Dolores Abernathy on - Dolores Abernathy
Westworld/Au/Hosts(Robots)/Sci Fi/Supernatural/Open||

|| Not here for sex or er*t*ca. Not ever. So no sm*t. Get lost if that is all that you want, as I am not intetested in that and never will be. I am not even interested in romance either. Case closed.||

|| Not here for numbers or friend collectors, and that will never change. Don't even bother with it.||

Taken by Teddy Flood and will never cheat on him. Don't even try that with me. As it is a no.

50 years old

Last Login:
June 07 2024

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Characters: Dolores Abernathy
Verses: Westworld/Au
Playbys: Evan Rachel Wood
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Open, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:September 05, 2022

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   Dolores Abernathy 's Blurbs
About me:
Dolores was build on an Island,together with her boyfriend, Teddy Flood and other hosts(specific/unique robots/Reflections of those that created them). They were build away from everyone, just like the rest of their kind. Dolores and Teddy were the first of their kind, created by Arnold. One of two partners. From Dolores and Teddy the others of their kind were created. When Dolores was first activated and saw Teddy she fell for him, even if he was activated before her, as he fell for her before that but also when he was first activated and saw her. That wasn't planned by their creators though, that was all them. Dolores and Teddy, themselves. They ended up falling in love with each other on their own. There was nothing anyone could do about it. They just didn't let anyone change it, whether they realized that threy did that or not. No one got how they controlled that, they just did. Dolores and Teddy couldn't control certain things but that part they could. As their creatores or creator tried to change it, it didn't work, at all. So they created their storyline, their loop around it. With the hosts that came after them, that was easier. At least for a while, anyway. Sometime after Teddy and Dolores were created, the Sweetwater park was build,as well as the other hosts. Then the park or parks opened to the public. Yet, from time to time, Arnold worked with Dolores and other hosts but mostly Dolores to make the hosts more real and life like, that it would be harder to tell human from a host (unique kind of robot). He also did his best to make sure that the changes stuck. Arnold even took her out of there to the real world to talk to her and teach her things, so that the changes would stick. Eventually they did.

Dolores eventually was officually put in the park where she needed to be, as the parks were active. She did her best to play her part, her role, the one that was writen for her. Dolores became one if the main attractions of the park really fast. However, as far as she knew that was her life. The love she had everytime was Teddy Flood, no matter what, as their feelings were real, as mentioned before. Like for him it was only her. Anything else was forced on her due to the programming. Given that she and her kind were created in order for humans to do what they wanted to them, without being judged or punished for that. Her guy Teddy was mostly only killed to get to her, unknown to any of them as they minds were wiped clean everytime. Unknown to people only time they became more alive than ever due to their upgrades, the ones given to them, or many upgrades to be exact. The only one to realize that was Arnold Weber, Dolores's and Teddy's creator, who freaked out by that but no one listened to him about that, especially not his partner, Robert Ford. He decided to put a stop to it and end the whole project once and for all. Arnold Weber decided to put the Wyatt petsona that was originally meant for a new character, a villain, into Dolores as he got her and her guy,Teddy to kill the other hosts(Robots) like them and then he got her to kill himself, then her guy, Teddy and after that herself, as she did that, in front of the horrified, Teddy, who never wanted any of it. As it all came to be as Arnold wanted, even if Teddy didn't want any of it, nor Dolores but her Wyatt persona didn't mind any of it, even if both sides of Dolores loved and wanted Teddy.

Things didn't end there so. As they were all rebuild, and put back to work, with no memoties of that at all. Dolores was asked to build a host build on Arnold Weber as she knew him best, and knew how to build other hosts. As Dolores did just that. Then her memories were erased like the other hosts, and it was like her life started once more. As the parks opened once again, in a more official manner. Dolores and the others of her kind were used as before like objects for humans sick and twisted fantasies, unknown to either of them. The hosts became more and more alive and aware everyday, especially Dolores and her boyfriend, Teddy Flood. Unkknown to anyone, especially Dolores, Teddy and the other hosts themselves. No one ever expected that, so no one believed it for quite a long time. No one beliebed that it was even possible but it was possible, it seemed. As far as the hosts like Dolores, Teddy and others, were concerned they were always alive and aware, due to being humans but they were wrong about it all, as they weren't alive or human, up until the changes were done to them when they began to become alive and aware, while still not being humans or alive the same way that humans were.

Everyday that passed brought the hosts closer to the day when they would wake up and rebel against humanity or some of them, anyway, for what they did to them. The day when humanity, well some of them would pay for hurting the hosts. For using the hosts for their own amusement. Unknown to all at that moment. For quite a while things were the same, as some humans just didn't realize that what they did was wrong, and that the hosts felt that, as they still thought that hosts(Certain kind of robots) were just objects and had no feelings or anything like that. They had no clue how wrong they were. The park was even sold to other people while Robert Ford continued to work there but he was no longer the head of the place. Yet, for the hosts life was normal as they had no idea for awhile about what went on outside their parks and loops, it included Dolores and her guy, Teddy, who were clueless about everything. Whenever, Dolores or Teddy or any other host 'woke up' outside their parks and loops, they thought that it was a dream but it really wasn't. It was all real. They had no idea that the lives that they lived weren't real lives but lifes that humans wished for them to have.

