Michael Corinthos on RolePlayer.me - www.roleplayer.me/legacy_neverforgotte Michael Corinthos

29 years old
Port Charles, New York
United States

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April 07 2024

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And then the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
The short and sweet
Full Name: Michael Alan Quartermaine
Nicknames: Little Buddy (by Sonny) Mr. Man (by Carly) Young Mr. Sir (by Spinelli)
Aliases: Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr.
Date Of Birth: December 29th (21)
Place Of Birth: Port Charles, New York
Current Residence: Port Charles, New York
Ethnicity: Caucasion - American
Hair Color: Medium Brown - Dark Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'7
Weight: .
Birthmarks/Scars: .
Mother: Carly
Father: Alan "A.J." Quartermaine Jr. (biological father; deceased), Sonny Michael Corinthos (adoptive father)
Sister(S): Kristina Corinthos , Josslyn Jacks, Avery Jerome-Corinthos
Brother(S): Dante Falconeri , Morgan Corinthos
Other Family: Alan "A.J." Quartermaine Jr. (biological father; deceased),Monica Bard (paternal grandmother), John Durant (maternal grandfather; deceased), Barbara Jean "Bobbie" Spencer (maternal grandmother), Mike Corbin (adoptive paternal grandfather), Adela Corinthos (adoptive paternal grandmother; deceased), Frank Benson (adoptive maternal grandfather; deceased), Virginia Benson (adoptive maternal grandmother; deceased), Edward Quartermaine (great-grandfather; deceased), Lila Morgan (great-grandmother; deceased), George Quartermaine (great-great-grandfather; deceased), Ida Zemlock Quartermaine (great-great-grandmother; deceased), Harold Morgan (great-great-grandfather; deceased), Jason Morgan (paternal uncle), Emily Bowen Quartermaine (paternal aunt, via adoption; deceased), Skye Chandler Quartermaine (paternal aunt, via adoption), Barbara Jean Jones (adoptive maternal aunt; deceased), Lucas Jones (adoptive maternal uncle), Tracy Quartermaine (grand-aunt), Lucas Lorenzo "Luke" Spencer Sr. (grand-uncle), Richard Lansing (adoptive paternal half-uncle), Courtney Matthews (adoptive paternal aunt; deceased), Bradley Holt (grand-uncle), Jimmy Lee Holt (grand-uncle), Dawn Winthrop (half-aunt; deceased), Herbert Quartermaine (great-grand-uncle), Hal Morgan (great-grand-uncle), Molly Lansing (adoptive paternal cousin), Spencer Cassadine (adoptive paternal cousin), Lila Rae Quartermaine (adoptive paternal cousin), Edward "Ned" Ashton (paternal cousin), Dillon Quartermaine (paternal cousin), Justus Ward (paternal cousin; deceased), Daniel Edward Morgan (paternal cousin), Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (maternal cousin), Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (maternal cousin), Ethan Lovett (maternal cousin), Alexandria Quartermaine (paternal cousin), Quentin Quartermaine (paternal cousin), Celia Quartermaine (paternal cousin), Brook Lynn Ashton (paternal cousin)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Taken
Current Relationship(S): Input Info
Past Relationship(S): Abby, Star Manning, Kiki Jerome, Sabrina Santiago
High School Attended Holy Cross , Attended Queen of Angels ,Graduate of Madison Prep
College Attended PCU
Major Input Info
Degree Input Info
Occupation: CEO of ELQ , Owns 18% of voting stock in ELQ , Board member at GH
Job Description: Input Info
Employer: Input Info
Skills: Input Info
A wild patience has taken me this far...
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Michael Corinthos

