek lightly, a grim look of confidence on his face. He then lowered his hand completely and turned away, moving back towards the entrance of the door and speaking along the way.  "Azad will have Hawkeye in position..Sein Fein."  As the door closed, Chance turned and began his walk towards another exit, his mission already etched in his mind, right or wrong, tonight would change everything.  Avenger Dissasembled Part 2 The Location: District X, Mutant Town The skies were black, and the rain poured like tears from a grieving mother. The sound of it hitting the pavement filled the would-be silent night with a repetitive and dull pounding. The roof tops echoed the pounding, giving the only solace in the cold night air. Something was eerie about this storm, yet it appeared fitting given the situation. It was on these same docks four years before, on this very date, that Clint Barton thought he had breathed his last breaths. To this day, he could hear gunfire and it would curl his soul, bring out a side of the archer he never would never admit to. Fear. A point blank shot to his head, the fainting images of life fading to darkness, an accent, a man called Sean Eamon that took his life for the briefest of moments. Clint lifted his hand to his ear, pressing a small comm-link, even as the rain dripped along his face. "Azad..I'm here and you were right. The lights are on at the old shipping dock. How long before Ty get's here. I'm probably gonna need backup on this one." Clint adjusted his visors and zoomed in on the building before speaking again. "I count at least fifteen armed on the dock...not sure how many on the boat itself." A voice came back through his earpiece. "Ty's coming in dark and low in the inlet. He's maintaining radio silence for now but will be in position when we go in." Clint nodded his head and spoke back. "Copy that. I'm good to go. You ready?" The voice belonging to Azad came through again. "Let's do this." Wiping the rain from his visors, Clint took another look, spotting two men exiting the boat and walking towards the nearby building. Another man exited the building. It was him for sure. Sean Eamon. Clint mumbled to himself. "After all this time...I got you motherfucker." Clint quickly gained his composure, even as the men shared greetings by handshake.  Taking out his bow, Clint reached to his quiver and traced his fingertips along the brail encoded ends of the arrows. After making his selection and loading it to the bowline carefully, he pulled it back to his cheekbone, feeling the tension of the bowstring as he did so. The creek of the bow bending was like music to his ears, ringing out in the night air. He sat perched on the building across the street, poised for what would happen. -CRASH!!- Something else was happening down on the ground, and in that instant, the arrow went flying. It struck above the nearby building with a thunk and Clint pulled tight on the rope, then wrapped the other end around a steel pipe that came up from the roof next to him. Slinging his bow across the rope, he slid down effortlessly and forced his body to go limp, rolling across and then picking himself up when his momentum slowed down. He drew two shock arrows, setting them on the bow and pulled back, letting loose at two men who he guessed were bodyguards. The men both fell immediately as their bodies lit up the night in a light blue electric hue and hum.  Before Clint could load his bow up again, a shot rang out, and he felt a jolt to his chest. Shaking off the bullet, he wiped his Kevlar clean, and looked at the broken bow in his hands. A man slowly walked towards Clint, fazing in and out of vision through the rain falling. The man spoke in an Irish accent. "Not so tough without the bow, are ya bitch?" Carefully watching the thug, he circled around slowly, and placed his hand near his thigh. They stared off for a few moments, neither moving. Clint recognized him. It was Sean Eamon. The man he had for so long attempted to catch up to and fate had finally allowed him the chance. Clint let out a sarcastic sound from his lips. "Heh..." Dipping down fast, he ran in, just as Sean teleported out of the way. The Irishman appeared next to Clint just as he passed and dropped a well placed fist to the back of Clint's head, knocking him off balance to the ground. The man laughed and then spoke. "You flinched." Sean reached to his leg, pulling a gun from its holster and raising it towards the archer. "Your lucky I owe someone for losing his long lost love.." Sean walked over to Clint and slammed his head to the pavement with his boot, then leaned forward placing the gun to the back of Clint's head. He spoke again, this time almost mockingly. "Game over bloke." No sooner had the words left Sean's lips, a bright light erupted behind them and a portal opened. A man walked through with red glowing eyes. Avenger Disassembled Part 3   The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and it doesn't care how tough you are. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. It isn't about how hard you get hit though, it's about how hard you can get up and keep moving forward. For as long as he could remember, Chance had wanted this opportunity; the opportunity to strike back at his father for every wrong he felt Clint Barton had caused on his life. Chance stood in the shadows and looked on as Lync arrived, watching as his biological father lay on the ground with a gun barrel to the back of his head. The only word that came to his mind was poetic justice, which happened to be the same thing the elder Barton was thinking. Clint had caught the burst of light from his peripheral vision and he knew someone else was on the scene now. He also knew that he to make his move now or the chance may not arrive again. The waking dream came to an end when an alarm came to life. It was show time. This was the fearful yet real dream that Clint had been fighting years to overcome. When Sean noticed the light, he turned his head for a split second in the light's direction. "You're early Lync." Of course Sean would not say what he had intended to do in the next few seconds had Lync not arrived. He would have taken care of the archer the same way Lync had tried to so many times, yet Sean would not have played any psychological games with the archer and allowed him to escape. It would be light's out. Clint however used the distraction to his advantage, twisting his body with his arms and hips to knock Sean off balance. The gun bounced to the pavement as Sean lost his footing and fell into a split crotched position. Sean considered going after the gun but realized it was useless at this close range. Both men were lethal weapons in their own rights. A gun was really just an afterthought. Clint looked upwards in Lync's direction as he quickly made his way to his feet and then turned his attention back to Sean. "I should have known you'd be here too. Lucky me...I get to kick your ass too." That was mostly for bravado and Clint knew that, especially when he heard Lync speak in reply. "Ye have nada idea mate." Lync turned his head to the shadows and called out. The portal behind him closed rapidly as he spoke until it was completely erased from the night. "Azad! Chance! Nada need fa ah charade now mates." Clint's eyes widened as he saw Azad walk out and stop next to Lync, mumbling under his breath. All the while however, Sean hadn't made an attack move on Clint which confused the archer even more. Just what the hell was going on here? Clint shook his head but shifted his eyes to look at his teammate for a brief moment, speaking in raspy voice in disgust. "Nice...I guess it's true what they say. Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer." Azad flashed a shit eating grin as he spoke to Clint. "Ditto asshole. How does it feel to be betrayed by one of your own?" Before Azad could speak again, Lync spoke out in a demanding manner. "Silence Azad!" He then turned his attention to Sean, nodding his head slightly in his direction. Sean nodded in return, whispering something in Gaelic before raising his right hand to press a small button on his left wrist and disappeared completely, teleporting away from Clint and across the dock yard where he re-appeared. Sean lifted his finger into the shape of a gun and jolted it before moving his finger to his lips and blowing on it. Lync placed his hands to his sides as his eyes slowly dimmed into their natural hues, relaxing in his stance. Clint however was still confused. He was apparently outnumbered and something just didn't feel right about the entire situation. A figure appeared of the shadows and into the light. Clint strained his eyes until the young man's face came into view from the light of nearby dock lights. Clint felt as if he knew already who it was the closer the young man came to him, yet, he had never seen him before in his life. The young man stopped a few feet away from Clint and spoke, his facial expression stoic. "Hello dad."   Avenger Disassembled Part 4 When I look you in your eyes I can see my own, Straight love manifested in flesh and bone.   The words spoken by the younger Barton caught the elder one by surprise, emotionally stunned him long enough that he lost complete focus on how dire his current situation was. Clint's eyes focused on the young man before him, taking in the sight of eyes that looked very much like his own before he blurted out emphatically. "Bullshit." For a very brief moment, there appeared to be an expression of hurt on the younger Barton's face. Clint continued on however, turning his eyes away from Chance and towards Lync. "This is your doing ain't it Nic?" Lync did not respond, instead he stood with a smile entrenched on his face triumphantly. In every way that mattered, this was the revenge he had wanted on Hawkeye for many years since his accident occurred by Clint's hand. Lync would call it the day of retribution when the child would strike down the father in blood as atonement for the elder's sins.  After a moment of silence, Lync spoke up, his eyes beginning to glow red once more in the night air. "It be true can thank ole Buck fa dat." Before Lync could finish his words however, Clint felt a violent smash upon his face, levied by the hand of the young man in front of him. It was enough to rattle his teeth and force Clint to stagger to one knee. Another force fist to his face quickly followed the first, knocking Clint backwards far enough that he had to catch himself with his hand to keep from falling completely to the pavement. Clint spit blood from his mouth, the result of a bit inner jaw and busted lip that was now mixing with the continuing rainfall. Chance yelled out to his father repeatedly, reaching for Clint's chin and forcibly tilting his head upwards to greet his eyes. "OCTOBER 12TH! Do YOU REMEMBER?!?" Chance pulled back his hand and slapped Clint across the face repeatedly, then reached for the crossbow perched on his upper leg while dropping his father's chin and standing up, execution style. Chance yelled out again, lifting the crossbow and directing its sights at his father. "DO YOU REMEMBER ME?!?" Clint eyes watered up when he heard the date. How could he not remember that date? It was the day that his first child would have been born had Bobbi not lost it. How did this man know that though....Unless he was telling the truth. Clint shook his head in disbelief and whispered softly through hurried breaths. "It can't be..." Lync had already began his walk towards the two Barton's during the aggression by Chance, still smiling approvingly. He placed a hand on Chance's shoulder from behind. "Chance..." Chance spun around quickly, placing the tip of an arrow from the crossbow against his mentor's forehead, looking Lync straight in the eye. "Don't touch me motherfucker!" Lync's eyes began to grow a brighter red as Chance yelled at him and Sean took notice. For all of Sean's bouts with near insanity, Chance had become very much like his own son. His hand slowly slipped to his wrist, pressing a button on his transport device. He completely vanished in the night and reappeared behind Lync, pulling a combat knife and literally stabbing Lync in the back. Lync did not feel the thrust of the blade into his back but did notice how he jolted forward from the impact. He also knew who had done this to him already. Sean's glance met Chance's as Lync turned around, grabbing Sean by the throat and using his telekinesis to slowly begin closing the Irishman's trachea. "Ye would dare mate?!?" Chance felt this was not right now...apparently something else had been planned by Lync that he did not about although it was apparent to him now that Sean did.    Avenger Disassembled Part 5 Life is not determined by your past judgements or failures. No, it is determined by what you do with the second chances that life lays in front of you. The location: The docks of District X The participants: Hawkeye, Chance Barton, Lync Gevoel, Sean Eamon, and Azad The time: The present...for now. Ever since the white even had occurred, the one that many referred to in this world as the House of M, Lync Gevoel had been etched in a never ending psychological war with Clint Barton. Both men were out of place in this world since the white event caused by the mutant witch, Wanda Maximoff. Memories had been warped, realities tied together by events that neither man could have known of. To Clint Barton and Lync Gevoel, they had known each other since they were teenagers in a carney. Yet, to one man, all of this had to be changed and he had gone through many ordeals to assure that his future would be changed for the better. No more destruction and poverty..his world would live again....and to accomplish this feat, Clint Barton had to die by his own son's hand. Lync was furious as he held Sean Eamon in a telekinetic choke hold, a man that he called a friend for many years since his arrival in this timeline. Blood ran profusely down the Irishman's back. He yelled out in the direction of Sean as the man dangled limply in the thin air. "Ye may have signed ye own death certificate mate!" Sean's eyes stayed focused on Chance as the man slowly faded into unconsciousness. Chance in turn knew this was his chance and raised his hand to the sky, looking in Azad's direction. No soon has his glance met the large dark skinned elemental than lighting ran down from the night heaven, striking Lync wear he stood. Lync dropped to one knee immediately, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter to regain strength even as his clothes smoked in the aftermath. Chance knew this was his only chance. He turned to face Clint again who seemingly was completely stunned by all that was going on and spoke in a hurried voice. "We got four seconds old man" Clint seemingly came to his senses as the young man spoke again but gave him a confused look. Clint replied. "Four seconds for what?" Before another word could be spoke, two gun's levitated from Lync's holsters attached to his upper legs  and into the air, one firing immediately in Azad's direction. A single dart zipped through the air, hitting the elemental in  his neck. The second gun rose in the air and begin spinning in a circle, almost as if it was playing a game of Russian roulette. Lync had not forgotten Sean however and had already outstretched his hand in his direction, lifting his former friend in the air in a tk field. Lync stood and rushed in his direction in mad dash, jumping into the air and beginning a upside down roundhouse kick, catching Sean with his foot beneath his chin. Just as he made contact, Lync released his grip on Sean and his neck snapped, sending the man hurling backwards and to the ground where landed on his back in a solemn thud. Lync landed to the ground in a crotched position, staring in a disappointed manner at Chance. All the while, Azad could already feel the effects of the poison that was introduced through the dart fired at him moments earlier by Lync. A swift wind came out of nowhere and lifted him in the air, taking him away from the conflict in a last ditch effort to get to the antidote he knew he would need to prolong his life. Chance knew he had to hurry or all of this would be for nothing. He had been trained to fight and survive but he had never gained complete control of his powers; to use them meant he had to focus all of his will. Most of the time, this left Chance in a vulnerable state of mind and he had to rely on instinct. Lync slowly raised from the crotched position, willing one of his guns to lower back into his hand. Shaking his head from side to side, he raised the gun in Clint's direction, speaking in a low Irish drawl. "Ye disappoint me boy...ah thought ye wanted dis as much as ye show ye true" Lync pulled back on the hammer of the gun and steadied his finger on the trigger, confident in this moment being the true end to the game between he and Hawkeye. Clint began to move his left hand towards his belt for a trick arrowhead, sure that he would have to find a way out once more. The man that claimed to be his son was the wild card however. Chance and Clint both remained quiet however but Chance met his mentor's eyes with a confident stare. Lync spoke once more. "It's been fun Barton..too bad ye did'na join me when ye had da chance. Ah'll see ye in hell." Lync pulled on the trigger and the dark flew out of the barrel of the gun. Chance jumped in front of his father, pulling a small round device from his belt and slamming it against his father's chest. Chance forced his will, slowing time into almost a standstill as he moved. He could see the dart getting closer to him and then turned his head towards his father, pushing him out of the way with his hand. Chance spoke although his voiced seemed like it was in slow motion. "Fooooooooouuuuuuurrrrr ssseeccccoooooonnnnndddddssss....saaaavvveeeee meeeeee daaaaaaaaaaadddd......Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee........." Everything was in slow motion now and Clint seemed to be stuck in slow motion as well, yet his mind raced along at normal speed. He realized what was happening now, even as the dart hit Chance in his neck and the young man began his slow decent to the pavement. The device that Chance had placed on Clint's chest began to blink quickly, engulfing the archer in a bright white light. 4, 3, 2, 1...and Clint was gone. Lync screamed out, dropping the gun instinctively and reaching to catch Chance at the last possible instant in his arms, yet yelling out and still trying to reach Clint with his other outstretched hand. "NOoooooooooOOOOOOOOoooOOooooo!" When the light faded, time resumed it's normal course and Lync lowered his head solemnly, speaking in a near whisper. "No boy..dis was our chance.....where did you send him?!?" Lync picked Chance up in his arms, raising to stand and cradling the young man along his neck with one arm, the other underneath his legs. His eyes began to glow and he raised them both up off of the ground and into the air. He had sixty minutes to give Chance the antidote or he would lose both Barton's this night.    Epilogue: Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. The Location: A whole new world...maybe? It had been a week since Clint awoke in a cold snowy field in the country and made his way to the city of Manhattan. He had no idea how he got there or why but residents in the small nearby town spoke of a bright light in the heavens the night that he arrived. Clint knew who he was but something about this place didn't make sense to him. People didn't recognize him the way he thought they would after the Chitauri invasion. He was even missing his military I.D.. He had a card in his wallet that said Avengers on it and a picture of him in a purple mask. All he could think about it was it must have been one wild night. After a few days of research and finding out where he actually lived again (He had went to some place in Manhattan where he thought he had a place and woke up by an old woman he slipped into bed with.) and clearing up the misunderstanding about it all, he was finally thinking he was in need of a psychologist. That was for later though and tonight he had work to do. After hours of waiting, someone finally came into the bar he had been staking out. Clint listened attentively through his hearing aide as the men spoke, making sure not to look interested "The folder wasn't there either Nick." An Irish man was standing near the bar speaking with another man. Only this one was in a fine Armani silk suite. "Then go to the next location and continue your search. Both our asses are on the line here." The man left, leaving the other at the bar. He had been given direct orders to find the information on the 7 Year Theory by Patrick O'Leary of the IRA. If he failed the cause again, he would surely lose his immigrant status and most likely, his life. 