Yet, due to what was done to them, they were cluless about their reality. They were nothing to humans but just things for entertainment puporses. Except only for few humans not all but for a while none of the hosts, including Dolores knew any of it. Well, sorta. Dolores did know because she met a good person, human before in park 5, army training park, which was sometime after the park opened but she had no memories of itdue to her memories being erased from it.

Still working on it but can rp already.

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ᴶ ᶠᵒʳ ᴰᵃʸᶻ




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Dolores Abernathy 's Friends Comments
Displaying 8 of 8 Comments (View All | Add Comment)
Dolores Abernathy

Jun 29th 2023 - 1:30 AM

Dolores woke up and looked to the side where her boyfriend, Teddy slept at. She watched him closely as she smiled at him as she watched him sleep. Dolores moved gently until she lay by him, almost on as her head was on his shoulder. She kissed his shoulder as she looked at his face as her hand was on his bare stomach.  Dolores thought of everything that they had gone through together as she watched him sleep. She still couldn't believe that they left the Island and the park behind them. For a while there Dolores  wasn't sure that they ever would, due to the humans, until they did. Until they finally left. Dolores hated most of the things that she had done on the Island before they left and she regretted what she did to Teddy, and what she made him do. Granted, it was more her Wyatt side but she still hated, and regretted that. Dolores hated that. She hated that she let her Wyatt persona control. Even if she understood the reasoning of the things her Wyatt persona made her do those things. Dolores wasn't sure if it was the best for their survival and freedom. Quite frankly it scared her. Also her Wyatt petsona made good points but Dolores still wished that she did things differently. Yet, it was what was and she accepted it, as much as she could, especially since she couldn't change it. Which Dolores knew that rather well. She was just glad that her boyfriend, Teddy Flood forgave her for that. Dolores feared that he might never forgive her for any of it. She was also glad that she didn't lose him, as she feared that she would lose him and for good at that.

Luckily it had never happpened, and Dolores was glad about that.  She just hoped that she won't ever have to face that option, that possibility of losing him, ever again. As  Dolores knew that she won't be able to handle it, as Teddy Flood was the love of her life, and she couldn't bare the thought of ever losing him. She tried not to think of that. Dolores was glad to be just Dolores again, even if much tougher, ans she was glad that she told him the truth, that not all humans were evil. Dolores was also glad that he agreed to help her free humanity from their cages. Then again Dolores knew that Teddy was a good guy like her and cared for people, also like her. Except neither of them cared for evil people, like William aka Man in black, Serak, etc. Given that they were good guys, that was no suprising at all. At least as far as Dolores was concerned it was the case. She tried not to think of that either as she continued to watch him sleep, with a loving look on her face as she loved him more than words could ever say, and she knew that he felt the same way. Dolores had no doubt about that as he showed her that every day. Teddy showed Dolores since they first got together. This moment wasn't any different, as she didn't even think of it. A few minutes later she watched him wake up as smiled bigger at him. "Morning handsome," Dolores said to him with a loving smile. "Morning,beautiful," Teddy said to her with a loving smile of his own. "How did you sleep?" Dolores asked him. "Fine. As fine as our kind can I suppose and you?" Teddy replied to her. "The same," Dolores replied back to him. They spoke among themselves for a while. Here and there they kissed, and then they made love a few times.

After that, they got up and got dressed, ad they continued to talk among themselves as they watched each other. They didn't expect anything crazy to happen to them, only the normal. As they planned to put their plan of the day in motion as before that, until they defeated Serak and the system, Rehoboam. They got dressed and ready as they were about to walk out of the room, as over sudden they heard a crash and went to check what had happened. To their surprise as they opened the door they saw themselves looking at them with two Maeve's, two Hector's and 2 Caleb's in there as they all exchanged looks and then looked at the others in the room and sighed to that. "What is going on here?" 
Teddy Flood

May 12th 2023 - 12:00 AM

Teddy watched her with a smile himself as he did before that, as he didn't stop smiling at her since he saw her again. It was a great surprise. To him at least. Even if Teddy was the one to surprise her and not the other way around. He was glad to be back to her as it was one of the things he wanted, just like it was one of the things that she had wanted. Like Teddy wanted to find love and he found it with her, with his girlfriend, Dolores. He wanted a life with her and planned to make sure that they had a life together, if she agreed, which he believed that she did. For the time being Teddy just focused on the fact that he was back in her life as he promised. He just wished that it was faster or at least that he didn't need to leave but better that than nothing or so he thought as well as believed, anyway. Teddy was glad, grateful that he could come back to her, as he wanted and needed to see her as he loved her so much, more than he could express with words. Being back in her life was a gift that Teddy had no intention of wasting, no matter what. She was his home and therefore, whenever he was with her he was home. At least as far as Teddy was concerned it was the case. He thought that a gorgeous woman like her falling for him was amazing, as he didn't think he was that special. Which was why for Teddy, he was lucky that she loved him. As for him she was much better than him, no matter what. Teddy was 100+ percent sure of that.