Michael was born 4 weeks early[40] on December 29, 1997,[41] after Carly starts bleeding due to a placental abruption and collapses. Jason finds her and rushes her to the hospital, where she has an emergency C-section. When his mother starts to show symptoms of PPD, she leaves him with Jason Morgan who names him, Michael after Sonny Corinthos (the man who would eventually become his father).[42] Tony later kidnaps Michael after finding out that Michael isn't his son but Michael is eventually rescued by Jason. When Tony was put trial for the kidnapping, Carly shoots him and Michael and Carly are once again separated.[43] When Carly returns, she discovers Robin Scorpio and Jason taking care of Michael and soon sets out to destroy the relationship which leads Robin to tell A.J. that he's Michael's biological father.[44] Carly marries A.J., who threatens to take Michael if she ever disobeys his orders. Carly sleeps with Sonny in November 1999 and becomes pregnant with his child and he manages to find evidence of wrongdoing to force A.J. to give Carly a divorce.[46] Carly moves in with Sonny, but loses the baby after a fall down the stairs during an argument with A.J. Carly and Sonny wed as a legal maneuver,[47] and Michael was primarily raised by Sonny, even though they constantly break up and eventually, Sonny adopts him.[48] When their parents dated other people, Michael fakes his kidnapped but this fails. On February 21, 2005, when his parents divorce for the third time, A.J. kidnaps Michael and his other siblings,[49] Morgan Corinthos and Kristina Davis but releases Morgan and Kristina and doctors evidence that Michael was murdered to sneak him out of the country.[50] Jason Morgan and Sam McCall rescue him and A.J. is soon murdered with Michael being a prime suspect, although this is later dismissed. Michael is traumatized by this abduction and his mother had a mental breakdown,[51] leading his aunt Emily and Sam to attend his psychiatrist sessions.[52] His parents re-marry, but this marriage ended in a divorce and his mother re-married Jasper Jacks,[53] who served as a model parent to Michael. In 2007, Michael's longtime nanny, Leticia, and Michael's close aunt, Emily Quartermaine are murdered. Michael asks Sonny to seek revenge.[55] Seeing as Sonny is busy with the mob, Michael purchases a gun and bullets and while disposing them, Michael accidentally shoots Kate Howard, Sonny's girlfriend. After weeks of being missing, Michael returns and Carly goes to meet him but is soon caught in an explosion, resulting in a miscarriage.[56] Soon after, Sonny decides to show a 12-year-old Michael a life without violence at his coffee warehouse in which a sniper, Ian Devlin, secretly hired by Claudia Zacchara, aims for Sonny, but Michael is shot and put in to a life-long coma.[57] Michael is SORASed and is shipped to an aftercare institute[58] in which his parents and Jax constantly visit him, as well as Claudia. Carly and Sonny celebrate Michael's 13th birthday.[59] As a way of organizing a fundraiser in his name, Carly hosts a gala[60] but is interrupted by a bio-toxin. Learning that his mother had almost died, Michael starts to moving his hand showing[61][62] Carly that he is responsive. Claudia Zacchara, after discovering her pregnancy, confides in Michael about her responsability in his shooting. After his mother's decision to allow Patrick Drake operate an experimental surgery on him,[63] Michael awakes from his year-long coma,[64] only to find his life is now changed.[65] Sonny married Claudia Zacchara, who is pregnant and his mother, Carly is now having a baby. Michael is furious with Carly for not being there when he woke up and he quickly befriends his cousin, Lulu Spencer, sister Kristina Davis and then step-mother Claudia Zacchara while under the guidance of his uncle Jason Morgan. After having bursts of anger while living with his mother, Carly agrees to let Sonny parent Michael until her baby is born. Michael is soon spoiled rotten with a new sports car, a Blackberry Pearl and other luxuries. After being held hostage by a Zacchara soldier, Carly fears for her son will be in danger and places him under the custody of the Quartermaines, his biological father's family. Michael, being granted a driver's licence thanks to Carly and Jax, begins driving around. A volatile Michael is initially indecisive about where he wants to live, and a stubborn Carly only relents to let him stay with Sonny when it is clear that her mothering is putting stress on a recovering Michael. When events soon convince Carly that Sonny's lifestyle still puts Michael in danger, she allows him instead to live with the Quartermaines. On July 21, 2009, Michael, along with Kristina and Claudia were driving and Michael thinks that he was responsible for Claudia's accident. He frantically called Jason for help and Jason returned Michael to the Quartermaine mansion, where Edward overheard Jason assure Michael he would take care of the accident. Michael denies the problem when Edward confronts him. Michael, believing he caused the crash, has run away with his sister Kristina to avoid juvenile detention. The siblings arrive in Cancun, Mexico. As Jerry Jacks poses a threat in Mexico, Jason and Sam arrive in Mexico and take the teens back to Port Charles. After attending the town carnival in September 2009,[66] Michael begins to have more flashbacks during his comatose year, especially that of one very apologetic Claudia. Michael eventually puts the flashback sequences together, leading him to blame Claudia as the orchestrator of his shooting. On October 29, 2009, Michael attends Claudia's birthday bash which as organized by Sonny. Sonny confronts Claudia about her involvement in Michael's shooting and under pressure, Claudia takes a pregnant Carly hostage. Michael finds Claudia, Carly, and a new-born Josslyn Jacks in a cabin. Carly, weakened by childbirth, was unable to stop Claudia, who was on her way to leave with Josslyn. In an attempt to save his family, Michael bludgeons Claudia to death with an axe-handle. Jason thus covers the murder but later regrets it when Michael shows no sign of remorse. With Michael clearly being affected by the death, starts to resent his family, to the point to where he begins to drink and drive. Michael is arrested for drunk driving and is escorted home by his cousin Lucky on December 29, 2009,[67] his birthday. When an artist, Franco, steals Claudia's body to blackmail Jason and Michael, Carly and Jax plan to relocate to Australia. During an argument with Carly, Michael breaks down due to his guilt in killing Claudia. Franco eventually leaves town after setting a bomb in a warehouse with Lulu, Michael's cousin, inside. Fortunately, Lulu is saved by Dominic, Sonny's henchman. Following Lulu's rescue, Sonny offers Dominic control over the organization if Sonny were to retire, causing Michael to be jealous. When the police are cleaning up the wreckage, they find Claudia's body. During a family outing, Michael has horrific flashbacks of the night he killed Claudia. On January 21, 2010, Michael discovers that Dominic is actually an undercover cop, and reveals it Sonny soon after. Sonny originally doubts the statement, leading Michael to go to Jax. While Michael attends Josslyn's christening on January 29, 2010, Sonny shoots Dante.[68] After the shooting, it is revealed that Dominic (Dante) is Sonny and Olivia Falconeri's son. Michael, upset that Kristina is wrongfully blaming their dad for Claudia's murder, tells Morgan, Kristina and Molly that he killed Claudia.[69] Michael attempts to confess to killing Claudia, but the police commissioner considers it as a false statement, stating there is evidence that leads Sonny as the killer. Sam comes to the station and takes Michael back to Jason's apartment where he emphasizes the need to be quiet. Sonny is arrested and put on trial for Claudia's murder. Michael goes to live with his father, under the supervision of Sonny's bodyguards, Max and Milo, so that he won't go and confess in the court that he killed Claudia. However, Dante shows up on March 11, 2010, getting into a fight with Michael about Sonny. Just as Michael is about to confess the truth to Dante, Sonny comes in and panics, telling Dante to get out of his house. Sonny realizes the risk that Michael poses to the trial and has Sam and Jason take him to the island until the trial is over despite Michael's protests. It's not easy, as Michael tries to escape numerous times. Jason and Sam leave to go back for Sonny's trial, and Max, Milo and Bernie, Sonny's accountant, are called to watch over Michael. Michael tells Dante that he's the one who killed Claudia. Dante gets proof that confirms Michael killed Claudia, and tells the courts that Michael indeed killed Claudia. Michael is sentenced to five years in jail for killing Claudia in May 2010 soon after confessing which upsets everyone in the courtroom with Dante making a plea to the judge to reconsider