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๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ถ๐˜… ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ป.

06/30/2024 05:24 PM 

reply | free spirit #2

phoenix risen - fa mulan a new start, new beginning ft. free spirit - merida Mulan couldn't help but admire the redheaded woman, with curls like copper springs - the freckles that danced upon her face, along her cheeks and bridge of her nose - there was something about this woman, that called to Mulan. She had never been attracted to anyone, not truly, she had believed with Tung but the more she had thought about since her exile, the more she realised that it had been a mere crush and she had put him on a pedestal because of how inspired she had been by him.The moment he exiled her, it was a slap to the face - she was yet another shame to her family and all of China. But this woman, she did instantly feel it, felt the difference between genuine attraction, it was nothing like she had ever believed, even to the point of the nervous butterflies that fluttered in her stomach. And when she opened her mouth, her accent was a complete rush. There was just something about it, that sounded unique but also like crushed velvet, smooth with a hint of something she couldn't even name. Mulan realised she must've looked like an idiot, standing there, staring at the female but how could she not? A smile grew on her lips when she watched the woman with a feline grace slide from the horse to stand opposite her.A flush tinted her pale cheeks at the mention of her belongings on her back, that was all she had - the sack and nothing more. She knew she was filthy no doubt, but everything vanished when she met this stranger, it was like she felt alive for the first time since her exile. "I.. I'm very much new here, wherever Scotland is." Fa Mulan nodded enthusiastically. Meri-dah A very unique name, one that Mulan had never heard of and yet, it matched the aesthetics of this open and free space. "Fa Mulan, though most call me Mulan, Lady Merida." She reached up, carefully and slowly to greet the black stallion, her hand ran down the side of the horses' face with a gentleness. "It's an honour to meet you Angus."The pronunciation was strange and the way she pronounced it was more like Ang-us but she'd adapt no doubt about it - she was still getting lost in the accent of this woman, it was broad, strong but Mulan liked it. More than she probably should.


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06/30/2024 02:27 PM 

Gotham Knight's RP Guidelines

PATIENCE REQUIRED: This is not my main page. If anything this a casual page that I will take my time to write on. I do have a life away from the computer and with my life like everyone else's comes with responsibilities and a strong desire not to be in front of the computer 24/7. I take pride in my writing and with writing takes effort which takes time. If you can't be patient or I need to fill a time period requirement, please by all means unfriend me here. WRITING STYLE: I'm a multi-para writer. I prefer to rp in comments or groups. Writing length is usually 4-5 paragraphs. Could go longer than that if inspired to write more. I don't mind bantering either.GRAMMAR & SPELLING: I am not the spelling and grammar police. Just try your best.DON'T BE A TIME WASTER/PAGE SQUATTER: If you aren't gonna talk or respond to my attempts to RP please do the honorable thing and unfriend me. I don't like time wasters or people who think squatting ony my page is cool. I make two attempts to make contact if I'm ignored and you're online, I will delete you. MY TAKE WITH BATMAN: I'm well aware Ben Affleck's Batman is from the DCEU and Snyder's films. I am not exactly playing him how he was played in those movies but  I am keeping the fact he has been Batman for a long time considering he'll be in his mid-40s. My Batman is gonna mix and mingle in with the comics, cartoons & Arkham games.CONTENT: Content in my writing reflects I'm over the age of 21. If violence, language, triggering subject matter to name a few things. I am not a kid friendly writer and if this is a problem, then you shouldn't write with me. I will not write with anyone who is under the age of 20 years old and very seldom on adding minors. SHIPPING|ROMANTIC SCENES: Just to nip this in the bud now. My Batman is a multi-li page. I've decided to do it this way because again, not my main page. I don't want to give less than 100%  to a pairing and quite frankly, comic verse is touch and go with me as it is. So yes I could have a storyline where in one I'm with Catwoman and in another with someone from Marvel and in another someone not in comic verse. I don't tolerate jealously and I don't play favorites. Now for romantic scenes or whatever you call it, yes I rp it. I'm an adult and I've written adult things. I prefer that be in private. (The only thing I do write in messages.) However, shipping and those "romantic" scenes only happen with chemistry and writing together. I won't ship just to ship or f uck  just to f uck. Write with me, set up a storyline a good amount of bantering after awhile and if we click we'll see what happens on both fronts.    DO NOT BLUR RP WITH RL: So pretty much in relation to the rule above. Just because we ship or because our characters shared a bed, doesn't mean I want the same in real life. I'm happily taken in real life and have been for the last couple of years. I don't mind making friends but friendship is all I'm offering. Don't expect more than that. If you cross that line I will pull the plug on any pairing we had. By the way my girlfriend rps and would probably rip you a new one if you tried anything. So please remember what is said and done in roleplay is simply just roleplay. Consider this your only warning because it'd be the only time I say it. CROSSOVERS: The main verses I'll crossover aside from DC/DCU is Marvel and The Boys. However I am openverse and I will interact with just about any verse.  So The Walking Dead to Doctor Who to Supernatural are all welcome to add me.NO DRAMA/TOXICITY: Attention whores, Drama Queens, Bullying, Clique Behavior, Elitism and bigotry (race, sexuality, religion), are not tolerated here. I see any of that on your page or directed towards anyone I will remove you without a notice. Keep my page and my safe space positive. 