Hephestus ⚒

11/30/2011 07: PM 

UH OH!!!

*Heph pushed Dite in the wheeled chair, hoping that the change of scenery would help her heal faster, and stave off the cabin fever she had mentioned.*

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

11/27/2011 12: PM 


A new up and coming rpg copied and pasted Deeper Than Blood's roles word for word. Including roles that are exclusive to us, (roles that we for the most part made up). Such as Shadow-Kissed Anna and Saint Vladimir. The characters themselves belonged to Richelle Mead, but the Vampire Academy books provided limited information. We made up everything about them, so we do not appreciate others sealing their information from us. They changed the playbys, but otherwise kept everything else. Every rpg, help site and premades site has to deal with jocking occasionally. We have dealt with it twice before, but never, EVER like this. Rather than make the effort to write up their own roles, they chose to copy and paste ours. The proof is here: Our blog: still need prof after that?well then here... This roles where written out by our Lissa before there was every any info about this characters. and they kept it word by word still...Ours: you can see, they copied it word for word. They only changed the playby to somebody else. All of their other roles look the same as ours as well. The profile itself is still blank, so who is to say that they haven't stolen our codes as well? OR YOURS? block this rpg and repost this bulletin to avoid anymore stealing. 

ѕaиguiиaяy яσsa

11/23/2011 07: PM 


Disclaimer: I shouldn't have to say this, especially on this website, but if I don't there will be some dummy who will be all like "OMG are you the real Rosalie(Nikki Reed)?" No I am not. Nikki is to busy doing everything for whatever she'd filming right now. And Rosalie is a made up character no matter how much you wish she and the rest of the Cullens could be real. I am simply a roleplayer. 1.) Momma Rosie/Rochester Raised; Both are my names. I have come up with both. Rochester Raised was what I was known as on myspace and on here before Breaking Dawn Part 1 came out. Then I made it Momma Rosie because of the protectiveness that came out in Rose towards Nessie and Bella.2.) 18+: I am over the age of 18. You don't need to know how much. I know that there aren't many mature themes other than violence/blood and "Breaking Houses" that are in the Twilight series, but if I want some to be in my roleplay than it will be. I'm just letting you know in advance that there may be mature themes in my roleplay.3.) Grammar & Spelling; Is a must. I may slip up every now and then. Everyone makes mistakes after all it's what makes us all human. But at least check over your writing before sending it. I know browsers such as Opera, Chrome and maybe Firefox have spell check, but you still need to check your grammar.4.) World Languages: I speak French, English and some Spanish. French is my first language. As you can see though that doesn't really effect my writing. My parents were from France and moved to the US when I was two. So I've been taught English since I was five. 5.) Para/Multi-Para/Novella - I do anything from Para on up. That means from one paragraph (5-7 well written sentences) to around six or seven is as high as I will go. I always try to give back what I get so if you send five well written paragraphs I will give you that back or close to that. If you give me one poorly written paragraph I may reply or I may not but it won't be my best writing. I DON'T REPLY TO ONE-LINERS.6.) Stealing; Don't do it. My pictures all either have "Momma Rosie" or "Rochester Raised" on them. I wrote the story on my page as well as anything else that is on my page. Just don't steal anything that's mine please and thank you.7.) God-modeing. Obviously, don't do it. As simple as that.8.) The last for now. I have an AU ending for Rosalie. It goes past Breaking Dawn. If you want to be cannon then so be it, but I prefer to go by my AU ending so if you'd like please read the second half of the bio on my page.  That's all for now. Please don't sign with 'read and understood' that's boring and how everyone signs rules.


