Born To Make History

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Gender: Male
Age: 118
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April 02, 2024


05/09/2024 11:03 PM 

Russia and Chaos

He was promised a vacation away from hunting, Henry told him they would go to Italy, to enjoy some history and Lincoln had always wanted to go there. But Lincoln in the back of his mind had a doubt in his heart that Henry was going to keep to that promise. Henry had phrased it oddly to him so Lincoln was worried they were not going to actually go there, even if that was the case he hoped wherever they went it wasn't a horrible place or whatever they were going to go after wasn't too dangerous, Unaware that Henry had a mission for them that included both things Lincoln did not want to deal with, Russia and Rasputin.

Lincoln and Henry arrived at the airport, Lincoln was told to pack for about a week and Henry said that they would be home shortly after they had arrived and no need to pack a lot of things. But it's the middle of winter so he was told to pack for the cold. So he had a coat and long winter pants and good shoes for walking in snow or cold weather. Henry dressed like he always did snazzy and dressed to impress, pompous he was at times it seemed. 

"Do you think a suit is always for all occasions or are you just too in your head to know better clothing?" Abraham taunted his mentor with a playful snort and jabbed his shoulder with a punch though that got him an elbow jab in the side from the vampire.

"Grump" he teased as they were taken through security and allowed through, Abraham got a coffee to drink and left to go to the restroom, unaware that Henry slipped some sleepy medication in his drink. He came back unaware and unassuming of Henry's devious behavior. He drank his coffee with no issues as he waited for a long while for their plane and as they boarded and placed their bags away he flopped and yawned.

"Gah why am I so damn sleepy?" whined the human as he winced before seeing that sparkle in Henry's mischief-ridden eyes as he frowned.

"We are not going to Italy are we Henry?" he mutters before his world goes dark as he passes out for what seems like forever. Henry could have felt bad but he knew Lincoln's help was needed for this and he knew Lincoln would fight him tooth and nail under his own judgment so he had to play a little dirty to get the human on the plane and situated and left to sleep, The airplane ride was uneventful.

When Lincoln finally came to, he was pissed off, he was very pissed off with Henry and now he was overly stressed out as well as the plane had landed and he frowned.

"Henry where the f*** are we?" he demanded sharply as Henry looked at him with a great apology in his eyes as Lincoiln's eyes went huge as he looked out the window as the blast of snow greeted his gaze as he screamed seeing he was in Russia.

"HENRY WHY ARE WE HERE?!" he howled in absolute panic and horror before he was slapped sharply upside the head as Henry sighed.

"Rasputin but listen before you freak out, I promise we will be in and out in a  few days I have the plan to defeat the vampire but I NEED your help so please I know I did some backhanded stuff too get you here but I didn't have a choice" he whispered to his pupil who gave him the most furious glare but he had no other choice at this point so with great reluctance he followed Henry off the plane with their bags. The lucky bastard didn't feel the cold or heat so while Lincoln was freezing his ass off Henry acted like nothing was going on.

They had to take a taxi and got to their hotel as they got checked in and given a room, Henry had f***ed it up because there was one bed as well. "Why why did you get one bed?" Abraham whined as Henry snorted.

"because only you really need to sleep, so you can have it" Henry said pointing to the bed with a bookshelf near it so that Lincoln would be kept entertained while Henry looked over notes and intelligence about this vampire. Then he watched Lincoln walk to the window and stare out.

"I know you're angry at me Lincoln, But I can't defeat him with your help," he said as Lincoln looked outside being silent and giving Henry the most deathly silent treatment to voice his anger toward his mentor for doing this to him. Henry knew he messed up by how he handled this but what else was he really going to do? He watched the man walk back to the bed grab a book shift away from Henry and stay against the wall back to Henry and read the book.

After what felt like forever Henry could not stand the silence as he didn't want Lincoln to be this way the entire time.

"There is a book fair down the road in a few hours do you want to go and get yourself a book?" he asked with no movement from Lincoln even at the mention of the books or the idea of getting a book. Henry huffed and jumped on the bed and looked at him.

"You can't be that angry at me"  he whined as he draped himself over Lincoln and started to try and pester his student to get him to at least acknowledge him. He could see Lincoln's heated glare from the book looking at him.

"Oh, Oh I know," Henry said getting the idea as Lincoln raised an eyebrow but his eyes widened in horror as Henry cracked out his fingers.

"Think it's about time that the tickle monster came back"

"No, NO NO NO" Abraham squealed in horror as he thrashed to try and get off the bed but Henry was quick to pin his pupil and started to tickle the sh*t out of him as Lincoln while still mad burst into laughter and squirmed trying to get Henry off but the vampire was far stronger then he was finally getting that smile out of Lincoln. Lincoln laughed as he squirmed and cried out,

"MERCY MERCY!!!!" he screamed finally through laughter as Henry smirked and got off of him an ceased his relentless attacks on him.

"Better?" He inquired as Lincoln sighed and smirked.

"Fine, As long we can go to the book fair and maybe a drink? And then you can tell me what this plan is so I know what we are doing" he finally gave away his anger and stopped as a small smile pulled on his lips as Henry sighed with relief knowing that Lincoln would be better now.

"Of course, my treat I'll pay" he agreed with his pupil as Lincoln nodded his head and smirked gently.

"Maybe if there is an axe store nearby I can get one?"

"Don't push it Lincoln"


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