Barbieland Resources

06/29/2024 10:26 PM 

Editor Status

Here you will find the current status of all editor in regards to taking orders.Filling Time - OpenFortune's Favor - OpenSeaborne - Closed until sometime in JulyThinkPink - Currently only open for graphics orders, not coding orders


06/29/2024 09:30 PM 


Poisoned by privilege

06/29/2024 04:23 PM 


headcanon: v Latin, water polo and child abuse boarding school verse Felix leaves the school all the time and goes off for months at a time and he is in the city and he's partying all the time When he is found he is a mess unable to remember what happened to him and who he was with . It's always been something he likes to do and has to do just to be away from the staff at the school and away from the secrets that are deep inside of him.. he won't talk about it . He never does .


06/29/2024 02:59 PM 

Please Read

Rules1. I am NOT interested in writing with anyone that isn't going to take a story seriously. I'm a seasoned and dedicated writer, I'd expect the same. I prefer to write multi-paragraphs, I wom't waste my time on one-liners with no effort. My stories are my heart and soul.2. Keep your smut to yourself. I'm not here to write smut. If that is what you're looking for, go find someone else. I'm not the one, I have an LI and not interested in any others. Absolutely no minors or children.3. No OOC bullsh*t. Banter is great, drama is a no-go. I won't tolerate rudeness or bad behavior, I'll just block and move on.4. Honesty is absolutely key. If we start a story and you're not feeling it, just tell me! No hurt feelings. Sometimes the vibes are off.5. I write dark. Horror, gore, scary and deep sh*t with mature themes. With that, comes a dark sense of humor.6. No. Random. Starters. I can't take anyone serious if that's what they do. I'm open-minded, discussion is a must.If you're cool with these, let me know if you'd like to write.๐Ÿ’œR.


06/29/2024 11:33 PM 

owes list | storylines

I OWE YOUJenna - reply - 06.25YOU OWE MEBrooke - reply - 06.24UPDATED: 06.29STORYLINESBrooke: A pair of friends are sharing a bottle of wine, when Brooke blurts out a secret she's been keeping. Little does she know that she and Nova have more in common than they ever could have imagined.Jenna: Nove happened to meet Jenny not long after she moved to Boston. The pair became quick friends and were fairly inseparable ever since.


06/29/2024 08:47 PM 

monthly task

Remi's favorite part of her house would be her garden. She takes pride in it as it was hard to grow. Remi spends most of her time here and its her favorite part. Everything about her garden makes her happy and she realizes she has potential with creating something beautiful. She loves sitting in her garden with a cup of coffee her tiktok focus's on her garden because she's that proud of it.


06/29/2024 04:11 PM 

AC 1

In a world where most people fear death, that is far from the top of Auroraโ€™s list. In fact she has a slight fascination with it. Not that she would tell anyone. But the things that top her list are being alone, especially with the demons in her head. After losing her mother at a young age Aurora has always had a fear of being alone forever. Her father abandoned her as a child and even though she came to him as a teen; no amount of money could fix the feeling of being abandoned for 15 years. So even in a house full of people who โ€˜LOVEDโ€™ her, the redhead still felt alienated. So when her cousin disappeared, one of the main people who tried to help her fit in. She felt like that was a sign that she was probably cursed. And Savannahโ€™s disappearance only brought her second fear closer to the light. Even with Savannah welcoming her to the family Aurora was still jealous of the heiress seemingly perfect life. Where Auroraโ€™s life was filled with pain and sorrow; Savannah seemed to get anything she ever wanted and nothing bad ever happened to her. This jealousy caused Aurora to go back to her roots and use a voodoo โ€˜spellโ€™ to bring about bad luck to her dear cousin. She just wanted to take her perfect life down just a notch. Show her how it felt to not get everything she wanted. She didnโ€™t want her to die.. Did she?!? But with her disappearance she tossed the evidence of this ritual in a bonfire and has been worried that someone will find out what she did and think she was the reason behind her cousins death and disappearance.

๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฝ๐“ต๐“ฎ ๐“ฆ๐“ช๐“ฒ๐“ฏ

06/29/2024 01:03 PM 


  "That sh*t with Santiago... that can't happen again." Claudia scolded as she moved around the apartment, getting ready for coffin. "You need to mind your temper." She warned. "And you need to fix your voice.""Fix my voice? What the f*** that supposed to mean? Ain't nothin' wrong with my talk. Wasn't nothin' wrong with yours either." He stated, his ever-present Southern accent, much like Claudia's."No there ain't. But they gonna learn we ain't just American but that we lied.. that we ain't from Chicago. What then Louis?" She asked, glancing at him through the mirror's reflection. "They gonna realize where we come from.. and that might link us to Lestat and they might put it together who we are, who he is. We can't let that happen. So again fix your voice." She said firmly."I don't take orders from you." Louis said in an irritated tone as he grabbed his coat. "Where you goin'? Sun up in a few hours." She said following him to the door though stopped as he slammed it shut leaving her alone.     template credit.  

๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฝ๐“ต๐“ฎ ๐“ฆ๐“ช๐“ฒ๐“ฏ

06/29/2024 12:18 PM 

๐šˆ๐š˜๐šž'๐š›๐šŽ ๐šŠ ๐šŸ๐šŠ๐š–๐š™๐š’๐š›๐šŽ

You're  A  Vampire?"I gotta do some cleanin' up or the law is gonna be here. And you gonna be in a lot of trouble."Madeleine Eparvier was a known traitor in Paris. She had welcomed a young Nazi soldier into her bed and by that act seemed to forever solidify her allegiance to the Nazi party and its ideals. From that night of passion with that young Nazi soldier she never saw again came a daughter. Both she and her young daughter Layla were constantly ridiculed and shamed for what those around them thought of them, for what they thought they supported. But Layla was only a child, Madeleine had only been a lonely woman trapped by war. Neither were then nor now supporters of such awful things. However, being thought of as Nazi supporters left Layla and Madeleine vulnerable to much more than talk and rumors, it left them in danger of things like vandalism and assaults.Young Layla had been in bed for hours now, Madeleine was awake, ironing some laundry in her shop and minding her own business. Like usual, the swastika had been painted on her shop window, there was no point in washing it off anymore, it would always be repainted back there. It was a group of three, two men and a woman. They taunted, Madeleine responded and eventually out of anger threw her iron, breaking the window.With that the two men rushed in through the now broken window, their female companion doing the same. The two men grabbed Madeleine, dragging her off to the bedroom. Out of instinct, Madeleine began pleading with them not to disturb her daughter who was in the next bedroom. The two men had little interest in her child, their interest was in her. The female intruder, however, made her way toward the bedroom where Layla lay asleep, completely unaware of the danger she was in.Madeleine fought her attackers as they tore at her clothes, asking to get the same treatment her young soldier friend had gotten. One of the men stopped when he heard their female companion scream. He rushed to find out why and soon he too gave a horrific scream that was accompanied with a few loud thuds. Before Madeleine could even make sense of what was happening the man over top of her was snatched away by Claudia. There stood the young woman Madeleine had befriended and become quite close to.She watched in shock as Claudia easily lifted the man, throwing him down the hall, and dragging him off and out of sight. He too gave a blood-curdling scream before silence, all that could be heard was the sounds of soft gasps, the gurgling of someone choking on their blood. The female intruder had been stabbed into the wall, a pair of scissors in her neck.Hesitantly Madeleine made her way past the female intruder and the one male intruder. Coming to the front room of her shop she stopped seeing Claudia now over the man she had dragged off. Almost as if on cue Claudia lifted her head, blood spurting everywhere, the man's blood ran down her mouth and chin, down the front of her dress. Beneath her he shook and gasped, taking his last breaths.With her fangs still out, in all her terrifying glory Claudia looked to Madeleine for a moment, in her eyes was rage, was the look of a true killer. Though within seconds of setting eyes on Madeleine that look disappeared. She stared blankly at Madeleine for a few moments. "Are you gonna run?" She asked, half expecting the woman to.Madeleine stood frozen for a moment, muttering in French things about Claudia sucking the man's blood, that she was so strong. Carefully Claudia stood up. "Don't.. run I mean." Her true southern accent came out now, no longer seeing the need to cover it up as she had done now for months. "I won't hurt you. I won't hurt Layla. These men... these people.. they were gonna hurt you and Layla." She said glancing down at the man, giving his head one swift kick she cracked his skull in."They deserved to die." She said before slowly approaching Madeleine as she finally collapsed to the ground. "Good. Sit." She said as she knelt. "I gotta do some cleanin' up or the law is gonna be here. And you gonna be in a lot of trouble." She said looking to Madeleine. "Go into Layla's room. Stay there. Don't let her come out here. After I'm done cleanin' up we'll talk."Madeleine who was finally beginning to come around finally spoke. "You're.. you're a vampire?" She asked. Claudia gave a nod "I'm a vampire." She confirmed looking to Madeleine. The two shared a look for a moment before Madeleine spoke again. "You're American?" She asked, Claudia's now normal accent giving it away.At Madeleine's words, Claudia could only laugh. "Yeah.. an American vampire." She said before reaching out to touch Madeliene's cheek. She stopped though, not wanting to cover Madeleine in blood. "Go. Go to Layla and we'll talk once I've cleaned up." Hesitantly Madeleine stood and did just that, disappearing into the darkness of her daughter's bedroom. There she sat in silence, in the dark, listening as she heard Claudia cleaning up the mess she had made."Yeah.. an American vampire." template credit.