11/22/2011 01: PM 

Thanksgiving with Friends
Current mood:  adored

Krystal was at home as she was making so much food for her friends that she would be hoping that they would come to it for she was all alone in the world . No family at all except for Jam . She made Turkeys and veggies and pies and cakes all laid out for everyone to enjoy at least she hope. ooc: If you can post between now and sunday your good for me .Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with

Yzak Joule

11/21/2011 02: PM 

Protocol (guidelines)

1. I am a para to novella Rper but I will accept the entire spectrum short of one liners as they don't give me enough to work with in order to reply. I like detail so I stress quality of quantity. I don't care if you can write me a book-ish reply length wise, if it's dull and boring I'm going to fall asleep long before I ever finish reading it. As long as you keep me interested in our rp, then I'll keep responding to you, if not don't be surprised if I fall silent. 2. I don't like pupeteering, godmoding, autoing, or metagaming. It's a quick way to annoy me so just don't do it. If you don't know the meaning of any one of those, then feel free to ask me and I'll try to explain it to you as best I can. 3. If you'd like to contact me outside of this site feel free to do so but make sure you identify yourself so I can recognize you and not flag you as spam.MSN: [email protected]. I work 40 hours a week, and have other RL responsibilities to attend to so I won't always be the most active. If it takes me awhile to get to you, be patient or if a week or more goes by and you still are waiting on a reply from me politely remind me as I may have forgotten.5. Yzak has a nasty temper, don't take it personal if he blows up in your face for some reason. I'll try to play his personality as closely as I can to what is portrayed in GS/GSD.6. I've been rping for six years or so now, I'm not new to rp or the drama that can sometimes come along with it. I'm tired of the drama fests after being involved in the MySpace community. Keep the drama away from me and out of my sight otherwise all parties involved will be removed from my list. I'll give one warning if I see it, a second offense and you will be deleted.I may add to this from time to time so check back occasionally to see if new rules have been added. To show you've read these rules completely you must answer a question in your post. What is your favorite Gundam character from any Gundam series?

Hephestus ⚒

11/16/2011 05: PM 

The Children of Hephestus

Hephestus fathered many children, though he did not raise them, as most were created for a specific purpose.  Aglaea Eucleia Euthenia Eupheme Philophrosyne Aetna The Palici Cabeiro The Cabeiri Gaia Erichthonius Anticleia Periphetes by unknown mothers Ardalus Cercyon (possibly) Olenus Palaemonius, Argonaut Philottus Pylius Spinter (this roleplay character has other children, listed below) Tethys, a titaness, taking refuge with Hephestus after the titans fell, and the Olympians took over 1. Creed - Born without his father's knowledge, Creed was kidnapped by pirates and eventually became one. His mother poisoned him against his father, and he despises him. 8.Calypso 1.Gemma - the daughter of Hephestus and Calypso, an island nymph. Calypso is the daughter of Tethys, making Gemma the niece of her half brother, Creed. Calypso raised Gemma without Hephestus, she did not tell him about his daughter until Gemma was grown. Gemma did not know her father, and want to associate herself with the Olympians or the nymphs, and chose to live alone. She lived aline in peace and quiet until Creed's pirates killed her and the other daughters of Hephestus, and delivered their bodies to their father's forge, Hephestus laid his daughters to rest. But Ena was able to bring only one of her half sisters back to life, Gemma. For now, Gemma is living in her father's home, recovering emotionally from her violent death. 9. Zea 1.Riona - Born of a torrid love affair between the forge god and Zea, a nymph, Riona was created out of pure love. Zea read her daughter while still in the womb, and found that she was a rogue queen. Knowing that her daughter would be killed of she remained in the Grecian realm, Zea left with her child, never to see her lover again. Zea settled into the realm of dragons and merrows, transforming herself and her daughter into merrows. After Riona was born, Maia, queen of the nymphs, revealed to Zea's mind that she knew of her daughter, and would find them. In an effort to keep her beloved child safe, Zea left her daughter in the realm of dragons and merrows, and sacrificed herself to Maia, enduring decades of torture for the sake of her beloved baby. Riona went on to eventually marry the king of the realm, and gave birth to prince Drakon. He became engaged to Aphrodite, who gave birth to Alexandra, whom Hephestus adopted. A daughter of Alexandra, who was a rogue queen, prompted Hephestus to read the Queen, looking for answers. His read revealed that the Queen was indeed his long lost child. And eventually, the father and daughter rescued Zea from the nymphs, and now Riona finally has the relationship with her parents she craved her entire life 10. Aphrodite 1. Melanthe - Melanthe is the product of a drunken one night stand between Hephestus and Aphrodite, though they didn't know it until centuries later. Both disguised as mortals to get a little peace, they met up in a bar and engaged in a drunken tryst. Aphrodite later gave birth to the child and told her priestess to deliver the child to an orphanage, but the priestess took the child to Hephestus instead. The old god loved his little daughter, and doted upon her. He created whole gardens for her, as she loved flowers. Sadly, Melanthe was struck down by Hera, who wanted to punish her hated son. Hephestus placed his daughter into a frozen chamber, and using his powers, eventually brought Melanthe back to life, unbeknownst to Hera! 2.Cressida - Hephestus created the first woman, sculpting her face to resemble the most beautiful female he had ever seen: Aphrodite. Then he pricked his finger, using his own blood to give the girl life. His blood flowing through her veins, her face changed to resemble both Aphrodite and himself. But when she was presented to Zeus, the resemblance was plain to the king of the gods, and Zeus ordered Hephestus to destroy Cressida and begin again. Unable to destroy the girl, he made her his daughter and hid her away in his home. It was later discovered that Dione, mother of Aphrodite, put the essense of Aphrodite into the ruby used as Cressida's heart. That caused a connection between the girl and the goddess, and Cressida was eventually adopted by Aphrodite, and made one of her own children. Cressida is a very capable huntress, can slink around unseen and unheard, and has many other talents. She is very shy, just like her father, but is also very protective of her father. 3.Alexandra - Aphrodite's daughter with Drakon the Prince of the dragons. After DK's (Drakon) death, Aphrodite was married off to Hephestus by Zeus, and Alexandra was adopted by Hephestus as a toddler. Hephestus loves Alexandra, and raised her with Aphrodite as his own. 4. Ena - The long lost twin of Alexandra, she came to Hephestus looking for work. It was later revealed that she was meant to live with her grandmother, but was kidnapped by Creed while still in a faux womb, then abandoned after he believed she had died. She grew up on the street, and was tired and worn when she came to Hephestus. He reunited her with her mother, grandmother, and her twin sister. Ena now lives in the castle with her grandmother, and has been adopted by Hephestus. 5.Hayley - The child of love, she was conceived when her parents were first married, and her existence caused her parents to realize that they were indeed in love with each other. 6.Ace - Creed tricked Aphrodite into giving him a child by disguising himself as her husband. Creed then cast a spell on the child, so that Aphrodite would hate her son when he was born. Hephestus then made the boy his own son, and their love cancelled out Creed's spell. 7.Opal - When the forge god's hand accidentally slipped on a sharp edge, and his blood spilled on the tiny Opal girl he was carving, she came to life, and became his daughter. She eventually won the heart of the love goddess, and was adopted by Aphrodite. 8.Peter - another creation of Hephestus, accidently brought to life, he also won the heart of the love goddess and was adopted by her. A constant threat on Hera's part has Hephestus concerned that there is a curse on the forge god's seed, and because Peter is only of his blood, and not Aphrodite's, that Peter will one day become evil, as Hephestus' other son's had before him. 9.Ruby - When Hephestus and Aphrodite were first married, Hephestus sought to make his wife a gift. So he carved beautiful ruby statues for her temple. But when he accidentally brought one to life, spilling his blood on it after receiving a cut on his hand, the forge god's panicked, and turned her back to stone. Distraught, believing that he'd killed his child, Hephestus aimed years before making his child flesh again, seeking to give her a proper burial. When he made her flesh, he found that she was still alive, and had been frozen in the ruby form all those years. She could hear and see, but that was all. Hephestus promptly sought his daughter's forgiveness, and brought her into his family. His wife chose to adopt her, also, and Ruby is a child of Hephestus and Aphrodite now. 10. & 11.Maylie and Theo - Twin children of Aphrodite and Hephestus, they were conceived in such intense love and passion, that the seal Aphrodite had placed around her womb was breached, causing her to become pregnant. Theo was struck down in the womb, taken by Hades. He would only give Theo back in exchange for a child of his own, causing Hephestus to eventually create a child of stone, bring him to life, and give him to Hades (Gabriel). 12.Henrik - Hephestus had created a statue in the likeness of himself as a child, without his deformities and scars. Upon seeing it in the forge, Aphrodite fell in love with the statue, and spilled her blood on him, causing him to live, and become her son. Henrik was mortal, and became ill. His illness eventually caused his death, and Hephestus gave up his immortality to save Henrik, making the boy his own son as well as Aphrodite's. 13.Gabriel - Gabe was the child given to Hades, though he was mistreated and neglected to the point that Hephestus and Aphrodite went to the underworld and stole him back. Aphrodite poured her essense into him, making Gabe her son as well. 14. Laurel - the child of Creed and Bianca, Laurel was dumped in a trash heap by her mother. Rescued by a group of homeless men, the child was deposited in an orphanage in the realm of Dragon's Den. Found by her grandfather as a toddler, Hephestus and Aphrodite adopted Laurel and became her new parents. 15. Bianca - Bianca was the child of his beloved wife, stolen from her at birth. She was used as a good luck charm, the man who stole her profiting from the child's biology by renting her out, until she was old enough to work. It was then that she was sold, and became a servant. Bianca was sold multiple times, and was moved from country to country, until she was sold to a man in Dragon's Den. When her master there allowed her to be used by the pirate Creed in a union that produced a child (Laurel), she finally ran away. For a time, she lived alongside Ena in the forest, unaware that they were really sisters. Upon giving birth, Bianca threw her baby away. Being mortal, Bianca was only 14 years old when she gave birth, and was afraid, as she believed that the man who sired her child was a demon. And she was also unprepared and uninterested in being a mother, particularly to the child of such an evil being. She lived in the forest for a while, until her previous master found her, and proceeded to beat her. Hephestus saw and purchased her from her master, and it was then that he felt his wife's blood in the girl. With help from her mother, Bianca discovered that she had been lied to by the man who she thought was her father, but was really her kidnapper. She realized that her mother truly loved her, and she now lives with her. Only Hephestus knows that Zeus was responsible for Bianca's kidnapping in the first place.16. Frederick - Called Freddie, the son of Aphrodite and Angus Celtic god of love. He was conceived by rape, but Hephestus and Aphrodite faked a miscarriage, and Freddie is now the son of Hephestus. His genetics were not changed, but the forge god replaced Angus' essence with his own, so that no one will ever know that he was not the boy's biological father.         1. Ealanor - Frederick's future child with Octavia, has the ability to travel through time. She has traveled back on numerous occasions to warn her grandparents of terrible events that they have the ability to change in their present time. 17. Juniper (June) - the daughter of Hera, she was created just like Hephestus, but was deemed too ugly and crippled by Hera, and she threw her out of her window on Olympus. Having been warned by one of Hera's priestesses, Hephestus was able to rescue her, and he and Aphrodite made her their own baby. 18. Lucas Killian - put under a spell by Creed, Aphrodite conceived a child with him. Upon being freed from the spell, Aphrodite returned to Hephestus and he made the baby boy his own son. Pandora - Hephestus considers Pandora to be one of his children, as it was he who created her, molding and sculpting her form with his own hands. He watches over her, wishing only the best for this very special daughter.

