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08/09/2013 10:17 PM 

Poltergeist (My original DC character)
Category: Stories
Current mood:  creative

Character: Poltergeist  

Real Name: Klaus Reinhardt

Nicknames/Monikers: Klaus Reinhardt von Erde (Klaus Reinhardt of Earth), Klaus Reinhardt von 
Deutschland (Klaus Reinhardt of Germany), Die Gespenst des Zornes (The Specter of Wrath)

Eyes: Ice blue (Like a wolves or a Siberian Husky)

Hair: short, jet black

Ethnicity: White/Caucasian 

Height: 5"11

Body Type: Mesomorph

Age: 18 (When he died)

Year of Birth: 1927

From: Germany

Powers and abilities: Wielder of three lantern rings. Black Lantern, Red Lantern, and Sinestro corp Lantern. With his Black lantern ring, he is able to create energy constructs notably using them to form the various weapons used throughout world war II such as Tanks, barriers with turrets, grenades, tear gas, rocket launchers,  and his most favorite weapon, the standard L�ger. With his Red lantern ring, his black lantern powers are amplified making any projectile fired more deadlier. His strength increases whenever entering rage mode, creating a rage shield that makes him practically invincible until he calms down. And with is Sinestro corp lantern  ring, He is able to paralyze his victims with their worst fear through illusions, hallucinations, and paranoia, making it much easier to administer the killing blow.

Hero /Villain attire: His spandex lantern suit is made up of the colors of the modern day German flag. The colors Black and Red make up the first half of the sleeve and suit while a sliver of red covers the other half with Yellow takes up the rest and covers the entire sleeve on the second half . In middle of his suit are the three symbols of the lantern corps that he aligns himself with. The Black lantern symbol is placed at the top while the Red is on the right side and the yellow lantern is on the left side. 

Casual attire: Klaus can been regularly scene wearing leather jackets and biker hats.  Occasionally he wears long Waffen SS coat that come down to his ankles. More often then not, he'll wear on his forearms an armband with the original swastika on it instead of the reverse swastika like the average Nazi would wear. This was his own  way of symbolizing that he turned his back on his Nazi ways. He'll also wear a necklace of the  Reichsadler (Imperialist Eagle), the design from 1888 to 1918.

Alignment: Evil at first, but now it varies from good to neutral.

Verse: DC comics, Marvel, Green Lantern, Teen Titans, Justice League, Young Justice,  any verse that will accept him

Backstory: Klaus grew up in Germany when World War II was on the brink. He did not mind his country taking over the world and enjoyed the fact that he was supposedly on the winning side. But he was not fond of the idea of the German-Jews being so mistreated and discriminated against. In fact he had a girlfriend who was Jewish. This was a forbidden love and it was a tight kept secret between the two of them. But on one fateful day, Klaus caught her in the act of fellating another man. This act of betrayal sent him over the edge, beating down the man and turning in his former girlfriend into a concentration camp where she died shortly after. Klaus had been known to have anger issues and this event  skyrocketed them, leading him to joining the Hitler Youth and eventually the military. There he worked at concentration camps, helping send thousands of German-Jews to their deaths by the gas chambers, and even going so far as to execute them one by one with his L�ger. But then came the day when the Americans and the soviets were closing in on the Reichstag and Klaus was sent in to do his part for his country. He was later killed by tank fire which sent him high into the air and collapsing his lungs and vertebrae from the fall. 

He later woke up in the Dead Zone with Nekron towering over him. He was amazed that Nekron was able to speak his mother's tongue and aware of his origins and history. He was then given his first Black lantern ring, sliding it onto his  index finger on his right hand, and carried out the deeds that were given to him. Later on he met up with Atrocitus who asked him if he could do him a favor. There was a member of the Red Lantern corp who was planning to overthrow him and needed him to be "dealt with". He gladly accepted the offer. After neutralizing the insurrection, and liking what he saw from  the power of the red lantern ring,  Klaus decided to claim the ring as his prize, sliding onto his index finger on his left hand.  He then pressed the two symbols on his rings together, giving him a surge of incredible power. He was now able to create energy constructs while having a rage shield to protect him and able to unleash his fury with his newly acquired berserker strength.  After collecting two power rings with the color red and black, two of the colors of his country's flag at the time, Klaus sat off on a quest to gain a ring from the White lantern corp to show off his German pride and to get a second chance at life. This Quest proved to be unsucessful as he was denied countless times by Kyle Rayner and Swamp Thing for the sins  of genocide that he commited  in his life. He even went so far as to attempt it to take a white lantern ring by force and being met with disastrous results, nearly loosing both his rings.  After facing such discouragement, he would later meet up with the leader of the Yellow lantern ring corp., Sinestro. Sinestro deemed him worthy of wielding one of his lantern rings, graciously accepting the offer. Seeing as fear and death went hand and hand, Klaus slided the yellow lantern ring onto his ring finger, on the same hand as his original black lantern ring. Having no concerns about dying, he decided to remove Red lantern ring from his index finger on his left hand and wore it one his middle finger, between his Black and Yellow lantern rings.  Now that he possessed three lantern rings of the spectrum of Death, Rage, and Fear, Klaus Reinhardt dubbed himself  Poltergeist, Die Gespenst des Zornes.