his sentence and Sonny making his own plea to be punished intsead of Michael. Everyone then rails at Dante and blames him for sending Michael to prison. In the first weeks of jail, Michael is raped by Carter. Jason (so he can be with Michael) is sent to prison with him. After a few months, Michael and Jason get released due to Dante and because of this, he and Dante grow closer. Even though he's still on parole he's glad his life is getting back to normal. Michael becomes uncomfortable when Kristina's friend, Ali, starts hitting on him. He later confides in Jason that he does not have much experience with women. Sam, overhearing the conversation, wants to help and calls her friend Abby to help Michael become more comfortable interacting with women. Their first meeting is a bit disastrous when things move too fast, but despite this they continue to run into each other around town. Michael and Abby start to meet up at Kelly's diner to discuss each others lives and future ambitions. After a few meetings they admit to liking one another and enjoying the time they have spent together. They later exchange phone numbers and decide to see one another. On November 18, 2010, however, Claire arranges for the restrictions on Michael's release to be lifted, allowing Michael and Sonny to see each other at any time. They start to date, but their happiness is short lived because Michael's mother, Carly disapproves of their relationship because of the age difference between them. Michael opened up to Sam and told her about his feelings for Abby while Carly warned Abby to stay away from her son and even tried to pay her off. As a result of this, Abby at first turns Michael down when he asks her out, but after a long conversation with each other and a brief run in with Kiefer's best friend, during which Abby defended Michael, she came around and accepted Michael's offer to go on a date. Carly continues to disprove of their relationship and tries to keep them apart, but both Michael and Abby warn Carly to stay out of their relationship. When Abby is attacked and almost raped by her ex-boyfriend Brandon Lowell, Michael rushes to help her. As he nears them he gets flashbacks of him and Carter in prison. He momentarily freezes during this recollection but when he breaks out of it, he begins to beat Brandon until Jason comes and pulls him off of him. Dante arrests Brandon and Abby is taken to the hospital. Michael and Jason sit down to have a talk and he finally breaks down and admits to Jason that Carter raped him in prison. Michael later tells Dante and Abby the truth about what happened to him in prison, and Abby remains supportive of him. Abby soon decides that she wants better for herself and that she no longer wants to be a stripper. Michael supported her and together they went to Johnny Zacchara, who is the owner of the club where she previously worked and quit her job as a stripper. While Abby searches for another job and Michael comes to terms with the events in his life, they continue to date, and soon decide to go on their first real date together at her apartment. On March 28, Michael and Abby make love for the first time. A few months later, both Michael and Abby are given jobs at ELQ Enterprises by Michael's grandfather Edward Quartermaine. Michael becomes a junior executive, and Abby becomes an executive assistant. Even though Michael succeeds in his position, he decides that the business life isn't for him and leaves the company, but Abby had a passion for business and decided to continue working at ELQ. In late 2011, several of Abby's friends from Vaughn's are abused and put in the hospital. It soon became apparent that strippers (past or present) were being targeted and beaten by the attacker. Michael and Sam search for the guy doing the beatings and Michael convinces ELQ's CEO, Tracy Quartermaine-Spencer to send Abby out of town on business for her own protection. Abby is excited to go out of town on her first business trip. While in Chicago, a load falls off a crane above Abby while she talks on the phone with Michael. She's hit and knocked unconscious and rushed to the hospital. When Michael and Sam arrive at the hospital, they are directed to the morgue where they find Abby's dead body. Michael blames himself for her death since he was the one who sent her away on the trip to get her away from the man abusing Abby's friends. When Michael returns to Port Charles, he then left for New Zealand to spread Abby's ashes because she and Michael had always talked about seeing New Zealand together. On February 24, Starr Manning, Cole Thornhart, and Hope Manning-Thornhart were driving to Port Charles. There was an accident, and the car ended up hanging off the road. Michael and his brother Dante arrived at the scene. He promised Starr he would get Cole and Hope to safety. He failed to do so and the car exploded. Michael felt extremely guilty. Michael brought her to the hospital while she was unconscious. He talked to her but did not tell her that her family was dead. He comforted her when she did find out. He continued to stay in touch with her. Sonny came to Michael's apartment and told him that because of the trial he had to stay away from Starr. Soon after, Starr came to Michael's house, saying that she did not know where to go. He allowed her to spend the night in his apartment. The next day, Jason knocked on Michael's door. Starr hid in the back of the house but listened in on the conversation. Jason once again told Michael not to go anywhere near Starr. Sonny came, making sure he was doing as he told him. They both left eventually. In middle of 2012, Michael starts dating Starr. They share their first romantic kiss on the fourth of July. In early November, they attempt to have an intimate night during Halloween. Michael learns about his uncle Jason's disappearance and being presumed dead. He tells his grandmother Monica about the incident at the Pier and possible death of Jason. Later, Michael meets his father A.J. at the Haunted Star. He learns information about his father from A.J., Carly and Sonny. In middle of November, Michael goes to support his biological father, A.J., whom was arrested for crimes from 2005 in the Port Charles Police Department. A.J. is released on bond twice. A.J. and Michael goes to the Quartmaines for the annual Thanksgiving celebration. A.J. gives the PCPD information regarding Sonny and Monica's long time enemy Cesar Faison and the charges are dropped. In early December, Michael and Starr try again at making love, but Carly interrupts them. Later in December, Both of them discuss which place to go to Christmas dinner and Starr suggests they stay at the apartment. They end up having sex. Michael then goes to Haunted Star to check up on Starr and finds her unconscious. He learns that Connie (aka Kate) pushed Starr into the office desk. They go to GH for concussion testing on Starr. Starr is released and find Trey and Kristina in the parking garage. They follow Connie after Trey Mitchell and Kristina heard strange sounds from the trunk. Michael drives the car and heads up crashing on the same highway that Cole and Hope was killed on in February 2012. He wakes up after the crash and helps get the paramedics to the scene. He learns about Johnny's misdeeds through Starr. Kristina falls unconscious, but comes back from it. Trey and Ellie Trout are the only two that need to be transported to the hospital. Trey later dies and Ellie was released, but needs physical therapy. Michael helps AJ get control of ELQ and says that his father Sonny leaked the information to Connie and the newspaper, however Tracy is the true culprit. Connie reveals that she lied and that Sonny didn't leak the information. He suggests that they go to the General Hospital lab to test the pickle relish that Duke Lavery stole from Tracy Quartermaine. A.J. says that Michael that he found Starr - a person whom is smart and beautiful, then Michael says that he A.J. should find someone smart and beautiful - then Elizabeth Webber comes and talks to them. Michael Alan Quartermaine is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera, General Hospital. He is the son of the late, A.J. Quartermaine and his ex-wife, Carly Corinthos, and the adoptive son of mob boss, Sonny Corinthos. He is also the product of a one night stand between two people who hated each other. He was born onscreen on December 29. He was named after Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr., the man who would end up being his adoptive father. Michael was conceived in April of 1997, when his mother, Carly Benson had a one night stand with A.J. Quartermaine, while in a relationship with her mother, Bobbie Spencer's ex-husband, Dr. Tony Jones. In December of 1997, Tony breaks up with Carly, fearing the two men would take her baby, she runs to her best friend and old flame Jason Morgan, who agrees to be the father of the child. In 2016, his brother, Morgan was killed in a car bombing.