©Bumble Bee;

11/12/2011 10: PM 

Hey, Connect Four was happening. It gets my blood up.

rules and regulationsDisclaimer-I wish to the high heavens that I was Dianna Agron, she is simply gorgeous and an absolutely amazing creature, but no, I'm not her. I am not even Bridget O'Byrne. She was created by the lovely owners of Whispering Walls, Sabella Rose O'Brion and Carolina Jess Evenson. They get the full credit for this drunk Hufflepuff and I wouldn't dare taking it from them. Do not message me, or comment me and ask if I am either or them, because all you'll receive is a fat sack of sarcasm and an even bigger virtual black eye; I really don't like repeating myself. Despite the fact that WW no longer exists, the creation of Bridget herself is credited to them. I have allowed her to breathe new life in several different ways, and I also was given permission by her original creator to do so.Writing Style-I am a multi-para to novella style RPer. That being said, the least that I will accept is two paragraphs. I'm not going to tell you how many sentences that is, because everyone ought to know how much that is and I will feel like an utter twat if I have to sit here and count them, just to let you know that your reply really wasn't long enough for my standards, okay? Good. As for the most that I will accept...we-ell, I don't think that I can really put a length on that, because I've sent some bloody long replies/starters in my time, and I'll return what I receive. After all, fair is fair.Grammar & Spelling-I won't pretend to know absolutely every word in the dictionary, but it would be lovely if you all would send me a comment that is grammatically correct; as well as the spelling. I won't shoot you down in flames if you spell something wrong every now and then; even I do it from time to time, but please check first. As long as I can read and understand what it is that you're attempting to tell me, that is all that I really ask aside from you trying. I can be anal about it if I get into a mood about something that happened either in RL, or hell, if someone accused me of something that I didn't do, so the best thing that you can do is double check your spelling before sending me something. Now, OOC talk is different, because if you're in a bit of a lazy mood, and can't be bothered, the only thing that I ask, is that I can read what it is that you're saying to me. Also, please be sure that you can actually spell 'Bridget O'Byrne' because no one likes receiving a comment where the name of your character is spelt incorrectly. Nicknames are fine, but if we haven't started to RP yet, and you call me something else, then I'm going to do something that I dislike doing, and ignoring your comment completely. If you didn't take the time to really read the comment, that I sent you then I'm not going to want to reply to you.Replies & Starters-Guess who can be the laziest cat when it comes to sending replies and starters? *thrusts hand up in the air* That doesn't mean that I won't get to them at all, because I always get to my replies unless you disappear, or quit the RPG, so the only thing that I ask from you is a little patience. I have some semblance of a life, and there are times when I just cannot force myself to reply because I know that my replies are going to be crappy thanks to a little thing called writer's block. It is the bane of my existence, and if I'm having a really bad time thinking about a reply, then there is no saying how long you may have to wait. I can't give you an exact time frame, because I really don't know myself, but rest assured that I will get to them. I am a human not a computer so don't hound me for replies unless your name is Adam Joseph Thackeray. Aside from Adam, I tend to reply to my lovely Celeste rather quickly too, and then comes whomever I feel like, usually those that I have amazing storylines with. Aside from my major connections, if we're RPing, and you are not a member of Whispering Walls RPG, I feel obliged to inform you right here, and right now that WW members come before anyone else, so you may have to wait longer. It's just the way that things work, because the RPG members are my top priority.As for starters, I'm sick to death of sending starters, and then getting nothing in return because said person a). Quit the RPG b). Cannot be bothered replying to me or c). Disliked my reply enough to delete it and then me in the process. If you're going to ignore my starter, then I simply am going to stop offering to send them. I've sent them to so many people lately, and if just a few more of them go to waste, then I am going to scream, and then refuse to send them to another person but I really do not want to do that, so just make sure that if you're going to insist that I send the starter, that you actually respond to it.God-Moding-This is also known as so many other different things, powerplay, meta-gaming etc, but the point is that I control my own character and you control your own. Understood? I won't blow up at you if you're talking for someone else in our RP, I do it all the time, but I cross the line at you talking for me and vice versa. I won't do it to you, so don't do it to me. It's really simple.Now, if you have to tug her along into some corridor, or classroom to get her alone in the starter, by all means do so, but make sure that you let me know what it is that you're doing with a little foot note once the reply is sent. It's common courtesy, and if I do something like that to you for whatever reason, I ALWAYS apologise first.I'm not completely against anyone cursing Bridget, but just know that if it's the Cruciatus Curse, I'm going to pretend that it simply didn't happen. Same goes with the Imperius Curse, because you cannot make her do something that she doesn't want to do to. Do not attempt to kill off Bridget unless we have discussed a dark, and somewhat twisted storyline, where you attempt it, but it doesn't happen because she isn't going to die. Well, maybe she might one day, and most likely from alcohol poisoning, but that doesn't happen whilst she is still a Hogwarts student. Understood? Good. Rape is also another no-no. It's not going to happen, because I will delete you, or if you're an RPG member, I will let Carolina and Sabella know, because it's not something that anyone should have to deal with. Canon-I am canon as canon can be. What I mean, is that I am sticking to Bee 100% and nothing that you can say will change that. You won't find her standing on a coffee cart in the middle of the Great Hall and declaring her love for Adam, nor will you find her linking arms with Sarah Winters and running down the halls, giggling over the latest magical fashion magazine or hugging because Adam turned her down flat. Or, in a somewhat extreme case, you won't even find her sitting straight on her broom, and catching the snitch and then parading it around with a big, goofy smile on her face because she finally caught the snitch whilst being incredibly sober; that just isn't going to happen. Perhaps in your dreams it might happen, but it's not something that you'll see. Yes, she becomes incredibly depressed in her sixth year after the break up, and yes, she does things that would shock the rest of the school who knew her simply as the beautiful but completely drunk Hufflepuff Seeker who just isn't the one that boys chase because once the sun goes down, she's just a mess. If you have some problem with the way that I am playing her, take it up with me in a message, but I'm not going to change who she is just because you don't think that it suits her.Stealing-s not only a mmajor offense, but something that I will not take lightly. Everything that you see on my page has been made by Prima from High Times so if I find something on your page, and I didn't give you the permission to take it, or even to have it, then you will most certainly be hearing from me... and then her, because I will be letting her know. I'm not about to spread your name all over the bulletins, nor will I make people block you unless I am unfortunately unable to get you to take it down, in which case I will be forced to tell all those that I know that own RPG's, whoring sites, etc and then THEY will be the ones that blacklist you. I really, really do not want to have to do that sort of thing, because I don't like to use my connections in such a way, so the easiest thing that you can do is NOT steal anything from my page. Got it? Good.Now, there are tons and tons; literally thousands of people that use Dianna Agron as their playby right now, and I have quite a few pictures in my album and even more on my computer, the one thing that I ask that you don't do is steal the photos that either I have edited, have come from premade sites or those that other people have edited for me. If you would like one of the photos that I have, I'll give you the original and you can do with it whatever you wish, but just know that if you take them without my knowledge, I will come down on you so fast that you wish you'd never done it. Yes, I realise that this clashes with the first part of this rule, but the point of it is that you shouldn't do it particularly with those photos that were made for me by other people; it's rude, and it's wrong. If you want one, go find a premade site, or edit one yourself, but you're definitely getting the ones that were made for me. I refuse to add other Di Agron playbys for this very reason.Maturity-By this, I don't simply mean that you have to be of age, because let's face it, do you really become more mature the night of your eighteenth birthday? I felt exactly the same as I have done the past few years, so what I mean by maturity is something that you should all already know, and I really don't want to bore anyone else by going into it. Now, on this page there WILL be drinking, sex, swearing, perhaps smoking and a few other things, so just be aware that I do mature content, and that is something that will never change. If you have some major issues with it, let me know, but please don't expect too much because Bridget is an alcoholic, and I can't change that even if I wanted to - which I do not wish to do. If you are totally against it, just let me know and we won't RP, but then I will be somewhat saddened by that fact, because I like to at least attempt to RP with every single member of this amazing RPG.In keeping with the remark about sex being on this page, I'm taking this opportunity to remind each and every single one of you that Bridget's relationship with Adam is a secret. If someone were to find out about them, they wouldn't surely be punished most severely, and that is the last thing that they need. So, don't come up to me in the middle of class, and tell me that you know all about the two of them, and are going to expose their relationship, because I might just laugh in your face. Got it? Fantasic.Drama-Let me put it to you very simply right now: IC drama is very much welcomed because I believe that it helps to keep the storyline running along smoothly, and all that sort of jazz. I don't mean like tons of drama, although I don't actually think that I would be opposed to that just as long as it makes sense to me, as well as our characters.Now, as for OOC drama...don't bring it to my page. It's that simple, okay? I have enough going on in RL without the added drama of others. Now, I'm good if you want to vent and stuff like that, I love to help people out, but if you're going to drag me into your drama, and make me mediate a conversation with yourself and the person you're having issues with in RL in MSN or Facebook, then I am going to drawn the line. It's just not something that I do, so quite simply, keep it away from me. I'll keep my dramas to myself, and you'll do the same, and we'll be as happy as Larry.Also, if for some strange problem you have an issue with me for whatever reason, please take it up with me personally. By this, I mean a simple message, where you tell me what it is that I do, and that you don't like that I'm doing, and I'll do what I can to see where you're coming from, but you have to meet me half-way. I don't like to read about myself on the RPG Formspring, because you have an issue with me or something like that. Just come to me personally, because I do not want to be one of those girls that starts/gets involved in drama; that's one of the things that I have always stayed away from, and I don't plan to stop doing that right now or ever.I Am Not A Number-I'm a human. Not a machine; not a number and certainly NOT an item of you to collect. That's just wrong, okay, and by wrong, I mean that it is wrong in more ways than one. I collect paperclips, especially if they're striped or purple and what not, and I count them, but if you try and collect me, I will delete you. I want to RP with people, so to put it simply, if you have something like 300 plus friends, and you're not an RPG, then I am going to deny you. I refuse to just sit there, when you have so many other people that you ought to be RPing with. If you add me, I will expect to see a message in my inbox, or a comment to inform me that you would like to discuss a storyline. I don't add people that aren't RPG members by myself, but if I accept you, then that message better be there. Treat me like a number, and you will be blocked and deleted so fast you won't know what hit you.OOC-Surprise! I actually do tend to talk OOC at times, especially if you've been around for quite some time, and we get along like a house on fire, but that doesn't mean that I am going to stop replying or signing into my account(s) because I don't do that, I don't RP just to make friends in other countries and all that sort of jazz; I RP because I love it. Now, there are those that I feel incredibly comfortable speaking with OOC, and they know who they are, because the feeling is rather mutual, but just keep in mind that if you want to talk OOC with me, we HAVE to be RPing the first place. You don't have one without the other, and the RPing comes first for me.Now, we're going to talk about a topic that I almost forgot to mention, and then realised that I really needed to because it'll hopefully stop the stalking. I DO RP sex, and I do do it in comments because I tend to forget about messages if I have any RP's going on in them. However, I will remain loyal to that person, and that person is none other than Adam Joseph Thackeray. So, unless you're Adam, and there is only one Adam, then we will not be shagging. Understood? Good.Other Accounts-Now, when I say RL, I mean that I have things that I have to get to away from my life here, so if I'm not on for a brief period of time, Carolina and Sabella will already have been notified, but I will return. If I'm having an excruciating bad day, then the chances of me coming on are slim to none, because I don't want to drag anyone into my sh*te. My family come first, for reasons that a few people know of, and unless I let you into my RL, then you probably won't get that either. If something has happened, I won't be here and even if I am here, I won't be in much of a talking mood, so it's best that I stay away if those sort of things are happening OOC. I can't control them, but if you're going to bitch me out about it, don't say that I didn't warn you in the first place.Yes, I do have other accounts, so I will not be here twenty-four hours, seven days a week. I tend to sign in pretty much every day, but my timing is always wack because I live in Australia, and although I don't get to my replies every single day, there are more than one reason for that as you will know if you actually read every single one of these rules carefully. Now, when I say other accounts, I also mean an RPG that I own with a close friend of mine, and another that is just starting up now that I'm helping to run; I guess it's lucky that I have the time right now. I don't feel like plugging them in the middle of my rules, so if you want to know what they are, look out for bulletins, because I will whore them out. Or, if you are one of those lazy ones that don't even read the bulletins but you're curious as to know what they are, message me, and I will be glad to tell you what they are. However, the other accounts, aside from Elle Flint, are not part of this RPG and therefore, unless you really want to RPG with me elsewhere, you won't find out who they are. Some people already know, and others don't, but Elle and Bee are the only second generation Harry Potter verse accounts that I have.Proof-Yupp, I am looking for proof that you have actually read and understood these rules to the fullest capacity, so I want you to tell me three things:What the item is that I collect.What television show the coffee cart reference in the canon rule comes from. (I'll give you a hint, there is a member in this RPG that has the playby of the girl it happened to and the name of this blog is a quote from the same show.)Your favourite quote of all time.:Once all that is done, do not put read and understood in the comment, because I will delete it, and tell you to re-sign them. Also, signing these after reading them is definitely something that needs to happen. Don't just read them and walk away, actually SIGN them.More will be added if I deem it necessary.

