
Last Login:
June 7th, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 30
Sign: Virgo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
February 06, 2019


11/24/2020 12:58 PM 


11/23/2020 11:01 PM 


1) 5.00am - Wake up and go for a run.
2) 6.00am - Have a long hot bath, then get dressed.
3). 7.00am - Go and have breakfast and coffee.
4) 8.00am - Hit the slopes to go snowboarding.
5) 12.00pm - Go for lunch.
6) 1.00pm - Explore the scenery and nature, and take lots of photos.
7) 2.00pm - Take a nap.
8) 2.30pm - Wake up and freshen up.
9). 3.00pm - Meet up with Benjamin and go for hot coco.
10) 5.00pm - Meet up with Avery to hang out.
11) 7.00pm - Go for dinner with Avery.
12) 8.00pm - Relax outside in the hot tub with a glass of wine, and admire the night sky.
13) 9.00pm - Shower and changed into pj's.
14) 9.30pm - Relax in bed watching a movie.
15) 11.00pm - Try and get some sleep, ready for more adventures tomorrow.

11/23/2020 10:49 PM 


11/21/2020 10:52 PM 


11/20/2020 11:20 PM 


1.) Who are you rooming with while in Jackson Hole, Wyoming?
 Bowie is going to be in a room on her own, but no doubt spending a lot of time in her friends rooms too.

2.) What are your 5 ski trip necessities? 
Snowboard, Gloves, Scarf, Face Covering To Keep Warm, A Good Warm Hat. Bonus A Camera.

3.) What is the first thing you are planning on doing during your trip?
Hitting the slopes to snowboard.

4.) What is your favorite thing about being in the mountains? 
Experiencing The Snow, Bowie Loves The Snow.

5.) What is your least favorite thing about being in the mountains? 
Being Away From Baxter, And Getting Too Cold.

6.) What wild animal do you not want to come into contact with on your trip?
Are There Snow Leopards? 

7.) Are you a pro skier or an amateur? 
Well Experienced.

8.) Do you prefer to ski or snowboard? 

9.) Are you scared to ride on the ski lift? 
Not At All.

10.) Do you love the snow or hate it? 
Love It.

11.) Is there a left and right ski? 
Some Models Have Different Shapes To Distinguish Left And Right, But Not All Ski Models Do.

12.) Is the abominable snowman real? 
Urban Legend Says He Is.

13.) How many layers of clothes are you wearing? Are you warm yet?
 A Lot, And I Am Toasty.

14.) Do you have mittens or gloves? 

15.) Do you like penguins or polar bears? 
 Penguins Over Polar Bears.

16.) How cold is to cold?  
When I Am Frozen Solid, It's Too Cold.

17.) Are you making a tiny snowman or a big snowman? 
Giant Snowman For Sure.

18.) Would you get on the Polar Express and go to the North Pole? 

19.) Would you go to the top of Mount Crumpit to spy on the Grinch? 
Lets Get Cimbing.

20.) Would you trust Zach to drive you around on a snowmobile? 
Probably Not, He Might Kill Us ;)

21.) While we're here do you plan on cutting down your Christmas tree? 
No. That's A Lot To Take Home.

22.) If I double-dog dared you would you stick your tongue to a metal pole? 
Absolutely Not.

23.) At what point does getting hit with snowballs stop being physically painful and start becoming cute?
 It Doesn't.

24.) Is it really fun to stand on two sticks and throw yourself down a side of a mountain? 
No, One Stick Is Better ;)

25.) What are you planning on doing extra since Zach has the bill? 
Private Lessons Maybe. Or Emptying The Mini Bar.

11/19/2020 03:20 PM 


11/19/2020 03:20 PM 


2 Years Ago.... February 3rd

The words played over and over in Bowie’s head. “Ryan is missing in action, we can only assume he’s dead. I’m really sorry for your loss. If you need anything don’t hesitate to contact us” the marine officer said to her before leaving. He entered her life and ruined it within a split second. Her entire world had been flipped upside down. The love of her life, her high school sweetheart was gone and wasn’t coming back. The grief surged with every expelled breath, always reaching higher peaks, never sufficiently soothed by her long intakes of the damp spring air. Tears began to spill from her helpless eyes onto the rug beneath her feet. It was hard to accept what she had been told. “He promised me he would come home, he said nothing would tear us apart” she said to the silent abyss around her. It felt as though he had told her a million lies, and hadn’t kept a promise. Her heart hurt, it felt like it had been smashed into a million tiny pieces.