On March 20, Starr gets a phone call from Langston Wilde saying that Starr is needed in LA. Starr goes to LA and Michael is required to stay because AJ needs help with ELQ. On April 8, Michael is on the phone with Starr and they break up because Starr says that she is staying in LA (or Llanview eventually). After the Nurses Ball, he seen by her mother in the hotel bed of Brenda Barrett. It seems that Michael is as confused as Carly is. He sticks up for Brenda when Carly assumes the worst. Brenda later reveals that she didn't sleep with Michael; it was just a set up to get revenge on Carly. Michael is trying to help A.J. revitalize ELQ through Pickle-Lila, and the missing Quartermaine heir with the help of Michael and Damian Spinelli. Spinelli later tells them that the heir is Franco's daughter, Lauren, and he'll track her down. A.J. gets a chance to promote Pickle-Lila when he gets booked for the ABC daytime show The Chew. However, before Michael can leave, he finds out from Carly that Morgan is in trouble after getting into debt gambling online and disappearing to avoid the bookies he owes. Michael stays behind to help with finding his brother. Sonny lets Carly & Michael know that Morgan's roommate believes he ran for help to a girl that he met online. Michael has Spinelli's friend download the chats between Morgan and the girl he met. When Carly leaves, Michael gets a call from Morgan, who says he's going to fix the mess he's in. Michael says he wants to help and asks Morgan to tell him where he is so they can figure it out together. Morgan agrees and tells Michael where he is. Michael locates Morgan and takes a beaten up Morgan to the hospital. Morgan is treated and ditches back to his girlfriend's place. Michael meets Morgan's new girlfriend, Kiki Jerome and they eventually head back to Port Charles after Sonny pays off Morgan's debt. Morgan and Kiki force Michael to allow Kiki to stay with them in Michael's apartment. Michael recieves a text with Jason's face telling him to be at the Haunted Star. When he shows up there, Spinelli, Maxie, AJ, Elizabeth, Carly, Sonny and Sam are all there. Franco shows up and reveals he did not rape Sam and he is not responsible for Michael getting raped because he never told Carter to hurt Michael. Michael tells Kiki about the rape, but tells her not to tell Morgan. Michael and Kiki start becoming friendly, and eventually develop a closeness that results in a kiss. The two agree it was a mistake, and try to stay away for Morgan. Soon after, Michael finds out that Kiki is the daughter of Franco, making her his cousin. The two try to stay away, but the attraction between them remains. It's later revealed that Kiki is not the daughter of Franco, but Dr. Silas Clay, an old flame of her mother, Ava Jerome. Morgan, knowing that Kiki will leave him for Michael if she found out the truth, proposes to her and Kiki accepts. Michael finds out and has a hard time accepting it. The relationship between Michael & Morgan also starts to deteriorate. When Kiki's paternity is revealed in the newspaper, Michael goes to find her, and ends up going to the courthouse where Morgan and Kiki were getting married. Michael shows up too late, though and Morgan proclaims that he & Kiki are already married. Michael suspects that Morgan knew, and only married Kiki so she wouldn't find out the truth and leave him. Kiki expresses the same doubt, but Morgan writes them both off. Soon after, Connie is killed, and A.J. becomes a suspect, having lost ELQ when Kiki's paternity was revealed. Sonny, who was dating Connie, is devastated and spirals out of control. Michael tries to help A.J. out, though he's kept in holding for the duration of his trial. Michael gets a call from Morgan and finds out Sonny left a goodbye note and Morgan, Dante & Olivia all suspect that he's planning to commit suicide over losing Connie. They eventually find him and talk him down. Morgan & Michael start to repair their relationship as a result of these series of events. Ava, as part of her criminal plans to take over the Corinthos organization, plans a wedding reception for Kiki and Morgan. She is able to persuade Sonny to co-host the event and have him decide that he shouldn't take his medication. At the wedding reception, Sonny reveals that Morgan knew that Michael and Kiki weren't cousins before the wedding and Kiki ends her marriage with Morgan once he confirms that Sonny is telling the truth. Michael and Kiki have a talk after Morgan leaves and both admit that they love each other. They decide to give their relationship a chance. The next day, Kiki decides to go and stay with Ava, having left Morgan and not wanting to make things worse by staying with Michael. However, when she goes to her mother's room, she finds Ava in bed with Morgan. Morgan is unapologetic and throws his relationship with Ava in Michael & Kiki's faces. He tells Michael that he's done with him and he's staying with Ava. Kiki also says that she's done with Morgan & Ava and walks out with Michael. When Kiki can't find a place, she agrees to stay with Michael. The two of them sleep together for the first time when she makes this decision. Michael & Kiki both realize they have to find work. Michael goes to Sonny looking for work, and Sonny apologizes for letting Morgan convince him to keep the secret about Kiki from Michael. Michael forgives him, and asks him for a job. Sonny says he'll consider it. When Michael tells Sonny that Kiki is now with him, Sonny tells him he's suspicious of Ava. He thinks Ava is connected to the Jerome mob family, thought to be long gone. He also tells Michael that Morgan is now in a relationship with Ava and he thinks Ava is using him as leverage to keep tabs on Sonny & his business. Michael takes his warning into account, already distrustful of Ava. Kiki comes by, and reveals that she found out Ava has a brother she never