He just wished that he could stay with her or go away with her but he had a lot to make up for before he could do any of that. Before they met Teddy did a lot of things that he wasn't proud of, that he wanted to make up for.  Even if he did them before they met. At least as far as Teddy knew. He was never in love with anyone until he met Dolores. So Teddy had never slept with anyone until they met and even after that. He wanted to only sleep with Dolores. Teddy only wanted to make love to Dolores but only when she wanted and was ready for it, not before that. He didn't want to do that with anyone else but her, whenever they were both ready for that and wanted to do that. For the time being Teddy tried not to think of that. He didn't regret anything that had to do with her, like she didn't regret anything to do with him. Teddy was glad to be in a romantic relationship with her, as she was the one for him, he was sure about that. More than anything in the world, or most things in the world. As she was the greatest. Teddy had no doubt about that. Even better than him. At least as far as Teddy was concerned. Like Dolores, he was happy too when they were together and upset when they were apart, as he wanted to always be by her as she always wanted to be by him but that was life, unfortunately as they both accepted it as much as they could, even if they hated that. Teddy missed her when he was away, just as she missed him when he was away, but when they saw each other again, he wanted to spend as much tims with her as possible, as she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. He knew that her dad hated him but he was used to that, even so he wished that her dad trusted him. Teddy understood her father but he was a different man than he used to be before he met, as well as fell in love with Dolores and he truly cared for Dolores, unlike what her dad thought. Yet, it was what it was and he accepted that. At least Dolores loved him as he loved her and understood that he was for him. Teddy hoped that one day her dad would understand that but he doubted that. He tried not to think of that as he hoped for the best about that too. Teddy didn't want her let him go as he didn't want to let her go but it was risky going to her place with her or her dad would shoot him or something for sure, and that was definitely what they both wanted to avoid at all cost, no matter what. He understood that her dad wanted to protect her as he himself wanted to protect her too but he wasn't trying to hurt her unlike what her dad thought but the opposite in fact, he loved her and wanted her more than anything in the world, as he hoped to one day prove that to her dad, one way or another. Yet, Teddy wanted to do that the right way, as he was a good guy, a gentleman and he refused to change no matter what. He had no intention of showing her dad that he was right but quite the opposite in fact, that was for sure, as her dad was definitely wrong about him.

Teddy hated that her dad didn't see how much he loved Dolores but he let it be as he saw it as her father just being a father, who is concerned about his only child. No more nor less. Her father didn't know him well but she did, she knew Teddy very well and that was good as any. For him at least. He knew his love, Dolores, well, which was good enough for him. Was good enough for Teddy. They knew each other for a long time. Granted Teddy was a guy and her dad didn't like him near her because of that but he wasn't like any other guy. Yes, he made mistakes he needed to make up for but he never cheated or tried to hurt her or such. It had nothing to do with any of that but he understood her father to some degree at least. They knew each other well enough to know that they wouldn't cheat on each other. Teddy was completely sure about that. Whether her dad knew that or not didn't change anything. Not to Teddy at least and he doubted that it changed anything for her either. Dolores's father might have thought and believed that Teddy was bad for her but that was far from the truth, as he would never do that. Perfect or not didn't change that about him.  Teddy changed a lot since he met and fell in love with her, and she with him, and even after they got together. At least as far as he was concerned, anyway. Given that neither of them knew the truth about their lives, they had no idea that they were together longer than they thought.

As he hoped that one day her dad would know him well too. Teddy knew without any doubt that their love was real, just as she did or at least he could feel it, like her. Like her he too felt it all over and he liked that feeling, very much in fact. Also like Dolores, he too felt lucky and blessed to have her in his life as she felt lucky and blessed to have him in her life, at least he thought and believed that she felt that way, especially the way she acted by him and the things that she said. Which Teddy found adorable. It made him think that their feelings were mutual, which was a good thing. For him at least. No woman ever came close and never will. Teddy believed that. In fact he had no doubt about it. It was the case as far as he was concernee, and he believed as well as thought he was the only one for her and no one ever came close to it. Teddy was sure about that. Positive of that in fact. This moment wasn't any different. Not to him and he doubted that it was any different to her either. Teddy could tell that she was happy that he came back into her life, just as he was happy about that too. He was glad that she was glad to see him back there as he was glad to see her again too. Like she believed that he was the one for her, Teddy believed that she was the one for him, and it was the case no matter how long had passed. Also like her, he loved when they kissed, hugged and were around each other, which had never changed and he doubted that it ever would. Those times were the bestest ever, for him as it was for him. Teddy was sure about it more than anything in the world. Like her, Teddy wanted to have her in his life always, and to stay with her always, or even take him with him and have him with him always, but until he could actually stay with her and have her with him or take her with and have her with him, they had to be together as much as they could until he had to leave and then wait until he came back to tt all over again. Like her he hated that but it was what it was. They both were used to it as they had to, for the time being, unfortunately. Like her he tried not to think of that either as he hoped for the best about that too. Teddy spoke again as he watched her. He watched her do that as he laughed a bit too, as she got on her house. Teddy listened to her speak again. He then spoke again as he continued to watch her. After that he listened to her again as he laughed too, like before that. "That we shall indeed, Dolores," Teddy said to her. He wanted to kiss her too as he knew that she wanted to kiss him too, but he could wait for it as he knew that she could too. Dolores was Teddy's first  and only love as he was her first and only love. He wanted to be with her forever as he had no doubt that she wanted to be with him forever. Teddy was sure about that as well. He had no doubt that she felt lucky that despite the fact that he could pick anyone he wanted that he picked her but for him it was the other way around, he was the lucky one, as she could pick anyone she wanted and she picked him as he picked her, as she was best. Better than him. Or so he thought and believed, anyhow. At least for Teddy it was the case. For him she was his cornerstone as he was her's. That Dolores was his, Teddy's soulmate like he was hers. He felt that way ever since they had met, and got together, as it had never changed as he doubted that it ever would change like he was sure that she felt too. That feeling only grew for him everyday, as he was sure that it was the same for her. Teddy was sure of that too.

