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Gender: Female
Age: 25
Sign: Gemini
Country: United Kingdom

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August 04, 2019


01/06/2024 05:12 AM 

✦|| 1x1: Brandon Breyer
Category: Stories


1x1 Brandon Breyer / Brightburn

World to Explore: Not specified

"Ain't that the same thing??" She questioned with a tilt of her head, hand on her chin. "Like I'mma sayin' if ya doin' something that'll catch his attention ya gotta at least fight him anyways and I don't think ya plan on losing so surely ya may as well go after him and try and stop him that way." That wasn't exactly the way the world actually worked but Harley logic rarely made sense to anyone else. "The Phantom Zone is a big scary sky prison for the worst things that Earth can't hold. Least that's what I gathered when Bats threatened me with it. I don't think he was serious but then Bats making a joke is kinda rare. Compared to that place though, Arkham's a cake walk. Not a prison exactly, the real prison's Blackgate but most people don't get sent there. The crazies and loonies and people like you an' me get sent to Arkham Asylum where we practice how quickly we can break out again because for a secure facility - it's about as secure as a lock made of chocolate !!" And now she was craving something sweet after thinking about chocolate. Harley really needed to control her trains of thought more so they weren't five trains on three different tracks trying not to crash into each other. 

Harley furrowed her brow, as she tried to tame her wandering thoughts and actually lsiten to what the male in front of her had to say. "So yas not really like him at all then are yas. Being from Krypton is kinda his whole schtick. Ya just a guy with flying pwoers and super strength. Can yas still shoot laserbeams from ya eyeballs because that'd fun to see!! Wait, don't like aim it at me though, that sounds less fun." Sharing the same weakness would kinda give the game away so Harley was glad it was different or else that would have been boring. His beliefs about pain were certainly curious, and the psychiatrist side of her would have loved to delve more but harley had to be careful when asking those sorts of questions. "Be glad Waller ain't found you. Ya sound like just the kinda guy she'd love to strap a bomb to before making ya do her biding. I like pain, I like destruction, send me on a suicide mission and I'll accidently come back still alive type." Okay she really had to refocus. "But ya don't gotta worry about her, at least not yet. What...darker versions are you on about?? Because humans are fragile, they smush pretty easily under a hammer."


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