mentioned. Sonny suspects she never mentioned him because he's Julian Jerome, former mob kingpin & head of the Jerome family. Michael later tells Kiki about Morgan and Ava's relationship and both suspect that Morgan is in more trouble than he realizes, given the suspicion around Ava. Michael confronts Morgan after a bug is found in Sonny's office. The two get in a fight at pier 52 and Micheal hits Morgan a few times, but Morgan end up hitting Michael, who hits his head and falls into the harbor. Then, Franco ends up saving him. A few weeks later, Michael attends A.J's trial and was there for both of his fathers. When A.J. was acquitted Sonny promised Michael that he wouldn't touch A.J. When Carly goes missing Franco is the main suspect because Heather Webber was framing him. Michael believes that Franco is guilty but his girlfriend Kiki doesn't. Franco manages to save Carly but Micheal still blames Franco and Kiki. In April, Michael's father, A.J. dies from complications from a gunshot wound. After Michael finds out that Luke has been hitting on Kiki, he ousts Tracy at ELQ and becomes the new CEO to prevent Luke from getting his hands on ELQ. During Michael's time as CEO, he decides to have Morgan and Kiki renovate the Brownstone in exchange for free room and board. He and Kiki also get closer, and she reassures him that just because she will be living in the place as Morgan, Michael is the only Corinthos brother for her. Michael and Tracy come to an agreement and she is welcomed back in the the company. In September, Michael kills Kobe. Michael also finds out that Carlos wasn't the one who killed AJ and suspects that it was Ava who did it. He tells Kiki and his mom that he is going to investigate but they both tell him not too but he does anyways. On the day of his mom and Franco's wedding rolls around and Michael finally finds out that Sonny killed AJ and he blows up as his mom saying that she is dead to him. He goes looking for Sonny and finds him at the Brownstone where he holds a gun on him and threatens to kill him. Morgan and Dante show him right as Michael is about to kill Sonny. They eventually talk him out of it and Sonny is arrested. Afterwards, Kiki shows up and she confesses that she and Morgan knew that Sonny killed AJ and Michael is furious and disowns them as well. Michael heads to the Floating Rib for drinks, where he runs into Rosalie. The two start talking and Michael finds out about what Rosalie was suppose to do for Nina. They continue talking and end up kissing. The next morning they wake up in bed together. Later on, Kiki walks in and Michael breaks up with her. Sonny is sent to prison for A.J.'s murder, and Michael decides to change his last name to Quartermaine, distancing himself from Carly and Morgan. Sonny breaks out of jail when Luke threatens Michael, and saves Michael and several others from being killed by a bomb Luke planted. Michael starts to soften towards Sonny again until the governor grants Sonny a pardon for saving his daughter from the bomb, releasing Sonny from prison. Michael is furious, and, as revenge, Michael sues for custody of Sonny's newborn daughter Avery. Michael brings up Sonny's past and his own shooting, depicting Sonny as an unfit parent, and wins custody of Avery. Michael hires "Jake Doe" (Billy Miller) and Rosalie as employees at ELQ, and hires Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo) as a nanny for Avery. However, Michael finds out that Rosalie is helping Nikolas Cassadine (Tyler Christopher) take over ELQ by stealing stocks. Nikolas gains a majority hold in ELQ, and ousts Michael as CEO. Michael, meanwhile, starts a relationship with Sabrina. She convinces him to try and reconcile with his parents, and Michael gives Avery back to Sonny. He also supports his parents when they get re-married, and supports Carly when Sonny is shot and left paralyzed. He becomes part of the family again, making decisions when Sonny is recovering in the hospital. When Avery's mother, Ava Jerome (Maura West), is released from prison and gets custody of Avery, Michael supports Sonny. Sabrina finds out she is pregnant, and Michael is excited to be a father. However, Michael later finds out that Carlos is the baby's father, and is upset at Sabrina for lying to him. She leaves town before Michael has the chance to make amends with her. He later gets a note from Sabrina saying she's not coming back. Michael discovers that "Jake" is actually Jason, alive with a new face. Hoping to get ELQ back, he and Tracy sue Nikolas with Jason's help. However, Jason manages to buy out the ELQ stocks from Nikolas. He gives Michael back his position as CEO, and ELQ back to the Quartermaines. Carlos is arrested and brought back to Port Charles, and Michael asks him where Sabrina is. Carlos refuses to give up Sabrina's location, and escapes from police custody. Michael finds Carlos after he is stabbed by Julian Jerome (William deVry), and brings Carlos to GH. Carlos dies before he can reveal where Sabrina is. Michael still gets Sonny's help to find Sabrina. When Sabrina's son shows up at the Quartermaine mansion, Michael realizes Sabrina is in trouble. He and Sonny head to Puerto Rico, and rescue Sabrina from her captor. He reunites her with her son, and the two mend their relationship. Michael's newfound happiness with Sabrina and her son, Teddy, is shattered when Sabrina is murdered. Michael gives Teddy to Joe Rivera (Jeffrey Vincent Parise), Carlos' brother, who takes his nephew back to Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, Michael is dealt another devastating blow soon after when Morgan is killed in a car bombing meant for Julian. Sonny is suspected by many, including Michael, until Jason finds evidence that proves him innocent. Michael, meanwhile, starts to grow close with Nelle Hayes (Chloe Lanier), the kidney donor who saved Michael's sister, Josslyn.

