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Hermione 'LionStar' Draculea

06/02/2024 01:26 PM 

How do you fix a broken mind with Will Graham

William Graham Starter "Hannibal doesn't prey, he believes in god" - Will Graham MCM... -Picture of Will Graham here- How do you fix a broken mind?" Hermione to Dr. Bloom- ‘Hannibal doesn’t prey, he believes in god” -William Graham Francis:Nice pun. -winks- One could believe you got a soft spot for broken things: tea cups, mirrors, minds… Hermione:Yes, well... I suppose I might, what is broken can often be fixed as long as you are careful when placing it back together. Francis:Or you use the shards to create something completely new. An unique piece of art. Hermione:*cocks head* True, true. Though piecing it back together, could make it good as new, if iti is done delicately, with ease. Though making something new, a piece of art could never be the same as what it once was, it would no longer be a tea cup, but something else. Francis:So it depends on what you want. If you insist on your tea cup you have to get the shards together again, and fill the cracks with gold, maybe. Yet a restored broken mirror will never reflect the authentic reality again. It will become a mosaic, a decoration for your room. But what to do with a broken mind? Hermione listened to his words, and though she felt right about how she handled the words of the broken tea cup, or even a mirror, well what he said was right, at least in her eyes. A broken mirror would become no more than a piece of art, for no matter how delicate one is putting a mirror back together, in the end it will show you only the part of someone who is broken, a broken mind if you will. The question remained in her head ‘What do with a broken mind.?’ At this point, coffee was a must, because now, like he often does, Francis had given her a question, in which she would think on. “Good question, Francis, and I shall have an answer in due time.” she said walking off to get coffee. Once Hermione got her coffee, she sparked a cigarette and went to work, her mind swirling to wake up.She sat at the kitchen table, contemplating whether or not to watch the tele or not. Since at time, watching the tele had given her ideas, opened her mind to possible answers to questions, but this question, she felt. Well one she was not sure if the tele could help much. It might, but she was not sure about it. Thinking about it, she felt she may have to go into her own mind to answer his question. The thing with that, well besides her intelligence, it would take more than that to answer the question. Would she have to go into a broken mind? If so, who's and if so how would she find one, so broken? There was one who came to mind, but then again he was the one who asked the question. Therefore he would not be the one to go into, not to mention, she had an innocence that he would never wish to falter, the new question was, though it came from the heart, would going inside a broken mind break her innocence? It would have to break her heart in order to do so, wouldn’t it?’ Be that has it may, Hermione did not feel it would. She had faced darkness before, during her Hogwarts years, but that did not stain her innocence, her heart. It may have more to do with the fact that she had a heart big enough to know in her mind that through the darkness, a light may be around the corner. At this rate, she looked through her college notes, as well as through her notes from the academy. In search of a possible person to read about and get into their minds, but none jumped at her, at least not until her Professor , William Graham came to mind. If anyone she knew at this time had a broken mind, it was certainly him. For research purposes, she would head to one of her Professors from her School of Psychology and Psychiatry. Dr. Bloom. Hermione finished her coffee and went on to dress for the day, walking out the door and walking down to the underground parking lot attached to her apartments. She walked to her midnight blue nineteen -sixty seven mustang, putting the top down before she lit a cigarette, and starting the car, pulling out of her parking spot and driving off to school. Pulling up to the school, she parked her car in the student parking lot, getting out of the car, she saw Dr. Bloom walked alongside SSA Jack Crawford. She could see they were having an avid conversation, about who, she was not sure, but she decided not to get too close to them, instead she leaned against a pole in front of the student parking lot and watched, taking in their mannerisms and doing her best to read their lips. While she watched, she could gather a few words, but not enough to know who they were speaking of. So she decided to wait, she would wait until she could go to Dr. Bloom’s office. While she walked up to school not in any hurry, once in she decided to go to the library. The library, her home away from home. Of course one thing was for sure, when it came to Hermione, books were her escape, no matter what it was. Though fairy tales were no longer in her reading genera, to her Psychology books, books pertaining to the Criminal mind and such became her obsession from spells and potions. Which in the muggle world, were in a way substituted with Chemistry and Cook books. While Hermione sat in the library, she would text Dr. Bloom and let her know she wished to visit her in her office.After that, she went back to reading the book she picked out, one of the many that were not allowed to leave the School Library, so like she use to do, she had to sit in the restricted section in order to read it. She did not mind this, for even as a child she found it comforting and quiet, a place where she would not be disturbed. Still tell this day, it was her place, her escape from the world, which books often did. She glanced at her phone, seeing Dr. Bloom had text back. {Sounds good Hermione- Once I am finished with my current company, I will text you back and let you know. Say, around 1:pm, before your 2pm class?} With that, Hermione text her back- {Thank you, I appreciate you seeing me at your given time. I shall see you then, Dr. Bloom.} Once she texted her back , she continued to read a book, which she was in slight surprise was in the library,let alone the restricted section, a version of the King James bible, though she was not really one to be religious, she was reader and a researcher. She used the different versions of the bible among other religious written variations. While she read, she took notes on certain verses that caught her eye, ones she felt may or may not help her answer Francis’s question he brought about. It could seriously go two ways? Could it not? The thoughts ran through her head like fire, as did the question. It seemed like hours, but was mere minutes before Hermione received a text from Dr Bloom, precisely at 1:00pm. Dr. Bloom:{ Hermione I can see you now, are you in the library?} Hermione:{Yes, I am, but how did you know?} Dr. Bloom{I may have figured you out as a bookworm.} Hermione:{That I am, I am in the restricted section.of course I cannot check out the book.} Dr. Bloom:{No worries, I will make it happen, for you. Meet me at the checkin counter.} Hermione:{Will be there in a few minutes.} By the time Hermione got to the check out desk, Dr. Bloom was already quietly arguing with the librarian. Telling him her student needed the book for research purposes.”Hello Dr. Bloom” Hermione said as the male librarian was ready to rebuttal allowing the book out Dr. Bloom was asking for, until he saw the student it was meant for. “Oh forgive me, I didn’t know it was for Miss Drake, if you would have said that from the beginning I would have allowed it fron the get go, as I know Miss Drake returns her books on time.” he said as he nodded towards Hermione to go get the book, as she did so. Hermione went back to the restricted section and brought the book. “A bible, Miss Drake? This is the third time you wanted a bible.” he said as he secretly checked out the book. Dr. Bloom smiles and nods, as the book was checked out. “Pleasure as always, Miss Drake, by all means take your time.” he said as Hermione took the book and soon followed Dr. Bloom to her office. “Thank you, Dr. Bloom.” she said in a whisper as they walked out the library and headed to her office. “So, Miss Drake, is it?” Dr. Bloom asked, “Well it’s Granger, well to others, but Yes, I prefer Drake, seeing as I am related to the one known as Vlad the Impaler, so I’m told.” Hermione told her, Dr. Bloom knew this for the first time. “Oh really? I was told stories as a child of that man, but I was under the pretense he was a myth” Alana said as her and Hermione entered her office. “Well, in all actuality, he is not truly a myth, but a real person..part of my heritage, no I am not a vampire, haha. Though I have special qualities..I am not permitted to speak of him. Long line of family known to be myths and legends at that.” Hermione told her as she was handed a glass of whiskey, oddly the same kind she normally had. Which Hermione found odd, since this was her first visit to Dr. Bloom. “If i may be so bold, Dr, how did you know i was a whiskey connoisseur?” Hermione asked. She was not sure about Dr. Bloom, questions roamed through her head. It was not like she put out there she cared for Whiskey or cigarettes for that matter, but yer Dr.Bloom seemed to know more about her than Hermione did of her. “Well Miss Granger or Drake, i will say that your school chums keep little about your extracurricular activities secret, ike you prefer..of course one one of them, Garette, whom has brought it to my attention as well as Mr. Graham’s well. They have followed you, well he is not of this school. He is a serial killer, and with you changing your hair color, I feel you are in danger.” Dr.Bloom said as Hermione’s eyes widen in shock.”NO, I did not change my hair color due to him, i changed it simply to grab Mr. Graham’s attention. I mean it is not like my hair color was that different… Mr. Graham has pointed me out during class before my color change. He has pointed me out regardless of my hair color, he picks me out. It’s like he knows I’m different.” Hermione said as she took the glass of whiskey from Dr. Bloom.”So tell me,Miss Drake-Granger, what do you seek?” Alana asked as Hermione sipped her whiskey. “I need to do you fix a broken mind?” Hermione asked Dr Bloom, in regards to her question, hoping she had an answer. Dr. Bloom sighs and looks at Hermione, thinking of Hermione’s other professor, Will Graham. ‘How do you fix a broken mind? And who brought that to your attention? Who made you come across that question, Miss Drake?” Alana asked. Hermione took a deep breath, then sighed, 'Umm no one in particular it’s just a question that came across me at home is all.’ Hermine said as she wrapped her coat around her, Seeing as the one she harbored was not yet known. “Well according to my father there is not a way, but then again he said positivity.. I just want to know what will work. “ Hermione said as she waited to hear Dr. Bloom’s thoughts. “Well, it depends how broken the mind is, I mean, your father is partly right on that account, but yeah. It really depends on how broken the mind is.” Dr. Bloom told Hermione, with that Hernione nodded, “What about Professor Graham? I mean his mind is broken..isn’t it?” Hermione asked Alana nods, “Yes, but a mind like his, well it’s one that has to be taken in delicately, It’s not e that can be put back together easily. It would take quite a bit to fix, tell me Hermione… of all minds, why did you pick his? I mean it would take more than magic, more than even you to fix…” Dr Bloom said not even she could fox his mid, try as she might. “You know what.. Maybe you could help someone fix him, I mean I thus far could not..but maybe you and someone else could. I mean you have something I don’t nor does anyone else who has been trying to fix him..” Alana said as she took a deep breath writing down a name. One that from this point on may change Hermone from this point on…Hannibal Lector. Alana does not take her students too lightly. Seeing as within the FBI, even as an Agent in training, Hermione was bright and innocent. Will Hannibal see the innocence in her? Would he try to kill her? All would hope he wouldn’t see Hermione was pure. She was innocent in a bottle if you will. Alana would surely have to keep an eye on her. For Will, for Jack's sake. She was a promising young woman. Alas , Alana wanted nothing to happen to her… For she knew Hermione had a crush, and she could only hope it would stay only that, a crush. A crush on her Professor…on William Graham..of course Alana could only do so much. She only hoped that down the line she could keep it that way. Since even she down the line found Willia unstable. Has Hermione got out of the chair and went to walk out the door, Alana got up and caught Hermione by the arm, “Mione.. Do me a favor..” Alana said as Hermione looked at her grabbing her rm, then up at Dr. Bloom, “Yes, what is it?” Hermione asked with a questioning look in her eyes, “Please, for your sake, stay away from your Professor.. From Will, he is more insatiable than you think, more than even you could handle..” Alana told her, but Hermione did not believe her, with her heart, Hemione believed she could mend his broken mind…. Even before she would even go to Hannibal. Hermione would go to Will first, she in her mind and in her heart felt she could fix his broken mind, without Hannibal…Could she? That was a question at this time she could not even answer at this time. All Hermione could do was fly into the Hawk’s nest herself. Hermione goes to Willaim Graham herself.... "ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ'ꜱ ɴᴏ ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ." ------------ Tired? Was tired even the right word anymore? A soft sigh left the distressed man's chest. Blue eyes and a softly scowling face concentrated on his new interest of search: Hazard, the great wizard of ancient Babylon, and kings' whore, Venus. Believe it or not, the professor had other interests besides the crime field. He loved history. Knowledge. Graham possessed a lot of it, or at least that’s what he liked to argue he had. Knowledge. His lips spoke the most beautiful languages, French, English, Arabic, he even could translate old Hebrew and some Latin. He knew history by heart, not only because a lot of history he had witnessed himself, especially some of the most violent homicides that were the rich content for graphic files, having had indulged in the field in his previous professional life. There was not a book he did not read and if there was one, he fixed the mistake within hours, he educated himself for what else to do when you are blessed with solitude to combine with so much time on your sleeves other than study and teach? He would decode mathematic problems over breakfast but there was one science that would never go through his skull. The science that wore the cannibal’s name. He’d never struggled to get a read on people, until he met Dr.Lecter. But like Taylor Swift says, ‘It's been a long time. And seeing the shape of your name, still spells out pain.’ Think about something else, Will! he hurriedly told himself every time his thoughts wandered about the cannibal, but his thoughts would only go round in a circle. He had no idea where Hannibal had gone. Or if he still lives for that matter. Nobody had breathed a word to him, not even Alana - but everyone must have known where his partner in crime had gone. Someone must have known. Except Will. They must all have been talking about it endlessly, but when the professor was around they would hurriedly change the subject, talk of other things, while secretly they watched Will, knowing they knew something he didn't know. Did they enjoy the sense of power that secret knowledge gave them? Was that why they had been silent? What about Hermione. The student who seemed to be everyone’s best friend. The girl and the professor shared many (if not all) mutual friends. So did that earn her a first-row-seat when people spoke about Hannibal when Will wasn’t there? Did she swear secrecy not to bring it to her professor too? No, not Hemione, Will thought. Well if she knew anything, she didn't say it because she couldn't bring herself to tell Will; she knew how much it was going to affect him. And that was another humiliation, on top of all the others Will had suffered lately. It made it worse to know that people understood what he was going through! Oh, how he hated pity… The professor drew himself up, lifting his curly head in a defiant little jerk. He couldn't stop people guessing how he felt, but he didn't have to let them see! Nobody must see anything. From now on he must be on his guard against prying eyes, curious eyes, even those of friends who loved him and cared what happened to him. Damn Hannibal Lecter and his schemes. From now on, Will was wholeheartedly behind Jack Crawford and his conspirators if Hannibal was still there and they plotted to catch him. If they ever needed him on board, he was definitely in! In fact, he couldn't wait to see the cannibal’s face when the bomb exploded underneath him! While those thoughts were constantly in the back of his mind, Will stretched slightly behind his desk. It seemed near dead at this time of day, students were off for their lunch break which often lasts for no less than 45 minutes before they were to be recruited back to their classes, albeit the floor wasn't fully empty, for a few professors stuck around in their offices probably caught up in a puddle of sheets and researches as well. Will had been on the career of educating for the best part of nine months by now. He had the chance to do what near every teacher wanted most, to teach a class of his own but it proved to be something that hadn't interested him much. In his mind, he had always wanted to help people. /Really/ help them. But to make a decent career out of investigating crime scenes with his current state of mind was near impossible. A disputation over the matter surely rose between Dr. Bloom and his dear old boss, Jack Crawford. Will wasn't a fan of the long and crappy work week he'd had. Hell, everyone had a rough week. Jack was on the rampage it seemed. Or rather, he was more silent and sullen than normal. No matter what Will did, he couldn't pull him out of his funk. That bothered the professor. Not even a 'Will, you're losing it' and a chuckle from the dark-skinned male. All. Damn. Week. Jack was up his ass about wanting to put Will in the field /AGAIN/ and 'test him out'. Alana was insistent that Will 'wasn't ready'. Personally Will wanted to give each of them a period pack of chocolate, midol and tampons in a little bedazzled clutch bag and tell them to get over themselves and stop making decisions for him. Somehow, that didn't seem like a great idea so the professor opted out of it. Now here he was. Sitting at this desk, nursing his packed lunch in abandon. Trying to let the stress of the week fade, Will began to take slow, deep breaths. It's fine. This too, shall pass. Making his brisk movement away from the window and back to his desk as a shiver came to him for the mild wind bit at his skin, "Rising sun aye..." he mused as a little smile flickered on his mouth. A few minutes later, he was enjoying a peach yogurt at his desk, when the door suddenly knocked, making him jump almost guiltily. He hated to be caught eating in the office, although it wasn't illegal, and he often brought a packed lunch to work just in case and when he previously knew he'd be having a busy day. It meant he could be sure of at least one quiet hour in which to catch up with any paperwork which had fallen behind, and Will hated to fall behind with any of his work. Not when his colleagues watched him like hawks, waiting for him to fail, or to show signs of weakness, but Graham was determined to keep his job and do it as efficiently as he could, so he got into the habit of arriving early and leaving late, and skipping lunch whenever he felt the volume of work was growing too heavy. He tried not to be seen snacking at his desk, however, by any of the other academy staff, or even the students. He obviously preferred the appearance of effortless efficiency. When Will was appointed for his job, he had leapfrogged over several older professors, whose resentment was openly expressed, if in oblique fashion. “I heard you haven’t passed the FBI screening,” they often taunted him. “Maybe you should try a different field. You won’t be able to do the work.” And, when, after straining every nerve, Will managed to prove them wrong, they said with pretended sympathy but through gritted teeth, “It will be too much for you; you’ll never keep it up,” Today though, it was not one of his acid colleagues who interrupted him. It was Hermione, the spring sunlight gleaming on her hair and fair skin. Will was just as horrified as if it had been one of his colleagues. He put down his tub of yogurt and ushered her in. “Please… come in, Ms. Drake.” Show quoted text Show quoted text


