ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 on RolePlayer.me - www.roleplayer.me/1958882 ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋

34 years old

Last Login:
May 08 2024

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   Contacting ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋

    ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋's Interests
❝You feel like you don't deserve to be saved. You are the most wonderful, loving, caring, and kind person I have ever known, knowing you has changed me, Dean Winchester. I don't ever want you to think otherwise.❞

ooc notes

last updated: 00/00/0000

Established: January 2004.
Verse: Supernatural AU.
Genre: Custom, horror, gore, violence, dark romance, suicide, death, guns, knives, taboo, BDSM, bondage, kidnapping, rape, slavery, etc.
Length: 3-5 paragraphs.
Format: Third Person Format.
Literate: Para/Multi, Complete Sentences, Proper Spelling, Proper Grammar, Proper Punctuation, etc.
Time Fragment: Varies.


Name: Jimmy Novak.
Vessel: Castiel, Angel of the Lord.
Title: Angel of the Lord.
Alias: Angel of the Lord.
Nicknames: Cas, Baby Angel, Angel of the Lord.
Date of Birth: Unknown, but somewhere during the creation of the universe.
Astrological Sign: Unkown.
Age: Appears to be in his 30s.
Current Location: The Bunker.
Former Home: Heaven.
Relationship Status: Single.
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.
Position: Submissive.
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 150kg.
Ethnicity: German-American.
Nationality: German.
Hair Color: Brown.
Eye Color: Bright blue.
Skin Color: Tanned.
Drinking: Yes.
Smoking: No.
Drugs: No.
Attire: Castiel has a very distinct look to him. He wears a trench coat and a dress shirt with a tie, and some slacks with the outfit. He wears combat boots with steel toes.

Appearance: Appearing in his late thirties, Castiel is a young man that is an angel of the lord, and takes the body of Jimmy Novak. He has dark brown hair and baby blue eyes and dark tanned skin. He stands at about five foot nine inches and weigh about one hundred and fifty kg. He can be seen wearing different outfits during the series, and is often seen in a trench coat, but that's not the only garb he dresses in.

personality & traits

At first Castiel is very "Cut and Dry" mainly toward humans and sees them as an means to an end not caring wheather they live or die. Sometime between meeting Sam and Dean that changes and he starts to care about other people, and starts to find peace with the family he has found. He struggles with doubting his place in heaven and doubts he can continue being an angel for long, and ultimately chooses Sam and Dean because he feels he can not leave them behind or abandon them. They were like family to him and they did not even know he existed until he brought Dean back to life and to be the vessel of Lucifer. At some point Castiel loses his angelic powers and has to do everything every other human has to do and gets a job at a gas station / convenience store and works for a nice young woman who invites him to stay the night because he has nowhere to go and he was living on the streets.
❝I love you, Dean Winchester..❞


status single pringle.
since April 15.
whom [ N/A. ]
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Song(s) Hero - Nickelback.

I am so high, I can hear heaven
I am so high, I can hear heaven
Whoa, but heaven, no, heaven don't hear me
And, they say that a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away
Someone told me, love would all save us
But, how can that be? Look what love gave us
A world full of killing and blood spilling
That world never came
And, they say that a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away

Comments Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


     ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋's Details
Characters: Jimmy Novak. // Castiel.
Verses: Supernatural AU.
Playbys: Misha Collins.
Length: Multi Para, Para
Genre: Crossover, Fantasy, Gore, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural,
Member Since:May 07, 2024

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   ππŽπ“ π˜πŽπ”π‘ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋's Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:

season one

Although not much is known about Castiel's early life, as an angel, he has existed for millions, if not, billions of years. He watched as the first fish emerged from the ocean. Even Metatron hinted that Castiel has "been around since scaly things crawled out of the muck."

Naomi also once said that Castiel has, as she put it, "been unstable in the past." Additionally, discussions with Uriel suggest the pair were children by Angel standards when Lucifer rebelled against Heaven and refused to bow down to humanity. While his brother was enthralled by Lucifer's power and charisma, Castiel remembered being frightened and disturbed by the rebellious Archangel.

Castiel had been stationed on Earth for at least 2,000 years while being in the garrison commanded by Anna, who became very close to him, which also contained Uriel, Balthazar, Hester, Bartholomew, Ishim, and Benjamin. Castiel was present when the world was first created, making him over several thousands years old going by Biblical time.

Uriel also made reference to questioning 'How long have I served' as '6 or 7 centuries.' Castiel also witnessed Cain killing Abel, and then saw the construction of the Tower of Babel, David killing Goliath, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, among other historic and Biblical events.

He also knew a Prophet named Luke that authored two books in the Bible. He also witnessed the evolutionary struggle between Homo sapiens sapiens and Neanderthals, and was hoping that the latter would survive because of their superior poetry (though this particular opinion and reasoning may have just been madness).

20th Century.

In the 1900s, Castiel was a part of Ishim's flight and used a female vessel. In 1901 this flight of angels came to Earth to kill Akobel, an angel who had supposedly fathered a Nephilim with Lily Sunder. After Akobel was captured, Castiel listed his crimes before he was killed.

Castiel and the rest of Ishim's flight then waited outside for Ishim to kill the Nephilim, unaware that he was using them to get revenge on Lily whom he was obsessed with and who didn't have a Nephilim daughter. Sometime after, Castiel joined another garrison, led by Anna Milton, whom Castiel had become close with. After her fall, Castiel became the garrison leader, which consisted of Uriel, Balthazar, and other angels.

21st Century.

In 2008, Castiel spoke with his true vessel, Jimmy Novak, in Pontiac, Illinois. When Jimmy was watching television, Castiel's voice distorts the picture and caused him to scream in pain and his body to spasm until he finally blacked out. Later, Castiel told Jimmy to put his arm in boiling water and that he would be unharmed as a way to prove his faith.

With his wife believing that he was going crazy, Jimmy asked Castiel what he wants from him and how he can help. Castiel explained that he needs to use Jimmy Novak as a vessel, to which Jimmy agreed to as long as his family is protected. After receiving consent, Castiel possessed Jimmy Novak. Before he left, Castiel was confronted by Jimmy's daughter, Claire, and told her that he is not her father.
season two
When Dean Winchester broke the first of the 66 Seals that would allow Lucifer to walk free, the angels took action. They fought their way to Hell and Castiel freed Dean from the pit. In Lazarus Rising, Dean awoke in a grave and made his way to the surface, not knowing how he had been resurrected; the only clue he had was his healed body and a large imprint of a hand near his shoulder. Castiel attempted to speak with Dean in his true voice on two occasions, but discovered Dean wasn't one of those who could understand him.