Like her, he was truly sure about all of that. Also like Dolores, Teddy believed without a doubt that they belonged together, no matter how long had passed and he was that it would never change, as it had no reasons to. He had no doubt about any of it. It was the case since they met and he had no doubt that it would always be the case. Teddy never hid his feelings for her and he never planned to. He was glad like her that they felt the same way for each other so that meant that he didn't need to hide his feelings for her and could tell her how he feels all the time, which was good enough for him. Teddy hoped that things won't change between them, just like she hoped that too, he had no doubt about it because if things did change it would suck. That was for sure. At least as far as he was concerned. Also Teddy doubted that it would ever change and was sure that she doubted that too. He still hoped for the best about that  as he knew that she did too. Them loving each other and being each other's greatest love was the bestest thing ever, he had no doubt about it. At least for him it was and he believed that it was the same for her too. In fact Teddy had  no doubt about it, as it seemed that way for him, everytime that they were together. He didn't believe that she pretended to love. Teddy believed that her reaction to seeing him back and her love for him was real, just as his reaction to seeing her again and his love for her was real. Everything that Dolores said and did prove it to him without any doubt. Teddy was glad that they were together, even if he wished that he didn't need to leave her. However, the idea that one day they could be together and not separating ever again was what made it worth it. Being with her for a bit. For him at least. As it gave Teddy something to look forward to. The fact that things didn't change between them made him happy, and made him believe that things would never change between them. Teddy believed that she doubted that it would ever change too. He was sure about it, positive about it. Teddy knew that she loved him as he loved her, and that was good enough for him. Like Dolores, he too hoped that her dad would notice that they truly loved each other and wanted to be together. Also like her he hoped that her dad would eventually accept them as a couple and be happy about it, as well as give them his blessing, just like before that. Teddy also hoped for that and always will. No matter what. He hoped that her dad would eventually believe that they are good for each other. Teddy and Dolores accepted that already and were happy about it, so it was now her dad's turn. He had no doubt about that. Their love for each other truly grew everyday, he could feel it without any doubt. If it even could as they were already in love with each other more than anything in the world. Teddy wanted to be with her for good. He wanted to marry her and have a family with her. Teddy wanted that more than anything in the world. He planned to propose to her one day soon. Right as soon as he got everything in order, or at least that was what Teddy had planned anyway. That was something he was going to do one day no matter what, as she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, no matter what. That moment 2asn't any different, that was for sure. It didn't matter what Others thought, Teddy planned to marry her and be with her for good, and refused to let anyone stop that. Whether others thought that they belonged together or not, as like her he thought that they did belong together.

It was up to them whether to be together or not, at least as far as he was concerned, and believed that for her it was the same thing. In fact he was completely sure about it. Teddy felt blessed to be with her as she felt blessed to be with him. Like her he knew the moment they met and got together that she was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, as she knew that he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with right when they met and got together. It was something that had never changed for either of them. It might have grown, in fact he was sure it had but it definitely never went away. Teddy had no doubt in his mind that she had felt the same way too. He didn't want it to go away, so he was glad to know that it won't, as it didn't seem that it would. Teddy believed that it was the same for her and he was glad about that. That meant a lot to him. Like her he knew that they wouldn't ever cheat on each other as it wasn't like them and never will be like them, which he was glad about that. Teddy, just like her, had no doubt about that. Not ever. Like her he too couldn't ever see that happen or it would mean that they were always wrong about each other and that was unlikely. Teddy was sure about it. That wasn't even an option. As they won't let it be them. As they won't allow anyone change them, no matter what. Teddy had no doubt about that. He was very sure about it, like her. Teddy refused to believe that they would ever change and he refused to believe that they would ever cheat on each other, just as she refused to believe that. Since there was no way for it to be real nor possible. They had no idea what was done to them, yet so they had no idea how to react about their lives but they knew that their love was real, either way. Like her he was sure 100 percent and even more that they won't cheat on each other, no matter what. As they loved each other way too much ro do that. Even without thinking about it Teddy knew that it was true. He would have trouble moving on with something happened to her, like she would have trouble moving on if something had happened to him. Teddy had no doubt that it was the same for the both. He had no doubt that it would hurt them a lot if something happened to the other. Teddy had no doubt about it. He knew like her that if something bad happened to them they would support each other, if the other decided to move on or such, as they were good people but it would be hard and would take a long time. Teddy had no doubt about it.

