Detective Blackwell on - Detective Blackwell

33 years old

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June 11 2024

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Groups: Blood & Angels,

     Detective Blackwell 's Details
Characters: Mardie Blackwell
Verses: Supernatural, Charmed, Buffy and Angel, Crime, Romance, Mafia, Crossover, Etc.
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Action, Casual, Crime, Crossover, Mafia, Romance,
Member Since:August 24, 2023

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About me:

-----------------------------LIKE TO MEET---------------------------------
Mardie Blackwell-147 L.A.P.D. Detective Precinct 77

NAME: Mardie Blackwell
NICKNAMES: Mar, Mari, Detective, and Red
ALIASES: Eva Rodkoffski
DATE OF BIRTH: Who Wants to know?
PLACE OF BIRTH: Hollywood Hills

ETHNICITY: Caucasian
EYE COLOR: Silverish Bule
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: You will never know
BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: A lot Freckles kinda everywhere, A scar on her stomach, a scar on the back of her shoulder, and a scar on her inner thigh.

Traits: Capable, Helpful, Charming, Adventurous, Confident, Independent, Meticulous, Dependable, Trustworthy, Fearless, Compassionate, Adaptable, Observant, and Cautious. However she can also be Stubborn, Rebellious, Controlling, Harsh, Possessive, and a bitch.
Disorders: PTSD and Parasomnias.
Addictions: Food Addiction and Workaholic.
Likes: Locking up Criminals.
Dislikes: Cocky Criminals and forces of evil.
Quirks: Has a lot of freckles, ambidextrous, Likes to wear boots, Makes snap decisions, Roots for the underdog, Is suspicious of other people, Will do anything for friends or family, Doesn't like to talk about their past, Likes to sit facing the door, Prefers to sit at the end of a row, Always brings a snack wherever they go, Eats while driving, Tends to slouch, A photographic memory, Great at cooking, A fast runner, You can't read their handwriting, Uses their arms a lot when speaking, and Sings in the shower.

High School Graduated and then joined law enforcement academy before going to collage.
College Harvard
Major Criminal Justice Law
Degree Bachelor’s in psychology, criminal justice, forensics and behavioral science.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Solve crimes, catch the bad guys, and slay the forces of evil as it is her duty as a slayer.
EMPLOYER: The city of Los Angelous
SKILLSET: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Attention to Detail, Computer and Technology Skills, defensive tactics, Identifying behavior patterns, Understanding investigative strategy, crime analysis, and interviewing techniques, Performing personality assessments and geographic profiling, Studying human behavior and characteristics, Conducting research, analyze data, and form conclusions, Advise police officers and investigators, Read and write reports, Engage in ongoing training, and Provide expert courtroom testimony.

MOTHER: Kathrine Blackwell (died of cancer)
FATHER: John Blackwell (Died on the job during a hostage situation)
SISTER(S): DR.Amelia Blackwell (Alive and Well)
Other Family: Jessica Morgan - Mardie's long lost daughter she was told died during child birth but is actually still alive out there in the world She just doesn't know it yet.

PAST RELATIONSHIP(S): Her last partner Died in a car crash She survived 2 years ago. She has been single and not really up for a relationship since.

Mardie's Past Mardie was born into a wealthy family Back then her name was Marissa Steel. Her biological parents were never around, the first several years of Mardie's life she was raised by the house maid, Ericka. It wasn't till Mardie showed interest in Acting at her young age that her mother even bothered to give her the slightest bit of attention. Her brother was older and was never home, he was placed in a private boarding school so he could take on their father's business.

As a child Mardie acted as an extra in several shows till she caught a break and was given her own show that lasted about four years. A family drama, she made a lot of her own money through this and it went directly into a trust fund that she would get once she was of age. She had the papers drawn up properly with Ericka's help so her earnings wouldn't be touched by her family. She was able to do this because Ericka had guardianship over Mardie signed by both parents since they were never around. When her mother found out she couldn't touch the money she grew angry and fired Erika, however this meant they had to go to court over the money.

During the battle before anything could be decided the fourteen year old had made a friend named Amelia Blackwell and her friend Taylor Mayfield, the three of them became like sisters and Mardie spent more time at the Blackwell home than her own. Kathrine and John Blackwell took note of how often Mardie did not wish to go home. One night at the dinner table John had finally decided to ask more about Mardie and why she didn't want to go home.