Athrun Zala- The Red Knight

11/07/2011 09: PM 

Guidlines (*Updated 8/4/12)

1. I am a para to novella Rper but I will accept the entire spectrum short of one liners as they don't give me enough to work with in order to reply. I like detail so I stress quality of quantity. I don't care if you can write me a book-ish reply length wise, if it's dull and boring I'm going to fall asleep long before I ever finish reading it. As long as you keep me interested in our rp, then I'll keep responding to you, if not don't be surprised if I fall silent. 2. I don't like pupeteering, godmoding, autoing, or metagaming. It's a quick way to annoy me so just don't do it. If you don't know the meaning of any one of those, then feel free to ask me and I'll try to explain it to you as best I can. 3. If you'd like to contact me outside of this site feel free to do so but make sure you identify yourself so I can recognize you and not flag you as spam. My AIM sn: TatooineSon1 , , 4. I'm fairly new to the RP aspect of the Gundam verse as I got my start in the massive Star Wars verse on MySpace over five years ago. So if I make mistakes, politely point them out to me and I'll learn and try to correct them. I won't be offended provided your polite about it. 5. I work 40 hours a week, and have other RL responsibilities to attend to so I won't always be the most active. I also have more than one account so I do have to spread my time and attention between them. If it takes me awhile to get to you, be patient or if a week or more goes by and you still are waiting on a reply from me politely remind me as I may have forgotten.*6. Drama and threats- Don't even think about bringing it my way, either directly at me or at those close to me. I won't tolerate drama queen's or those so arrogant and insecure that they feel they need to threaten any one in any way. If your on this site your obviously old enough to talk about problems... threats, blackmail, and drama isn't talking it's stupidity and I won't put up with it. Don't like it... tough I'm not here to hold your hand, I'm here to tell you what I expect from you when it comes to the basics of showing respect. If you find my bluntness rude... then see your way off my page now before you can cause me a headache.*7. In addition to working full time as stated in rule 5, I also have several health problems that at times make it very difficult for me to always log in and at times make it hard for me to come up with replies to roleplays and story lines in a timely fashion. I hate that sometimes it may take me months to be able to write out just one reply to a rp or sl that I'm involved with, but due to my health issues I can't always help it. If you can't work around that and still enjoy chatting and rping with me, then leave now because that's something I have no control over.*8. This is your warning in case you couldn't tell already, I can be a very blunt, sarcastic, cynical ass at times. That's just how I am, but I can also be one of the most caring, loyal, and understanding friends you could find. Just don't mistake me for being the type to be very forgiving if you cross me or betray me. I'll admit, I hold grudges but I won't attack you for them. I can be vengeful at times, but I don't go out of my way to hurt people only prove points. I'm a very tolerant person, but betrayal and hurting those I see as friends is the quickest way to find yourself on the wrong end of my temper. I come here to relax and take my mind off the nightmare of always being sick and/or in a lot of pain... sometimes this is the only respite I have... don't ruin it for me with stress and drama.

Lord Vader

11/01/2011 03: PM 


~ Disclaimer: I am not nor will I ever claim to be the person you see in any picture you find on my page. I am a role player nothing more, the images give my character a face and Darth Vader is the creation of LucasFilms. Before I launch into my rules I warn you my character isn't a Cannon Vader. That being said his history and actions will reflect that. If you don't like it you can see your way off my friends list. If your willing to be open minded about it then by all means add me as a friend and RP with me. 1) I tend to be multi-para and when creative enough novella, but that doesn't mean I won't speak with you just because you can't keep up with me in length. I only ask that you make an attempt but don't sacrifice detail in order to match me. I'd like to be able to stay awake long enough to read your comment and think of a reply.2) If your one that likes to start drama and cause problems don't bother adding me or if you have see your way off my list. I won't stand for it nor will I play nice should you dump it on me. I've been in RP for far too long to enjoy putting up with stupidity and childish pettiness.3) I'm an adult so don't be surprised if my language and writing style reflects that. In RL I tend to curse like a sailor, I try to keep it down here but there are times where you may see it. If your offended easily I'm probably not one your going to want to RP with much without warning me of that before hand, as I'm not afraid to be graphic when the situation requires it.4) Messages are for ooc and story line brainstorming only. RP is blogs and comments only.5) Don't auto, puppeteer, or god-mode Lord Vader or you'll get a nasty response as I won't tolerate it.6) Relationships- My character is married to Lady Nikita. Sorry girls I'm off limits. I highly doubt any of you wish to incur the wrath of a Sith'ari nor mine. Vader is a very complicated, closed person so don't be surprised if he's hard to understand or grow close to.That's all I have for now, but I'm not afraid to add more as I think of them.

Lord Vader

11/01/2011 03: PM 

Path to Redemption: Vader's chapter

"Make peace with him... for me."Her request for him to make peace with Skywalker echoed in his head as he sat alone in meditation. The Darkside of the Force surrounded him, comforting him, protecting him as he reflected on the second chance he'd been given at life. Never did he expect to be able to have the freedom to be with his family again. Though he had an odd way of expressing his love for them by most people's standards, he loved them none the less. Nikita was one of the few people in his life that truly knew him on a personal level... she knew the man behind the monster so to speak. She'd been at his side with unwavering loyalty since the fall of the Old Republic.A coy smirk tugged at his lips as he focused his thoughts on those he cared for, that he trusted to never betray him. Vader could see the image of his wife in his mind, a woman that to him was the perfection of a Darksider. While he surpassed her in brute strength she made up for it with speed, stealth, and at times an unsurpassed viciousness... something that caused him to love her all the more. She was just as cruel as he was, just as guarded, making them a stronger team in his eyes. Drawing in a deep breath he shifted his focus slightly to their children. His anger flared, his smirk faded as he reminded himself of the fact that their mother had given them over to the Jedi. It had been his hope that they would train their children together in the ways of the Sith.Just as his anger flared he could hear the Force whispering to him of Aaron and Allana's destiny. She was meant to become a Greysider; a path that in Vader's mind was the most deadly, and he was meant to return to learn from Vader himself. To him Greysiders seemed more dangerous than the Sith or Jedi, as you dealt with an unknown with a Grey that didn't exist with any other path. While he knew his daughter would always have a soft spot for the Sith he knew she'd never return to what she once was. Though this didn't please him he released his anger. He knew it was pointless to hold onto it when the Force whispered that what he desired for his oldest children could never become truth.Calming himself again, his focus shifted once more. His vision was filled with the image of his wife once again. Even though she was six months along with their second son she carried on with her normal tasks in a way that made it hard to believe, save for the slight stomach she now possessed. This would be his third child, his second chance to learn to be a parent. He swore to himself that he wouldn't fail any of his children again. Centering himself within his current calmness he opened himself further to the Force. As he felt it flow through him he allowed it to direct his mind as it wished, no longer controlling his focus he welcomed any vision the Force wanted him to see.(His vision)- Massive fleet converged in an unknown location. Their numbers bloated with huge obsidian colored capital ships, some of them appeared to be larger than any ship Vader had ever seen. There was no doubt all of them were armed to the teeth with top of the line weapons and defensive systems. Upon a closer look one would see small shuttles and frigates transporting supplies from a station to the various ships, fueling, arming and stocking goods the crews would need once underway. -To one who'd seen as many wars as Vader he knew instantly it was a fleet assembled for one purpose... the destruction of an enemy. The question was who was behind the massive build up, and who was their intended target? The answers to those questions eluded him, distressing him further as he could feel the Dark Side of the Force radiating strongly from the fleet... It radiated in a way that felt familiar to him, it reminded him of the aura that surrounded a Sith'ari. Sighing as he opened his eye he ran his hand through his hair briefly. It worried him to think a Sith'ari could be lurking among the crew of one or more of the ships he'd seen. And what if they were planning on attacking the Empire? Who would Nikita side with? Would he be forced to turn on his love?"No never! She'd never turn against me. She's been at my side through too much to abandon me now." He thought to himself as his stair settled on his saber hilt. She would fight alongside him just as she always had... but who would he side with? This unknown foe or Skywalker's ever growing Empire? Though he and Skywalker didn't get along he knew at the end of the day Skywalker would have his back if he found himself in more trouble than he could handle. He also knew if he sided with him no one would ever try to control his life nor Nikita's ever again.