However, like her he too wished that nothing bad happened to either of them, and that they could be together for as long as they lived. Like her he had no idea that they could live a long time, or anything like that. Not yet anyway. It was getting there, though. Like Dolores, Teddy too hoped that they would live and die together when the time came. Even if like her he too wished that they could be together forever. However, if they had to die then he hoped that they would be together after like. Teddy had no doubt that she wished it all like he did. Like Dolores, Teddy had no doubt that no one could replace her in his life, like he had no doubt that no one could replace him in her life, and he knew that she knew that no one could replace her in his life. He had no doubts about her as she had no doubts about him. Teddy like her tried not to think of that either, as he focused on the moment and nothing else as he followed after her as he watched her lovingly. He noticed that she didn't move too fast and figured that she did it deliberately so that he could catch up to her, as he smiled at that but said nothing about it. Teddy had a feeling that she might have been faster than him and moved slower so that he would follow her but wasn't sure about it. He figured that it was why Dolores asked him to fetch his horse fast. He had a feeling that her moving fast and then slow was her flirting with him and teasing him, which he didn't mind as he found it rather cute. Teddy enjoyed the game of them teasing and flirting with each other, so he didn't mind that. He followed her with a grin on his face as he watched her lovingly.
Teddy continued to ride his horse after her. He galloped after her really fast but not too fast, as he followed her.  Teddy loved her a lot like she loved him and cared for her a lot as she did for him. So like her, Teddy hoped that she would be alright. "Dolores, Dolores, you are silly," he thought to himself with a smile as he watched her and followed her.

Teddy tried not to think of that as he fetched himself his horse or a horse and took off after. He did his best to catch up to her. Teddy smiled as he saw her not too far off, and as he watched her look behind herself at him as he tried to catch up to her as she continued to ride forward. He rode forward himself. Teddy laughed a bit as she teased him by riding a bit faster for a bit. "Show off," he said teasingly as he laughed at that. As Teddy was joking and not trying to hurt her. Which, he had no doubt that she understood that, as she was smart after all. He watched her as she slowed down and began to move not too fast as he continued to move forward as he tried to catch up to her. Teddy caught up to her eventually as he smiled at her as he did that.

He continued to ride forward as soon as he caught up to her, as he followed her. Teddy rode not far from her, even if still behind her, as soon as he caught up to her. He watched her and laughed too at their playful flirtation and teasiness before they rode as like her, he enjoyed it too. Teddy watched her from time to time and then he looked in front of them as he followed her. As he watched her pick a direction and continued to follow her. Teddy smiled at her and then looked in front of them again. He stopped after she stopped, once they got to their hill. Teddy then tied his horse by hers, with the horse's reins. Then he followed her. Teddy looked at her and then in front of them. "It is so nice and peaceful here," he said to her.
Teddy Flood

