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my little babies.


Last Login:
May 15th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 36
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 27, 2011


06/01/2011 08: PM 

Rules. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

Disclaimer: Alright, so in case you didn't know, I'm not Taylor Momsen. I never was and I never will be. I am a role player on Myspace,sitemodel, and thedarkrealmz. You don't need to send me messages telling me how I'm not her, because believe me, I am fully aware, but thanks for your concern. Psh.

Friend Requests: If you are not a role player then I will not accept your request. Like I stated previously, "I am a role player on Myspace,sitemodel,and thedarkrealmz." Therefore, it would make no sense at all to accept people who weren't role players. If you want me to accept your request that badly, then make an RP account, and we'll see.

Alright, I'm fully aware by now that I have a bunch of amazing default pictures/quotes/screencaps/icons/backgrounds/animations/a kickass storyline and all that other jazz on my page. I work really hard to get all of those things because I take the time to go out and find those pictures, icons, etc. It's disrespectful to go and take the things that I've worked hard to make and aquire, especially my storyline and screen caps for my character. Countless times people have stolen them from me and it has made me more mad than anything in the world. Don't do it because I will find out. And I will verbally kick your ass. It's a promise.

ment Requirements:
I'm fully aware that typing out full words is really hard for some people, and if that's the case for you, then don't even think about leaving me a comment. I expect proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. I will not respond if I can't understand what the hell you're trying to say to my character. Also, I require that the comment be at least one paragraphs long. Usually, if they are any less than that then the comment is stupid or boring. Think of it as me challenging you to write something a little more interesting and to expand your mind, hm?

RP Relationships: My character will RP with anyone and everyone that wishes to leave her a comment (a worthy comment, mind you) no matter what background they have or what their main storyline is. However, if they just meet, then my character is not going to be best friends with your character right away. If you have an idea for a storyline between the two, then message me and I'll think about it, or if you want them to eventually just become friends, then give it time. I think of RP as a developing story for my character; I control what she does and how she will end up, as well as who she will end up with. It will all come with time, there are no guarantees.

As far as I'm concerned, you can keep all your problems to yourself. We come on Myspace,sitemodel,thedarkrealmz to role play to avoid and get away from the drama that haunts our souls in real life... so why bring it here? I know I have a lot of friends on here because I love talking to people and making friends, but let me just make it known, that if you become my friend and you throw drama in my face, you will be blocked in a second. It's just that simple. Don't believe me? Try it.

Bulletins and Add/Whores:
I will whore your url if you are new to RP and you need some friends, and if I know you personally.But don't ask me over and over again cause you just want to collect numbers.
Comment Speed: I'll try my best to reply back as fast as I can it just depends on how long the comment is and how well I know you, if I knew you for awhile things just go easly but if we just met I get nervous and get picky about my writing bad habit I know.
Most importantly. Have Fun.
After reading the rules in your comment tell me your favorite song you just love listening to over and over again :)


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