06/02/2024 12:11 PM 

General Rules.
Current mood:  accomplished

1. No minors. I am 35 in real life and I don't want minors on my page. No small children, teenagers, or baby mamas' on my page, either. No "packing extra" either.2. No stealing or jocking the information or images from this page. I worked very hard on everything you see on my main page, please respect it by not touching it and leaving it alone.3. No drama. I've dealt with drama over on the sister aniroleplay site and have since moved over to to turn a new leaf and start over fresh and new. It's worked out for me so far and I'd like to keep it that way so please keep your drama to yourself and leave it at the door.4. Do not rush me for replies. Sometimes life gets in the way and I am sometimes unable to get to m laptop. This rarely happens, but when it does I ask that you be patient about getting responses from me when we're roleplaying together. I would very much appreciate your patience during this time. Please keep in mind that everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a life outside of this website.5. Put some effort into your posts. I dish out what I get in return meaning I will put out as much as I get in return. I will put the same effort that you put in and match it.6. That being said I will not answer to one-worded or one-paragraph starters or one-liners. It's just not something I'm interested in.7. Do not ask me for personal information such as but not limited to: instant messaging, emails, phone numbers, or physical addresses. Unless we are making a business transaction do not ask for my personal email address or money transfer platform.8. Keep in mind that while this is not an erotic and smut based site that I do not mind that kind of content on my page. However, if you want to be more discreet about it we can go to the discord thing if you want although I am not very fond of discord. Anyone who knows me knows this for a fact. I will NOT however, add those who add me with their clothes all the way or half-off of them. That's not what this page is about.9. I do not mind getting to know people out of character, but do NOT start drama out of character with me. I will cease all contact if that happens. I will ignore messages, delete the profile of the person or person(s) and block them in which they are involved. Not messing around here.10. No harassment or bullying of any kind whether it be with people on my friends' list or myself. I hate those who take it upon themselves to berate or bully someone else for kicks. It's not right and I'll put a stop to it if I see it happening around my page.11. No god-moding if we are sparring and fighting. Goddess knows that there is a lot of violence and gore in Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries, etc. This is a Supernatrual / The Vampire Diaries AU account, so keep in mind if you're squimish that there will be a lot of blood, death, gore, and other things in the writing we do.12. Do not ask me about my real name or any real llife information. It makes me uncomfortable giving out real information to others online that I've never met in real life. If you must call me something just call me "Cas" or "Castiel" for your pleasure.13. Don't ask me for layout or editing advice. I'm not here to provide such things. If I were there would be a price tag on it and I don't like charging people for my work though if you offer to pay for it I won't say no and turn it down.14. Don't spread rumors based on what you've heard about me through someone else. Come see for yourself what I am like before making decisions you might regret and not make a new friend later.15. I do not like comment messages. Never have. The new system is confusing to me so I tend not to use them. I might actually turn them off in the future so please keep that in mind.16. I am a literate and experienced writer. This means I have over 16 years of writing under my belt. I have been writing since I was very young, but don't let this intimidate you. I am literate, I write in third person for mat (he/she, they/them), complete sentences, proper spelling, proper punctuation, proper grammar.17. I understand that mistakes can and do happen and I will NOT bombard you with insults if you make a couple of mistakes here and there, just don't make it a habit but I will GENTLY nudge you and point you in the right direction.18. I offer coding help when I can. I have been coding and layout making since 2008 when I was on a site called and was teaching myself to code and there were tutorial sites that actually helped others learn to code on their own and I used their knowledge to help teach myself and here I am today with all the knowledge I learned from them with the stuff I know now.19. Do not attack me with stuff that happened in the past. I am not the same person I was 10 years ago. I have changed, and I have changed for the better. I was a complete and utter destructive mess back in 2010 and I made A LOT of mistakes and I intend to rekindle what was lost at some point on here. Point is, people change, even me.20. Please DO NOT turn this into a chore, obligation or responsibility because I will end it immediately. I won't talk to you, respond to you, or even add you back once you've been deleted and blocked. I don't tolerate being treated as a mute or a number.Thank you for reading this far to my guidelines/rules and I ask that you read and sign them at the bottom so I know that you have read them. Thank you so much for reading them in the first place. I know it's a long read, but you don't have to read it all at once. Just skim through it if you need to, that's all I ask for.