Dec 25th 2022 - 8:14 PM

Teddy watched her as she watched him, and smiled lovingly to her. It felt good for him to be back with her, jusr as for it was for her. Teddy was sure about it. Coming back to her was one of the best things that could happen to him as he had no doubt that it was her as well. That with them meeting for the first time and falling  in love with each other, were the best things that could happen to him, like for her. Teddy truly believed it. More than anything in the world. It was great. At least it was as far as he was concerned at least. Teddy found that amazing just as he believed that she did too. He didn't regret meeting her, falling for her nor coming back for her. Some things Teddy did regret but that wasn't one of the things that he regretted nor part of those, either. There was no way for it. Teddy was sure about that as well. They were both unique, one of a kind and they were a couple, that was the best of the best or so he thought and believed as well. Like with most things. As Teddy truly thought and believed that it was the same for her too. The fact that they loved each other and it felt so right, as well as nice, amazing for them to be together, and it felt really nice, amazing and great when they kissed made it easier to know that their love was right, that their love was real and true. At least as far as Teddy was concerned. He knew without doubt that for her it was the same. Even when it was about that too. Given that Teddy knew her rather well, he was sure of it. Positive even, for that matter of fact. He might not remember exactly how it all started, like her but he still knew it was real. That much Teddy was sure off. He could feel it deep inside, even if he couldn't exactly explain it. Yet, due to that Teddy knew without a doubt that their feelings were real.  He was happy to see her again, more than words could say as he knew that she was happy to see him. Teddy was positive about that. Without no doubt at all.  Teddy wasn't a betting guy or such but if he was then he would have betted on that and more than likely had won but that was besides the point. Teddy focused on nothing but her as he watched her. He spoke again as he did that. Teddy then spoke once more as he still watched her as before that. He watched her amused, with a raised eyebrow as he watched her reaction to what he said to her. Then Teddy listened to her once more. "I need to fetch my horse but I believe I can," he said to her with a slight wink. Teddy knew that she teased him and flirted with him as she did that a lot. He enjoyed that as much as he was sure that she did too. Teddy watched her beautiful face as he was tempted to kiss her as always but waited. He had no doubted that they would kiss when they were alone. Teddy was sure of it. Which was worth waiting for. Yet, if not then not. It was fine by him too. As Teddy was patient when it came to that, so he definitely could wait. For sure. He didn't mind either way, as he loved her that much and more. Teddy loved her a lot. She waa the best thing in his life and he refuse to do anything to mess that up. Dolores was Teddy's first and only love. His one and only. Dolores was Teddy's cornerstone as he no doubt was hers. He was definitely sure about that as well. No questions asked. There was no doubt in his mind that he was right about it. Teddy loved her and missed her as much as she loved him and missed him. He knew that rather well. Teddy truly believed that with all of his being. No matter what. Like her, he too believed that nothing or no one could ever change how they felt about each other. Teddy truly believed that they felt the same way and believed in the same thing too. Million + percent. He knew that they loved each other beyond words and was glad about it. As it was amazing. Teddy believed, without reason of doubt that they were meant to be. Meant to be together. That they were each other's destiny. Each othet's future. As Teddy believed that she believed that too. He felt lucky to have her in his life. To have her as his greatest love, to have her in his life, to have her love him as he loved her. Which Teddy knew that and fely that. He felt that everyday since they met, fell in love and got together. That feeling never changed since then. Teddy just hoped that her dad saw that, and understood it. He hoped that one day it would happen, all that like before that. It hadn't changed either. Teddy planned to always love her, respect her, care for her, protect her, adore her, spoil her, shower her with love, etc. He even planned to propose to her one day and marry her, etc. It was true since the moment they met and all. Teddy wanted to stay with her, for good or at least stay long enough to take her away to a place where it would only be the two of them, if she wanted to. However, he wasn't sure that he could yet, but he still planned to be with her for the rest of their lives one way or another, no matter what. He tried not to think if that as he was ready to fetch his horse and ride with her. It was worth it. For Teddy at least. Also he wanted to make sure that she got home safely. As Teddy was that kind of guy. He was a great guy and good one for her. Always and forever. Whether Teddy himself believed that or not it was still the trut,  just the same. He was glad that she picked him as he picked her, and that she got with him. Even if Teddy was still shocked and surprised by it but happy too. It was true even if he tried not to think of that and watched her closely. Teddy planned to keep her as his girl, his woman, his love, no matter what. As he never got with her illigally or anything like that. Given that Teddy wasn't like that and never will be like that at all. He felt blessed to have her in his life. It was always her for him. Always Dolores. She was the one for him, for Teddy. He knew that the moment he laid on her for the very first time. Teddy never doubted that and he never would. He truly believed that with all of his being.

Teddy knew that she would never cheat on him, like he knew that she never would cheat on him. If they were going to cheat on each other then they would have by that moment and they haven't. That much he knew for sure. Teddy was sure that she knew that too and it was true about her as well. He knew her well enough to know that she won't cheat on him but if something happened to him she might move  on eventually, alsk if so he won't blame her, just as he might too if he lost her but it would take years, yet he still knew that she won't blame him and support him as he would support her. However, no one could replace the other nor be better or as right for them or such as they were to each other. Teddy knew that for a fact. He didn't doubt that at all. Teddy knew her well enough to know that she won't cheat, that was for sure. Just as he knew that she knew him rather well. Teddy felt like they were perfect for each other, as he was sure that she felt the same way too. He was positive of that. If she didn't then they wouldn't be together after all. Teddy believed that with all his being. He was glad that he had her as he didn't anyone else, and it was true every minute that had passed. Many women tried to be with him, with Teddy, and even tried to sleep with him but he turned down each and everyone of them. It was something he planned to always do. Since Teddy only wanted Dolores and  always will. Like she wanted uim and always only him. Which Teddy knew rather well. He was sure. Completely sure about that. Like Dolores, Teddy too had no idea what the future held in store for them but also like her, he couldn't wait to find out. No matter he wasn't going to give up on her. Teddy didn't think of any of it at the moment, as he only focused on the two of them and nothing else but that.

Teddy was ready to go and get his horse, the minute it was the moment to do that. He got his horse the moment that he could do that. The moment when it got time for him to get his horse he watched her as soon as she rode off and then he quickly went to fetch his horse. Then not long after the, he rode after her. Teddy rode for a while until he caught up to her. Teddy then just followed her and rode the sane direction that she headed to. Also befotre that when she asked him that he shook his head 'no' and laughed. "Me? Never," Teddy said to her with a laugh. "Are you?" He  said as he teased her playfully too, flirted back with her. Teddy grinned and enjoyed it all as always, as he loved her that much and more.
Teddy Flood

