Dr. Benjamin Thrace

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May 23rd, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 49
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
October 09, 2011


10/11/2011 11: PM 

Rules for RP with me!

I know I know, this was a looong time coming! I probably should have done these a long time ago, and it would have saved me a lot of heartache. But live and learn, and now I know what I need to say so that people won't get all all upset (Like some have) when I tell them I cannot rp with them.  So, I hope these help clear things up, and this way I can avoid confrontations! So here they are!


1. I am a  non-canon character. That means I am a true blue, 100% original. I can do what I want, and not worry about wondering if it is "In Character." So, don't criticize how I act or what I say, because that is the sure fire way to find yourself deleted!

2. I will not rp with you in which we continue to introduce your character over and over.  Once,  the very first time we rp together, is enough.  Please establish yourself.

3. I will not rp with someone who tries to play multiple characters at once.  This means that if you make a comment post as one character, but in that post you act as four or five other characters, I will not respond.  Pick one, make it your main, and then we can rp.

4. At no point will I sacrifice myself, or "kill off" a character at any time.  While it may seem pivotal to the storyline,  I simply will not do it, so don't expect it or request it.

5. Keep God Moding slim to nil. There are some people with whom this is an exception, for I have rped with them long enough that they would know how I respond. And even they know my limits. So, don't do it. I control me, you control you. Easy right?

6. I don't like "magic," so don't try it. It gets on my nerves when people use obvious plot holes in order to solve their problems, so don't even think about it. Q's are an exception, because of who they are and their overall intent. But even that is a bit extreme, so it would be best to just ask before proceeding. I will not be entranced, spellbound, or any other such nonsense so don't try.

7. I am a doctor, nothing else. While I do have knowledge of a lot of different fields and areas, medicine is first. So that being said, don't ask me to take over in Engineering or some other craziness. And with that, don't step into my house either. If you're a Transwarp Theorist, I would be more than happy to talk to you about it, but that is it. I'm not building warp engine with you or any other kind of strange thing. I'm a doctor, so leave it at that.

8. I don't do one liners. Don't ask, don't try, just don't do it. I like to read as well as write, and when things are short and choppy it aggravates me.  Para and multi-para are great, so get it together and go with that. Just don't go crazy.

9. SPELL CHECK SPELL CHECK SPELL CHECK! Holy crap, I HATE reading a bunch of misspelled words! One or two is fine, but a whole paragraph dominated by them? Not on my page! There are tons of websites that offer quick and easy spelling and grammar checks, so USE THEM! Stop being lazy! I know I use them, so don't be prideful!  Grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling make good stories great. DO IT!

10. And Last but certainly not least....I AM CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP!! That's right, I'M TAKEN! So you women get those licentious eyes off me!  It's not happening, no way, no how. I am not a cheat, no matter how much you beg or whine. THE ANSWER IS NO! I am still willing to carry on friendships with you, but that is as far as it goes. You want something more? Tough.  Read my profile, its all there. Hell, you should read the profile anyhow just so that you know who I am! Again, see rule 1!!!

Now then, these rules are of course subject to change as my character develops and it becomes necessary to add things or subtract or modify, whatever the need is. I posted these to clear things up a bit, and to stop all the angry messages because I don't rp with people (You know who you are!!!) Now we are all on the same page, and I hope we can do some really great rps together. Should you have any questions about any of these rules, do not hesitate to send me a message and I will discuss them. Doesn't mean they will change, but I am willing to discuss them.


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