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Gender: Male
Age: 24
Sign: Capricorn
Signup Date:
September 30, 2021


09/30/2021 02:32 PM 

Character Information (updated May 01, 2023)

(Replaying the series again to get some good images)
Sebastian Trevelyan

Race: Human
Class: Warrior; Two-Handed Weapons
Specialization: Templar
Occupation: Templar (formerly), Inquisitor
Personal Canon:

Before the Events of Dragon Age: Inquisition
              As the oldest son of the main branch of the noble House Trevelyan of Ostwick, Sebastian was assured one of two fates from the moment of his conception. He would either be raised as a nobleman; taking lessons in heraldry, politics, and etiquette among others; or be given to the Chantry to live out his days as a brother or templar in service to the Maker. His fate was to be the latter of the latter. At the young age of 4, Sebastian was given to the Chantry to begin his Templar training. Prayer. Combat. Restraint. Discipline. He was trained in all aspects of Templar life, nurturing his faith. After all, it was only with faith that he even survived long enough to see his world crumble. His faith allowed him to keep his discipline, though the thirst for Lyrium would always try and seduce him. It was faith that kept him sane after executing a young mage that had succumbed and failed her Harrowing. It would be this faith in the Maker and his holy mandate that would force him to stay loyal to the Chantry during the Mage-Templar war, even as the brothers and sisters that he loved so dearly descended into an abyss that he feared they would never return from.
              “Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him.” The first sentence of the Canticle of Transfigurations. Sebastian believed that with all his heart. He knew that his fellow templars did as well. Perhaps a little too much. He knew some of his fellows took a sick pleasure in putting down the  mages in their care. In his mind, when singing the Chant, he liked to add another part to it. Something that would have to do with protecting those with magic as well as those without. Having taken part in many Templar duties, from hunting malelicarum to watching over mages in a Circle of Magi, he has been witness to the corruption of unchecked power in both Templars and Mages. He knew that evil could come from both sides and concluded that if evil was present for both, then good must have been as well. He also knew that this tension between the two groups would all come to a breaking point. He just didn’t know where or when. All he could do was be as cordial to those under his charge as he could, even when his superiors weren’t.
              Then one day, it all happened. It happened so sudden and so… violently. He remembered weeping upon hearing the news. Uncontrollable tears that just fell from his eyes. Kirkwall’s Chantry was destroyed and the Grand Cleric along with all others within were murdered. By a mage. The breaking point has been reached. The Right of Annulment was called for by Kirkwall’s Knight-Commander, Meredith Stannard. Every event that occurred after this was its own drama, but the end result was the war between Rebel Mages and Templars. He had heard that the split was peaceful in some Circles and violent in others. At the time, Sebestian held the rank of Knight-Captain. He did his best to keep the peace in the Ostwick Circle of Magi where he was stationed but Violence was Inevitable. However, it was not just violence between Mages and Templars… It was the Fanatical Templars fighting against the Rebel Mages fighting against those that wanted nothing to do with either side.
              Leading a dishearteningly small party of likeminded knights, Knight-Captain Trevelyan found and rescued as many loyal mages as he could with the goal of saving them and leading them to the Montsimmard Circle. It wasn’t an easy transfer by any definition of the word. He had to cut down many along the way. A maleficar was easy to strike down. Heretical use of magic often led to possession. But it was fighting his former brothers and sisters that troubled him the most. Former for two reasons. First, as far as he was concerned, they were all betraying the Order by turning on the mages they were sworn to protect. Second, he no longer saw himself worthy to bear the title of Templar after striking down so many that wore the armor. So, after blood was spilt and the mages under his protection were delivered to First Enchanter Vivenne of the Montsimmard Circle of Magi, Sebastian left for the Grand Cathedral in Val Royeaux in the hopes for an audience with Divine Justinia. Perhaps she, leader of the Chantry, could forgive him for what he had done to those he once called brother or sister. Because if she forgave him, then perhaps he could eventually forgive himself.
              He eventually became a templar directly in service to Divine Justinia. It was through this service that he was present at the Divine Conclave, where the leaders of the Templars and Mages would meet with Divine Justinia to discuss peace. Hope was once again a light on the horizon… Only to be snuffed out by the Elder One.

Spoilers for Dragon Age: Inquisition Below
(Replaying the game to get some cool game clips. Will update what's below as I get up to those parts.)