John learned that her real name wasn't Mardie, that she was neglected at home and that the one person who did take care of her was thrown out and now in court fighting for her to be able to safeguard her money from her family till she can legally be able to make her own decisions.

Mardie also explained that till she made her own money her parents didn't even act like she existed, but now that all of this is going on she can't go home because her mother has become very cruel towards her since the day she found out she couldn't touch her money. Mardie also explained to them that she was saving it, a nest egg to fall back on and pay for college when she figures out what she wants to do as well as take care of anything else she might need till she can get on her feet in the real world.

Kathrine and John were both shocked at this fourteen year old girl and her already trying to plan for the future. Though Mardie never told them what her mother would do to her when she was home, she hid it well and so after months of bonding with her and her helping out around the house and practically becoming like a sister to Amelia. Mardie and the Blackwell family were crushed when Mardie came across John's desk as a missing person and he was tasked with the job of sending her back home.

It was only when John was forced to take her back to the Steel household that he learned the truth about how Amanda Steel treated Mardie. The conversation they shared on the way didn't help either. He had just told her he would have to keep bringing her back home. Mardie had only responded she would find somewhere else to go. John watched the way Mardie had flinched from her mother's touch, the way the moment she was in the door she took off running from the woman only to have the door closed and locked, the private security team that had let him in now guiding him out since he had no jurisdiction in that specific district there was nothing he could do but tell the local Precinct what he noticed an hope they acted on it and started to check in with Mardie. They never did.

Mardie knew she couldn't go back to the Blackwell's or she would just be brought back, John was the kind of cop who followed his orders, granted he didn't know the full story, but after the conversation in the car, she felt she couldn't trust him, she just wasn't sure how to explain things to an intimidating adult man and he wouldn't let Amelia come with. The one person who knew everything and knew how to explain the situation to her father was forced to go to school instead. So Mardie was forced to escape her abusive prison once again, two weeks after John had dropped her off.

Though Mardie found herself in the bad part of Pacoima, just outside of the mall. It wasn't long before she had thought she made new friends. A decent sized group of boys and girls, maybe a year or two older than her. One of the guys, Jordan, approached her and asked her out, offering to introduce her to his friends even after she said that she wasn't in the right place in her life to start dating. She would meet up with them and hang out with them frequently.

When Jordan did finally understand why she wasn't in a relationship with anyone and told everyone no, that it was because she was homeless and couch hopping on the nights she couldn't make it to the shelter, he offered his place, even got his mom to help her get into school again. Things started to look up a little for the young redhead. When she finally turned fifteen they started dating.

It wasn't bad in the beginning, but slowly Jordan became toxic, abusive, possessive, controlling, and had become increasingly paranoid. He had got involved with the wrong crowd and it rubbed off on him in all the wrong ways and he brought it home with him, took it all out on Mardie.

Since Mardie at this time had been missing for a year now her Mother had begun the process of a court appeal to take her daughters money and have her pronounced dead. Ericka had managed to win the case on Mardie's behalf, however should she die without a will the money would go to next of kin.

During this time Jordan had not only abused Mardie but had been forcibly raping her. However Mardie had managed to get free, when he passed out drunk, and took her chances making a run for it. She already knew he would come after her, he would hunt her down. She didn't have anywhere to go, or anyone she could trust. Over the past year they all have proved to be his friends, not hers.

She found herself outside the Blackwell Residence many times over the year but never had she gone in, or stuck around long, but this time was different. She was beaten, covered in cuts, bruises, clothing ripped, and had both fresh and dry blood on her. Making it there exhausted her, she was in so much pain she couldn't find the strength to keep moving. She collapsed only to be found by Katherine and Amelia Blackwell. She awoke in a hospital bed with Amelia holding her hand and both her parents just outside the room talking to the doctor and Ericka. As it turned out Ericka and John had spoken after Amelia told her father everything about Mardie's Mother and the abuse.

It just so happened they had been looking for her all this time, Amelia had explained everything to both of her parents about the abuse Mardie was getting from her mother. Now they see things had only gotten worse for the poor girl, she escaped one prison for what looks like hell. To make things even worse for her she was pregnant by about a month.