Looking around the living room she saw the pictures of the two of them scattered around. Picking up the gold frame she looked at the photo behind the glass. It was when he proposed to her. It had been a beautiful night, one of the greatest moments in her life, and now she felt like she would never have a happy life again. She threw the frame against the wall and the glass smashed over the wooden floor, the shards of glass resembled her heart. Baxter hid in the corner, looking scared. Bowie was in a state of despair, and shock. What was she supposed to do now? Looking around the home it no longer felt like home. It was supposed to be their home, a place for the two of them to be happy together but that was not meant to be anymore.

After a few days she went to the realtor and put the house up for sale before buying another home in Mountain Falls. She was starting over, all over again. It was hard to settle in. As she moved around it didn’t feel like a home yet. She still had Baxter though, he was the only constant in her life. He hadn’t left her side. Eventually the house felt like a home, but the pain she felt was still as strong as ever. It was a pain that just wouldn’t leave her. She missed Ryan every single day, and hoped that he would walk through the door, but deep down she knew it wouldn’t happen.

Holding a funeral ceremony for him without a body was peculiar, but she felt somewhat pressured into doing it. Her friends kept telling her it would help her move on… it hadn’t. She scattered his ashes in his favourite place, which was difficult. She was sure her body would run out of water from the amount of tears that had fallen from her eyes. Scattering the ashes didn’t mean she would forget, or that she had moved on. There was no time frame for grieving.

Two years on and the house has changed a little. A lot of redecorating had taken place and it really felt like home now. Her depression and anxiety was always up and down, and she struggled to deal with it. Despite living with her sister now, she still felt lonely. There was a gap in her heart that would never be truly filled, because Bowie would never forget her first love.

11/12/2020 11:12 PM 


Pumpkin Picking | Hayrides | Apple Picking

Sweaters | Changing Nature | Halloween

​​​​​​​Bonfires | Picnics | Pumpkin Carving


11/11/2020 11:57 PM 



It was currently 8pm and Bowie was still at Darling Buds working away on a wedding order. The closed sign was present and the door was locked, so she knew so customers would be entering the store whilst she was outback working. Getting lost in her own floral world she hadn’t realised the time. When she finally finished it was 9pm. Bowie stood up and stretched her limbs before packaging the flowers, so they could be sent off in the morning. She grabbed her coat and placed it on her body before grabbing her bag and heading out the back door down the alley. Closing the fire door firmly behind it she made her way down the alley. It was a little dark, but some light illuminated the alley and the street in front of her. Once out of the alley it took a few seconds for her blue hues to adjust to the new light that was invading. She was feeling a little hungry so decided to head to the Chinese to grab a takeout.

Heading towards the Chinese she noticed Henry Tarron, the owner of Cigar Pointe. She was fairly familiar with him and gave him a small wave, and he responded with an acknowledging nod. She entered the Chinese Restaurant and the beautiful smells wafted to her nostrils and she smiled to herself. She headed to the counter and gave her order and took a seat and waited until her number was called. Once it was called she grabbed the bag and thanked them before heading out of the restaurant, leaving the happy diners to enjoy their delicious food. The cool air hit her skin, removing the warmth that the restaurant had provided. In front of her she noticed Henry again, and a young girl just in front of him. She shrugged it off. A lot of people headed the same way in this town, it wasn’t unusual to be going in the same direction, plus there was some distance between the two so she didn’t really think much of it.

Suddenly, suspicious arose in her when he seemed to be taking the exact same turns as the female. Bowie was following, because it was her way home, and she knew Henry lived in the other direction because she dropped flowers off at his place one time. It was all very odd. Bowie didn’t care that her food was getting cold, she could easily warm it up at home. Right now she was more concerned with what was going on. As the female cut through the dark park Henry followed, and so did Bowie. She noticed the girl stop and turn around and Henry approach her to talk. The girl seemed uncomfortable. Bowie walked up to them “hey girl” she said before embracing the girl in a hug. She wasn’t familiar with the girl but that didn’t matter. “I guess you were working late like me, wanna come to my place. I have Chinese food” she said as she held up the bag. “Oh hey Henry” she said. “Are you two together?” she asked. The female shook her head, and Henry didn’t say anything. He ran off in the direction that he had come from. “Are you okay?” Bowie questioned the female.


11/06/2020 11:01 PM 


Owl | Velma | Raven
Butterfly | Lioness | Lisa Simpson
Daria | Belle | Elephant

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