I came to explore the wreck The words are purposes The words are maps I came to see the damage that was done and the treasures that prevail

Crimes Committed Faked his own kidnapping to try and get his parents back together [Apr 2004] Attempted to kill A.J. Quartermaine by smothering him with a pillow [Apr 2005] Locked his parents in the basement of their house to try and get them to stay together (along with Morgan's help) [Apr 6-9, 2007] Bought bullets and a gun [Feb 2008] Accidentally shot Kate Howard (aka Connie) [Feb 2008] Ran away from home [Feb 2008] Hit Jason [Jun 2009] Underage drinking [Jun 2009] Got into a bar fight with Kiefer Bauer [Jun 2009] Driving without a license [Jul 2009] Assaulted Kiefer after he provoked him [Jul 2009] Ran away to Canc�n, Mexico with his sister Kristina when he thought he ran Claudia off the road [Jul-Aug 2009] Stole a guy's watch and then pawned it [Aug 27, 2009] Assaulted Kiefer [Oct 7, 2009] Killed Claudia Zacchara with an axe handle in defense of his newborn half-sister, Josslyn Jacks [Nov 4, 2009] (sentenced to 5 years in prison for manslaughter[70] on May 7, 2010 (went to prison on May 10, 2010) but was released on June 18, 2010 on parole and had to live with Dante; he is no longer on parole) Sent Max and Milo to threaten Kiefer Bauer [Nov 10, 2009] Went to Sonny's island to elude the police [Mar-May 2010] Accidentally choked Lulu [Jul 20, 2010] Got into a fight while on the road crew [Jul 2010] Assaulted Warren Bauer after he tried to hit his sister, Kristina [Jul 2010] Assaulted Bryce after he provoked him [Sep 15, 2010] Assaulted Brandon Lowell in defense of Abby (Brandon was trying to rape her) [Jan 2011] Stole his mother's car to destroy any evidence that may have implicated her in the hit and run death of Jake Spencer (it was later revealed that Luke Spencer had hit Jake) [Mar 2011] Held Brandon Lowell at gunpoint [Apr 2011] Found standing over Brandon Lowell's dead body with a gun in his hand (by Dante) [Apr 2011] Punched his brother, Dante [Apr 2011] Breaking and entering; broke into Johnny Zacchara's apartment [May 2011] Punched Bryce at his graduation ceremony [Jun 2011] Bought a gun off the street [Jan 2012] Threatened to put T.J. Ashford in the hospital if he ever hurt Molly again [Feb 22, 2012] Perjury; lied and said that he didn't see Starr try to kill Sonny when in fact he did [May 2012] Punched Trey Mitchel [Aug 2012] Got into a fist fight with his brother, Morgan [Nov 11, 2013] Shot and killed Kobe, one of Luke's henchmen while engaged in a struggle for a gun [Sep 30, 2014] Took the gun Max left behind after he was shot [Nov 5, 2014] Lied to his brother, Dante about knowing anything about the gun [Nov 5, 2014] Held his father, Sonny at gunpoint and almost killed him (also held the gun on Morgan, who was using himself as a human shield) [Nov 6-11, 2014] Threatened and assaulted his brother, Morgan (he pushed him up against a wall) [Nov 19, 2014] Obstruction of justice; knew that Sonny's enemies Jerry Jacks and his men and women stole ELQ shares, but didn't report to police or WSB [Jan 2015] Got in to a fist fight with his brother, Morgan [Mar 23, 2015] Tried to punch Morgan [Apr 7, 2015; failed by falling on a table] Kicked Julian Jerome in the stomach [Sep 22, 2015] Fought Marcos for a gun [May 23, 2016] Unlawful imprisonment; grabbed and locked Dr. Liesl Obrecht in a closet [Jun 27, 2016]
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General Hospital Wiki Characters Contract Recurring Kids Former Mentioned Families/Couples Locations More... On the Wiki Contribute Michael Quartermaine (Chad Duell) 645PAGES ON THIS WIKI Add New Page Edit Comments67 Share Michael redirects here. For other uses of the name, see Michael (disambiguation) This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from Wikipedia (view authors). Wiki logo Michael Quartermaine MichaelNB17-CD Chad Duell as Michael Quartermaine General Hospital Portrayed by Dylan and Blake Hopkins (1997-01) Tiarnan Cunningham (2001-02) Dylan Cash (2002-08) Drew Garrett (2009-10) Chad Duell (2010-present) Current status Contract Duration 1997-present First appearance December 29, 1997 Created by Robert Guza Jr. Introduced by Wendy Riche (1997) Jill Farren Phelps (2009) Book appearances The Secret Life of Damian Spinelli Spin-off appearances GH: Night Shift Profile Birth name Michael Morgan Previous legal name(s) Michael Corinthos III Alias(es) Michael Corbin[1] Edward "Eddie" Quartermaine[2] Namesake(s) Michael "Mike" Corbin Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr. Alan Quartermaine Alan "AJ" Quartermaine Jr. Michael Corinthos III Pediatric Head Trauma Center Nickname(s) Mikey Mike Little Buddy (by Sonny) Mr. Man (by Carly) Young Mr. Sir (by Spinelli) Gender Male Born December 29, 1997[3] (Revised to 1995[4], then 1991[5][6], then 1989[7][8], then 1992[9], then back to 1991[10], then back to 1992[11]) General Hospital Port Charles, New York Age 24 Education Attended Holy Cross Attended Queen of Angels Graduate of Madison Prep Attended PCU Occupation CEO of ELQ Owns 18% of voting stock in ELQ Board member at GH Residence Quartermaine Mansion 66 Harbor View Rd Port Charles, New York DrewG-MichaelCQ Drew Garrett as Michael Corinthos MichaelCQ-DC Dylan Cash as Michael Corinthos [show] Relationships Michael Alan Quartermaine[12] is a fictional character on the ABC soap opera, General Hospital. He is the son of the late, A.J. Quartermaine and his ex-wife, Carly Corinthos, and the adoptive son of mob boss, Sonny Corinthos. He is also the product of a one night stand between two people who hated each other. He was born onscreen on December 29, 1997. He was named after Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr., the man who would end up being his adoptive father. Dylan Cash portrayed the character as a child from 2002 to 2008. When aged in 2009, Drew Garrett debuted in April, but was recast with Chad Duell, who debuted on April 20, 2010.[13] He was also de-aged in 2014 and then aged again in 2015. Contents[show] Casting Early yearsGarrett/SORASDuell On March 25, 2010, it was announced that Garrett was recast with Chad Duell, who made his first appearance in the role of Michael on April 20, 2010.[27][28][29] In an interview with Crushable.com, Duell revealed that he auditioned around the same time as Garrett in 2009, but Garrett was awarded the role.[30] The producers had begun developing a new role for Michael's sister, Kristina Davis (Lexi Ainsworth)'s, love interest, which Duell also auditioned for. His performance was so well received that at the expiration of Garrett's contract, Duell was cast as Michael, and the other character was scrapped.