After reuniting with Bobby Singer and Sam, Dean tried to learn what had rescued him from Hell. He also discovered that he'd been dead and buried for four months. Dean's group met with Pamela Barnes, a psychic who gave them Castiel's name and tried to get his true visage. Castiel warned her to turn away, but she didn't heed it, and her eyes were burned out, blinding her. Castiel also killed the demons in a diner Sam and Dean visited, one demon telling Sam it's the end.

Eventually, Dean took matters into his own hands and with Bobby's help, set a trap for the creature and protected himself and Bobby with multiple Devil's Traps and other anti-demon devices. Castiel arrived and the hunters shot at him as he passed through the Devil's Traps with ease. Castiel identified himself as the one who saved Dean before he was stabbed by him with Ruby's knife, but it had no effect, and Castiel quickly knocked out Bobby with a mere touch.

Castiel explained who he was to Dean, telling him "I'm an angel of the Lord." Dean didn't believe him, thinking there was no such thing as angels. Castiel criticized his lack of faith before revealing his Angel's Wings to prove his claims. Though surprised, Dean then brought up what Castiel did to Pamela. Castiel informed Dean he did warn her since his true form was overwhelming. He then told Dean that his true voice was the same shriek Dean heard at the gas station and motel, so he took on a vessel to better communicate. Dean then asked why he was saved, as Castiel noted Dean himself didn't think he deserved to be saved. Castiel simply replied that God has work for him.

In Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester, after people who were supposed to be dead seemed to be rising from the grave, Castiel appeared to Dean in a dream. He explained to Dean that this was one of the 66 Seals, "The Rising of the Witnesses." Castiel told him that Lilith was attempting to break 66 of the seals which would lead to Lucifer walking free on Earth and then the Apocalypse would begin.

The Angels had been fighting to stop the demons, but the odds were against them. He explained to Dean that he must help stop the breaking of the seals as well. Castiel also showed that he was not a force to be underestimated or even taken lightly as in a chilling tone, he told Dean to start showing him some respect or he'd change his mind and throw him back into Hell again.

One night when Dean was asleep, he woke up to find Castiel sitting beside him. Castiel, remarked on Dean's dreams, then without speaking further tapped Dean and brought him back in time to an important few-day period in 1973. It showed Dean the connection between Azazel and Mary Winchester, and answered questions that had always been on his mind.

Castiel said that the reason he had brought Dean back to that period was to make sure that he was caught up with all of the facts. After Dean indirectly set the future in motion, Castiel appeared to take him back. Castiel explained that the angels are still unaware of Azazel's endgame. Castiel also told Dean about Sam's developing abilities and that he was going too far down a dark path and that if Sam did not stop using his powers, then the angels would kill him.

Sometime later, Castiel and his partner Uriel met with the Winchesters when they were in the middle of hunting a witch. Castiel met Sam for the first time, as the latter was excited to meet him. Castiel told Sam that he was happy that he stopped using his psychic powers. The angels explained that the witch was trying to summon the demon Samhain from Hell and that this was another one of the 66 Seals. The angels said that they would have to destroy the entire town and all of its residents to ensure that the seal would not be broken.

The brothers argued against this and assured Castiel and Uriel that they could stop the witch from summoning Samhain. While Uriel wanted to smite the town anyway and drag Dean and Sam away, Castiel agreed with them, later discussing with Uriel his disdain for humanity and their true orders. Unfortunately, the Winchesters failed and Samhain rose, breaking another seal.

After Sam exorcised Samhain with his powers and stopped him, Castiel met with Dean in a park and revealed that the angels true orders were always to follow Dean's orders, not to smite the town and that this was a test of Dean's battlefield leadership. Castiel reveals that he always hoped that Dean would chose to save the town whether or not they failed and that he secretly harbors doubts about Heaven and its plans.

When the angels learned that a woman named Anna Milton could listen in on angel's conversations they grew worried. If the demons were able to get to her before them, the demons would know everything that the angels were planning. But Castiel knew the truth: Anna had once been his angel superior, who disobeyed. She cut out her Grace and fell to Earth, where she was reborn as a human. Castiel and Uriel knew though that the only way to ensure the safety of their plans were to kill Anna. While Castiel was hesitant about this, Uriel enforced the idea that it was absolutely necessary.

Castiel and Uriel found Anna along with the Winchesters. The angels ordered Sam and Dean to hand over Anna, but they refused. The angels attacked them and almost retrieved Anna, but were sent away by a ritual Anna performed. They later were able to find Anna with the Winchesters again, but soon discovered that they had been led into a trap when Alastair arrived with a group of demons.

The angels and demons fought over who would take Anna with Castiel fighting Alastair. Castiel proved no match for the demon, with his powers being useless, but Dean saved him despite being on opposite sides of the Anna situation. In the end, Anna retrieved her Grace and became an angel again and Alastair's body was destroyed, defeating him. Grateful for Dean saving him, Castiel held Uriel back from attacking Dean in revenge and they left to chase after Anna.

When Alastair tried to break another seal by killing two Reapers on the night of the Solstice, Castiel managed to capture him having pretended to be Bobby to send the Winchesters after the seal. The angels held Alastair captive and when seven angels had mysteriously been killed, Castiel assumed that demons were behind the attacks. At this time, Castiel is put under closer watch by the angels, who believe him to be developing human emotions.

He and Uriel recruited Dean to interrogate the demon. Castiel had grew self-conscious when Dean brought up Pamela's death and him burning out her eyes. Dean later spoke with him and asked him about his taking orders from Uriel as Castiel reveals he was demoted for getting too close to Dean.

During the interrogation, Anna returned and spoke with Castiel. She told him that she knew how he was feeling and that he was beginning to develop human emotions. Castiel refused to believe this and yelled at her, causing her to leave. Shortly after, the Devil's Trap Castiel had made to hold Alastair somehow malfunctioned and Alastair nearly killed Dean.

Castiel fought the demon but was almost defeated when Sam came to his rescue, using his psychic powers to kill Alastair to Castiel's shock after torturing out of him that the demons weren't responsible for the angel deaths. While visiting Dean at the hospital, Sam criticized Castiel for being so cold-hearted as to risking Dean's life. This sunk into Castiel's head and he went to Anna for help, telling her he needed to know what to do; she told him it was time for him to decide on his own for once. Castiel investigated the broken Devil's Trap further and learned that it was Uriel who was behind the malfunctioning Devil's Trap and the angel killings.

