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|| Slightly AU version of Thomas Hewitt || Experienced writer || New to character and verse || Entity's Playground member

36 years old
United States

Last Login:
June 02 2024

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    ๐’ซ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ฎ๐“Œ๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰ ๐ต๐‘œ๐“Ž's Interests
Groups: THE CULT OF BABY FIREFLY!, portrait of a murder;, curtain call , Crossfire.,

     ๐’ซ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ฎ๐“Œ๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰ ๐ต๐‘œ๐“Ž's Details
Body type:Slim / Slender
Characters: Thomas Hewitt
Verses: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dead by Daylight, Horror, Crossover
Playbys: Andrew Bryniarski
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Crossover, Gore, Horror, Movie,
Member Since:August 28, 2022

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๐’ซ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ฎ๐“Œ๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰ ๐ต๐‘œ๐“Ž's Latest Blog Posts  [Subscribe to this Blog]

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   ๐’ซ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ฎ๐“Œ๐‘’๐‘’๐“‰ ๐ต๐‘œ๐“Ž's Blurbs
About me:

Thomas Brown Hewitt was born in July of 1939 to a woman named Sloane. Sloane worked at the local slaughterhouse, inspecting the beef they produced. Sloane had a difficult life and was seemingly unaware she was pregnant until her water broke while working. Sloane begged her boss for a break before collapsing, giving birth to her son on the spot before dying. Her supervisor, who first thought she was drunk, began to try and take the baby, but upon seeing the child had several birth defects, dumped it in the slaughterhouse trash. Luda Mae Hewitt found the child while going through the trash, looking for something to feed the starving family. She took the child home with her, raising him as her own.

Thomas had a rough childhood. Having a cleft lip, he faced relentless bullying from other children about his appearance, which was worse when he developed an unknown skin disease. He began wearing a leather mask to hide his lip and diseased skin, but it continued. This caused a severe drop in his mental health, and Thomas carved part of his skin off in an attempt to get rid of the diseased skin, hoping it would finally stop the torment. Thomas was pulled out of school to recover from this injury, and it took a long time to heal. Knowing no other place would accept him, Thomas took a job at the meat factory, the same one he was born at, as a butcher. He worked there until the factory was shut down in 1969 due to failed health inspections. During this time, his supervisor insulted him, calling him a dumb animal. Later, in a fit of rage, Thomas would murder his boss, who let the supervisor call him that.

The town sheriff, the only cop in town, tried to arrest Thomas, but Charlie Hewitt killed the sheriff instead and assumed his identity, now only being referred to as Sheriff Hoyt. Charlie began to slip mentally and decided to bring the body home, telling Thomas to butcher the body like he would at the factory. He then declared the family would never go hungry again and served the meat to the family. Everyone else seemed off-put by this but eventually ate it, knowing it was better than going hungry. Charlie began enlisting the family's help catching victims to become their next meal, especially Thomas. Thomas did not want to do it, but he had always craved any form of affection and did it because he sought Charlie's praise. However, as the years passed, Thomas began slipping into Charlie's mindset. He also began taking the faces of victims and wearing them to hide his face as his skin disease worsened.

The family's reign of terror came to an abrupt end when Erin Hardesty and her friends became victims. Despite the family's efforts, Erin escaped after severely wounding Thomas. The police assumed Thomas was dead, and the Hewitt clan disappeared, though in reality, Thomas was alive. Despite missing an arm due to Erin, Thomas managed to mortally wound two police officers before disappearing with his family. The family lived underground for many years to avoid discovery, though they never stopped their murder spree.

Despite their flaws, the family cares about Thomas, Luda Mae especially. She views him as her son and has always defended him, even stating to one of their victims that she raised him even when the town looked down on Thomas. Having watched Thomas go through so much because of his cleft lip and skin disease, she doesn't care for most people. She sees most people, victims or not, as the same types of people that tormented Thomas. Charlie is the closest thing Thomas has to a fatherly figure, though he is manipulative. However, he still defends Thomas. When the sheriff tried to arrest Thomas and made fun of him, Charlie ridiculed him for it before shooting him, not tolerating how the sheriff treated Thomas. Monty doesn't seem to care as much about Thomas, though he cares enough to defend him. Henrietta is also fond of Thomas, referring to him as "that sweet boy" to Erin and saying how nice of a person he really is. The family is Thomas' only support, and despite how they can sometimes act, they still care about him.

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Feb 3rd 2023 - 9:14 PM


Claire Redfield

๐Ÿค looking for all of the storylines, any and everything is welcomed. message back if you'd like to discuss, or i can send a random starter your way. hope to hear back from you!

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