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05/08/2024 07:54 PM 

Last Promise

Deep within the halls of the palace of Russia, the Tsar and his family lived, his wife and several daughters and sickly son as well. Nicolas was watching his daughter play in the courtyard, his eyes distant and troubled, war was raging in foreign lands and soon would be at his doorstep if he was not prepared he could lose it all. He could lose his family, and his life, and his home would fall and with it the ruling family of Russia. The ruling monarch was watching his daughters ignoring their giggles and carefree laughter as they di not know he doom and anger that loomed outside of their country, Nicloas never wanted his kids to worry about such things.

A large shadow soon loomed next to him, dressed in black silken robes his eyes flaming a deep blue color. A sparkle of flames danced in this man's eyes as he stood silent with the monarch. Nicolas did not need to even look to know who it was, it was the stranger that his wife trusted so much so. He was a man who wandered through Russia, with famous tales of his healing prowess, his stance was always so intimidating. Standing towering over Nicolas it made the monarch feel like a child before the man that stood beside him. The man was named Rasputin, Grigori Rasputin. The Mystic of Russia, The Mad Monk.

"Say something, you unsettle me with your silence" Nicolas said sharply unerved by the man silence. Rasputin was never known for being so quiet. The man still spoke none, as Nicolas eyes narrowed as he turned sharply toward the man and was about to snap at him to spit it out, but saw the man eyes where distant, lost in his own thought. 

"Grigori?" Nicolas finally asked at the hulking man as he reached out and touched the other mans arm. He was always so cold, like ice, like he was dead, well of course he was, he was a vampire. Nicolas saw the man blink his eyes and looked finally at the Russian Monarch, Nicolas, the man who did not know how to save his own home.

"Will you ever tell them?" He finally inquired with those blue eyes staring deeply at Nicolas who dared not to look at them and sighed gently and shook his head.

"They do not need to worry"


"It's Tsar Nicolas Grigori" he snapped finally showing he was stressed as he was rare to snap at the monk who looked at him amused but it was soon faced away as Nicolas turned and stormed away from him. grigori tilted his head and followed after him.

"I can help protect this country Tsar, let me" he said as the tsar tried to ignore him and shook his head as he walked off, but Grigori followed after him easily before Nicolas eventually stopped and turned sharply toward him and had to look up at him.

"I am the Tsar! I will defend my home Grigori" he said sharply as if to try assert his authority over the man who looked at him with compassion.

"But you can't, you know this Nicolas, we all know this. BUT I can give you the power to defend it all" Grigori spoke softly to the stressed monarch slowly placing a large hand on his shoulder as the Tsar looked at him and frowned.

"I can defend my home!" he protested as Grigori frowned and looked at him.

"It okay to be truthful with yourself my friend, But I can offer the power to defend this place I just-"

"What would you want from me?" Nicolas frowned at him as Rasputin's eyes softened more because he could see that the walls of the Tsar had crumbled and fallen. Slowly rasputin kelt before the Tsar and placed his hand on Nicolas.

"I need your blood, Your Trust, and your Secrecy," He said softly "What I will do to ensure the protection of this country will not always be good, and happy endings but it will the country safe. Let me, let me in charge, let me have your blood, I will see your foes fall" Rasputin said with a soft voice.

"Will I die?"

"No, I do not require all of your blood, Only a few sips. Let me take that authority away from you, Let me bear it all. Let me command the country, Let me save your land you love so much"Rasputin whispered gently looking at him to trust him. 

"Why?" Nicolas dared to bravely enough a question.

"Why? Because this is my home as well, I have always loved it, let me prove to you what I can truly do" Rasputin hummed as Nicolas was uncertain, could he truly trust this creature, could he hand that kind of power and trust him.

"Then save my country, Rasputin, Promise me that you can"

"I promise Nicolas" Rasputin's voice whispered in his head gently he pulled Nicolas close to him and then purred into his ears.

"I'll keep the country safe from what yearns to destroy it" He promised into the Tsar's ears before Nicolas felt woozy and tired as he wobbled but Rasputin kept him upright.

"Why do I feel-"

"Rest, you'll feel better after a  nap" was the last thing Nicolas heard as the world went dark as Rasputin chuckled gently before picking up the sleeping man and walked off into the shadows, a twisted grin on his face.

"Humans are so fragile and yet, so interesting" he muses gently, as his fangs bared out , a promise that could save or doom the country. Nicolas made his choice, now the country had to hope it was not a terrible mistake!


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