Uriel reminded Castiel of the times when Lucifer was one of the greatest angels and also spoke about how God isn't doing anything and they must follow someone who would. Castiel refused and the two angels fought. Castiel was soon overpowered by Uriel and was beaten down but was saved when Anna appeared and killed Uriel with his own Angel Blade. Castiel then went to Dean and confirmed that Dean was responsible for breaking the first seal by giving in to Alastair's torture. Dean begged Castiel to find someone else because he wasn't fit to stop the Apocalypse.

Castiel later appeared when Dean interrogated Chuck Shurley, who was writing a book series based on the Winchester brothers, explaining that Chuck was a Prophet of the Lord. When Dean prayed for guidance, Castiel appeared and Dean asked him for help in saving Sam from Lilith, Castiel was initially hesitant to help, as Dean was angry and promised not to help him in the future. Before Dean could leave, Castiel dropped him a hint by telling him that Prophets are protected by Archangels, and that if a Prophet is in the same room with a demon, then the archangel will immediately descend to smite the demon. This caused Dean to get the idea to retrieve Chuck and put him in the room with Lilith, Dean thanked Castiel who wished him luck. Dean got Chuck in the room with Lilith which caused her to retreat while saving Sam.

In The Rapture, Castiel then came to Dean while he was dreaming and told him to meet him at a certain location, saying that he had something to tell them. But when Dean and Sam arrived, they found him unconscious in a wrecked building with dead demons. When he awoke, the brothers found that Castiel had abandoned his vessel, Jimmy Novak, who describes being possessed by Castiel like "being chained to a comet." When Dean, Sam, Jimmy and Jimmy's daughter, Claire Novak, were being held hostage by demons, Jimmy was shot and Castiel returned to possess Claire and helped save them all. Castiel was disgusted to see Sam consuming demon blood to exorcise the demon possessing Amelia Novak.

Castiel then told Jimmy that he kept his promise to protect his family and tried to comfort a dying Jimmy by stating he will take Claire as a host, Jimmy pleaded with Castiel to leave his daughter and take him back as a host and Castiel accepted. When Dean asked Castiel what he had been trying to tell him, Castiel coldly brushes him off and says his allegiance now is only to Heaven.

Later in When the Levee Breaks, Castiel was summoned by Dean, who was screaming for three hours for help. When Castiel arrived, Dean asked him what happened in Heaven, but Castiel wouldn't say. Then Castiel recruited Dean in the service of God and his Angels. Castiel told him to wait till the Angels summons him. A few hours later he freed Sam from Bobby's panic room in which he was held captive, because of his addiction. Later Anna confronted Castiel about why he released Sam. Anna said that Sam was even worse than they had expected. Castiel told her that he has his orders to follow and said Anna shouldn't have come. The next moment two Angels stood beside her, and took her captive.

Later Zachariah brought Dean to a chamber, so he would be safe for the release of Lucifer. Zachariah told him that the final seal would be broken that night. Although he had a fight with Sam, Dean tried to contact him on his cellphone, leaving a message on his voicemail. Later, Dean wanted to talk with Sam and summoned Castiel by breaking a Stone Angel on one of the tables. Dean asked to visited Sam, but Castiel said he could go everywhere except to Sam. Dean asked what they were going to do with Sam.

Castiel said that Sam is going to do it to himself, but he didn't want to say more. He said it was his destiny. Dean said that destiny was just a bunch of lies, to keep him in line. Dean tried to persuade Castiel to help him, but Castiel said that they would be all be hunted and be killed. In response, Dean said to him that this is worth dying for. But to Dean's disappointment, Castiel refused and Dean ordered him away. Castiel tried to get Dean to listen, but left when he refused.

Shortly after, Castiel confronted Dean and drew an angel banishing sigil on the wall with his own blood after putting his hand over Dean's mouth to stop him from shouting until he realized Castiel was helping him. Then Zachariah appeared and demanded to know what he was doing. Finishing the sigil, Castiel pressed his bloody hand on the sigil, banishing Zachariah. He then told Dean Zachariah would be back and said that Lilith is the final seal and that Sam is going to break it. He said he knew someone that knew where Sam was and teleported Dean with him.

Castiel teleported Dean and himself to Chuck, the prophet of the Lord. Chuck was confused and said that this is not supposed to be, for this was not in the story. Castiel said that they would make it up. When they found out that Sam was at Saint Mary's, Chuck's computer goes off and bright light fills the room. Castiel said it is the Archangel and teleported Dean to Saint Mary's, so that he could hold the Angel off. At Chuck's house, Castiel looks up at the bright light. Seeing the angel's expression, Chuck puts his hand on Cass' shoulder, but when Castiel gives him a look, he removes it.
season three
After witnessing the release of Lucifer from Hell, Dean and Sam went to Chuck's house to find Castiel. There they were told by Chuck that the Archangel smoked Castiel – literally – and they even find one of his teeth tangled in Chuck's hair. Later, when the Winchesters are trying to track down Michael's sword in their father's old storage unit, Zachariah and his angels arrived to inform Dean that he is Michael's swordβ€”in other words, Michael's vessel. When Dean refused to give his consent for Michael to possess his body, Zachariah started inflicting various kinds of physical pain on him and Sam (breaking Sam's legs and removing his lungs, and giving Dean stage-four stomach cancer), all the while refusing to kill them.

Castiel then miraculously appeared and dispatched Zachariah's men, a stunned Zachariah questioned his return. Castiel hinted at God's involvement at his return and the rescue of the Winchesters.

He then forced his scared brother to heal the Winchesters and leave, to which Zachariah reluctantly complied. He then used his powers to carve Enochian sigils on their ribs, keeping them hidden from all demons and angels, including Lucifer and himself. Castiel confirmed his death to Sam but when Dean asks him how is he alive, Castiel disappears before giving him an answer. After rebelling against the angels, Castiel goes on a mission to find God in hopes he will be the one to stop Lucifer. He uses Dean's amulet for this, which is said to glow hot in God's presence. It's revealed Castiel's powers are also diminished, cut off from Heaven, and he is at first mad at Sam and Dean for failing to stop Lucifer's rise when he literally "lost everything". However, despite his, he continued to be invaluable ally to the brothers saving them on numerous occasions.

As of Free To Be You and Me, he is continuing at looking for a way to find God, Castiel approached Dean for help in capturing and interrogating Raphael on God's location. After Castiel retrieved Holy Oil for the trap, Dean took him to a strip club after learning that Castiel was a virgin so he wouldn't die as one. Castiel was clearly nervous in the strip club and ended up angering the stripper by telling her that her father left because he hated his job, not her.

