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May 17th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 30
Sign: Virgo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 06, 2019


01/22/2024 12:21 PM 


Would you rather.

1.) Would you rather live where it is always warm and sunny or always cold and snowy? Always warm and sunny of course. 
2.) Would you rather wear a winter coat at the beach or a swimsuit in the snow? Swimsuit in the snow, let’s get crazy. 
3.) Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet polar bear? Pet polar bear would be awesome.
4.) Would you rather have ice cream every day for breakfast or hot cocoa with marshmallows for dinner? Hot cocoa with marshmallows for dinner.
5.) Would you rather be an Olympian figure skater or snowboarder? Snowboarder for sure. 
6.) Would you rather have icicles for hair or a carrot for a nose? Icicles for hair. 
7.) Would you rather see a giant snowman or a tiny yeti? Giant snowman. 
8.) Would you rather build a snowman or a make a snow angel? Build a snowman. 
9.) Would you rather go back in time to the ice age or go 100 years into the future? I wanna see what the future is like.
10.) Would you rather go snowmobiling or snowboarding? Snowboarding I think.
11.) Would you rather play in the snow all day or stay inside by the fire all day? Play in the snow, let’s have fun. 
12.) Would you rather eat dirty snow or a worm? Eat a worm.
13.) Would you rather wear a snowsuit inside at school or try to do your schoolwork wearing mittens? Wear a snowsuit. 
14.) Would you rather have the winters or summers off from school? Summer but it always goes by so quick. 
15.) Would you rather make a family of snowmen or a family of snow angels? Family of snowmen.
16.) Would you rather spend a week inside of an ice castle or skiing at a ski lodge? Skiing at a ski lodge.
17.) Would you rather spend a day mowing lawns or shoveling snow? Mowing lawns. Fresh cut grass smells amazing. 
18.) Would you rather read by the fire or have a winter movie marathon night?
19.) Would you rather hoot like a snow owl after every sentence when you talk or growl like a polar bear? Hoot hoot, I pick the owl. 
20.) Would you rather build a giant snow fort or have a big snowball fight? Snow fort, let’s go. 
21.) Would you rather play in the snow with shorts on or swim in a pool with a snowsuit on? Shorts, I’d just run to warm up.
22.) Would you rather sled down a giant hill once or spend all day sledding down a small hill? Small hill Moreno times isn’t more fun.
23.) Would you rather spend a winter vacation in a cabin in the mountains or a summer vacation at the beach? Summer at the beach.
24.) Would you rather have a narwhal’s tusk or reindeer antlers? Reindeer antlers would be kinda cute I guess.
25.) Would you rather have a pillow fight or a snowball fight? Snowball fight, it’s war. 
26.) Would you rather go the whole winter without TV or without your favorite food? Without my favourite food.
27.) Would you rather it snows every day in the winter or rain every day in the summer? Snow everyday in winter.
28.) Would you rather have an ice rink in your backyard or a swimming pool? Swimming pool. 
29.) Would you rather sled down a giant hill or go down a giant waterslide? Water slide for the win. 
30.) Would you rather have fur like a polar bear or feet like a penguin? Feet like a penguin. 
31.) Would you rather always be cold or always be hot? Cold, I hate being too hot.
32.) Would you rather hibernate like a bear or never sleep again? Hibernate like a bear, I could do with the sleep. 
33.) Would you rather build 100 snowmen or shovel 50 driveways? Build 100 snowmen.
34.) Would you rather play in the snow for 4 hours or play your favorite sport? Play my favourite sport.
35.) Would you rather wear 3 sweaters or 5 socks on your feet? 3 sweaters seems more comfortable. 
36.) Would you rather have skis for feet or mittens for hands? Ummm mittens I guess.
37.) Would you rather take a family vacation to the North Pole or the South Pole? North Pole here I come. 
38.) Would you rather have the superpower to melt snow or stop raining? Stop raining. 
39.) Would you rather have a super cold winter or a super hot summer? Super cold winter. 
40.) Would you rather skate on a frozen lake or see the Northern Lights? See the Northern Lights. 
41.) Would you rather it be so cold your nostrils freeze in the morning or so hot you sweat all day? Nostrils freeze.
42.) Would you rather make paper snowflakes or catch snowflakes on your tongue? Catch snowflakes. 
43.) Would you rather go ice fishing or ice skating? Ice skating. 
44.) Would you rather only be able to wear a swimsuit for the rest of your life or only be able to wear a snowsuit? Swimsuit. 
45.) Would you rather have a week of snow days in the winter or an extra week of vacation in the summer? Extra in the summer. 


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