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04/06/2021 12:36 PM 

Untold Tales #3

Maggia and Mad Science Part 3

The sounds of a gunfight filled the air - pistols, shotguns, and Tommy guns, lead bullets crashing into steel cars and brick buildings - along with the cackling of a man in the darkness and the cries of the criminals who'd come here thinking they were in for an entirely different fight. "Sh*t, he got Eddie!"

In the warehouse, the Torch and the Angel took cover behind the truck parked in the warehouse- and surveyed the situation. They weren't sure who the Mystery Gunman was - though there were some ideas - and it was clear he wasn't being nearly as careful with his aim as the Angel had been. "Friend of yours?" The Torch spoke up to the gunman at his side. The Angel shook his head. "No, but ---" Their conversation ended, cut off mid-thought, as the loud buzz of a safety alarm rang out behind them. Their attention turned to its point of origin, causing the Angel to call out "Damn it!"


Mike Russo had been winged by the Angel in the initial shootout - the shot to the leg took him out of the fight for a moment, but he wasn't going to go down quite *that* easy. At least that's what he would tell people later on - in truth, he had just laid on the floor feigning unconsciousness until the unexpected gunfight outside erupted, distracting the two Mystery Men in the room with him.

With their backs to him, he'd gotten up, slowly limping across to the back of the warehouse - though once he got about two-thirds to the back wall, he ran-slash-lunged the rest of the way, throwing himself to his destination. He flipped up the cover to the two-way intercom attached to the wall and held down the button as he spoke. "It's the Torch - and, and, the Angel! And some other guy, I think!" There was a pause, and no response, before he tried again. "Come on, you gotta let me in!"

A second later, the safety alarm blared - and the floor beneath Mike Russo shifted with a KA-THUNK as the large square shifted, taking the man with it as it traveled downward.


"Damn it!" The Angel was surprised by both the guts of the man who was trying to make his escape, and the fact that there was a secret elevator built into the floor - from the size of it, it looked like they intended to take these crates down at some point, maybe the whole truck. The Angel briefly tried to decide if they should deal with the commotion outside, or chase the man underground - but the Torch made the decision for himself.  The firey figure gave chase, and the Angel followed, both leaving the events outside to the men involved in them. It was just a distraction from what they'd both come here for, anyway.

The Torch jumped down the shaft left by the moving floor first, the short fall ending with the 'CLANG' of him landing on the metal panels, followed by a second when the Angel joined him. They found themselves in a hallway, the floor and walls made of metal, bright white lamps lighting the way. The door at the end of the hallway was left partially open in the haste of the man they were following, and as they moved down the hall, they both were under the impression that this wasn't merely an escape route. The Torch grabbed the doorhandle, the heat from his flaming hand not quite enough to damage it at the moment, and as they readied themselves for whatever might be on the other side, another 'CLANG' came from behind them. The Angel whipped around, quick as he could, and aimed his gun. 

The first thing he noticed was the pistol in his face. The second was the shiny gold mask he'd pointed his own gun at.


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