
Rules must be signed in order to roleplay with me.

Thank you. Love, Hermione.

ϟ Hermione Jean ϟ

Last Login:
June 30th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 44
Sign: Virgo
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
December 27, 2014


12/27/2014 12:50 PM 

My rules must be followed.

Good Day.

  I will not accept Emma Watson's or other Hermione's as friends, even if you also use another face as well. I do not write out the twin/doppleganger thing. I see no point in allowing those players on my page.

  I roleplay as Hermione Jean Weasley (nee Granger). I am not Emma Watson and I am not an acquaintance of hers. She is the face I use as this fictional character from the novels by JK. Rowliing.

  I have roleplayed as Hermione since 2005. I read all the novels and saw every film. I am also a member of Pottermore therefore I know Hermione rather well.

  I do not accept brothers or sisters as Hermione was an only child. No cousins or lost lost relatives please.

  I do not accept twins or mirrors.

  Harry Potter is my best friend. Ronald Weasley is my husband. This will only alter in an AU story I choose to write if I choose to write it.

  I dated Viktor Krum but it was short lived.

  I roleplay after the Battle of Hogwarts or other historical eras. I do not regurgitate trio era stories. I will not roleplay Hermione as a child and I will not roleplay her in any Alternative Universe unless its one of my own creation. The only alternative ending I will write is that Hermione is with a Harry because I believe its what should have happened however I will only write this scenario with a Harry I deem worthy.

  I am part of a league of Potter players. I have no need to join any rpg you may own.

  Take heed, I do not-- DO NOT take kindly to people, who destroy JK Rowlings beloved characters by making them highly sexualized and or violent in nature. All of a sudden Hermione is not a serial killer and Harry is not a rapist you sick demented piece of garbage. These characters are part of a beautiful series of CHILDREN'S books Whoever decides to destroy that, I will resign myself to abolishing you from my page as I think you are.... as Petunia Dursley would say " A FREAK."  There is a line between complete trash writing for the sake of trash writing and utilizing one's imagination to give more depth to a character. Know the difference.

  I do not roleplay with Twilight, Teen Wolf or Vampire Diaries players ever. So I do not add them.

  I have children in the canon world of HP - do not make up relatives in order to play with me. I won't accept that nonsense.

  I do write original open roles at times, care to rp one, ask me.

  I am a well established LITERATE Novella player. Write accordingly or simple point out that it may not be as long as mine but you will try your best to be at least multi-para.

  I am an adult  I just love the Potter World. I have played in the realm since MySpace days.

  I am here when I am here, Deal with it in your own way. If you cannot wait because you have no life then delete me. I have a life. Replies come in my time frame, not yours.

  I loathe negative people. If your life is in such shambles then get up off your duff & change it. Being on complaining to everyone is not going to change your reality in any way. Be positive. Get motivated and make a change. I do not want to hear your turmoils, crisis or pessimistic outlook on life. I am upbeat and expect to have upbeat, positive, creative, imaginative people on my page.

 If you ignore me continually I will say something to you whether you want to hear it or not. As my friend I do not sideline you and I expect the same courtesy in return or the friendship can crumble for all I care. Friendship is a two way street. Remember that always when dealing with me.

 I will not continually do for you when you do nothing in return.

 I will reveal no pertinent real life information, so do not ask me.

 You may not kill my character. You may not rape my character.

 You cannot use auto-modding or god-modding with me in play.

 You may not dictate what I say or do or write in a roleplay.
     Example: You are some character in Neverland and say to me in the roleplay that all the creatures in Neverland hate you and outsiders. I enter Neverland but it is my perspective that maybe the creatures are just aloof with Hermione or maybe they are unsure of her. Or maybe she is oblivious to their take on her. You MAY NEVER EVER dictate to me what MY PERSPECTIVE is on the surrounding world!!!!

 Do not steal from me.

 You request me, say hello for heavens sake and begin a discussion on a story in messages please. Silence will get you nowhere with me fast.

 Discussions are to be in messages whereas Roleplay is to be in streams or comments only.

 Over sexualized players who stream their fetishes and sexual escapades in streams will be removed.

 No Erotica No BDSM No 50 Shades of Smut.

 You want to be a homosexual Draco, fine by me just be a damn good homosexual Draco or I won't play with you.

 I will pick my main connections based on the following: activity, writing skills, eloquent behavior, and compatibility with me as a writer. If you become a main, I look upon you as one of my biggest priorities whilst online.