Castiel and Dean later succeeded in trapping Raphael, who told them God was dead but Castiel rejected this by bringing up his resurrection, to which Raphael stated Lucifer could have did it. Though Castiel denied this and decided to leave, as Raphael demanded his release and threatened to find them, but Castiel left him where he was, telling him that "Maybe one day, but today you're my little bitch" a comment that Dean agrees with.

In The End, Castiel contacts from a cellphone and tries to retrieve him but a tired Dean sets a time for him to get him. Zachariah discovered Dean's location and sent him to an alternate post-Apocalyptic future in which Lucifer had ravaged the world with the Croatoan Virus. Castiel is the only angel still fighting for the sake of humanity.

He had lost his powers but joined Future Dean's resistance movement against Lucifer, he also could still tell Dean was from the past when meeting him despite acting in self-indulgence with women of the army. He presumably died in the final confrontation against Lucifer. After Dean is returned to the main world, Zachariah tries to properly secure Dean as Michael's vessel but Castiel was able to rescue Dean from his brother by teleporting him away. Castiel remarks that he and Dean set a point and that he retrieved him exactly. Dean told him to never change before he called Sam.

In The Song Remains the Same, when Anna returns and tries to make contact with Sam, Castiel meets her instead. He had convinced the Winchesters to stay behind because he did not trust her. After Anna revealed her plans, Castiel refused to let her kill Sam by declaring him as his friend and threatened to kill her if she still tried, regardless of their history. Anna remarked on his change in loyalty, as he commented that it may have came to late but Anna still had a plan and left.

Castiel did not sense Anna's presence and realized she went back in time to 1978 to kill John and Mary Winchester so that Sam and Dean wouldn't be born to break the first and final seals. Castiel tried to go after her alone but was encouraged by the Winchesters to take them back in time to stop her, which he reluctantly agrees too.

The trio traveled to the past but the journey caused Castiel pain as the brothers let him rest in a motel as they went after Anna. At the end, Anna is killed by Michael who sends the brothers back to their time while Castiel regained enough power to return to the future. Once he touches down, he is again helped by Sam and Dean who lay him down on the bed. While Castiel lays down, Dean counts him, himself and Sam as Team Free Will.

During My Bloody Valentine, Castiel is called by Dean and Sam for assistance when they are working on leads them to hearts with Enochian sigils carved on them. While they initially believe that a rogue cupid is killing people, the true culprit, Famine, affects Castiel through his vessel, Jimmy Novak, who apparently has a craving for hamburgers. Castiel stuffs himself throughout the episode, much to Dean's disgust, and asks Dean why he hasn't been put under Famine's curse.

When Dean explains that he doesn't deny himself anything, Castiel asks, "So you're just well-adjusted?" The original plan to kill Famine was to send Castiel in; however, this ends badly when Castiel is distracted by a slab of raw ground beef and his craving takes affect. Later on, Castiel snaps out of it after Famine is incapacitated by Sam. However, Castiel is concerned for Sam's addiction and the latter is locked up to go through to detox. Castiel attempts to comfort a sullen Dean, though it doesn't appear to work.

After Sam and Dean were kidnapped by the Trickster, Castiel searched for them and came to their rescue but was stopped by the trickster who teleported him away. A battered Castiel later made his way back long enough to warn the Winchesters that the Trickster was too powerful to be a trickster though before he could elaborate, he was flung aside. The Trickster himself then appeared, bound Castiel's mouth as he greeted Castiel amicably and effortlessly banished him.

The Trickster's familiarity with him along with Castiel's information and various clues caused Sam and Dean to realize the Trickster was actually an angel. Their theory is confirmed as the trickster is revealed to be the Archangel Gabriel after they trapped him in a Holy fire circle, Dean forced him to bring Castiel back from wherever he'd put him.

Once he returned, Castiel assured Dean that he was okay before he greeted his brother coldly, revealing he figured out the latter's identity too. Gabriel returned this sentiment by taunting Castiel about his pointless search for their father. Castiel watched the end of Sam and Dean's confrontation with Gabriel, before Dean releases Gabriel from the ring of fire. When Sam, Dean, Ellen Harvelle and Jo Harvelle went after Lucifer, Castiel joined them, drinking shots with Ellen before they took off and taking a picture with the group. In Carthage, Castiel separated from the group to follow a Reaper and was captured and held in Holy Fire by Lucifer who tried to convince the angel to join him. Castiel refused and was held captive by Meg who taunted him. However, Castiel managed to loosen a pipe and use it to knock Meg into the circle where he tried to smite her only to find he'd lost that power. Castiel used Meg's body as a bridge to escape and teleported Sam and Dean, the only other survivors of the failed mission, away from Lucifer.

When the brothers were ambushed and killed by two hunters furious with them for causing the Apocalypse, Castiel warned the brothers that Zachariah was looking for them in Heaven and they should attempt to contact an angel named Joshua, who was rumored to speak to God. After talking with Joshua, it was confirmed that God was the one who resurrected Castiel not Lucifer as Raphael suggested. When the brothers returned from death, Sam revealed that God wanted nothing to do with them, causing Castiel to abandon his belief in God and return Dean's amulet, stating that it was worthless. As seen in 99 Problems, Castiel fell into a depression and drank heavily, but sobered up in time to help defeat the Whore of Babylon.

In Point of No Return, Castiel helped Sam bring Dean to Bobby's house where was angry with Dean's decision to say yes to Michael before he sensed something. He went to another area and fought three angels before bringing back the Winchester's half-brother Adam who has been resurrect. Castiel carved Enochian sigil on Adam's ribs to prevent the angels from finding him, causing him to wake up. When Adam mentioned, he was brought as a substitute vessel for Michael instead of Dean, Castiel confirmed its possible since Adam is of the Winchester bloodline.

Later on, he and Sam lock Dean away in the panic room to prevent his escape. At one point, Dean banished Castiel but the latter returned after sensing a man praying to the angels allowing Cass to locate Dean and he angrily shouted he had sacrificed everything to follow Dean as he believed in him. Castiel proceeded to beat Dean up out of pure rage before calming himself and taking him to Bobby.

When Sam and Dean go to rescue their brother Adam Milligan who had been taken by Zachariah, Castiel carved an angel banishing sigil into his chest and uses it to banish four angels and himself after showing his lack of faith in Dean by saying at least he won't have to see Dean fail. However, Dean ultimately doesn't go through with saying yes to Michael and kills Zachariah instead though Michael takes Adam. In Two Minutes to Midnight, Castiel returned powerless, apparently from the banishing sigil. He apologizes to Dean for doubting him and comes to their aid when confronting Pestilence, stating to the horseman that he used the bus to get there.