06/02/2024 11:58 PM 

Hunter's Final Replay (seven minutes )

As Hunter's vision tunneled, his brain kicked into overdrive, replaying a kaleidoscope of memories from his 27 years. The crack of a baseball connecting with his father's mitt on the field. Mom's warm hugs after a tough day at school. Jake and Amelia's laughter ricocheting through the woods as they chased urban legends. Then the night everything changed - a panicked scuffle, a sickening thud, widening pools of blood. Fleeing their hometown under a shroud of guilt. The first eerie creek in his Savannah apartment signaling Karen's presence. The spine-tingling scream that made him a believer in the paranormal. Pouring over arcane texts and hunting for Karen's surviving loved ones, his desperation to uncover her story intensifying with each unanswered question. In his final seven minutes, Hunter's defining moments blurred together - cherished childhood recollections intertwined with the violence and haunting that now consumed him. His fight to unveil Karen's truth before his own secret unraveled. As the blackness closed in, a woman's anguished wail echoed through his mind, sending a final chill down Hunter's spirit. Then a void of finality as his life blinked out, his brain's movie reel spinning to a permanent stop.


06/02/2024 11:57 PM 

Mental Health Drabble

Scrawling each experience in meticulous detail helped anchor Hunter's fraying grip on reality. The journal entries were a catalog of terror, charting his steady unraveling night after night. Yet he found grim solace in committing the paranormal chaos to paper, solidifying it beyond the vagaries of his increasingly sleep-deprived psyche. He glanced down at the cramped paragraphs with a grim smile. Proof that his sanity wasn't slipping, merely straining under the weight of inexplicable horrors manifesting around him. The scribbled pages were lifelines, compelling him to keep investigating no matter how frightening the truth might be. Whatever tormented Karen in this apartment before her death was now tormenting him. But he wouldn't run, wouldn't abandon the mystery until he had answers. The journal was their connection, his chronicle of her restless unfinished story waiting to be told.


06/01/2024 08:20 PM 


- Do not spam me- I only play Polina- Do not play my character for me- I will not give my discord- I am open to romance, I swing both ways- I can do a mix of stuff, modern, casual, war, doesnt matter to me- I still have the right to deny a roleplay- Plot discussion is a must- I am vastly versed in World War II- I can do ero, but there needs to be plot and build up- More later


06/01/2024 08:19 PM 

Character Info

Name - Polina Borisovna PetrovaAlias(es) - Lady Nightingale, Little Bird, The broad, Little Nurse Girl, An Ivan With a Old RifleHeight - 5'6Hair - BrownEyes - HazelOccupation - Red Army Lieutenant, 138th Rifel Divison Member, Medical Support BattlionBorn - November 13th, 1917 in StalingradNationality - SovietGender - FemaleRace - Caucasian-Story-Life in StalingradShe was initially put into a medical unit, instead of being a sniper. Boris told her and her brother Misha to have breakfast with him. Afterwards, she carried molotovs to where Misha is, and afterwards, she goes to the rooftop to report on her duty. She arrived to where her station when the Nazis air raided their camp, prompting her to return to their home.She returned to the house after encountering Germans, taking her dad's rifle. She saw her dad executed by the Germans and fought her way to the site. She then tried to find Misha, rescuing him and a handful of new recruits about to be executed by the Germans. She provided a distraction, allowing Misha and the others to secure the tunnels.Five months later, the siblings scout through the area, but they encountered Germans under Leo Steiner. The duo fought through them until they reached the position. But a sniper wounded her brother, and the latter sacrificed himself to distract the enemies. She snuck her way, up to where Steiner was. She fought the Nazi officer's elite troops, including assault snipers. She played a cat and mouse game with Steiner, then mortally wounding him. They ended up on the rooftop, which she stabbed Steiner. She took a note referring to Hermann Freisinger, then threw him off the roof, landing the corpse near the Nazis.