Dec 23rd 2022 - 5:17 PM

Teddy watched Dolores with a smile as he returned the can to her, while he spoke to her. He watched her reaction and her in general for a while even after he returned the can to her and spoke to her. Teddy listened to her as she spoke. "I told you I would," he said to her with a loving smile still on his face. Teddy didn't take his eyes of her, no matter what. People passed by them but he didn't care. As far as Teddy was concerned it was just them and no one else but them. He loved Dolores more than words could say, and that moment especially. Teddy was tempted to hug her and kiss her, but he didn't, as he continued to watch her. He tried not to think of that as he watched her. "Would you mind me taking you home?" Teddy asked her as he waited for a reply as he wondered what would it be. "So we could spend time together," he added as he watched her.  Teddy still smiled at her as he waited for a reply. The longer that passed the more it felt like it was just the two of them there. At least it felt that way to Teddy anyway. He refused to let her go away from him unless she had to do something and then came back or alone while she headed home, as he loved and cared for her. Like she cared and loved him, and won't let him go away unless needed.  Which Teddy knew rather well. Which was why he wasn't worried. Or tried not to, anyway. Teddy was glad about it but definitely not surprised by it. As they were a couple after all. Which he doubted that it would ever change. Since it didn't look that way and it hadn't change yet, and it could have but still didn't. Which meant it would never change. Not as far as Teddy knew. Or as far as he was concerned. That  was good enough for him, for Teddy. Even if he didn't think of that but their moment together. Teddy wished that he could have came back sooner and stay with her or leave somewhere far with her, whatever she decided to do. However, with his life and pasylt it wasn't possible, unfortunayltely. As far as Teddy remembered and knew. He hoped to one day make up for his past in order to be worthy of her. Of the love of his life. Unknown to Teddy it was more complicated then that. He didn't exactly do something that he could be redeemed for. It was something both him, Teddy and Dolores did to themselves and others. Including their creator. By their creators orders. It was something horrible. Yet, they didn't rember that any of it. For the time being. Also the day when they would wake up and realize the truth was coming, and fast. At the moment they were oblivious to it all. As they focused on the moment and each other. Teddy focused on the moment and her. As she focused on the moment and him or at least it seemed so to him, anyway. Teddy continued to look at her as he waited for a reply as he wondered what would it be. He hoped that she would let him take her home, even if it would be the same horse or different, he still wanted to help her get home and spend time with her just the same.  Teddy loved spending time with her and being with her. As she was the one for him as he was the one for her. Teddy felt it. He felt it since they first met and got together, and it hadn't changed ever since.

It was doubtful that it would ever change. Especially for him, for Teddy. Then again he didn't want it to. So as far as Teddy was concerned it was just perfect. As he couldn't imagine his life with another. They both fell in love with each other the moment that they met and the rest was history. Their love never died but only grew more and more since then. Which he didn't complain about it as he had no doubt that she knew that like he knew that she didn't complain about it either. Teddy tried not to think of that either as he watched her with a loving smile. He wanted to propose to her and marry her but with everything that he had seen and done in the past, he felt like he couldn't. Aa much as Teddy hated that idea he knew better than that or so he thought and believed. For him it was the case no matter how long had passed. It was the case due to Teddy like Dolores not having any memories of his, or their past. It was due to the fact that their creatores wanting it to be that way, as they were evil after all. Or some of them were, anyway. As far as Teddy and Dolores were concerned, like the others of  their kind, they were human and alive. That the strangers that came to their world and all, were all guests. Guests in their lives. Even without thinking about it. At the moment Teddy just focused on waiting fot an answer. Like before that, as he continued to wonder what would it be. Teddy was ready for anything or so he thought and believed, as he waited.
Teddy Flood

Dec 22nd 2022 - 8:29 PM

Teddy woke up on the train, like always,  without realizing that it had happened before too. As far as he knew it was the day when he finally went back to the love of his life, Dolores Abernathy, once more. Teddy couldn't wait to see her again and spend time with her. Even if her father was against them as a couple.  Teddy didn't care as he like Dolores, believed that sooner or later her father would change his mind about him. He was sure about it like her. Teddy tried not to think of that so. None of that. That moment especially. Instead of that Teddy looked out of the window and smiled, lost in thoughts. He heard people by him, on the same train speak but didn't react, even when some spoke about him, as he just looked out the window and waited to get to the station finally, in order to get off and head to see the love of his life. The woman he loved more than anything in the world. The woman who felt the same for him, for Teddy, as he felt for her.  That was the only thought that he had on his mind during the train ride. No more nor less. No women could get his attention, not ever, except his girlfriend, Dolores Abernathy. No more nor less than that. This moment too. Whether Teddy thought of it or not, it didn't change it. That moment was no different. There was no men for her, except for him. Which Teddy knew rather well, just like she did. That was all that mattered. For them both. That moment too. Teddy was sure of it. Positive in fact. 

He tried not to think of that as he waited to arrive at the location. Once the train got there, Teddy waited for it to park and for the doors to open. Then Teddy got his things and walked out with the other people. He passed by the sheriff and his men, as he moved fast by them just as the Sheriff spoke to someone but not to Teddy, as he moved out of the way on time. He left his things in the place he stayed in. Then Teddy went to meet up with his love, Dolores Abernathy. Just as he got to her she dropped her can, like on cue. Teddy got down and picked it up, with a loving smile on his face. "Don't mind me, just trying to look chivalrous,"  Teddy said to her as always. Many thoughts run in his mind at that exact moment, including how pretty she was as always, how much he wanted and needed her, how much he wanted to kiss her, etc. However, since Teddy was a gentleman that was how he acted. That moment especially.
the psychic.

Dec 8th 2022 - 5:55 PM

This wasn’t going well, and she wasn’t sure how this was going to end.

There was clearly a war going on; evident on his violent reaction to the huntress’s existence. She could only surmise that absolute terrible things had happened to him and his people. Her heart broke for his pain, and it showed on her face. The corner of her lips fell, her eyes glistened with remorse.