Spanish Editor

10/31/2011 10: PM 

Roles Needed

In the order that I need themDaniel Meade (play by Eric Mabius): He is Betty's Lovie interest. Known each other for years but didn't realize how he felt until she was leaving for London , He followed her there, professed His love and have been together ever since (now they live in NY)Alexis Meade: (play by Rebecca Romijn) Daniel's Sister ,Tyler's Half sister, Claire's DaughterClaire Meade: (play by Judith Light) Daniel ,Alexis and Tyler's Mom.Amanda Tannen: (Play by Becki Newton): Betty's Best Friend , is fashion stylist for ModeHilda Suarez Talercio: (Play by Ana Ortiz) Betty's Sister, Bobby's Wife, Justins �mom.Bobby Talercio (play by Adam Rodriguez): Hilda's husband, Justin's Step Dad, Betty's Brother in lawJustin Suarez (Play by Mark Indelicato) Hilda's Son, Bobby's step son, Betty's Nephew)Marc (Play by Micheal Urie) Wilhelmina's assistant, He looks up to her thinks of her as his Mother, he also works at ModeTyler Meade Heartley (Play by Neal Bledsoe): Daniel and Alexis Half Brother, Amanda's Boyfriend.(these roles above are Non Negotiable as they are Canon Characters)Made Ups Needed for the Second Generation charactersDakota Meade (Play by Cody Simpson): he is the Youngest of the future Daniel and Betty's children and is the Most like Season one Daniel. This Play by is Non NegotiableAlso needed are Amanda and Tylers Kids, Hilda and Bobby's Kids, Older Justin and Older DJ Play bys for these are �Negotiable�as a side note I RP this the way the show ended so keep that in mind if you are taking on the rolehere is a Banner for more info. *It should be noted the Role of Daniel has been filled If interested contact Betty Suarez