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓪𝓲𝓯

06/01/2024 03:35 PM 


Teenager"Out! You gotta knock before enterin'! Out out OUT!"Sweet, young Claudia, she had been a blessing between Lestat and Louis. The perfect fix for their problems. When they'd argue she'd slip her sweet self between them and the two quickly forgot their problems, focusing on their beloved little girl. However, Claudia wasn't exactly staying the little girl she had been when first turned. Being changed at the tender age of fourteen she of course appeared as a young girl, sounded like one, still often acted like one but as time went on she became less a little girl and turned more into something that was almost as frightening as a vampire.. a teenager​​​​​​.After being turned Claudia drifted in closeness between Louis and Lestat. She and Louis had a sweeter more innocent connection for sure. But given Lestat was her maker, she also connected with him. Though it was far less sweet, the two would bicker, playfully at first though as Claudia grew so did their arguments.At the moment, Claudia was finally getting her room. She was getting older, sharing a room with her parents just didn't seem right and both Lestat and Louis thought it was time she had her spot in the house, time they had a bit more privacy between them as well, had more than just a coffin lid to hide their activities​​​​​​.Louis happily helped Claudia arrange the room, it was fixed so that at night she could have her bed that she could lounge about on, read her books, and write in her diaries. And in the morning the entire bed and wall would spin around and there would be her coffin just waiting for her to crawl inside for sleep. Claudia was ecstatic of course! She'd finally have her own room, her own space from her parents. She was so grateful for Louis help when it came to arranging it all however, she overlooked the fact that Lestat was part of the reason she got her bedroom as well. He convinced Louis it was time.Claudia sat at her desk, scribbling away in her newest diary, Louis was arranging her few final dolls on the shelf above her coffin. When her bedroom door opened in walked Lestat, casually leaning against the doorframe. With a frown and sudden burst of anger Claudia threw her ink and pen at Lestat, the bottle just shattering near his feet. "Out! You gotta knock before enterin'!! Out out OUT!"With her shouts, she ended up throwing both her parents out of her bedroom. With the door slammed in their face Louis only laughed while Lestat seemed unsettled. "She has never behaved that way with me before... what's happened?" He questioned. Louis only gave a small smirk. "Well you might not remember givin' how old you are but Claudia.. is now a teenager. And we.. more so you... are in for it." Louis teased playfully as he walked away.Lestat simply rolled his eyes though still stared at the white door that had been slammed in his face. While he always understood Louis was perhaps the favorite this was the first time he felt a true anger come from Claudi, solely directed at him. It made her sad but also uncomfortable, and that was something Lestat did not care for."She has never behaved that way with me before... what's happened?" template credit.


06/01/2024 12:31 PM 


꧁ Renjii Okajima ꧂Viewer discretion is advised. Dark themes ahead. Please read at your digression.➤General Info┊❧ Age: 19-25 (depending on rp)┊❧ Nicknames: Ren, Ren-kun┊❧ Sex: Male┊❧ Sexual Orientation: Gay, submissive, bottom┊❧ Species: Human immune to certain abilities┊❧ Height: 5’7┊❧ Weight: 135┊❧ Hair color: Purple now, was blonde┊❧ Eye Color: Blue┊❧ Body Type: Small, lithe, skinny┊❧ Scars: Several on back. Some cigarette burns on his shoulder, two scars on his left forearm.┊❧ Clothing: Skinny jeans either ripped or not. Converse shoes in black or blue. Hoodie or zip up jacket in light or dark blue. ┊❧ Mic.: Stutters when scared or really nervous. Used to wear glasses due to bad vision.➤Personality┊❧ Likes: Cooking, singing, writing music, photography, tea.┊❧ Dislikes: Coffee, soda ┊❧ Fears: Large pools of water, small tight spaces, thunderstorms.┊❧ Mental Disorders: Self-Esteem issues, depression, trusting issues, suicidal thoughts occasionally┊❧ Known Languages: Japanese, Korean, French, German, English, and learning some Russian.┊❧ Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar, writing music, cooking and taking long walks.➤ Family┊❧ Mother: Althea Meyer. Known as a defense lawyer. Mostly helping the crime leaders of all over that can afford to have her on their side. Blonde hair, blue eyes, looks good for her age because she has the power over time. Can stop her body from aging and possibly even her age itself. Who knows.┊❧Father: Griffin Okajima: He’s a chronic gambler and is works as an auto mechanic. Had a drinking problem and anger issues. Black hair and brown eyes, little chubby due to lack of exercise and drinking.┊❧ Sister: Lyla Meyer. Younger sibling and only one. Died when she was only eight when Ren was twelve of cancer. Leukemia. A very happy girl, always caring and kind. You couldn’t help but smile when she was around. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Could be Ren’s twin if it wasn’t due to their age difference.➤BackgroundEver since his sister’s death things have been hectic. His parents got divorced, his mother blamed him for her daughter’s death even though there was nothing anyone could do. Every doctor, every nurse and even Lyla. She may have been young but she was smart enough to know that it was the end. Lyla begged her big brother to take her out of the hospital one last time, to the beach to watch the sunset and hear her brother sing her favorite song. She fought for so long but was so tired of the needles, the constant doctor changes and being stuck in the hospital. What kind of brother would he be to deny her of her last request when she begged him? So he snuck her out of the hospital, took a cab and to the beach they went. She died just after sunset. His parents treated him differently ever since. No that wasn’t true. There really wasn’t a time that they really treated him like a son, if it wasn’t for Lyla being there for him, he would have been invisible.After his parents got divorced Ren and his father moved around a lot due to his father’s gambling habit. They never really stayed in one place for too long. Always moving just after a year. Ren dropped out of high school just so he could get a job and help his father with the bills and also his debt. He would do odd jobs, sign up for contests, basically anything that he could do as a teenager. Even though he dropped out of school Ren would still try and learn what he could online.Ren was fifteen when he realized he was gay. He couldn’t figure out what was happening until he researched it a little more. Some explanation as to why he wasn’t really attracted to girls or why he wasn’t like a regular teenager. So he delved deep into some details and low and behold, he was gay. Made sense to him now that he really thought about it but decided to keep it a secret because he knew that his father wasn’t going to accept it and Ren would be right. When he was sixteen his father found out that Ren was gay through a coworker. This coworker’s son snitched on him when Ren confided in him. Which now resulted in his trust issues. Griffin was already in a foul mood, lost a bet, and now found out his son was gay. Ren didn't deny it when he was confronted and ended up getting beat by a belt. Ren’s father just kept hitting him over and over on his back shouting profanities and finally stopped when he realized Ren was had blacked out. Realizing that this would be a problem he took Ren to the hospital and claimed he was jumped by some homophobes to protect his own ass. Ren never corrected it and the abuse never stopped. Different hospital trips for different things across the country. No one was able to track the afflictions that Ren endured. He had his rib broken five times, arm fracture in three places, six concussions, broken wrist and some more cuts. Deciding that the hospital trips were getting out of hand, Ren decided to learn basic knowledge on how to take care of these things at home besides the broken bones if more were to happen. He taught himself how to do stitches and be able to brace his ribs. Stuff like that. Ren couldn’t handle the debt he already had with the hospital bills let alone keeping up with his own father’s bills. To cope with all of this Ren resorted to taking drugs, just pills. Something to help take the edge off and keep him somewhat sane. Some days he wished to just take them all and end it. In fact one day he did and his father found him in time and got him to the hospital. Since then Ren was careful and didn’t try it again, though the thoughts weren’t too far from his mind.

