Henry Fitzroy

Last Login:
May 27th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 50
Sign: Cancer
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
June 24, 2011


08/14/2011 11: PM 


Pronunciation: (rOl'plA") v.t.

1. To assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators.

 2. To experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. -v.i. to engage in role-playing.

The Lingo:

RT- "real time": This refers to your real physical existence, the *player* and their life outside the "Game" of role-play.

VT- "virtual time": This refers to your 'time' online, the people you meet here and the things you do when you're here.

OOC- Out of Character: This means that you are speaking to others as your "player" - the person at the keyboard. It can also refer to knowledge your "player" has that your "character" does not. For example: you've talked to the player of the character " insert character's name here" and the player told you that  that "character" has a bad knee, it's his major weak spot. If you were to go into the rooms and your character - without learning this information "himself" and without a reason of established rp- immediately attacks the characters bum knee, it is considered very bad form.

IC - In Character: This means that you - the player- are currently playing out your "character". You've left reality and you're acting as your character would. It also refers to knowledge that your character has gained on his own during a role-play session. A common pitfall that new role-players make is to get their OOC and their IC emotions and knowledges mixed up. For instance, just because that hot little vamp girl is coming on to your big stud vamp doesn't mean that her player wants to make a date for real life 'nookie" later.

 Role Player's Creed 

1. I will maintain the illusion of the game by staying in character whenever possible. I will withhold out of character comments until absolutely necessary and even then I will whisper or ICQ them to the other players.

2. If I discuss the game with other players out of character, I will not allow my character to be influenced by this knowledge without express permission of the other players. I will take the time to allow my character to learn these things on his or her own during the course of the game.

3. I will separate myself as a player from my character as much as possible. While I understand that a lot of myself goes into my character and because the game is so very intense often real emotions will be drawn from me as a player, I also understand that my character is not me.

4. If I am not in the mood to play, I won't interrupt other people's games by coming into it out of character. I will find others who are not in character and go somewhere meant for out of character discussion.

(note: will add more rules as an when i feel like it.)


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