♰:Ascarion Cyrus Hawkmoon:♰

10/27/2011 05: PM 

Rome 2008: Second death of an angel

The first thing he really visualized of Rome had been the warm orange shimmer of the joints tip he enlightened with his Zippo. He took a deep breath, smelling the stinging scent of petrol and the smooth grassy aroma of menthol tobacco mixed with perfect Ganja. He inhaled again, allowing the smoke to stay within his lungs longer than ever possible. For some moments he closed his eyes, only indulging in the soft tickle of the marihuana's velvety tentacles. Fuck, it was great! And he needed it urgently. Needed to be boozed, dazed, totally stoned. Needed some damn sensual shivers aroused by visionary pictures blurring his uselessly spinning thoughts. Mirages. Hallucinations. Snapshots of a glorious long gone past mingled with the modern aura of this breathtaking city. Rome! Founded 753 before Christ by twins who had been nursed up on wolves milk: Romulus and Remus. It had been a nearly biblical story. Romulus killed his brother und built his city on seven hills. This murder became pregnant and fatal for an entire empire. The brother kills the brother, the murderer of his father who raped his daughter and slaughtered his son... Rom: malicious tongues tell these letters to be the shortcut for Rabies, Odium and Metus, rage, hatred and fear, and by listening carefully to the whisper of the old ghosts gliding through the beautiful gardens of Esquilin, sensitive minds slowly will get to know that Rome's history turned out to an endless declaration of death and nearly none of their leaders had ever died natural. Not even the catholic church had been able to extinguish the evil worm still gnawing on Rome's roots. It had been Remus' innocent blood that had cursed the eternal city for ever. Rome! A star that shone more than brightly with the bloodstained twinkle of rotten decadence. Once the capital of the world, the pearl and the heart of the Roman Empire. SPQR. Sentus Popolusque Romanus: in the name of the senate and the people of Rome. Ascarion inhaled again.Gosh! This lousy little dealer hadn't promised him too much: with the intense of a silken hammer the "door" opened and Ascarion allowed his senses to enter a kind of daydream. His lids flutter as he watched the rays of the sun glisten on the fine marbles of some imposing temple-ruins. Standing on top of the Capitol Hill he looked down the ancient stones caressed by a tint of apricot and lilac. The shadows grew longer as the broken columns seemed to stretch like single fingers to the darkening sky. The moon was out already and like captured within a kind of transcendental experience the Irish could see himself watching this lovely natural drama. Sol invictus turned his golden carriage to leave the endless airwaves to gentle Goddess Luna. And Luna entered the stage: a solemn lady crowned by the crescent, generously wrapped in ink-blue silk adorned with thousands of twinkling mirrors; the stars broke through the mist. It could be a marvellous night... It could be. Maybe...Ascarion stood motionless except the small gesture he needed to move his right holding the joint back to his lips. Yes, he saw himself now: a slender young man all dressed in tight white velvet except his high black boots and a broad belt of the same colour, his uncombed long hair framing his beautifully vacuous face, flowing down his back and shoulders like woozily clouds of swirling arterial blood. His silver earrings shimmered like his indigo eyes. His bare arms were covered with pictures carved in his flesh. He looked dignified: like a strange saint, an uneasy warrior, a pretty special kind of angel. The expected angel! (Ha! Don't expect too much! I'm about to log out.) He was tired, horribly tired. A sarcastic smile curled his lips. Rome, he sighed, Rome, sweet Rome! His eyes were here, fixed to a couple of carved and painted stones formally the glorious temple of Jove bathed now in glimmering violet and the haze of too much exhaust emissions. A soft cool breeze awakened and the colours started to wash out. He shivered and put on his long black coat made from brocade. Now he looked perfectly medieval. Perfectly gothic. His mind was open to the impressions of fugaciousness: the fading light, the broken stones, the melting shadows. The breath from the past. Vanitas. Tempus fugit. We are all made from dust and to dust shall we return. Carpe diem! It could be your last one. He sighed again. Vanitas, momentariness. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas. He liked the evening as well as he liked the morning. The death of a day and his re-birth. He never feared the sun though he lived within the shadows for nearly one thousand years. Fuck! The drugs didn't work... They never do. He felt his body captivating his mind again. Earthbound, yes. His body was here. His soul still wept. His heart remained in Malta. He was so confused.All he wanted was to talk to Louis again. But Louis was gone, had been together with his sire, his maker, his former lover who appeared on the scene like the desired rock-star he used to be: Lestat de Lioncourt. Blush in admiration! Bow to him in devotion! Praise him like God! Fuck! What a lad! He liked him from the first moment on. Ascarion always loved decadence and exorbitance. He always used to act and behave this way; not this noisy and swanky maybe, but nevertheless exalted and eccentric as well. Life is short... (What a farce!) Life is short enough and it should be lived to the full! Fuck vanitas! Therefore they sent him to Rome, a city where decadence filled the air like a precious fragrance. You have to meet Flavius, Pandora ordered. She had been nervous but restrained, her beautiful face vacuous like his own now. No feelings shown. The fingers of her right hand entangled to Johnny's fingers so they both trembled a little. Ascarion noticed this all too well. He had been looking at his soul's brother, but John Wilmot arrogantly looked away. What kind of loyalty is this? Pierce ones heart not to hurt another? He had been snarling a "Yes!" and left the room. He hadn't touched Johnny's mind. Things had changed since this night in the tavern. The coldness of Russian winter had followed him to Malta. Things got worse. Passion went sour, pleasure turned to bitterness. Maybe he had been too vulnerable, like he always had been. Too sensitive, too emotional. Maybe he had started to miss-interpret each and everything. Maybe it hadn't been arrogance that turned the face of the cherub to perfectly carved marble; maybe it had been just a kind of contemplation, a kind of inner preparation. Maybe it had been the perfect time for Ascarion to leave. Aye... High time to catch fresh air. High time to get entertained by new impressions. One lover gone, three still in line. Fuck! He felt like Don Quichotte now: he hopelessly fought the windmills of his mind.Find Flavius. Help Autumn and Amy. Meet Santino and Thelia. Face the evil. Fight the evil. He flipped the joint into darkness: a disappearing orange point he followed with his eyes. Fight the evil... What is evil? What is good, what is bad? What is loyalty, what is love? What is the difference? What did these ethics all count when they slowly but surely break and devour ones heart?For a last time he looked at himself. Yes, he appeared like a warrior. Like the clan-lord's son he once had been. And he exactly felt like one. Knight of the woeful countenance. His Rosinante awaiting him outside the fenced area of the Capitol ruins: a rented Honda Shadow to get him everywhere he wanted to. Flavius, he called mentally. Flavius, where are you? Come and get me! I don't know where to find you and I will surely not look around. My intuitions got dazed by sweet Mary Jane and I'm in the mood to get lost tonight. So again: come and get me! Maybe the others could hear him now, too. Evil, he smirked. What is evil? I'm here for new impressions. I'm here in the capital of former lust and decadence. I'm damn sure I will look for typical Roman enchantment tonight. I'm damn sure to misbehave. If you look for an (real) angel, catch him within the silent halls of the Vatican museum. Attract him down from Michelangelo's fresco at the Cappella Sistina. I am not here. Maybe I will never be here again... I do not care for good and evil. I spit on loyalty. I spit on love. I'm lying to myself. I belie myself... I never had wings, but now they are broken. My soul weeps. My heart has remained in Malta. Only my body is here. But I'm still me. So, fuck you all: come and get me! Fontana di Trevi! There were too many tourists around to grasp the entire enchantment of this breathtaking monument, but with the slow spinning of the multi-coloured spotlights and the wavy reflections of the water on buildings, statues and human skin the magic of this famous place didn't fail its effect at all. Even the noise, the rush of the falling water was heavy: a perfect oceanic illusion, breaking in confusing echoes on the surrounding fa�ades like a force of nature. He had heard this swoosh long before he had seen the fountain.Ascarion narrowed his eyes and smiled, leaning over the basins edge to dive his right hand into the water. It was cool, and for some moments countless voices touched his mind: all full of excitement, desire and hope: "O please, please..." They mingled, but all in all they did sound quite similar.He looked up the solemn face of Oceanus, the powerful God and emperor of all seas, stretching his mighty right to a group of tritons and sea-horses, forever solidified in this gesture of silent pride and demand. Look, he seemed to say, this is my realm, my element, my absolute magic, my power over life and death. The sea is beautiful, but she could be a wet grave, too. So: Praise me! Look down... And Ascarion looked down. Bathed in changing colours he could see a lot of coins reflecting and shimmering from the ground of the pool. Each coin a wish, spoken in hundreds of different tongues. His smile brightened as he watched some people celebrate this old tradition right before his eyes: whenever you come to Rome, visit Trevi and make a wish. But don't be too stingy, even Fortuna got her price... Ascarion slowly shook his head. They turned their backs to the fountain, they closed their eyes, they threw a coin. Gosh! Humans! They are so hopelessly romantic! Still smirking he watched a loving couple kissing, their faces now tinted in orange and yellow, their limbs entangled like their tongues, their thoughts wet and full of longing: a perfect demonstration that some wishes mostly always come true. Ascarion sighed and politely looked back to the basin.The spotlight-colours changed again and suddenly the water and the entire pool went red as blood. The Irish shivered. From one split second to the other his sentimentality turned to pure horror. Dies Irae... The night in the tavern! He could smell the disgusting miasma of burnt flesh again, the fragrance of death and nearly senseless destruction. His lover Louis, who wept in his arms and Johnny, his soul-mate, who too deeply looked into his eyes. "Brother...", he whispered, not caring that some of the tourists would be able to hear him. "Brother..." My heart remained in Malta! My soul screams in despair. I'm broken to the core.He swallowed hard. He turned his back to the fountain. The noise of the water was suddenly unbearable. The colours changed again. Now the world surrounding him went lilac. He didn't care. Make a wish, he thought with a sarcastic grin, throw a coin into the pool and make a wish! For every wish... could come true... Sure! It could...He turned his head again. You want me to make a wish, he silently asked motionless Oceanus, unimpressively watching him with polished empty eyes. Wishes I surely got enough, Ascarion thought, his face and his entire countenance now beautifully bathed in wavy china-blue, a lot of wishes... But, so sorry, no change!WELL, 2 HOURS LATER I HAPPENED TO BE DEAD... AGAINTHE ASSASSINATIONWritten by Celeste ValoiseSole and legal copy of Celeste Valoise (Paod) profound whisper of solitude finds me tonight, ensnaring me in a web of dark silk, my thoughts veer towards the gentle entwining of the past, it entangles me like the echo of long-spent passion filled nights with Santiago. Though it is not what I would call peaceful, there is an ease in it that I appreciate, a familiarity, it brings about the quiet malice, the absolute contempt that I always welcome and embrace in the cool rushes of the night. I sighed, flagrantly brushing off any feelings of guilt and regret, for it was very rarely the I had any. I walked along the cobblestone road quietly. The water from the Fountain di Trevi lapped and lulled against the stone, not far from me. As I moved closer and closer, the crescendo of gushing waters seemed to reach my immortal ears, even without registering its presence. My thoughts however were not on the water, they were on the ones who lingered by, two immortals like me and a young mortal boy stood at the architectural wonder. All around, were nearby tourists in awe of the triumphant example of Baroque art. As it was twilight, it was incredibly easy for me to blend in with the conclaves of mortals. I did wonder if one of these three would even sense my presence or were they far too engrossed in conversation to know that another immortal was nearby? To be safe, I veiled my presence, careful not to relinquish too many of my own thoughts.Like a cat in pursuit of its prey, I let the three figures have their space, their feelings of being free to go where they willed. Little did they know or realize, I was there lurking in the crux of mortals, discretely hidden in the shadows, waiting, watching. Tonight, they were my game, my hunger, the thirst for blood was not on the agenda. No instead, I silently stalked, listened and watched...I heard the incessant clamour of their chattering, oh how it drove me to the brinks of sanity; petty disagreements, convoluted theories about life, love and immortality from the red haired very drole they were, so amusing to say the least.. "Mon Dieu" I whispered, when will it all end?I had fully intended to be clubbing this night, picking my game from the faces that shift and swirl to the music, but instead my loyalty to the coven had taken me down another path, it led me right into their midst's. Suddenly, I watched as the tall streamlined crimson -haired immortal audaciously doused himself with the effervescent waters of the fountain, the youth next to him dipped his hands in and out as well. For a moment, I thought I had been spotted. I saw the flash of the tall one's unwavering indigo eyes dart towards me, his mind almost seemed to catch up with his glance: I read his thoughts;" Another immortal, no it can't be" Amused and quiet delighted that he shrugged my presence off, I stood reading his thoughts, glimpses of emerald absinthe dreams entwined with highly sexually charged interludes all flooded his mind, then flowed into mine.He abruptly moved away from the fountain and the mortal youth, his mind seemed to fluctuate from hedonistic revelry to a preplanned mission- a task he was sent to complete. I saw the vision of an ancient Goddess in his mind, Pandora, she had sent him, sent him to journey deep into the catacombs, to penetrate the coven. This could not be, I could not let it happen.Immediately, I closed my eyes, shut out all sounds and the dulcet roar of the voices of the undead, I concentrated solely on this one known as Ascarion; I watched him intently as I stood motionless so close by, a play of words and images wound back and forth, plaguing his mind, as I decided that I would lure him away from his mission. His eyes grew vacant and I could sense that my mind trick was working, but the youth-- he seemed uneasy, was it possible that this mortal sensed me? How? Nevertheless, I continued to play my mind game with the crimson haired one...Careful not to be seen or heard, I followed, watched, and listened, with each image I revealed and each word I whispered, Ascarion became more entranced, his lust for hedonistic debauchery, his unquenchable thirst for absinthe