In his weakened state, Pestilence easily brings Castiel down, but he possesses just a "speck" of his angelic self left, just enough to resist Pestilence's power long enough to cut off his ring and defeat him. Castiel later joins Bobby and Sam in an assault on Niveus to stop the Croatoan Virus, bemoaning his lack of power. Despite this, Castiel does a good job, stopping a truck loaded with the virus from leaving and killing a zombie with a shotgun (which he remarks is actually useful) saving Sam's life.

In Swan Song, now almost completely human, Castiel accompanies Bobby, Dean and Sam to Detroit where Sam will say Yes to Lucifer as part of their plan. Castiel awkwardly says goodbye to Sam and tries to reassure him that they will be okay, but is bad at it. When Sam fails to overpower Lucifer, Castiel loses hope and suggests they get drunk and wait for the end to come. Dean refuses to give up and manages to get Castiel and Bobby to help him. In the final confrontation, when Michael (in the vessel of Adam) was about to fight Lucifer (in the vessel of Sam) Dean intervened saying he wished to speak with Sam. This prompted Michael to try and remove Dean, however, before he could respond Castiel teleported into the field with Bobby and insulted his brother as he threw a Molotov of holy fire at Michael, sending him back to Heaven for a brief time.

Lucifer turned to Castiel, furious by the fact that Castiel harmed his brother. Castiel for the first time showed fear when he realized that he had enraged Lucifer, who snapped his fingers and caused Castiel to explode. Shortly after the battle between Dean and Lucifer where Sam was able to retake control and throw both himself and Michael into the Pit, Castiel was resurrected by God and appeared to Dean telling him he was brought back new and improved with his angelic powers restored and upgraded, allowing him to restore Dean's broken bones and bring Bobby back to life. Castiel, now a Seraph, said that he needed to return to Heaven to restore order to the anarchy that will follow Michael's departure.

After the Apocalypse was averted, Castiel managed to save Sam and pull him out of Lucifer's Cage with his enhanced powers, though didn't know at the time he hadn't brought him back with his soul. Castiel visited his favorite part of Heaven – a Tuesday afternoon of a 40-year old autistic man who drowned in a bathtub in 1953 – where other angels awaited him. Castiel preached freedom to them instead of having a leader, but they don't know how. Castiel struggled in Heaven his first few weeks back as he tried to get the angels to embrace freedom, later likening it to "teaching poetry to fish." During this time, Castiel was confronted by Raphael. Castel and Raphael clash over their different ideologies for Heaven – Castiel with his emphasis on freedom and peace while Raphael wants to free Michael and Lucifer from the cage to start the Apocalypse again. Raphael tries to get Castiel to bow to him, but Castiel refuses.

Due to his defiance, Castiel is no match for him and threatened to submit or suffer. Castiel tries to get help from Dean, but seeing Dean retired makes Castiel rethink this. Crowley suddenly approaches Castiel, proposing him a deal to have him grow strong enough to defeat Raphael by collecting monster souls if he lets Crowley have access to Purgatory. Crowley also suggests he lead Heaven since he is the only angel to be resurrected by God, though this would start a civil war. Castiel refuses all propositions, but begins to consider it when Crowley twists it as either his option or the apocalypse all over again. Castiel reluctantly agrees to the deal. Crowley resurrects Samuel Campbell (the Winchester's grandfather) to help them find Purgatory while giving Castiel fifty-thousand souls from Hell to power him up against Raphael for the time being.

Castiel, powered up with souls, challenges Raphael and divides Heaven between him and the archangel. Castiel also cuts contact off from Sam, who repeatedly prayed to him many times for explanations on getting out of the cage.

season four.

Castiel struggles with the civil war in Heaven against Raphael. When Sam and Dean found out plagues were unleashed upon the Earth, they called Castiel for help. Castiel didn't answer for Sam but showed up for Dean and told them the Angelic Weapons were stolen from Heaven. Castiel withholds his involvement with Sam's return by claiming to not know what or whom brought Sam out of his cage.

During their investigation, they find out that an Angel has been moonlighting as a crossroads demon. To locate the angel's name, Castiel performed a ritual to find the angel that bought the soul. When Castiel learned it was his old friend, Balthazar, an angel follower of Raphael showed up and attacked Castiel. Castiel managed to defend himself and let the angel get away, but the angel knew that Balthazar was selling pieces of the Staff of Moses. So Castiel, Dean and Sam try to find Balthazar first, and when they do, Balthazar admitted that he stole the weapons from Heaven and that he want to live in freedom. When Balthazar disappears, Castiel is confronted by angels who want to kill him. Castiel asked them to join him, but they refused and Castiel killed them. Afterwards, Raphael showed up and told him that they were his followers and attacked Castiel before defeating him. Raphael voiced his doubt of God bringing him back again but just as he was about to kill Castiel, Balthazar showed up and used the weapons from Heaven to destroy Raphael's vessel. Eventually, Sam and Dean showed up and were able to trap Balthazar in a circle of holy oil, but Castiel lets Balthazar go after they force him to let go of his hold on the soul with Castiel's reason being that he owed Balthazar his life.

Dean becomes more and more disturbed by Sam's behavior, and prays for Castiel's help. Castiel doesn't respond until Dean calls him about a possible loose nuke, much to Dean's aggravation. Castiel apologizes, but reassures Dean on his theory that Sam is not Lucifer, explaining that all angels would feel his presence if Lucifer was free. Castiel also states he doesn't know what's wrong with Sam, but he promises to make inquiries. Dean calls on Castiel once he has Sam unconscious, and asks for him to diagnose Sam. Castiel informs both brothers that physically, Sam is perfectly healthy, but his soul is missing. He guesses that Sam's soul is still in the cage with Michael and Lucifer. When Sam goes with Samuel as his only lead, Castiel follows Sam and Dean to the Campbell Compound. He meets the Winchesters' grandfather Samuel Campbell who is amazed to see him before he checks if Samuel has a soul or not, which he does. However, before he can do any more to help, he states he needs to return to Heaven, but reassures Sam and Dean that their problems "always come first", and will keep in touch.

Castiel is later called on for assistance by Sam, who tricks him into leaving Heaven by saying he and Dean have found the Ark of the Covenant. Sam tries to coerce Castiel into joining them along with the demon Meg and her minions to confront Crowley, but fails as Castiel knows Sam can't harm him. However, recognizing that Sam really does need help, Castiel decides to help anyway. Castiel tries to track down Crowley by means of a ritual, which leads them nowhere. When the group is caught by Samuel as they search through his quarters, Dean asks for the angel to leave back to their motel.