[31] "They had a certain feel about how they wanted [Michael] and now, I guess they're going in this direction," Duell told Soap Opera Digest.[32] In January 2012, a casting call for the character of Erik was released leading to speculation that Duell was about to be replaced as Michael. Duell later took to Twitter with a simple response to fans inquiry about him possibly being replaced, "I'm not."[33][34] Duell was nominated for three Daytime Emmy's for Outstanding Younger Actor in 2011, 2012, and 2014. In 2015, he brought home his first Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actor. Characterization Duell described his character as being very multi-layered, having a lot of baggage, but also a great heart. He says that Michael loves his family, and wants to make his father proud, which in Duell's eyes, is what makes the character so interesting; "He's very complex. He's got so many things going on at once... He's an awesome kid but he's had it very rough."[35] According to Duell, Michael is a tough kid who angers easily, who is torn between being a good guy, but is afraid to feel weak. "I like showing more sides to him. I want (to show) his heart more than his anger. I don�t want him to be one way."[30] According to Duell, Michael is "never just one way. There's always something behind everything." Duell's ability to bring complexity to Michael is what he believes led to the recast.[36] Duell described Michael as being "a very strong kid.�He's strong for his father, above all. He has thick enough skin to get through a lot of things."[37] Background Michaelultrasound-1 Michael was conceived in April of 1997, when his mother, Carly Benson had a one night stand with A.J. Quartermaine, while in a relationship with her mother, Bobbie Spencer's ex-husband, Dr. Tony Jones.[38][39] In December of 1997, Tony breaks up with Carly, fearing the two men would take her baby, she runs to her best friend and old flame Jason Morgan, who agrees to be the father of the child. In 2016, his brother, Morgan was killed in a car bombing. Storylines 1997-20092010-112012-142015-162017 RoccoFOM1 Nephew Rocco Crimes Committed 2004-112012-present Bought a gun off the street [Jan 2012] Threatened to put T.J. Ashford in the hospital if he ever hurt Molly again [Feb 22, 2012] Perjury; lied and said that he didn't see Starr try to kill Sonny when in fact he did [May 2012] Punched Trey Mitchel [Aug 2012] Got into a fist fight with his brother, Morgan [Nov 11, 2013] Shot and killed Kobe, one of Luke's henchmen while engaged in a struggle for a gun [Sep 30, 2014] Took the gun Max left behind after he was shot [Nov 5, 2014] Lied to his brother, Dante about knowing anything about the gun [Nov 5, 2014] Held his father, Sonny at gunpoint and almost killed him (also held the gun on Morgan, who was using himself as a human shield) [Nov 6-11, 2014] Threatened and assaulted his brother, Morgan (he pushed him up against a wall) [Nov 19, 2014] Obstruction of justice; knew that Sonny's enemies Jerry Jacks and his men and women stole ELQ shares, but didn't report to police or WSB [Jan 2015] Got in to a fist fight with his brother, Morgan [Mar 23, 2015] Tried to punch Morgan [Apr 7, 2015; failed by falling on a table] Kicked Julian Jerome in the stomach [Sep 22, 2015] Fought Marcos for a gun [May 23, 2016] Unlawful imprisonment; grabbed and locked Dr. Liesl Obrecht in a closet [Jun 27, 2016] Health and Vitals Born 4 weeks early via emergency C-section[71] [Dec 1997] Had a congenital heart condition that required surgery [as a baby] Kidnapped by Tony Jones as a baby [1998] Fell down a well and was rendered unconscious [Apr 2004] Suffered internal bleeding around his kidney from the fall [Apr 2004] Had to have surgery to remove a hematoma [Apr 2004] Hurt his wrist or arm [Oct 2004] Kidnapped (along with his siblings, Kristina and Morgan) by Faith Rosco [Feb 2005] Kidnapped by his father, A.J. Quartermaine right after being kidnapped by Faith (thought to be dead and was brainwashed) [2005] Went into shock after witnessing Asher Thomas "kill" his father, A.J. [Apr 2005] Fell through the ice into freezing water [Jan 6, 2006] Suffered minor injuries in an explosion on the docks; was treated for a cut on his forehead [Mar 2008] Rendered comatose after he was struck in the head by a bullet that was fired by Ian Devlin which was meant for his father, Sonny [Apr 7, 2008] Had surgery to remove the bullet from his head [Apr 2008] Had experimental brain surgery that would give him the chance to regain consciousness [May 7-12, 2009; regained consciousness on May 15] His heart stopped during surgery [May 2009] Held at gunpoint in the woods by Dante Falconeri, who was going by the alias Dominic Pirelli [Jun 23, 2009] Threatened by Jerry Jacks under the orders of Claudia Zacchara [Jul 30, 2009] Suffered a bloody lip after someone punched him [Aug 27-28, 2009] Raped by Carter while in prison [May 21, 2010] Burned his hand while on the road crew [Jul 2010] Assaulted by Warren Bauer, after he assaulted him [Jul 2010] Almost shot by Warren Bauer while trying to protect his sister, Kristina [Jul 2010] Suffered minor injuries in a bus crash [Jan 2011] Held at gunpoint by Anthony Zacchara [May 2011] Accidentally grabbed by the arm (had it twisted) and pushed towards the ledge of a balcony by Sam (she thought he was Franco) [Nov 21, 2011] Briefly knocked unconscious and suffered a cut to his hand after being struck by a motorcycle driven by Jason [Dec 30, 2011] Almost fell off a cliff [Feb 28, 2012] Held at gunpoint by Joe Scully, Jr. [Oct 2012] Rendered unconscious in a car accident [Jan 2013] Almost drowned after Morgan punched him causing him to hit his head and fall into the harbor [Nov 11, 2013] Refused medical treatment after being dragged out of freezing water by Franco and suffering a concussion [Nov 11, 2013] Threatened and almost killed by Kobe, one of Luke's henchmen [Sep 29, 2014] Held hostage at gunpoint by Kobe [Sep 30, 2014] Ran a bomb off The Haunted Star (Sonny took it and jumped in the water with it before it went off) [Feb 4, 2015] Suffered a bloody lip after Morgan punched him [Feb 26, 2015] Threatened by Sonny [Mar 10, 2015] Has really bad allergies [revealed Mar 2015] Unknowingly had his allergy medication switched by his brother, Morgan [revealed Mar 23-Apr 24, 2015] Slipped and fell onto a table after a failed attempt to punch Morgan [Apr 7, 2015] Jumped into freezing water to rescue Carlos Rivera [May 12, 2016]