He decided to return back to Earth to use his powers for the glory of Germany and to see the status of Third Reich and it's grip on the world. Much to his chagrin, he learned of the defeat of the Nazis, the Holocaust and it's survivors, the Berlin wall and that the American forces were now in power. This made Poltergeist irate and he vowed to bring his country back into power by his own hands.  With permission granted from each of the three leaders of his lantern ring corps, he gathered a mass of red and yellow lantern rings and gave them to his countrymen that felt the same as he did, red lanterns for the brute force and yellow lanterns for the intelligently gifted, while giving black lantern rings to his fellow soldiers that died in the war. Amassing an army, he sent out his followers to attack various countries in the world, including the United States. These attacks on the world garnered the attention of the Justice league as they ventured of to put an end to this conquest, leaving John Stewart to deal with this menace.  Poltergeist managed to get under the Black Green Lantern's skin  with his distasteful racial views and his Nazi conduct, putting John at a disadvantage, making him out act in anger instead of reason. Poltergeist left John Stewart critically wounded and was about to finish him off before helped arrived from fellow Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, now White Lantern, Guy Gardner and Kilowog. After being overwhelmed by numbers, Poltergeist fled into the darkness of the Dead Zone to fight another day. The Justice league were force to retreat and regroup after the growing power of Poltergeist's army, claiming major cities like New York,  New Jersey, Boston, Atlanta,  San Francisco, and even Washington D.C, all in the name of Germany. 

Still feeling the pain and betrayal of his ex-girlfriend, he ordered his soldiers to round up all the minorities and the other religions, rebuild the gas chanmbers and concentration camps thereby recreating the Holocaust on American soil. He emerged back into the living world to deliver a message onto Kyle Rayner. That if Kyle Rayner was willing to give him a white lantern ring, giving him a second chance at life, that he would call off the execution of several minorities throughtout the world.  With the Justice League outmatched and seemingly out of options, they were reluctantly willing to abide by Poltergeist's demands before Hal Jordan and the rest of the Green Lanterns devised a plan. Hal Jordan came in Kyle Rayner's place to hand over a white lantern ring to Poltergeist. Little did he know that when he placed the lantern ring onto his finger, it unleashed a dirty trick. Poltergeist was zapped with a bolt of lantern draining energy, critically reducing the energy within his lantern corp power rings. It looked as though Hal was about to finish Klaus off for good, removing him of his power rings and sending him back to the afterlife, most likely Hell. But with the last remaining reserve of his red lantern energy, fueled by the rage deep within his heart and being, Poltergeist was able to spring back into action, managing to actually form a red giant fist energy construct at the last minute. While Jordan lay flat on the ground, recovering from the blow, taken by surprise, Poltergeist removed the false white lantern ring and recharged himself by speaking all three of his lantern corp oaths in his native tongue of German. Now that he was fully charged, Poltergeist utilized everything he had in his arsenal to defeat Hal Jordan. Using his brute strength to crush his body with his red lantern ring, creating energy constructs of Germany's previous and modern weapons and torturing devices with his black lantern ring,  and using his Yellow lantern ring to fill him with such fear and illusions until his mind breaks. 

While the Justice league and the Green Lanterns were destroying the Gas Chambers and freeing the imprisoned minorities from the concentration camps, Hal Jordan was paralyzed in a state of complete fear after being injected in the neck with a heavy dose of fear serum that Poltergeist created from a syringe energy construct with his yellow lantern ring. Jordan was on his knees, his mouth gaped open and his stare blank poised for the kill as Poltergeist formed a black energy construct into his favorite weapon, the L�ger, and pointed it directly at the middle of Hal's forehead . But before he could administer the killing blow, Kyle Rayner tackles Poltergeist out of nowhere, saving his fear comatose comrade. With Poltergeist's latest addition of the yellow lantern ring to his arsenal, he proved to be quite a challenge for Rayner to handle as even he was nearly overtaken by the use of all three of his lantern rings.  Nevertheless, Kyle was a master of all 9 of the emotional spectrum and Poltergeist was soon overpowered, like before, by Rayner's abilities as a white Lantern.  Meanwhile, the Justice league and the Green Lanterns were mopping up the rest of Poltergeist's forces around the globe, given temporary white lanterns to deal with the ever growing numbers of the Black Lanterns and to seal the dead zone portals that they were being released from. On a mission to Germany to gather more information on the "Poltergeist" individual, Batman uncovered the records of Klaus Reinhardt, his  in-depth therapy sessions and something else that he picked up from an abandoned Nazi concentration camp, a Journal or a Diary of sorts. After translating the necessary information, Batman discovered that Poltergeist, or Klaus, was just a troubled youth that just needed reformation and guidance.  Poltergeist was about to do like he did last time, retreat into the deadzone to fight another day. But much to his horror, he discovered that his access to the deadzone had been cut off. His yellow lantern glowed as the very  emotion of fear that his lantern ring possessed was written all over his face as he stared up at a very merciless Kyle Rayner who was about to strip him of his three lantern rings. He plead and begged for mercy, sacrificing his self-honor and dignity. But his plea that costed him his pride looked to be in vain as Rayner was about to remove his rings until he received a call from Batman. Batman had very much to reveal about Klaus and, despite his crimes, that he deemed him worthy of redemption. Not to mention that there was something that he needed to know about his ex-girlfriend. With that, Kyle hung up and returned his gaze to Poltergeist, or Klaus, who was now looking pitiful beneath him with his power and diginity lost. Kyle ordered Klaus to surrender and come with him, to which he accepted.  

