𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘔𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘢𝘳

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May 6th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 27
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 14, 2016


06/03/2020 11:27 PM 

Writing Sample


The sounds of pursuit faded as Adore maneuvered herself through the crowds in ChinaTown. It was late in the night, the moon was already dominating the city sky, but the nightlife was just starting to crawl out of their apartments and dorms to take to the city. Which was good news for Adore. This gave her the perfect opportunity to blend in and escape the group of men who were currently in pursuit of her. 


Her breath hung low in the frigid air, and her right hand went up to evaluate a cut on her arm from where a bullet had grazed her. The deep cut stung as she prodded it through her thick black jacket and every time she moved her arm, needles shot out from all directions. But, she’d live. 


Before she could look up from her arm though, she ran into a strong body. She stumbled backwards, and as her emerald eyes looked up to see the familiar face of a man she had been looking for for the past few days, shouts of recognition rang out from behind her. She saw the look of alarm in the man’s eyes, but before he could ask what was going on, Adore grabbed his wrist and dragged him through the crowds. 


“I’ll answer your questions later. For right now, follow me,” Adore told the man as she wove them both through the crowd, looking for a good place to hide. 


She found an alleyway and ran into it dragging the man behind her and forced him to hide behind some dumpsters with her. She kept herself strategically in front of him so if they were found, she could protect him easier. Once she heard the sounds of running footsteps fade away, she peeked out behind the dumpsters to check to make sure they weren’t being followed any more. 


When she realized the coast was clear, she leaned back against the dumpster and let out a long sigh before standing up holding out her good hand to help the man up. 


“So, this might take some explaining but,” she paused and gave the man a smile, “My name is Adore Angel. The men who were chasing us just now? They’re called the MRO. They’re a group of illegal scientists and doctors who are trying to create the perfect humanoid species to take over the world. I was actually one of their experiments. I’ve created an army to hopefully put a stop to their war, but there’s just one more problem. They know about you, just like I do. They know about your powers, and now, I want to ask for your help in defeating them.”


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