Forming the Inquisition at Haven
              Because of both Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast and Sister Leliana’s mission to Kirkwall, the two of them had yet to meet Sebastian and failed to recognize him as a loyal Templar in service to the late Divine Justinia. Following the explosion at the Conclave and the massive tear in the Veil that it left, Sebastian was held in the dungeons of Haven by the two women until he was brought to the Breach. Joining the Elven apostate Solas and the Dwarven writer Varric, he was brought to the first rift to stop it from wreaking more havoc upon the world. Using the new mark on his hand – which he was unable to recall how he had gotten it -- he stopped the tear from growing and kept more demons from spilling out of it at much risk to himself. He didn’t question it, though. After all, his duty as a templar was to combat heretical magic. A massive hole in the veil leading into the realm of demons was about as heretical as it got. Following this, he rejoined the Seeker and Sister in Haven, no longer as a prisoner, but now as the Herald of Andraste; a title that the people had given him. Along with Commander Cullen and Ambassador Josephine, the group led this new army of the faithful. As the fledgling Inquisition grew, more and more fighters and workers flocked to the Herald's banner. Among them were the Warden Blackwall, the Qunari the Iron Bull, the Red Jenny Sera, and the Enchanter Vivienne. 

Recruiting the Templars at Theirinfall Redoubt
              After deciding to recruit the Templars over the Mages, Herald Trevelyan was once again in the company of his brothers and… No… his former brothers and sisters. Knowing that Lord Seeker Lucius of the Seekers of Truth was now in command of the Templars, Trevelyan arrived with the nobility of Orlais in order to pressure the Templar Order to help completely seal the Breach. The Lord Seeker was discovered to have been replaced by a demon of Envy. Envy, in service to the Elder One, sought to change the Templar Order with the use of the corrupted Red Lyrium. With the help of the Knight-Lieutenants and the brave rank and file templars, Envy was defeated and the Templar Order was given the opportunity to rebuild as free and independent allies of the Inquisition. With the help of the veteran Templars, the magic of the Breach was suppressed allowing for the Herald to close it completely.
              The Elder One did not let this slide, however. First thwarted at the Conclave and now with the Templars… The evil leader finally revealed himself when he personally attacked Haven. It barely making it out alive, the Herald buried Haven in an avalanche and was forced to traverse through the cold mountains and find what was left of the Inquisition. It was then that the Inquisition was moved from Haven to Skyhold.

Becoming the Inquisitor at Skyhold
              Trevelyan, now at Skyhold, was then named Inquisitor, marking him as the official leader of their organization. There, he swore to be a warrior of faith, fighting for the light and what he believed to be just. Upon the steps of Skyhold's great hall and with those brave and resilient survivors from Haven, he was sworn into both a role of leadership and service. He was to lead the faithful and those who would do right by the world but also be a servant to those that could not fight for themselves. As his sword raised and the cheers of the people drowned out their cries of sorrow and mourning, that old verse from the Chant harmonized through his head. 
Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter.
Blessed are the Peacekeepers, the Champions of the Just.

              The Canticle of Benedictions never rang more true than it did now. 

Fighting the Wardens at Adamant Fortress
              The Inquisition turned their eyes toward the Grey Wardens, an ancient order of heroes sworn to defend Thedas against the cursed blight. Knowing them to be corrupted by the Influence of the Elder One, the goal of their assault on the fortress was to convince them to join forces with the Inquisition, not to eradicate these heroes of the Blight. Many of them saw the madness in this plan to summon demons in order to stop the next and last Blights from happening. The battle to save the Wardens was hard fought and it did not end with the death of Warden Commander Clarel or Magister Erimond. No. The Inquisitor still had more trials before him.
              After a journey to the Raw Fade, Trevelyan returned triumphant and recruited the Wardens. But his return was not without its cost. As the Inquisition party traversed the land of spirits and dreams -- along with both the Champion Hawke and the Warden Loghain -- there were many things he had discovered. He regained his memories from the Nightmare and revealed to himself how the Anchor mark had found its way to his hand. He fought against the nightmare and escaped after a valiant sacrifice. The Warden Loghain had stayed behind to cover their escape. After returning, the redemption-hungry Wardens were recruited by the Inquisition to build themseleves up again into a force that would shield the world from the next Blight. 


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