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Personality Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

Characterization Duell described his character as being very multi-layered, having a lot of baggage, but also a great heart. He says that Michael loves his family, and wants to make his father proud, which in Duell's eyes, is what makes the character so interesting; "He's very complex. He's got so many things going on at once... He's an awesome kid but he's had it very rough."[35] According to Duell, Michael is a tough kid who angers easily, who is torn between being a good guy, but is afraid to feel weak. "I like showing more sides to him. I want (to show) his heart more than his anger. I don�t want him to be one way."

According to Duell, Michael is "never just one way. There's always something behind everything." Duell described Michael as being "a very strong kid.�He's strong for his father, above all. He has thick enough skin to get through a lot of things."[

As the son of A. J. Quartermaine and Carly Corinthos, nephew of mob enforcer Jason Morgan, and adoptive son of mob boss Sonny Corinthos, he is born into chaos. Taken from A. J. as a child, Michael is raised at the center of a bitter battle between his biological family, the wealthy Quartermaines, and the Corinthos family. The character's most significant storylines include his accidental shooting of Kate Howard, his own shooting and waking from a coma in 2009, the murder of his stepmother Claudia Zacchara and being sent to prison where he was raped, and his grandmother Monica Quartermaine being upset over the loss of her grandson (until A. J. tells Monica what happened to Michael). In 2012, Michael is reunited with his biological father which puts him back in the middle of the re-ignited battle between his parents. The character has had significant relationships with former exotic dancer Abby Haver and One Life to Live's Starr Manning. Most recently, the character has embraced his biological roots, and was involved in a romantic triangle with his brother, Morgan and love interest Kiki Jerome. Michael spent the majority of his life trying to emulate his adoptive father, but has since matured into his own man. However, he has a habit of sacrificing himself for the good of others. Most recently, he has strayed away from that path.
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Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

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Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

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Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 5 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 6 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 7 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 8 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 9 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 10 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 11 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Connection 12 Name

Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

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