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05/16/2024 02:35 PM 

Sibling Sparks
Category: Drabbles

Sibling Sparks
Sibling Sparks
Benji's first partner in crime and occasional voice of reluctant reason. From riding dirt bikes off makeshift ramps to toilet-papering the principal's house senior year, their brotherly bond was forged in antics that made their patience-of-a-saint mother perpetually question where she went wrong.
Yet as wild and fearless as Benji's daredevil influence was on Mateo, his big brother's steadying presence kept him grounded when the spark risked burning too hot. Mateo's self-assured guidance and protectiveness over his little carnal were the trembling scales that balanced Benji's impulsive flames.
Only Mateo's firm hand and knowing look could rein in Benji from his most harebrained stunts...most of the time. In Benji's unruliest, most turbulent days, he was the steady spark reminding him that their family bonfire still burned no matter how far he strayed, waiting to welcome the prodigal flame back home.
From the moment she took her first wail of life, baby Lucía owned every rugged inch of Benji's heart. His former reign as residential terror ended upon meeting his baby sister's bright, inquisitive eyes - now, ensuring she remained his innocent, adored protege became Benji's sole driving force.
In Lucía's doting "Benny", the wild child was instantly reborn as the vigilant big brother, source of endless piggyback rides and conspirator in backyard camping adventures. While Mateo mostly shook his head at their rambunctious roughhousing, he always allowed them their sibling alliance of reckless explorers with Benji as self-appointed but fiercely protective leader.
As Lucía grew and Benji's flames wandered, he always carried home the sparks of her boundless, infectious joy. No matter how far his spirit drifted, Lucía's vibrant innocence still glowed within him, anchoring his soul to the truth that her wonder at simple delights would forever fuel his fire.


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