took over completely. With each image I sent, his interest rose more and more, heightening all his senses. I watched the slow meticulous gestures he made, the way his face reflected just so in the moonlight, a jewel to behold he was, beautiful and sensual, but this did not impede me and my plans. My mind entwined with his, the stage was now set, soon the curtain would rise and Act One would commence! I grinned a devilish grin, subtly revealing just a glimpse of pearly white fangs as I strode silently behind them. The boy, yes he was indeed alarmed, I sensed his thoughts as they flowed to the handsome Grecian, whose blood scent was particularly familiar. I sensed the Eternal Scholar, no I was mistaken it was not the Roman fop, it was Pandora, his blood reeked of her. To my astonishment, not a one of them could see me follow so closely behind. Crafty, I always had been guising myself among shadows and hidden alleyways, sometimes even blending in with several mortals if I so choose. How I just watched, as they all strode towards a local tavern, completely unaware of my presence. I watched as the raven haired youth and his Grecian companion disappeared into the smoky halos of the tavern. The strong aroma of rich wines entwined with mortal sweat and nicotine, it made the red haired one stop dead in his tracks, but immediately I forced his mind to consume images of buxom Italian courtesans, of sinuous male youths, their writhing, glistening naked forms pleasing him in every way imaginable, flesh for fantasy, each one devouring his mind, his heart, his body, even his very soul in a wave of sin and scorching hot desire. Determined as I was for him to move onward, I whispered his name, allowing it to echo in his mind over and over, making it seem as it was more than one voice summoning him: "Ascarion, venu, nous veuillez �tre ici, � votre bac de teinture et appel, � vous, pour vous satisfaire mon amour"As luck was on my side, he moved gracefully forward, his long strides quickening as I followed swiftly behind till he stopped egregiously at a local house of ill repute; it looked as any other building did on the street, the only difference was the numerous amount of vagabond women that strummed about, some rather pretty while others were just very plain and ordinary looking--Whores, the lot of them, waiting for a client to stream by and offer them a bundle of cash for their services. I watched Ascarion's indigo eyes widen as he entered the brothel, all his attentions drew to the horde of scantily clad boys, well fed, nubile, smooth and rounded of limb they all were, it was incredibly easy for me to whisk past him unnoticed; in a gust of wind, I scampered up the spiral staircase completely unseen and unheard- an immortal trick I have grown quite accustom to using. I stopped at the foyer at the top of the staircase, leaning against a wall, I took a moment to take in all my surroundings. The brothel reeked, incense made the air heavy, still the more rancid odors lingered under the veil of sandalwood, mortal sweat entwined with stale alcohol and cigar smoke, "Ahh Mon Dieu! What are you doing here Celeste?" I whispered to myself. I moved over to the cherry banister of the staircase and peered over the edge. I observed Ascarion, more than delighted in his new surroundings.I watched as the boys seemed to lavish affection upon him, groping him, whispering sweet nothings in his ears, they were so eager to appease him. Two specific youths rushed towards him, beckoning for him to choose. He subsequently chose the taller, muscular youth with the pale skin, jet black eyes and chocolate hair. I looked about some more and watched as lascivious, buxom women strode about as well. The parlor was indeed quite dreary and incredibly filthy. The once white walls had been tarnished with soot from cigar and cigarette smoke, tattered red velvet drapes adorned the windows, the lights were kept soothingly low. I looked below and watched as a parade of half naked women, some wearing nothing but thigh highs and bustiers, while others adorned resplendent costumes of satin and lace. Some even wore just panties and nothing more.There seemed to be an onslaught of Nigerian women as well as some their paler Eastern European counterparts. I looked around wondering what made these women and young men turn to such a distasteful way of life. I stood motionless for a moment wandering in and out of each one's mind, stories of poverty, absolute suffering and strife. A young blonde male moved towards me, he was rail thin, his grayish-green eyes stained red from lack of sleep and intoxication, I watched as his eyes began to shift in my direction, they shifted and then hovered over my form, he melodically hummed to the music resonating from the parlor, he tightly clenched a bottle of red wine in his right hand and took a swig from it every now and again. He moved closer to me, staring and then smiled, "Care for a sip, love, come let us have some fun" I refused and meandered away, still ever so intent on watching Ascarion and the mortal youth. From the Mistress that spoke vociferously below, I ascertained which chamber Ascarion and his new pet world be retiring to, quick like a fox, I trotted to the room and hid myself in a nearby wardrobe.I sat quietly, curled up and waited for my moment; I heard them enter and I could peer through the slit of the wardrobe to see exactly what they were doing. I watched as the mortal boy removed all his clothing, he was indeed a magnificent specimen of a young man, his sinuous, glistening features even began to entice me. I watched as he moved towards a coffee table, he knelt down and began to snort a long line of a powdery substance - cocaine, heroine, I do not know which nor did I care, Ascarion subsequently joined him and did the same. Line after line they did followed by quenching their thirst for absinthe. I watched as Ascarion became ever more comfortable with the boy, teasingly, he removed his attire and then they began to fondle one another, I heard the sounds of kissing, moaning and suckling, and finally I heard Ascarion collapse on the immense four poster bed, the flamboyant young man giggled in delight and mounted Ascarion, consequently cuffing him to the bed; the boy teased Ascarion with a feather and then said " Oh but my angel, I do have some more mischievous toys we can play with, be right back" and he moved towards the bathroom. I giggled, slightly amused as this seemed to be just way too easy.Completely inebriated on absinthe and stoned on whatever drug they chose, the immortal did not notice how I crept silently from the wardrobe, the youth came out with his cat o nine tails and I quickly ensnared him, he screamed in horror as I revealed my white pearly fangs; Ascarion shot up from the bed and his icy indigo eyes glared at me. I laughed, "Mon Dieu mon cher,, watch as I take his very life, this is what happens to little pets, they are bled dry!" I bent the youth's head back and watched as Ascarion struggled with his cuffs; my fangs quickly pierced his flesh and I swallowed his very life in one precious gulp, I tossed the body aside and moved swiftly towards Ascarion. I pulled a machete from the folds of my gown and I mounted Ascarion, pushing him down with vigorous force and slamming his head against the headboard of the bed in a loud thump. He seemed to check in and out as he looked at me, I smiled malevolently and sprung into action, I took the blade and quickly sliced his right cheek, I watched as the blood gushed forth. I leaned forward and sliced his throat, the blood seethed forth staining the ivory bed linens, I then took the blade and plunged into his abdomen, twisting it clockwise and then counter clockwise, I was pleasantly aroused by my actions, to kill another like this, I never thought it would bring me such joy, to have power over this immortal was intoxicating in itself. I pulled the bloody blade out and then sliced his abdomen over and over, till I revealed his entrails. He writhed in agony, screaming and moaning for me to release him from his pain. I forced his mouth open and sliced off his tongue and tossed to the floor as it were nothing but a wriggling worm. I laughed and watched as scarlet tears streamed down his face, he gasped for air, I could see his last remaining thoughts, visions of Louis, of the dark haired Lord Rochester, of Malta. "Ahh mon ange, cry, spill your last remaining tears for the emerald eyed one who left you for his maker and for the one that was never yours to begin with, Lord Rochester, mon ami has and will always belong with his Goddess, tu ne comprends pas? He was never yours!A devilish grin came over me and I pushed his hair back from his blood soaked face," Ohhhh ma petite chou, it now ends, I will end your suffering, look at me for I am the last you will see, "Est-ce que mon nom, je suis connu car Celeste Valois, la beaut� malveillante, et oui mon ange je suis une femme, pour penser une femme qu'une seule femme a vu � votre cession, il sais vous blesse pour savoir ceci ? J'esp�re certainement ainsi!" (Know my name, I am known as Celeste Valois, the malicious beauty, and yes my angel I am a woman, to think a woman- a mere woman saw to your demise, does it hurt you to know this? I certainly hope so!) Suddenly I thrust my hand into his abdomen and pulled out his wriggling organs, blood poured forth in a slow undulation and covered the coverlet on the bed; "Scarlet dreams Ascarion" I whispered. I ripped the organs out and shoved them into his bloody, gaping mouth, with one last gesture I raised the machete and slammed it straight down splitting his chest cavity in half. Covered in his blood, I rose from the bed, I went to the bathroom and meticulously washed myself off, I adorned some extra, clean clothing that was in the wardrobe and peacefully sat down in the armchair and lit a cigarette. I took a quick inhale and blew the smoke out in a grey streak across the room, I laughed and tossed it on the bed, I picked up the youths bottle of absinthe and doused the bed with it, I walked toward the door and finally flung an open match over the cadaver and blood stained sheets. Flames began to devour the room and the red haired immortal, the false prophet known as Ascarion was no more.... Au Revoir ma petite mouton noire! (Goodbye my little black sheep!) I exclaimed as I walked calmly out the door, closing it gently behind me.REBIRTH OF AN ANGELWith the door closing the scenery froze. The stinging scent of heated wormwood hung in the air, mixed with blood, thick and delicate like a silken veil. Tiny drops of crimson, washing a rosy cloud over the entire setting to dilute the maniacal horror to a kind of gothic nightmare. Absinthe was made to indulge in green damnation, not to be used as a kind of combustible. Sure Ascarions hair got scorched, but all in all nothing really happened. The alcohol burnt out. The scenery froze. Time stood still. It looked like a lurid photograph from a splatter movie, like an oil painting done by an extremely talented but absolutely sick artist. Bosch, Dali, Helnwein... it looked grotesque. A shadow slipped into the room, black, noiseless and disembodied like only a shadow can be. It came closer, it grew bigger with every move. It stopped at the bed, and though time stood still a deep heartbreaking sigh was heard. "Angel...", a voice whispered, "Angel... what the hell had happened?" Death has many faces, so they say. Most of the time Death has none. There's only the eternal grin of lipless jaws and the endless stare of lidless eyeholes. There's the skull, the bony vestige of former life. Nothing less, nothing more. Death has many faces. The slow, the fast, the merciful, the suffering, the sudden. Many faces. To tell the truth, Death has none. Death is Death, the archetype of all things to end. The grim reaper, the dark man bearing the scythe and the hourglass, the skinless skeleton wrapped in a cloak. Seldom, but sometimes, Death is only a shadow standing in front of a blood-soak bed looking down on the lacerated corpse of a slaughtered angel. Seldom, but sometimes, Death is a shadow changing to a woman weeping bitter tears over a scene even she cannot understand. Death has no heart at all. But sometimes Death's heart breaks."Angel..." the voice whispered again, now soft and sweet like only a human voice can be. She stepped closer and her eyes widened in certain terror. "Angel... remember our deal. You have to wake up, you have to decide..."Death is not fair. Death is not unfair. Death is a necessary evil. Death never selects, death never regrets, death never weeps. Sometimes (and it really seldom happens)... when Death strips his well-known countenance and transforms to Sleep's older sister, she is able to do all these things. Then she is fair, then she selects, then she regrets. Then she weeps.It seldom happens. But even Death shows respect. Respect to one who always respected life. To one who always filled his loneliness with love and the imagination of a better way. The one who never allowed hatred to blacken his soul. The one who so deeply indulged in sin that some bad tongues would say he deserved this kind of execution. The one who once had a deep love-affair with his own sister, the one who stood on the cliffs looking down to end his young life in the salty bed of the ocean, the one who once had been killed by a maniac. The one who looked deep into Deaths eyes and said "I don't wanna die!" The one who still wasn't able to hate. The one who lived in the shadows for nearly one thousand years. Mated wolves. Killed demons. Drank the blood of an angel while he fucked him."Angel... yes... listen to me..." And Ascarion opened his eyes. Eyes bluer than the ocean. Bluer than desire. Bluer than even madness. Indigo. Cyan. Melting poison. Eyes that had seen heaven as well as hell. Ascarion was not dead. Not dead at all. But he was damn close to the final doorstep. There had been no tunnel of marvelous light, no breathtaking harmony to fill his heart, no last beautiful, hope-foaming picture to guide him wherever dying people may go. He had luck. There was nothing. Not even pain. Because time stood still his wounds didn't heal. Wounds? He himself was one. A wound. Ripped open and sliced to jigsaw. To look at him was horrible, was breathtaking gruesome, but nevertheless... he was still beautiful. Though none of his organs remained on their ancestral places, though his face looked like a mask of bloody destruction, his soul had been untouched, unstained, unwounded. Unbroken. His soul was pure. His inner beauty was still undefeated."Angel..." Death, the woman, Sleep's older sister, stepped even closer, slowly touching Ascarion's forehead. His eyes moved, his eyes pierced her heart, and her eyes, wet with tears, looked at his hands, still chained to the bed. Suddenly she started to smile. "I know you for so long and I fought with you for so often, and now... at the moment were I could take you without any protest from your side I feel mercy. I feel love. How can a man this lustful and debauched cause me tears of shame, cause me tears of regret, cause me sighs of desire? How can a man this sinful be so holy? What's your enchantment, angel, what's your magic?"She looked at him and she expected no answer. His eyes stared at her, but he couldn't see her. He was not there. He was somewhere were agony wasn't able to get him, were pain was just a word and nothing of importance. Somewhere where his dreams came true and he found peace at last in the arms of the one he desired, the one he did not even know yet. The one love. The perfect love. His quest wasn't over.Death closed her eyes. Suddenly there was music from a distant tavern, laughter of people and the monotone rush of cars. It didn't sound right, it sounded too fast. The sun rose. The sun set. Time slipped. Time twisted. Time stood still again. The bloody veil sank."Tell me, angel..." Death whispered, "Will you finally join me?""Never... Why doncha simply fuck yerself?"To be serious Death has no emotions. But you can be asured Death laughed out loud.

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