Silverwood, Maine

06/01/2024 07:23 PM 

Silverwood, Maine Affiliates

Collective Secrets RPG:Coᥣᥣᥱᥴtιvᥱ Whιsρᥱrs on -


05/31/2024 11:04 PM 

Zen's guidelines

I'll keep these short, and to the point.#1. Drama: Keep it out of my life. Got enough to deal with. In character is fine, but nothing outside of that.#2. Lewd themes: I may indulge in some, however, they are far from my primary focus. Also, I like things to be built up rather than just straight-up getting to business.#3. Do not rush me --- this one should be pretty self-explanatory. I will get to things at my own pace, this is a hobby, and like many other people, I have more than one I partake in. #4. One-liners [banter exempt] and simple hellos don't give me anything to work with, so, I tend to ignore these. Nothing personal.#5. Be respectful. Pretty simple, yeah? Should be something we all practice.#.6. Spontaneous starters are preferred. I will discuss, but I'm about getting things going ASAP. Time is precious.I'll add more if there's ever a need, but for now, this is all.

Rules, Guidelines

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖳𝗈𝗇

05/31/2024 08:28 PM 

Other Regency

Other Regency fierce mind.Character: Elizabeth BennetWriting Length: Multi-Para+Desired Connections: P&P (Jane, Darcy)Discord User: Yes   display nameCharacter:Writing Length:Desired Connections:Discord User:   display nameCharacter:Writing Length:Desired Connections:Discord User:


05/31/2024 06:57 PM 

Midnight Rain [III/III]

Midnight Rain; a Prequel   Bubblegum / @shakeitoff 2021 MayUniversity of Southern California Jingyi Lee was more nervous today than she had been in years. Their little angel, Jubilation, was now 14 years old. She was quite a little spitfire insisting on being called Jubilee in front of her school friends and when they picked her up from gymnastics class.Both of her parents were so proud of their little girl. She was so talented in gymnastics that her coach recommended she go to the trials to see if she could make it for the US Olympics Team. There was no question about it. The Lees would fund this once in a lifetime chance for their daughter. It would also allow them the opportunity to do other things that needed to be kept away from the constant eye of their shadow.They had been in the United States for over 20 years now. Tomi Shishido had made everything clear for them to get to these shores. At first he had kept his distance, but as the years passed his presence was looming like a virus. The Lees dirty secret was that Shishido owned 5% of their business at first as payment for his services. He gradually wormed his way in to get up to 7% of their import export business. Right before the recommendation for Jubilee to try out for the US Olympics Gymnastics Team, Shishido was pressing for an increase to 15% of their total assets. They did everything they could in order to keep this from Jubilee. She couldn't know. It was nothing that should worry a child. Her parents were both adamant that she focus on school and on her gymnastics. She did both without question. This made the Lees even more desperate to get rid of Shishido.Zhan Lee and Jingyi Lee were sitting in the stands with the other parents of Olympic hopefuls. Jingyi was craning her neck trying to see where their daughter was about to perform. “Do you see her yet Baba?”Zhan adjusted his glasses. “There's our girl!” He was such a proud papa. Jubilee was the apple of his eye. He was so proud of her and her accomplishments. She was smarter than either one of her parents and exceptionally talented. He and his wife took a chance coming to the US when they did and he was glad of it. His gaze drifted to the sight of his lawyer speaking with that man again. Zhan knew good and damn well that Tomi Shishido was worse than the Triads or the Yakuza. He and his wife had met with a new attorney Anushka Joshi and were in the process of switching their business and financial holdings to her to be their representative. Unfortunately those things took time.~*~ There was another face in the crowd that day. The man was Canadian by birth. He hated Tomi Shishido with everything he possessed and then some. He had spent time using his connections to track down the bastard known as The Gorgon. His hands were dirty as hell especially considering how high he ranked in an organization called The Hand. One of these days, James Howlett was going to remove the blight that was Tomi Shishido from the face of the earth.He was given inside information by Zhan Lee about the role Shishido had played in their lives for the past two decades. Lee and his wife had a kid. Lee didn't want anything to happen to their daughter Jubilation. He spoke to Howlett alone and without his wife's knowledge. Lee was convinced that Shishido was about to kill him because he was fighting back. This was where Howlett drew the line. No little girl was going to lose her daddy, not if he could help it. He was an added insurance policy to make sure Shishido would be finally driven off for good. All they had to do was wait. The bastard would surely show his face again soon.~*~Now on floor exercises, JUBILATION LEE from Beverly Hills!The eyes of the room were focused on that tiny girl with refined features. She was a dynamo when it came to the talent she had for gymnastics. She took her place on the floor. Before the music started she caught sight of her parents who were clapping the hardest and the loudest. With their love and support, Jubilee could do anything. Finally the music started. That was her cue.The music she had chosen was “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” by Cyndi Lauper. Everyone was all about 80s retro these days and Jubilee being the girly girl she immediately took to Cyndi Lauper. The music started and she was off in a diagonal line.Zhan focused on how gifted his daughter was. She moved through the air with the greatest of ease. He was so proud of her! His entire flight here and everything they had gone through to this point had been for her. The reason why he was fighting back against Shishido was Jubilee. She didn't need this bastard hanging over her head like he had been with her parents. Zhan's gaze swept the room. He caught sight of James Howlett. He was starting to feel better already.The opening tumbling run was always designed to catch the attention of the judges and those watching. She hit her goal of multiple handsprings and a twist of her hips that caused her to face the side of the mat that she had just been standing. She held up her hands perfectly in the midst of thundering applause. She knew she'd hit it perfectly. She made eye contact with her mother and winked. The Lees were cheering so loud and proud for their only daughter.~*~ Shishido was here. He kept out of sight from the public attempting to blend in as best he could. He knew that bastard Wolverine was here. Zhan Lee was going to pay for working with Wolverine and attempting to get away from him. This was an unpardonable sin. He silently crept toward the locker rooms. Betrayal was going to be dealt with harshly. Minions were dispatched to locate the Lees and bring them to his location.The Lees were waiting for the score to come for their daughter's tumbling run. They didn't see the men behind them until it was too late. The world around them went black.Howlett watched the kid do her thing. She was definitely a little firecracker on the floor. He found himself applauding too. He turned toward where he'd seen the Lees. They had vanished without a trace. “SH*T!” He growled through clenched teeth. Gorgon made his move. The man called Wolverine immediately started searching for the Lees.~*~The floor exercises were soon finished and she knew she nailed it. She'd not gone out of bounds. She was flawless. Her score was announced and she screeched for joy. She was going to St Louis! Her eyes immediately went to where her parents were sitting only to see that they were gone. Her heart had skipped a beat. Where were they? She immediately ran back toward the locker rooms.A blood curdling scream came from the locker rooms. A crowd had gathered outside of the girls locker room. Jubilee pushed in through the throng to find both of her parents laying there in a puddle of blood. She immediately started to run toward them when Riku grabbed her arm. “Jubilee! No!”The boy from her school was obsessed with her. Riku Nakahara was handsome, sure, but Jubilee just wasn't interested. He had never learned the meaning of the word no. Jubilee was the first one to ever say that to him and that didn't set well with him. He grabbed onto her harm tighter. She felt the most intense emotions in her life come bubbling to the surface. Anger, rage, hatred all emerged because of the site of her dead parents. “RIKU LET ME GO!” With each word she spoke, an array of colors began to leap from her body. Fireworks were coming from her body but she didn't know how or why. WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO HER?Jubilee took off into the night screaming and crying trying to stop these fireworks from erupting from her body. Her favorite mall was nearby. She somehow wound up there. A section of the mall was being renovated. Her internal fireworks had finally stopped. She found her way into the mall and its renovations to stay hidden away from everyone that worst night of her life.Howlett had gotten there too late. They were dead. He did see their daughter was now a human fireworks display. Everything was falling apart. Howlett wasn't going to let this scared and confused kid get in any more trouble. He would kill anyone who kept him from her. He knew what it felt like to be alone. He wasn't going to let the kid feel what he did; not now or ever.END "If you disappoint me, I'm going rogue." -- Jubilation Lee credit: james kriet

𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒄✧

05/31/2024 03:56 PM 


body { background: url(''); repeat; } Can you both share what initially drew you to the project of "In the Heights"? NJ: Initially, I was just happy for Caroline. She’s on a career high right now, cuando ella y mi tia vinieron a decírmelo, I was happy. And just like Caroline, Lenore is my manager, she does everything for me. I had zero idea they wanted me to be in it as well. So, when they finally said I’m going to be Usnavi, it was really exciting. Especially with this being my first big role. I was ecstatic! This still doesn’t feel real. Se siente como un sueño. It still feels that way!CT:I knew that Lin was in the works of taking "In The Heights" from the stage to the big screen but I was really surprised when I got the call. Lin calls me and he's so excited because "In The Heights" is like his baby. So, he's like, "As long I have a job, you have a job. Do you want to be Vanessa in this movie?" And of course, it was an instant yes. este musical es mi sueñitos. To be able to embrace my culture, work with Lin again, and be a musical that I get to star in with one of my favorite humans, mi mayor logro hasta ahora. How does your real-life friendship influence your on-screen chemistry in the movie? NJ:Usnavi is a little awkward because he has such a big crush on Vanessa, but he can’t act on it. Or won’t, I should say. And so, having to flirt with my best friend definitely makes me a little awkward sometimes. It definitely helps with the cluelessness when it comes to anything romantic that happens between the two.CT:It works in our favor! I think, and it's a little fun to sort of have swapped places. I am way more shy than Nori in the real world. I'm much more awkward, but Vanessa isn't shy at all really. She's very much assertive about what she wants, for the most part, so it's fun to sort of have swapped. I think it makes for also a level of trust that we didn't have to build as strangers to be able to throw ourselves in head first. We didn't have to build that rhythm, chemistry is something you either have it or you don't, so we didn't have to sit through chemistry tests or anything. Trusting your co-star makes the acting so much easier, and makes every single day on set super fun. What was it like working together on a musical that celebrates Latin culture and heritage? NJIt felt very important to do! Especially because it’s what I do for myself already. Yo soy Boricua!I’m very proud to be Puerto Rican. I’m proud of my heritage and where I came from. And I’ve passed that on to my daughter as well. It’s also really important that Caroline gets to speak her truth. Every one just bypasses the fact that she is in fact Mexican, and that she keeps that dear to her heart because it’s how she keeps her mom’s memory alive and Noelle is half Mexican, so to have both her cultures being uplifted, represented, todo eso, it makes me happy.CT:It's both so meaningful for us and fun! I have always embraced who I am despite not getting the chance to do so. It's so fun to be able to work on a project where we're not cast as "a sassy best friend" or some stereotype. Latin music is superior and I love being able to dance with such passion. It's honestly so exciting that a musical about Latin culture is getting the opportunity to be a big-budget deal. It's long overdue. "In the Heights" is a story about community and dreams. How do these themes resonate with your own lives and careers? NJ: For me, it just reminds me of when I was growing up. I always grew up in areas that were similar to the connections in the movie. Even now, it’s a little different but my friends son como mi familia. And that’s exactly how it felt being on set. CT:I think the community is something that especially is super important to us. We are a village in our little family, and we rely on each other it's especially wonderful for me who didn't have a family growing up. As far as dreams, dreams are the reason I've done anything. I started dreaming up clothes for my dad to compete in, and I think dreams are the most powerful thing, we as humans do.   Can you describe a memorable moment or favorite scene you both shared during the filming? NJ:My favorite scene, I think, would have to be during Champagne. That was like the most Nori and Caroline scene you’ll get from us. I’m just focused on opening the champagne bottle and the fact we don’t have cups, Caroline is trying to talk to me but I’m like yeah! Like I hear you but I gotta open this damn champagne. And then I apparently got really into it, and was like “how do you take this gold sh*t off?” we just busted out laughing. CT:I also really love the "How do you take this gold sh*t off?". I was so happy that they were going to leave it because it's just precious. But because I don't wanna be an imitadora. I love any scene that we got to do with Noelle, I was crying each time because I felt so honored to be in her first movie with her. But as far as like, funny moments, there's a scene in "Black Out," where we're sort of in a fight, and Nori has to say, "I've been tryin' all night, you've been shaking your ass for like half of the heights" and as soon as it ends, he's immediately like, "I'm so sorry!!! I don't think that!!!" because he felt so bad having to say something degrading. A sweet whittle Noris.    Questions for Nori Jusino,  Nori, as the "King of Modern Reggaeton," how did you incorporate your musical background into the role of Usnavi? NJ: I started taking vocal lessons, actually. Musicals are waaaay different, you gotta make sure everyone’s on point, and if you sing the wrong note, people will notice and you gotta start over. I started my music career just by putting myself out there and getting the right connections, and just pure luck. For this I HAD to really elevate my vocals, and while I think I still sound the same. I have better control of my voice now than I did when I started my career.   Usnavi is a character with big dreams and a deep love for his community. How did you prepare to embody this role? NJ: It didn’t take much! Lin had a vision, and like Usnavi, I love my community, I love my people, where I come from. All of it. So in that aspect, Usnavi and I are the same, I just had to rep Dominican Republic instead of Puerto Rico. Pero mucho amor a la república dominicana.   What challenges did you face transitioning from reggaeton music to performing in a musical? NJ:With reggaeton, it’s usually just me. I’ll do features here and there y ya. Pero, with musicals. You’ve got Caroline singing one thing, Corey’s signing his verse, Stephanie, Dashca, and Daphne are singing their verse, and so on and so on. But we’re all doing it at the same time. It’s easy to get lost in it when you’re not use to it, but you get use to it, and once it sticks it sticks. Another thing is performing it. Dancing, acting, singing. I can’t rely on the backing track. I can’t miss a word or it throws it off. When I’m on stage for concerts, if I stop singing I have the crowd screaming back at me. That’s not the case for In The Heights.  How does it feel to represent Puerto Rican culture in such a prominent way through this film? NJ: It allowed me to explore como se dice? Different genres, the dancing is different. It’s got that urban vibe, but it’s still different than what I’m used to. You also get to see me acting, I had two cameos on Sky Rojo and The Queen of Flow, but nothing major. But this movie, I’m the main character. The story is following Usnavi, for the most part. So you really get to see my acting skills be put to the test.     