During Mardie’s pregnancy she stayed with the Blackwell family while her birth Mother and Father did everything they could in order to force Mardie to come back to live with them. The Blackwells and the Steels were fighting in court and the process dragged out for months. The steels tried to blame the Blackwells for the pregnancy while the Blackwells had to defend themselves and Mardie had to be brought onto the stand to testify that the situation was not the fault of the Blackwells. That she had left home being tired of all the toxic abuse and ended up with someone who isn't who she thought he was and that she herself wanted to stay with the Blackwells.

Her Father spent a great deal of money trying to fight, so when she was brought up on the stand he tried to argue that she was too young and irresponsible to be making this type of decision and that her pregnancy was evidence to support that. Between that and the fact that she had a case in the past of being mentally unstable and wasnt of sound mind. However it was all a lie on his part and he paid people off to testify on his behalf to be his expert witnesses who created false stories of Mardie in order to attempt to keep custody of her.

Mardie and the Blackwells then brought up that none of this was used in the previous court battle in regards to her money and that she was okay to be incharge of her own money but not who she wanted to live with. That they couldn’t win the first court battle and now used their money to make up lies in order to win this one. During all this time the case carried on and it began to seem as if it would come down to who had the most money to win the case, Mardie or her parents. Even Erika was brought in to testify on Mardie’s behalf pointing out the timeline the parents had made with the help of the lies from the experts and how so much of it didn’t add up because she had evidence and witnesses that on those days Mardie was not where they said she was. That they didn’t even really know their daughter at all.

Eight months later the court battle was still ongoing when Mardie’s water broke and she was rushed to the hospital. However because of this and the fact that the case was ongoing it meant that her mother and father still held the power of her medical care. Mardie had a dangerous delivery to a beautiful red haired baby girl, However Mardie nearly died while giving birth and was placed into a medical coma that became a permanent one. The Blackwells were not allowed to visit under order of the Steels. Unless they had documentation from the courts to overrule them.

Robert Steel was a man of many secrets and though Mardie never actually knew him well enough to know much about him, He wasn’t a good man. First off he forged documents and paid people off to put the baby up for adoption. Second of all he was from a dormant bloodline of “Slayers” seeking to re awaken their dormant blood to create the perfect weapon and rid the world of all that was paranormal other than “Slayers” so he could reshape the world into a utopia of his creation. This was a secret only one other person knew within the Steel family, Samuel who was Mardie’s older brother.

Throughout many generations the stories were passed down from father to son, The Seraphim Kôkabiel created a relic to assist him in creating an army who became known as “Slayers”. Using this relic and his own blood he experimented on humans, He wanted an army but also this was his way of creating children of his own by force. He wanted them to be an improvement of humans that were strong enough to battle anything he desired them to. His relic was a cup known as The Watcher’s Sire, It allowed anyone who drank his blood from the cup who was strong enough to survive it to be reborn as a Slayer. Though that was the name it had become over the centuries, its true name was lost after the great flood wiped out all but one bloodline that went dormant.

The men in the bloodline lusted for such power and yet always fell short. However it was according to the stories that within their bloodline it was a woman who survived the ritual while the rest of her family had died from it. She was the only daughter of that bloodline and slayers after her were born as such, It didn’t take long for the Angelic blood within their systems to grow dormant over the generations before the flood even happened.

Robert believed that Mardie was the key to awakening the blood that courses through their veins. He found the cup in Jerusalem within the underground temple underneath rubble of a long since buried city. A cup with living blood that had unusual properties to it when a single drop was tested. His best chance to awaken the bloodline was now in a coma in the hospital. He decided to risk her life as an infant baby would not be strong enough but his daughter was strong and stubborn and he didn't want to wait for that power any longer, he was not young enough to accomplish his goals if he sat around and waited for the baby to grow up.

He brought the cup to Mardie in the hospital and forced the last of the blood within the cup down her throat. Mardie began to choke on it and he covered her mouth and rubbed her throat to force it down. It didn't take long for Mardie’s heart to stop for a few moments. It was that moment Robert began to panic thinking he flushed his last shot down the drain and that Mardie had just died. He had muted the machine that would alert the doctors of her death beforehand. He placed the cup into his bag only to hear it cracking and shattering still in his hand. A source of light leaving the cup and entering Mardie as her blue eyes shot open and her heart was once again beating as if nothing had just happened. She was now awake from her coma and the Doctors called it a miracle that she even woke up. No one knew what Robert had done.