 Do not sign these rules, then get your panties in a wad because I have others players & stories & real life to tend to, be upfront, do not be a git & just delete me because of your lack of patience or apparent petty jealousy of others I tend to before you.

 Do not make a page to speak to me then delete it superfast after wards - you look like a thief and a  complete dilbert. I am rather smart and observant you silly little bear.

 My layout was made by the site known as Vicarious. I make my own images.

You must sign my rules or I will refuse to play with you & subsequently delete your rude carcass. Yes that is right even if play commences and you still refuse to sign rules, I reserve the right to renege my story at anytime without warning. Wonder why I am slow in response? This is probably it!

*Do not take something from my blogs, stories & posts to make it a page, only to come at me and request my friendship. It will not happen, it does not appease me, it only annoys me and makes me not want to know anything about you, create something yourself please & I will more likely befriend you*

To be clear, I play Hermione with several different Harry's or several different Ronald's and so forth. I want everyone to understand this, if I have a main depicted on my page, that means I find this particular player engrossing enough and worthy enough to become my main whoever.. I will play with more than one of each character, however each story I have will completely differ from the others.

  -Example: If I rp a love with one Harry, I will not rp a love with a different Harry. If I rp hatred with one Draco I will rp love with another Draco. I do not like to use the same story-lines with every character. I switch it up a great deal and I do this so I won't get bored, uninspired or feel completely tied down to one particular individual.

*Rape and Incest have no place in my writing world nor does horrific violence against innocents like children or mentally unstable people, if you feel the absolutely need to write this to me, I will delete you with no warning. I do NOT find it entertaining in the least. If you do, this is not the place for you for I have not even an inkling of tolerance for it.
   -In reality I strive to help those who had suffered these occurrences within their real lives, I think if you actually lived through any of these circumstances---you would not so easily make a mockery of it and/or continue to glorify it.

Do not ask me to make a Discord for chatting purposes, its distracting and a time waster to me. If you cannot message me for story line discussions then we can pass on writing with one another all together.

There are also specific characters that I do not wish to write with so they will not be added.  This pertains to any face claims I cannot stand as well.

For clarification purposes, I do not post little novelettes in bulletins. Likely I will showcase one sample. It is NOT a drabble I repeat NOT a drabble. Its a sample PERIOD. Drabbles should be less than 100 words by definition, if they are not then it is not a drabble! The whole notion behind a drabble is to see if you as a writer can condense your writing but still convey meaning.

I send introductory comments as I can, if this displeases you I would not know this especially when you entire profile and blog is BLANK. I do not want to be bitched at over it, either respond or do not respond. Failure to respond in a reasonable amount of time will result in your dismissal from my page.

If I am courteous to you and your rules, do the same for me. This I cannot see your blogs is total rubbish and its not in my character to sign rules is also garbage! You as a WRITER should be courteous enough to a fellow writer. Its also called being a HUMAN BEING!

If you tell me you signed rules and did not and we start a rp and I realize it. I reserve the right to remove you at any time. No questions asked.

I will never ship Hermione and Draco or Hermione and Snape, those are just too off the wall for me. 

I do things out of kindness. I sign rules and make nice HP edits for people. I do this to be friendly and courteous, that is all. Do not read into it.

Hermione does have a main love interest that has been in play for an extensive time. Trent is a main connection and that probably will never change. Do not be petty and jealous about it. It is tiresome. He isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. It does not mean that I cannot write with your character. So CHILL.

Do not attack my friends. Most likely you will regret it.

As it is I have never come across any Weasley -Ron, Hugo, Rose, Molly or Ginny that has written well or been worth my time. If it does not change soon, I may be forced to write the family (Rone, Rose & Hugo specifically) out of my story. This does not mean I do not know canon HP, it means I am sick of having no luck with these characters and to make inspiration flow properly I may need to rid myself of them. It may happen, it may not but know I am not an idiot.

     Hermione Jean


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Hufflepuff King


Nov 30th 2018 - 2:10 AM

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Read and understood. 

Cissy Black-Malfoy.


Nov 21st 2018 - 9:21 PM

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Narcissa "Cissy" Malfoy

Vαηεssα Ivεs


Nov 16th 2018 - 10:43 AM

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Vanessa Ives



Jan 18th 2015 - 2:44 PM

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Jeanette Mayfair

Padma Patil


Dec 27th 2014 - 6:43 PM

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I don't see any of these being issues. In fact, they all seem highly logical to me. I wonder why that is :P

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