Questions for Caroline Tesfaye,    Caroline, you've had a remarkable career in both acting and music. How did your experience playing Eliza in "Hamilton" prepare you for the role of Vanessa?  CT:Honestly, I feel very lucky because this is my second Lin Manuel Miranda musical role, so I've already gotten used to the fast pace of it. But Eliza and Vanessa never really rap, so I didn't have to learn that I was able to throw myself into Vanessa and we sang all of the songs live, so I didn't have as much of a problem being able to keep my voice strong while dancing, I was already used to singing for hours, but I get to dance more as Vanessa and that's a lot of fun. I always joke that I make my career as being stingy Puerto Rican men's love interests.  As someone who is white-passing but proudly Mexican, how important is it for you to embrace and represent your culture through this film?  CT:It's so important for me. I have never pretended to not be Mexican, but people have always tried to shove me in this box and not listen to what I'm saying. My mom was an immigrant, and this culture feels like her. I feel like she's with me with him singing in Spanish, I feel like the world gets to hear her voice through me and immigrants are silenced so much, and my mom passed away, this is me doing something for her. I want to break out of the mold and just be Caroline. I have a platform and I don't want to abuse it by not forcing people to see who I am.  You're very active in Nori's daughter's life. How does this close-knit bond influence your collaborative work on screen? CT:It's very easy for us to play parents because we do parent together. I don't say that lightly, Noelle is one of the most important people in my life. I am truly honored and I don't want to say blessed because it's more than that, but honestly, being able to be there for her in the ways that my mom was before she passed away and give her what I didn't have. Single dads are amazing, but every little girl needs a woman and I've never or will never will never hesitate to step up when she needs.    Questions for working with Lin Manuel Miranda,   Both of you have worked with Lin-Manuel Miranda in different capacities. How was it working with him on "In the Heights"? NJ: Lin is incredible! He’s one of the nicest people I’ve met since my career started. He feels familiar. Es como un tío para mí. Having him on set, everyone’s at ease. There’s no hostility. He’s just a guy you wanna be around. There’s no negativity. Anything is flipped to a positive. If you’re having a bad day, he’s there with a pep talk. Such a good dude to work with, I’m blessed to be able to work with him on In The Heights. CT:I think I have a tiny bit of an advantage because I've acted alongside him so I can sort of follow his train of thought and take direction in almost a shorthand because I have seen how his brain works. He's so positive and he's not arrogant enough to be like actually, I know I wrote it this way, but let's try it this way. It's a lot of fun. It's cool because we both have these different advantages to working with Lin. After all, Lin had originally played Usnavi, so he can come in with tips that only someone who's stepped into the role can give.  What impact do you think Lin-Manuel's vision and creativity have had on the film and your performances? NJ:He’s super involved. He’d started writing this back when he was still in college! So this is like his baby. It’s almost like a passion project for him. Whenever he felt like we needed a little more oomph, he’s like well let’s try it this way and see if it works better. He’s on set day in and day out, in between takes he’s just making sure everyone is good, everyone is happy and having fun.CT:Lin is on set every day, this movie like we both said is his baby. He loves it. He's just so grateful to be able to see his vision in the grandest of ways. I'm not sure he ever truly thought he'd get to see this show performed to the max. We're out here with these huge dance numbers, it's crazy. Every day feels like a parade or something, and everyone's so happy to be there. It's such a positive fun set.    Questions about the movie's impact,     What do you hope audiences take away from "In the Heights"?   NJIWe don’t have to sit back and conform to what people think we should be. Si tienes un sueño, go for it. Do what makes you happy! Never lose who you are. No matter where you go, or what people may think of you, you are always going to be you, don’t change that for other people, and never forget where you came from. CT:Never ever stop chasing your sueñitos. Don't let the world's harshness dim your light of dreaming and embracing your culture. I also think another message that you can find in it is about community and happiness. I think the best way I can describe it is to quote Lin, again, from Moana and say, "you must find happiness where you are."   How do you think this film will contribute to the representation of Latin culture in mainstream media? NJ: It’s good to see us being represented in a positive and uplifting life. We tend to get type casted into these roles because of what we look like or how we sound. Lin bringing everyone together for this project goes to show you, you can look like me or Caroline and not be drug dealer number three, or the sassy best friend. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for representation of Latine culture. CT:I think it's nothing but positive for the Latin culture. A lot of times in movies we're casted a certain way, we've both mentioned that but it's also the real life prejudice that we and so many people like us have to face. In the Heights showcases how we are intelligent, talented, hardworking and joyful people. Immigrants can sometimes be labeled as lazy, and everything else under the sun, and it's simply not true. We need more media and entertainment that shares the truth of our people. We deserve to be able to pick up a feel good movie and see people like us, people like our families and kids can see themselves in us. It's important.  Are there any specific messages or themes in the movie that you both feel are particularly timely or relevant today? NJ:There’s mentions of gentrification throughout the movie. That is a constant battle for a lot of people of color, not just Latine people. Our people are being pushed out of their neighborhoods and the rent is skyrocketing, it’s unfair. So I think that is one of the more important messages within the movie. Another one would be just being proud of yourself, your home, where you came from. Our culture shapes who we are and it’s best to embrace it, even when it feels like you’re sticking out like a sore thumb.CT:I think that the hamster wheel of working so hard for the Latin community to be continously ignored, put down and stereotyped. It's still a thing, this entire block is being screwed over and it happens so often. It's nice to see a story where these people still get a happy ending despite the fact that this country isn't always kind to us. The community, the family, these people are there for each other and want to see each other succeed. It's a love letter to the Latin community, and I'm so happy that little boys and little girls like our Noelle gets to see themselves in this movie. And Noelle gets to seriously do it because she's in it, but still, it's a project that has made me the most proud of anything I've ever worked on. 

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05/31/2024 05:13 PM 

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