Serinan Imperial Order

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May 30th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 35
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 25, 2012


05/25/2012 03:41 PM 

Territory list; System description (in progress)

[OOC NOTE: This isn't a cannon faction nor does it follow all of cannon history as various characters within the faction have been original creations of their respective owners, modified from cannon, or created out of the need of their particular role. The SIO as a whole doesn't follow the maps drawn up by the various other RP factions of the past nor present, though we are open to playing with other factions should the desire arise from any faction that wishes to begin a SL with us. Eventually at some point we will need a rival faction or two once the SIO evolves to a more complete/final state.]
The Serinan Imperial Space includes the entire Serinan home system as well as the Chommell Sector. The Serinan home system consits of thirty-six planets, their moons, and more then one sun for some of them. Each planet differs slightly in customs, language, resources, and climate. Within the system you can find every extreame from the sands of Tatooine, to the jungles of Danthomir, to the frozen tundra of Hoth when it comes to climate.


The 36 Serinan home planets:
Serina I: Is a planet very similar to Hoth in its southern hemisphere, and extremely rocky in the north. During the spring and summer months, lasting two and three months respectively, some of the land thaws to give life to various plants that have adapted to the short warm season and the rough terrain. Most of its population lives within the northern cliff faces. Some dwelling on the sheer faces, while others burrow deeper into the rock itself.

Serina II: Is a mostly barren world as there is little moisture to be found here most of the year. All water used by its small, rugged population is imported from other worlds within the system. Life here is very unforgiving due to the harsh climate as such those who manage to survive and make a living here are very proud of their accomplishments.

Serina III: Home to a very unique variety of life due to its unique conditions. Four months out of every year and eight months out of every tenth, the planet is bathed in complete darkness. During the dark months off world travel and communication is impossible. As an adaptation some families native to this world have developed a different way of seeing, one that allows them to see extremely well in low light, but is very sensitive to higher light levels. This adaptation allows those who posses it to see in the ultraviolet spectrum as well as the normal spectrum, although distorted in color. This world is known for its very unique stone crafts involving stone types that can only be found here due to the unique conditions. During the dark months these stones are easily gathered as they give off the planet's only naturally occurring light, becoming inert once the light cycle returns except when found deep underground or deep in the caves where light can't reach.

Serina IV: Is the capital of the system as well as the seat of government for the Empire at large. Art, dancing, education, and tradition thrive here. While not as populated as Coruscant, it does offer a bigger city feel within its three main cities. A large majority of the population can be found residing in smaller traditional villages. Life here is very much dictated by tradition, respect for the Guardians, and reverence for the Ancestors. Temples can be found scattered all over the planet dedicated to various callings. Serina IV hosts a climate very similar to Naboo's.

Serina V:


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