Sometime later, while Sam and Dean are looking through records trying to find Crowley, Castiel is confounded by watching porn, which he states just happened to be on the TV. He creates an awkward moment with the Winchesters, even creeping Samuel out upon arriving at their motel. He leaves with the group after Samuel gives them the location of Crowley's prison. Before leaving for the prison, Castiel suggests to Dean that he doesn't think restoring Sam's soul is wise. He supports his statement with the fact that his soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year, and they have been doing nothing other than taking their frustrations out on Sam. He theorizes that if they try to force the damaged, tortured soul back into Sam, and if they fail to deal with the problems, then Sam will suffer horrifically.

The group then leaves for the prison, and Castiel finds a back entrance inside. Shortly after, hell-hounds come after the party. Meg distracts Castiel by kissing him, and steals his angelic blade. Castiel, surprisingly, responds to this by kissing her back, stating he learned that from the porn he was watching earlier. The boys then run off while Meg holds off the hell-hounds with the angel blade. Later, Castiel is banished by a blood sigil cast by a treacherous Samuel, while the Winchesters are taken captive.

While Crowley has the boys pinned to the wall, Castiel reappears, carrying a large bag. After Crowley taunts him about his losing war against Raphael, Castiel reveals that the bag contains his salvaged bones. The angel asks the King of Hell one last time if he can restore Sam's soul or not. Crowley says he cannot, and Castiel proceeds to burn his bones, seemingly turning him to ash. However, it's later revealed Castiel deceived the Winchesters considering his deal with Crowley and the bones were the wrong ones.

A short moment later, outside the prison, Castiel later admits that he is on the losing side of the civil war in Heaven, and expresses disappointment as he wishes much of the time that circumstances were different as he prefers being on Earth with Sam and Dean. Dean then reassures the angel that they will help in whatever way they can, and that the brothers are his friends. Castiel then turns to Sam, and reassures him that they will find another way to get his soul back. Sam then asks him to dispose of the monsters that still remain inside the prison, to which Castiel presumably leaves to do so.

After Sam gets his soul back, Castiel comes to check up on him, and tells Dean that he doesn't think Sam is ever going to wake up while criticizing him for not heeding his warning about the soul. A few hours later, Sam wakes up and reunites with his brother while happy to hear Cass is alive since he recalled Lucifer killing him. Later on, Sam, now with his soul again, calls Cass and Castiel comes.

He tells Sam that he is glad to see him well, despite everything, nearly hugging him. Sam tells Castiel he would hug Castiel, but it would be awkward. Sam goes on to talk about how its been a crazy year and how he just talked to Bobby about it. Castiel tells Sam he's surprised Sam even survived. Castiel asks Sam how it feels as Sam looks confused. Castiel explains, "to have your soul back". Sam tricks an unaware Castiel into telling him the truth while learning about his soulless year.

In My Heart Will Go On, Castiel saves Sam and Dean from Fate, when she tries to get her revenge for stopping the apocalypse. He tells the brothers if they want to live, they need to kill Fate. So Sam and Dean draw Fate out and just as they face their death, time freezes. Castiel is confronted by the Fate Atropos who reveals the real reason why Balthazar saved the Titanic was because Castiel ordered Balthazar to do it for the souls. She threatens to kill Sam and Dean unless Castiel fixes history. Choosing his friends safety over the war, Castiel orders the creeping Balthazar to refrain from killing Atropos and to right history.

In Frontierland, Cass returns to send Sam and Dean back to the Wild West so the brothers could acquire ashes of the phoenix, the one thing that could kill the mother of all. He tells Sam and Dean they have only 24 hours, after that he will no longer be able to find them. During the time the boys are in the Wild West, Castiel's lieutenant, Rachel, confronts him about his side dealings Castiel is doing to win the war.

This leads to a duel between the two, and Castiel emerges the winner and wounded. He soon heads to Bobby's, draws a symbol in his blood and passes out. As time grows short, Castiel re-awakens, but is very weak and low on power. In order to "power up" he tells Bobby he needs to touch Bobby's soul. Once powered up, Castiel brings the boys back. Now with the ashes, the hunt for Eve is on. Castiel comes to Sam and Dean asking for Eve's location, but they too are unsuccessful. Sam suggests that they find a good monster who would be willing to give them Eve's location. Castiel finds and brings Lenore, who gives them Eve's location, in exchange for her death. Sam is hesitant, but Castiel brings Lenore her end. This action makes Sam and Dean concerned about Castiel and his circumstances.

Once they arrive in Oregon, Castiel discovers he can't use his powers, and is now powerless, thanks to Eve. Castiel is able to torture Eve's location out of a Jefferson Starship, but is captured by her monsters. After Dean kills Eve, Castiel's powers return and he slays the Jefferson Starships with a blast of white light. Castiel is later revealed to be working with Crowley after the Winchesters' encounter with Eve. The truth finally comes out in The Man Who Would Be King, Castiel recounts history from his point of view and how the Winchesters inspired him. Castiel is shown clearly conflicted over his partnership with Crowley, but agrees to keep the Winchesters from finding him. Castiel also begins to notice that Sam, Dean, and Bobby are getting suspicious of Castiel and believe he is working with Crowley, strengthening his guilt.

After catching a lead of a demon called Ellsworth and Crowley's other higher up demons, Castiel goes and smites them before Sam and Dean can get information. He justifies this as protecting them from Crowley, but also wonders if it's to protect himself. He reflects on his return to Heaven after the Apocalypse, the conflict between him and Raphael that was sprung up, and his fateful deal with Crowley. Castiel tries to minimize contact with Sam and Dean, knowing they were on to him and he could give them no honest answers. However, when Crowley sends his best demons to fight them, Castiel shows up to save them. Although Castiel managed to keep the secret for a while, he slipped up with information he got from spying on them. Castiel is furious with Crowley's attempt to kill Bobby, Sam and Dean, warning him that if anything happened to them he would call off their deal and kill him himself. Later the boys trapped him in a ring of holy fire and confront him about his betrayal. He pleas to them to understand his plight, even revealing to them that he was really the one who rescued Sam from Lucifer's Cage not Crowley. However, he is accused by Sam of bringing him back soulless intentionally which he quickly denies. When demons come, Castiel tells them to run and they leave him in the ring of holy fire.

Crowley comes in and saves him. Castiel leaves, and comes to Dean, trying to explain the situation. Castiel tells Dean that he did this for Dean but Dean does not want it this way. Castiel responds that Dean can't stop him and says he's sorry and disappears. Castiel tells his father God all of this when he's by himself, praying for a sign if he's making the right choice, but gets no answer. In Let It Bleed, Castiel has taken one of the Campbell diaries, and is investigating an incident in which H.P. Lovecraft opened a portal to another world. Sam prays for him, telling Cass that Lisa and Ben have been kidnapped by Crowley, and asks for help. Castiel listens unseen, and does not answer, but goes to confront Crowley. He insists that the demon not harm Lisa and Ben, but Crowley refuses to make such a promise. Balthazar later calls him. He asks Cass if he is planning on opening the door to Purgatory; Cass lies that he is not, but Balthazar is not fooled.

