Behind Closed Doors

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June 6th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 24
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March 03, 2024


05/16/2024 01:35 PM 

(New) Bully Scene (Jackson)

WARNING: This scene is a little different from all my other ones. Our characters willl be jumping into smut fairly fast. It's basically building their physical desire for each other whereas the emotional one needs to develop. This scene will have a lot of drama and side plots to build their relationship as wel as lots of smut. I also want to say this just in case someone confuses it. All these characters are over 18 despite the setting. And I DO NOT want any sort of non consensual or rape like elements to this scene. Yes, my characters are dominating but forced just does not appeal to me, so please do not try to sneak that in. I think this scene will be very fun, but if it does not appeal, feel free to check my other scenes

The two of them had known each other since they were kids since their families were close friends. They did everything together and used to always say they were going to marry each other once they were older, which everyone else thought was cute. Oh how wrong they were... They were each other's first kiss except it really didn't mean anything at that age because they hardly knew what they were doing. Things changed once they got older and fell into different crowds. He became friends with the wrong people who were not at all happy of how close he was with her. Maybe it was because they wanted a shot with her themselves. But he was still young and stupid and wanted to fit in, so he pushed her away. However, it did not stop there, and he went out of his way to prove that he was not associated with her whenever he could. Rumors surfaced again of how close they were in their past, and it upset him, so he took it out on her and made her life miserable. Jackson had truly lost himself from what he used to be. Their dynamic had turned into something else recently when his way or treating her poorly had turned into him using her as a way of showing who was the top dog. It was rather ironic to think that his way of conveying how little she meant to him was by f***ing her. Unlike words, when sex was as good as it was between them, it could not be faked. It was a form of passion that showed him when he was most vulnerable. The reason their bodies moved so perfectly together was because these motions literally let their feelings flow through them. Yet, this was still somehow him bullying her at least in his naive thoughts. But this also roused the question of why did she let him do this? Did she still see that boy she grew up with? Did she think she could help him? That there was good in him? Or did it just feel that good that she did not want to resist?

It was just another day. She was at her locker, gathering her books to get ready for her next class. Jackson was walking down the hall with a few of his friends when he saw her, and he was not the only one. He could already hear the guys start to mumble and chuckle. It did not take a detective to figure out what those little whispers and remarks were about. No matter how much he proved himself, it never seemed to be enough. So why did it even matter to him? Why did he keep trying to prove himself? That was a difficult question to answer. The male rolled his eyes and pushed a few of his so called buds out his way before crossing the hall towards the woman who was always on the receiving end of this dynamic. It happened abruptly. Shutting her locker, he slammed the books out of her hand without a care in the world for her. Jackson pushed her back against the lockers and stepped in close. His large frame keeping her in place. "Did you miss me?" Such a simple question, but that husky voice combined with their current position could make a woman lose her train of thought.  His friends had already turned the corner after laughing, so why did he still continue this act? Why did he always do so?

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May 16th 2024 - 6:48 PM

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oooffff 🥵️🥵️

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