06/28/2024 08:34 PM 


In a near-future world, the ability to trade and manipulate memories revolutionizes society, creating a new economy where experiences become the ultimate currency. As memory trading firms rise to prominence, they reshape the financial landscape and redefine the concept of personal identity. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly utopian advancement, a dark undercurrent of corruption begins to take hold. High-ranking politicians and corporate moguls exploit the technology, using manipulated memories to sway public opinion and consolidate power. Meanwhile, a underground movement of memory rights activists emerges, fighting to expose the truth and protect the sanctity of human experience. The conflict escalates as hackers and rogue scientists develop techniques to authenticate and safeguard memories, leading to a cat-and-mouse game between those who would control the technology and those fighting for transparency. As the crisis reaches a boiling point, society fractures along ideological lines. Some advocate for strict regulation of memory technology, while others push for universal access as a fundamental right. A global summit is convened to determine the future of memory trading, with the fate of human consciousness hanging in the balance. The world watches with bated breath as philosophers, scientists, and policymakers grapple with profound questions of identity, free will, and the very nature of reality itself. The decisions made in this crucible will shape the course of human evolution, ushering in a new era where the boundaries between memory, experience, and truth are forever blurred.


06/28/2024 08:31 PM 


CHARACTER NAME:FACECLAIM:AGE:BRIEF BIO:DID YOU READ THE RULES?: (There's no secret password or anything! We're going off the honor system here)WRITTEN SAMPLE: (At least two paragraphs. Can be in character if you want but isn't necessary)ANY OTHER INFO YOU FEEL LIKE WE NEED TO KNOW?:


06/28/2024 08:20 PM 

Taken Roles

NAME: Levi Daniels. FACECLAIM: Nicholas Galitzine. OCCUPATION: Creates false memories and sells them.NAME: Abigail Phillips. FACECLAIM: Sabrina Carpenter. OCCUPATION: INFO HERE.NAME: here. FACECLAIM: here. OCCUPATION: here.


06/28/2024 08:03 PM 


We ask that Characters be 18+ in age. Keep OOC Drama to a Minimum – This is a roleplay, so IC drama is expected and encouraged! Incessant OOC Drama, however, is not tolerated here. As admins, we expect you will endeavor to solve all OOC issues with other players on your own before you address concerns to the main. We are all mature adults and should be able to treat each other with love and respect even when we are having disagreements. If you feel admin intervention is absolutely necessary, we will happily assist. We would just like to emphasize the importance of personal conflict resolution as a first choice course of action. No Bubble RP-ing – Sometimes it is hard to keep your characters from interacting with the same people continuously and we understand that; but always try to find opportunities and scenarios where your characters can interact with as many other characters as possible. We will have a spot for group rp to try and discourage bubble rping. Discord – Discord will be our main place. That being said, you do not need to have an account associated with rpme to join. Activity Checks - They will be performed every two weeks.  That may seem too long for some people, but we feel that it's best. We like to think we're pretty chill (sometimes a little too chill).


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