Mardie began to ask about her baby the moment the doctors came into the room to check on her. It was then she was told her baby had died shortly after it was born and that she had been in a coma for a month. During which the Steels and the Blackwells were still fighting in court for her. Mardie broke down in tears, She couldn't help but wonder if she had done something wrong. That she might have been the cause of her daughter's death. The grieving began quicker than the shock that held her for but a mere moment. Amanda attempted to pull Mardie into a hug to create the illusion she cared in front of the doctors and the hidden camera in her bag she would try to use in court in an attempt to say she was there for her daughter and that tha blackwells weren't. However Mardie only pushed her away forcefully.

Her sobs could be heard by the Blackwells in the waiting room and it was at this time Amelia had rushed her way inside at her sister's whaling. The moment she entered the room security was being called but Amelia had pulled Mardie into a hug and Mardie had already begun to hold onto her tightly while sobbing into her shoulder. Amelia’s parents right behind her and joined in the hug, all of whom Mardie pulled closer. When security got there and tried to pull the Blackwells out of the room Erika showed up. Since she had documentation that gave her guardianship and power of attorney over Mardie’s money and big health decisions whenever she was around the hospital had to listen to her. When she told them that they were grabbing the wrong people and gestured towards the Steels, both of her parents showed their anger as the doctors gave security a nod saying she was right. The hospital didn’t want to be sued when they knew very well Erika wasn't afraid to do so, had a lot of money, and had already won the Steels and all of their lawyers. Security escorted the Steels out of the room and they did not fight it so as to not look bad, though the Blackwells did fight against security until Erika showed up.

The blood did have another effect on Mardie, everytime she went to sleep she had strange nightmares of past events from long ago, a past she knew nothing of. She saw death and began hearing things every time she would begin to drift. Between that and the grief Robert would keep trying to visit her and convince her she was losing her mind and wasn't in the right mental state to be making big decisions. That she should come home with him and get therapy. The best money could buy and that the Blackwells couldn’t afford to help her. He also kept trying to bring this up in the courtroom. Mardie almost fell for it till she went into the courtroom once released from the hospital and witnessed her outburst and all out verbal attack on the Blackwells. She knew in her gut it was too good to be true, that he wouldn’t try to postpone things like he had promised her he would.

After several more months the judge had finally ruled that Mardie was competent enough and had proven she was independent enough to either be emancipated or to have a say in who she lived with. Mardie chose to be adopted by the Blackwell family and Erika put Mardie’s money in an account that would earn her interest over the years. Mardie had her name changed from Marissa Margaret Steel to Mardie Payton Blackwell and began going to the same school as her sister shortly after. Eventually the nightmares and noises would fade away as if they never really happened though she would never forget them.

Not long after Mardie had shown interest in wanting to be a cop just like John, her Dad. He was not too keen on the idea however she seemed determined to go for it with or without his help and so he began to train her. He started off by getting her into self defense and building her endurance and stamina. During the weekends he would take her out to track and hunt, or even take her to the shooting range at the station to practice. He would even take her to the obstacle courses and take her rock climbing. There were also a good bit of bonding times and fishing. He had hoped that all of it would overwhelm her or make her change her mind though it never did, in fact it only made her even more determined.

Mardie upon graduation and having turned eighteen had thought about going to law school instead of going to the academy like she had planned. However John Blackwell was killed in the line of duty in a hostage situation shortly after and the next month Mardie went to the Academy now more determined than ever to become a police officer and try to make the world a better place one criminal at a time just like her Dad. He was her hero.

During this time Amelia went off to college while Mardie was at the Academy, Mardie would be out of the academy much sooner and move in with their mom to help take care of her while working at the police station. During this time however she began to take online classes for Harvard law school when she was at home with her Mom and not at work.

When her Mom got cancer both Mardie and Amelia put school on hold so that they could be there for their mom any chance they had, making sure to take her to every doctor appointment, keeping up with her medicine. Eventually their mom had talked Amelia into going back to school, However Amelia decided she wanted to go to Medical school and began her journey to get into medical school. Mardie however stayed by her Mom’s side as much as she could while also working as a police officer. It would be another couple months before her Mom would talk her back into finishing law school. The deal was she would do all the online classes she could then they would both go to Massachusetts for Mardie to take any of the classes she needed to finish law school and they would live off campus together near the hospital. When Amelia learned of this deal she transferred too for medical school and the three of them had moved into a two bedroom apartment. Mardie took the couch while both her Mom and Sister each got a bedroom. Mardie was still a cop, only now she was M.P.D. and she didn’t really have much free time.

