
Last Login:
May 31st, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 26
Sign: Aquarius
Signup Date:
May 08, 2024


05/09/2024 02:19 PM 

Darcy + Mental Health
Category: Character Info

May prompt.
Isolation and Avoidance. Darcy tends to isolate herself and avoid getting too close or opening up to others. She's deeply distrustful of letting people into her paranormal world, fearing they'll think she's delusional. Darcy brushes off relationships and social connections that could potentially provide emotional support systems.

  Substance Abuse. Turning to alcohol, cigarettes, and other substances is one of Darcy's main coping mechanisms. She self-medicates heavily with vices and indulgences as a way to blur out the psychological strain she endures from being a medium. Frequent benders and bouts of inebriation are her escape hatches.

  Thrill-Seeking Behavior. When substances aren't enough of a distraction, Darcy chases an adrenaline high through daredevil activities and reckless risks. Putting herself in harm's way through things like street racing, illicit substance abuse, or throwing herself into paranormal hotspots is paradoxically a way for her to feel "normal."

  Avoidant Behaviors. Darcy employs a variety of avoidant behaviors to sidestep dealing with her mental health issues head-on. She'll immerse herself in work at the bookstore for weeks at a stretch. She keeps obsessively busy or hits the road without notice torun from her problems. Compartmentalization and blocking out her troubles is a pattern.

Lack of Healthy Coping Skills. For all her knowledge of the metaphysical, Darcy seems to lack any effective healthy coping skills or outlets. She doesn't exercise, journal, seek therapy, or pursue creative outlets. Her self-care abilities are limited, leaving her to cycle through the same destructive behaviors.

Emotional Repression. At her core, Darcy represses, bottles up, and internalizes the heavy emotional and psychological toll of her abilities as a medium. Rather than process her traumatic experiences, she lashes out, builds up walls, and forces the stress down through vices. Her emotions remain unresolved.

Darcy's mental health is like an open wound that she neglects to treat, allowing it to fester and become more infected over time through unhealthy, avoidant behaviors. Her self-destructive coping mechanisms may temporarily numb the pain, but provide no lasting solution for healing her tormented psyche.
Darcy E. Nolan
"And still, I rise.”  —  Maya Angelou


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