Castiel asks if he is with him, or not. Balthazar says he is, and Castiel goes to Dean, arriving just in time to save him from a demon. He apologizes for Lisa and Ben, revealing that he did not know Crowley's plan. Dean is skeptical, and angry. Castiel asks him again to support his decision to tap the souls in Purgatory. He pleads with him that he has always done what the brothers needed him to, asking little in return. Cass asks them to trust in him, and promises to bring him his family afterward.

Dean is unwilling, and Castiel leaves. After Dean and Sam rescue Lisa, Castiel comes to the hospital where the gravely injured Lisa is not expected to survive. He apologizes again, but Dean is not forgiving. Castiel says that he did not come for Dean, then places a hand on Lisa's forehead, healing her. Both Dean and Cass acknowledge that this does not change their situation, but Dean asks for an additional favor. Castiel removes all Lisa and Ben's memories of Dean. Later Castiel finds and takes Dr. Visyak, the creature he needs to open Purgatory.

In The Man Who Knew Too Much, Castiel and Crowley torture Dr. Visyak until they obtain what they need to open Purgatory. She escapes and contacts Bobby and the Winchesters, telling her story before dying in an alley from her injuries. Castiel comes to the three hunters, who are outraged. Dean tries to argue with him again, but Cass cuts him off, saying he no longer cares about Dean's opinion. He then touches Sam's head, breaking the mental wall, and promising to repair him as long as Dean stops the opposition.

Castiel meets with Crowley, who has assembled the necessary ingredients. The angel wants to renegotiate their deal. He will not give Crowley the souls, so Crowley can either flee or die. The demon leaves Castiel with the blood for the ritual. Later, Castiel confronts Balthazar. He says that Dean is coming, and someone among them is a traitor. Balthazar asks him who it is, and Castiel lies that he does not know, and wants Balthazar to investigate. While the other angel is distracted, Castiel stabs and kills him. Just before the ritual is meant to begin, a cloud of demons descends around the building, and Crowley appears. Castiel tries to kill him, but cannot. He has a new partner in Raphael. Castiel is surprised at the partnership with their differing goals, but both seem to think they have taken the best course available. They demand the blood; Castiel throws them a jar and leaves. Crowley conducts the ritual, and though Bobby and Dean try to interrupt, completes it.

Nothing happens and Castiel reappears. Crowley realizes that he switched the blood, and conducted his own ritual. Castiel displays his power briefly in a flash of energy. Crowley, realizing the game is up for the time being, wisely disappears, and Raphael asks for mercy. But Castiel is not in a forgiving mood. He snaps his fingers, obliterating Raphael to pieces in mere seconds. He turns to Dean and Bobby. He was right, he says, and he did save them. Dean nervously agrees, then suggests that Castiel should return the souls, and disarm himself. Castiel says he has Raphael's followers to deal with. Dean is worried, and reminds Castiel that he is family, and he doesn't want to lose him. Castiel says that he has no family anymore; he will not give up the souls.

Using that moment, Sam stabs him from behind with an angel sword, but nothing happens. Castiel greets him, then says the sword will not work because he is not an angel anymore. He says that he is their God, and that they must venerate him, or be destroyed. As he says those words, Dean, Sam and Bobby look on in horror, realizing with shock that their former ally and friend has become a power-hungry angel who believes that he is God.

season five

Immediately after Sam frees Lucifer from Hell, he and Dean become targets of both Heaven and Hell. They are threats because they are destined to be the respective vessels of Lucifer and the Archangel Michael (the eldest of the archangels and the one responsible for casting Lucifer from Heaven), who will fight in a destined match to determine Earth's future.

This would result in the deaths of millions of innocent people who would be in the crossfire. If Dean refuses Michael, Lucifer will destroy the human race with the Four Horsemen, the living embodiments of the four plagues, however Sam saying yes to Lucifer will only speed up the Devil's plans. Additionally Bobby is crippled and wheelchair-bound. Faced with no other choice, Sam and Dean team up with their angel ally and friend Castiel to look for a means to defeat both Heaven and Hell whilst battling angels, demons and even archangels. Their journey pushes the Winchesters' relationship to the breaking point as they both learn how they truly feel about each other and at points agree with Michael and Lucifer. Both from distrust in each other and from not seeing any other choice.

They also learn that Michael and Lucifer are a lot alike and what Sam and Dean potentially could be, only further persuading them when Sam and Dean themselves become distant. The boys' journey also leads to the deaths of many of their dear friends such as Ellen and Jo while other old friends such as Anna side against them and the Four Horsemen continue to bring Hell to Earth as the brothers seem to think all hope is lost even after some personal encounters with Lucifer and Michael themselves.

Meanwhile, Castiel begins a mission to find God even going as far as to face the archangel Raphael to find him, only to deduce from the angel Joshua, the angel who talks to God, that God won't help. Additionally, the brothers try to kill Lucifer with the Colt, who regain it from a powerful crossroads demon named Crowley, who is also the King of the Crossroads and wants the boys to kill Lucifer, but the they do not succeed.

However, the boys eventually gain hope from the Trickster, who is actually the archangel Gabriel (who is the youngest of the archangels and left Heaven because he couldn't take the fighting between his brothers), and who also, after re-gaining his faith in humanity, tells Sam and Dean that the Rings of the Four Horsemen are keys to Lucifer's Cage and that the brothers can trap Lucifer. So Sam, Dean, Castiel, Bobby, and Crowley (who restores Bobby's legs) all go after the rings and after gaining them, Sam willingly decides to let Lucifer possess him so he can take back control, open the cage, and fall in. In the season finale, their plan falters and Lucifer fully possesses Sam while Michael meets him on the battlefield. As the brothers talk, Lucifer tries to convince Michael to have them both "walk off the chess board" but Michael won't listen and decides to have an altercation with Lucifer.

Dean, after finding the battlefield with help from Chuck the prophet, rides onto the field with the Impala in a desperate attempt to get through to Sam but Lucifer instead beats Dean to a pulp as he explodes Castiel and snaps Bobby's neck but in the end the Winchesters' love proves more powerful than Lucifer's rage and Sam re-takes control, opens the cage door and falls in bringing, Lucifer, Michael, and Adam into it with him.