Back at the Watchtower, A slide show of photos and documents  pertaining to Klaus played across the large TV monitor for the members of the Justice league to observe. The purpose of this was to show them why he should be spared and be given mercy. One picture, in particular, appeared on the screen, showing Klaus participating in a military march. Close examination revealed that instead of wearing armband with a reversed Swastika emblem, like everyone else, he wore the original Swastika, a feat that he had gotten chewed out for many of times. And despite his ill will against the Jews, that he held nothing against those with disabilities. He even risked his life to save them from execution by releasing them under a different alias, housing them whenever he could and even returning them to their homes if possible.  Meanwhile, Klaus sat alone  in a holding cell with a gauntlet on the hand were he wore his lantern rings, preventing him from accessing his lantern energy except for the black lantern energy that kept him alive. After awhile, Kyle Rayner opened the door and walked into his cell. He informed him that the League was going to let him go free, but under close supervision. With that he dropped off a journal at his feet, telling him there was something important in there that he needed to know, before exiting the cell.  Klaus would open the journal and read through it only to discover that it was his ex-girlfriend's hand writing. She had journal entries in here from before they met, to when they were dating, to when there relationship became taboo and was kept in secrecy from the Nazi regime to the day he caught her in the act of betrayal. But there was something about that event he didn't know about, that he didn't realize, something...that brought a tear to his eye. While the two of them were going steady, there would be times when they got intimate. But it never lead to anything except for Klaus constantly getting cut off because she was still uncertain rather she was ready or not and if he was really "The One". But then the day can when she realized that he was her soulmate and they were meant to be together til death did they part. She was ready for him now, but he was doing some errands at the time and her bodily desires got the best of her. His absence was too much for her to bear and she experienced a moment of weakness with one of her dearest friends. There she was caught in the act by the returning Klaus Reinhardt. In a blind fury, he had beaten down a man who he thought could be trusted, nearly putting him into a coma, and grabbed her by the forearm.  She begged  and pleaded for him to listen as a stream of tears flowed down her face, becoming hoarsed from crying so much, but Klaus would pay her no mind to hear her end of the story. He threw her into  a prison truck full of Jews heading towards a concentration camp, packing up her stuff and throwing  it onto the back of the truck as she pitifully begged for forgiveness. The last sight of her was her weeping as the prison truck carried her off to the concentration camp. And to make matters worse, this was to be the day that he proposed to her and all of those "errands" he was making were for planning a wedding. But what upset him the most, what brought so many tear stains to the paper below, was that after all the hardship, torture,  and abuse she received at the concentration camp, she still loved him with all her heart  and forgave him, even to her dying breath.  He dropped the journal and started to cry, his lament wailing piercing through the cold hard steel for everyone to hear. 

After a few more days in holding, he was sat free, placed under the supervision of Plastic Man. He was banished from his home country of Germany after the nation apologized to the rest of the world for his heinous acts on behalf of his pride, only to return when he redeemed himself as a hero. But with him still harboring desires for a white lantern ring, his explosive temper and his inability to control his killing instincts, the path of heroism will be an arduous one for the likes of Poltergeist. 

Poltergeist's three Lantern Oaths translated in German (With original english oaths provided):

Red Lantern: 
Mit Blut und Wut karminrot,
(With  Blood and Rage of Crimson Red)
Zerrissen von einer Leiche so frisch tot,
(Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead)
Gemeinsam mit unseren h�llischen Hass,
(Together with our Hellish Hate)
Wir brennen Sie alle - Das ist dein Schicksal!
(We Will Burn you all-That is your fate)

Black Lantern:
Der schw�rzeste Nacht f�llt vom Himmel,
(The Blackest Night falls from the skies,)
Die Dunkelheit w�chst als alles Licht stirbt,
(The darkness grows as all light dies,)
Wir sehnen uns nach eure Herzen und Niedergang,
(We crave your hearts and your demise,)
Durch meine schwarze Hand - Die Toten auferstehen!
(By my black hand--The dead shall rise!)

Sinestro (Yellow) Lantern:
In schw�rzeste Tag in hellste Nacht,
(In blackest day, in brightest night,)
Passen Sie Ihre �ngste in Licht gemacht
(Beware your fears made into light)
M�gen diejenigen, die zu stoppen, was ist richtig versuchen,
(Let those who try to stop what's right,)
Brennen wie meine Leistung,  Sinestro die Macht!
(Burn like my power, Sinestro's might!)


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