Chris Steele

Last Login:
May 8th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 40
Sign: Gemini
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 02, 2011


06/11/2011 01: AM 

Character History (Volume One: Genesis)


Season 1: In the beginning of Season 1, Chris has just finished training with Dr. Oliver when he gets a phone call from a Mohinder Suresh, who says that he knows that Chris might have an ability. The two set up a meeting for when Chris reaches New York. Before leaving for New York, Chris meets Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi. After realizing that Hiro is Kaito Nakamura's son, Chris decides to travel with them to New York. While he travels with them, Chris learns from Hiro about a bomb that is supposed to go off in New York in five weeks. During this time, Chris teaches , Hiro some English as they head to New York. The three reach Las Vegas and part ways, saying that they'll meet up with each other again in New York. After meeting an interesting family in Las Vegas, Chris heads towards New York again.

After about a week on the road, Chris ends up in Texas where he meets a cheerleader by the name of Claire Bennet, who can heal herself. Shortly after meeting Claire, Chris is confronted by a man with horn-rimmed glasses (Noah Bennet). Chris soon blacks out (the Haitian's ability), and wakes up several days later in Ohio, with no memory of what happened to him over the past several days. Chris finds a strange mark on his left shoulder. Not knowing what the mark is, Chris continues his journey to New York.

Once arriving in New York, Chris meets Mohinder and after doing some tests, it is confirmed that Chris is an evolved human. After meeting Mohinder, Chris goes to meet Peter and Nathan, and to warn them about the bomb. Meeting up with Peter first, the two quickly catch up before Peter tells Chris about Nathan being able to fly and about himself being the bomb. Revealing his ability to Peter, Chris promises his friend that he'll do whatever it takes to stop Peter from accidentally blowing up New York. The two soon part ways for the time being and Chris goes to find Nathan.

On his way to meet Nathan, Chris is confronted by Sylar, who is determined to kill him and take Chris' ability. Chris quickly escapes from Sylar, but is confronted by the madman again. This time Chris and Sylar fight, and Chris barely escapes. After losing Sylar, Chris meets up with Nathan Petrelli, who is on the campaign trail, running for Congress. The two meet, catch up, and when Chris mentions Nathan's ability, he first denies it, but later tells Chris the truth, but tells Chris to keep it a secret. Chris agrees and when he tells Nathan about the bomb, Nathan tells Chris not to worry, unknown to Chris, Nathan already knows about the bomb, but has decided to let the bomb go off.

As the time of the election nears closer, Chris meets up with Hiro and Ando again. Commenting that Hiro's English has improved a great deal, Hiro tells him that he has met a woman named Charlie, who taught him better English. The three decide to split up in hopes of stopping the bomb and Sylar.

On November 8, 2006, Peter Petrelli exploded high in the sky. Chris was a few blocks away when it happened. Angry that he didn't keep his promise to Peter, Chris rushes over to the scene to see if he could find Peter, but to no avail. He learns from Claire that Nathan took Peter into the sky to prevent the destruction of the city. Angry that Chris couldn't save his friends, Chris takes off, in hopes to find both Nathan and Peter.


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