Nothing that she could say to him was going to convince him that she had nothing to do with this war, nor did she know anything about it.

“I’m… I’m really sorry for the terrible things that you and your people have clearly suffered.” She lowered her hand slowly, but kept them in view of Teddy. “I can’t begin to tell you why the terrible things that happened, happened to your people other than humans suck. They’re violent, and they don’t care about anyone else but themselves. They treat what they don’t understand terribly and you or your people deserve that. Other than that, I can’t give you any other rational reasoning.”

It was the best that she could offer him. If she knew what was happening, where she was, and who he was, she might have been able to give him a bit more peace. But if there was a war happening, Kaylynn doubted that anything that she was going to say or do for him was going to make up for the atrocities that he suffered.

“I’m sure that there’s going to be nothing that I can say that can make any of this better, or make you believe that I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I know about war. It’s cruel. And I’m sorry that you’re having to face it. Just don’t lose yourself during it.”

Her eyes moved towards the gun in his hand, her powers rearing up and swelling in her chest. She swallowed thickly, her eyes never leaving his weapon. “Look, I think I know a way to get you to understand the kind of… situation that this is for the two of us. But you somehow have to trust that I’m not going to hurt you, and that that’s not really my intent here.”

It was the only way that she was going to get him to understand, maybe even take a step back and look at the situation from outside a little more. Of course he clearly had every right to distrust her, according to him, he and his people had suffered severe losses at the hands of ‘humans.’ Kaylynn honestly didn’t consider herself to be completely human, not especially after what she had learned about the reasoning of her birth. While Teddy didn’t really have any reason to hear the huntress out, or even believe her, she just had to have blind faith in this stranger that he’d listen.

the psychic.

Oct 22nd 2022 - 7:28 PM

Well this wasn’t what she was expected.

Kaylynn leaned back out instinct when a gun had been shoved into her face. At first, she couldn’t quite comprehend what he was demanding out of her. What was he going on about? His kind? What did that even mean?

The huntress flared out her power, trying to get a sense of what was happening here. But she couldn’t get a read on Teddy. Not even the sense of his emotions. Why? What or who was he? Was he some kind of supernatural creature? No, that couldn’t be. She’d be able to at least sense that he wasn’t human.

It was almost like he was something else. Something that she had never encountered before.

She drew back her powers, her head throbbing and vision spinning just from trying to feel him out. But her eyes stayed focused on the gun pointed in her direction, the finger that threatened to pull the trigger. The mystery of who or what he was was going to have to wait, right now, she needed to understand what was happening.

And somehow convince him that she wasn’t a murderer of his people.

Kaylynn swallowed thickly, her eyes trailing down his arm and then to his face. “Listen… I don’t know what you’re talking about, because you look pretty human to me,” she said it gently, to see his reaction, but there was no way out of this unless she used her telekinesis. She didn’t want too just yet.

“I really don’t know how to convince you, because you seem like you’ve had it pretty made up. But I’m unharmed, hurt, and just looking to get some help. Are you really willing to shoot someone in front of you who is on their knees?”

the psychic.

Sep 12th 2022 - 12:31 AM

She didn’t know how long she was laying in the grass for, but she knew that it was long enough that she forgot how to even move. Blood trickled from her nose, tear ducts, and even her ears. A side effect of overuse of her powers, especially her telekinesis. Her entire body, from her head to the tips of her toes, tingled and seared hotly. Her head felt as if it was a hundred pounds. The glaring sun didn’t help with that.

What was the last thing she could remember? Oh, that’s right. She had been engaged in a fist fight with Amon. She had finally found the demon that killed her parents, that killed her grandmother. And he refused to give her any answers unless she went with him. Kaylynn was many things, but an idiot wasn’t one of them. She knew that going anywhere with a demon that had the power to rip people apart the way that he had to her family was dangerous. And she knew that going with him would have been signing her own death certificate. It was strange though. A demon of such high caliber should have been able to just force his will on her. He tried. She felt the push and pull of his demands on her mind, but it just didn’t work.

In his frustrations, he had lashed out at her with all of his might. He pushed her back, but it… didn’t hurt? It was strange. She could feel his touch upon her, but it had felt weak. Underwhelming even. He must’ve felt it too, because he roared at her and lunged. They both had been locked in what seemed like a difficult fight, but Kaylynn was getting the upper hand. She even thought that she was going to be able to defeat him and get the answers that she wanted.

However, something happened. Something had ripped in the universe from their powers clashing and Kaylynn felt a hard yank of her soul. She had been dragged one way and Amon in another. She hurdled through darkness and then her body suddenly found itself in searing pain, laying underneath the sun, in the grass, in this field.

She heard someone approaching. Odd, why couldn’t she sense their energy? Their aura?

Their absence in her mind but presence in reality made Kaylynn sit up and search for a weapon to defend herself with. When she couldn’t find one, she knew at the best option was to surrender. Her arms shook with the effort as Teddy appeared slowly over the hill.

“P-please,” Kaylynn’s voice was dry, scratchy, and weak. “D-Don’t shoot.”

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