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June 9th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 41
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 29, 2019


05/18/2024 10:15 PM 

𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸 𝒱𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒𝓈

Like all things that grow and change Lorraine's gifts did the same. When she was a young girl, just between the ages of four and six. Lorraine could hear voices, sweet, heavenly, angelic voices. Of course, when she'd talk of these voices to her parents they worried for their daughter. An overactive imagination was one thing but to hear what they thought were audible hallucinations was another. Though after seeing a doctor Lorraine's parents were confident nothing was wrong with her, even if she did still hear these voices that she spoke of.

Sometimes Lorraine's father would ask her if they spoke to her, and told her to do things. But young and innocent to any dangers Lorraine stated they only sang. They spoke no words but simply all harmonized together to make a beautiful sound. Given their religious background part of her father believed her, believed perhaps she was hearing something otherworldly that he just couldn't experience. 

Hearing these voices of course faded over time. As Lorraine grew, and her abilities developed more she heard the voices less and less until she didn't hear them at all. She still could see things, hear things, and sense things. But never again did she hear those voices. She thought, she assumed, that they were gone forever.

So while working out in her gardens one day Lorraine was surprised to hear them again. They had completely taken the clairvoyant by surprise.

Lorraine had just stepped into the small barn-like structure in the back of her home. She was coming inside to grab something she needed. Her mind was completely wiped blank when she heard those voices.

The day was sunny, the barn warm, and just through an open window, the sun was shining through so perfectly. Looking up, spotting the sunlight that was when Lorraine heard them. She stared at the sunlight, listening in confusion for a moment before her confusion turned to awe, struck by the beautiful voices she had long since forgotten.

Lorraine wasn't sure how long she had stood there just listening to these voices before she snapped from her trance, hearing Judy call after her. "Mom! Come on!!"

Gasping a little Lorraine listened as the voices faded until they were gone. When she had been a child Lorraine had never been certain what the voice had been. Though now as an adult she could appreciate them much. She was tuning in hearing the voices of angels, dozens and dozens of angels.

Smiling she moved to grab the bag of plotting soil she had come in for. Picking up the bag with a soft groan she looked toward the window again though heard nothing. She was grateful for the chance to hear these voices one last time.

"Coming dear.." Lorraine called back and left the barn, shutting the door behind her. Going back to Judy, where they were planting she watched her daughter and wondered.. had she ever heard the voices too?


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