Their Mom lived just long enough to watch them graduate and return to the home she had left with both her daughters. While Amelia was looking for a Residency and Mardie was waiting for the transfer back to L.A.P.D. they would only be home a week before their Mom passed away in their arms. Suddenly it is Mardie and Amelia against the world. Though it would not be long after that Erika would check in on them and help guide them from time to time like the old wise woman she was. Eventually they both ran into Taylor again and like before the three of them set off to make the world a better place and save lives in their own way only now they have family dinner together every sunday.

Eventually Mardie would make detective and as a redhead who learned Russian growing up she was asked by the FBI to go undercover and Eva Rodkoffski was born. Eva rose up in the ranks of the Russian Mob within the next two years. Mardie never talks about what all had happened when she was Eva, but She never did break her cover. The undercover work she did put her in good with the undercover detectives however she decided her best path now was homicide and eventually she became a lead homicide detective.

Mardie had met her life partner at a cop bar, a bartender at the bar. They were together for a little over a year before they got engaged. One week before the wedding they were in a car crash together. They got T-boned when a drunk ran a red light and caused the car to flip several times. Mardie survived but her partner did not and neither did the drunk driver who not only ran the red light but was also speeding.

After Mardie got out of the hospital she learned her fellow detective had put in a transfer and moved to a small town known as Frazier Park in California, all of the homicide cases had finally got to him and he couldn't handle it anymore. She was later assigned a new partner by the name of Jack Kelgrove. After a bit of bonding with him she began calling him Moose because of his hair, it eventually grew on him and they remain partners who have eachothers backs.

Header1 Header2 Header3 Header4 Header5 Header6 Header7 Header8 Love of two is one

Here but now they're gone

Came the last night of sadness

And it was clear she couldn't go on

Then the door was open and the wind appeared

The candles blew and then disappeared

The curtains flew and then he appeared,Saying don't be afraid
Bold Italic Emphasized text

Bold2 Strong Strike Underline

big Small


. Abercio Quinn (Kôkabiel) - Luminary Investigations

Mardie first met Abercio in a dark alleyway when she was surrounded by several demons disguised as humans. After Abercio slayed them he vanished as quickly as he appeared, she later utilized her own investigative skills to track him down and learn the truth. He taught her the secrets of the supernatural, and revealed to her his angelic origins. Mardie is often consulted for advice, or when he needs assistance with a case. Often picking her mind from a detective's point of view. Abe is Mardie's go-to when she stumbles across something paranormal that is to big for her to handle on her own.


Jack Kelgrove is a detective in precinct-77 of the L.A.P.D and is the current partner of Detective, Mardie Blackwell. Growing up in Bakersfield, California he lived with an abusive mother, who got heavily into drug abuse. Jack lived his early days as a poor kid, scavenging money in anyway he could to afford lunch at school. By the time he'd graduated from High School, his mother had passed away from a heroine overdose, leaving him with nothing but the memory of her, and the mental toll she took on him. Shortly after leaving his hometown, Jack pursued a career in Los Angeles as a professional car painter. He lived his new life picking up the broken pieces and getting his life together and on a more favorable track, before a gang member who didn't agree with his prices burned down his building out of spite. Jack Kelgrove later joined the police academy, and worked his way through the streets as a cop, eventually reaching his position as a detective. He soon met, Detective Blackwell and was later assigned to be her partner, investigating all range of crimes.

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Verses ✒
Blood & Angels, Crime, Slice of Life, Supernaturel, Romance, Charmed, Crossover Friendly

Para, Multi-para, Novella
Third person POV
Role play in Groups, Messages, and Discord

Obligations ❌✅
✅ ⛥Dani Drake⛥

Group Obligations ❌✅
✅ ____________

1️⃣: After the Roleplay has started please use (), [], or OOC//: to talk out of character.
2️⃣:18+ characters only.
4️⃣:NO SM*T!
5️⃣: NO G-D Modding or Puppeteering my character.
6️⃣: No Drama, your real-life drama is not in my job description.
7️⃣: Happy Roleplaying!
Note: Rules are subject to change at any time please check them from time to time.

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ʜᴏɴᴇʏ ɢᴜɴᴢ

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southern macabre.

𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖍𝖆𝖟𝖊�







𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙚𝙨.

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