A resurrected Castiel, who is now more powerful than before, then heals Dean, brings back Bobby and the trio part their separate ways. While Castiel returns to Heaven to possibly try and rule it and Bobby resumes hunting, Dean, on Sam's insistence, goes to Lisa and retires from killing monsters and begins a new and normal life away from hunting to be with her. That same night, however, Sam appears outside their house mysteriously.

season six

The sixth season begins about a year after the end happenings of the fifth with Dean living a normal life with Lisa Braeden and her son Ben. Sam mysteriously and miraculously returns to Earth and reunites with Dean, who leaves his new life behind. Sam has been working with their grandfather, Samuel Campbell (their mother's father), in order to capture the Alpha monsters (first of the gene pool).

Bobby eventually gets his soul back from the crossroads demon Crowley, who has apparently become the King of Hell. It is eventually discovered that Samuel is following Crowley's orders in exchange for the resurrection of his daughter, Sam and Dean's mother.

Castiel is barely helpful anymore because a civil war in Heaven against the archangel Raphael (who wants to take over Heaven, free both Michael and Lucifer from the Cage, and start the Apocalypse again) has taken its toll. Crowley wants to use the Alpha Monsters to locate Purgatory, a supernatural realm that is filled with the souls of every monster that has ever been killed (vampires, werewolves, wendigos, skinwalkers, even shapeshifters etc.) and in which there are a vast collection of souls that could be used for power.

Castiel brought back Sam without his soul, and Dean implores the help of the Horseman Death in order to retrieve it. Death puts a wall up in Sam's mind so that he will not remember Hell. Sam's original personality is restored with no memory of the past year and a half. It turns out Castiel made a deal with Crowley for both of them to receive half of the souls in Purgatory. Dean doesn't like the idea and tries to stop the duo. To stop the Winchesters and Bobby Singer, Castiel knocks down the mental barrier in Sam's mind.

Castiel betrays Crowley, who then allies himself with Raphael and performs the ritual to open the doors of Purgatory. It fails because they had dog blood and Castiel appears full of power from having done the ritual himself. He obliterates Raphael and Crowley escapes. When the Winchesters try to reason with Castiel, he reveals that he is not an angel anymore, he has become the new God.

season seven

In season seven, the events take place right after the angel Castiel absorbed the souls of Purgatory declares himself as the new God. And the "mutated angel" goes around the planet to try and finish his "work". Eventually, thanks to a little bit of help from the Horseman Death, the Winchesters convince the angel to return all the souls back to Purgatory.

Castiel manages to return all souls but souls of some of the older creatures escape. Something in which the Winchesters will find themselves in an increasingly sinister, changing landscape, as they go up against this new foe, which is unlike anything they've ever fought before: the Leviathans, the very first beasts created by God, but were then locked away in Purgatory for being too destructive.

The brothers will find their old tricks, weapons and hiding places all rendered useless. All they'll have is each other with the certainty that, like the last of the cowboy outlaws, whatever they face, they're not going down without a fight. Season seven finds Dean and Sam reeling from the loss of Bobby and without the help of Castiel. Sam's violent memories of Hell threaten to overtake him, threatening not just his life, but his brother's as well. Dean struggles under the weight of a secret that threatens to tear them apart.

They are about to face an enemy more cunning and adaptable than any they've ever fought. As the landscape around them becomes increasingly treacherous, the tools they've come to rely upon will be stripped away. Our heroes, like so many outlaws before them, will find themselves utterly outmatched and outgunned and pushed to their limits, with no one to rely on but each other.

As the season progresses the Leviathans become a much greater threat where Sam and Dean are forced to form an alliance with a resurrected Castiel, Meg, Crowley, a ghostly Bobby Singer and the prophet Kevin Tran to defeat the Leviathans and their leader Dick Roman with a weapon designed by God. Bobby begins to turn into a vengeful spirit forcing Sam and Dean to destroy him. Dean manages to kill Dick but the after effects cause him and Castiel to end up in Purgatory while Crowley abducts Meg and Kevin. With Bobby dead, Sam is completely alone...

season eight

One year after the defeat of the Leviathans, Dean escapes Purgatory, with a vampire-comrade-in-arms named Benny, and reunites with Sam who has retired from hunting much to Dean's anger. Not long after, Dean discovers that Kevin had escaped Crowley's abduction months ago which Sam was unaware of. Kevin reveals that he stole another Word of God from Crowley about demons and discovered the means of closing Hell forever with all demons inside. Now reunited Sam and Dean embark on their monster hunts while Kevin continues to translate the tablet to stop Crowley and his plotting.

Sam and Dean's relationship is challenged as Sam stopped hunting for a year which he claims is because he had no one to force him anymore with Dean and Castiel gone, Bobby dead and Kevin and Meg missing. Dean, however, remains in contact with Benny, who is trying to live without killing but is missing Purgatory but Sam becomes angry that Dean would let a vampire live.

The season also features flashbacks in both Sam and Dean's past year on Earth and Purgatory. For Dean he constantly fought monsters everyday for a year in Purgatory until Benny saved him and told him of a portal which could transport humans out. Dean and Benny find Castiel and the three fight past Leviathans to make it to the portal but Castiel refuses to leave. As for Sam, he retired from hunting and met a woman named Amelia and lived a normal life with her.

However, once she discovers that her husband, a soldier presumed KIA, was still alive, Sam left to allow her to reunite with him. Eventually Castiel returns, freed from Purgatory by the mysterious but powerful angel Naomi, who has apparently taken control of Heaven and puts Castiel under her control to spy on the Winchesters for her own motives. Meanwhile, Amelia returns to Sam to re-connect but Sam pushes her away for good while Benny helps Dean by dying and returning to Purgatory to help Sam and Bobby pass through Purgatory to Earth and subsequently chooses to stay there.

Kevin eventually learns the three trials for sealing Hell from the Demon Tablet: kill a Hellhound and bathe in its blood, free an innocent soul from Hell (who turns out to be Bobby), and finally cure a demon who they choose to use on Crowley. However, the Winchesters and Castiel learn from Meg, before she is killed by Crowley, of the Angel Tablet which Naomi tries to have Castiel steal for her own uses but he resists and flees from everyone.

Additionally, Sam and Dean encounter their grandfather Henry and a powerful demon named Abaddon who is a Knight of Hell, among the oldest and most powerful demons. While Henry is killed and Abaddon is decommissioned, the brothers learn of a bunker belonging to the Men of Letters, the collectors of information on the supernatural who entrust a few hunters to handle the most powerful monsters.

In the midst of the trials, Sam and Dean encounter an angel named Metatron, the Scribe of God and the creator of the tablets who then reveals the nature of the angel tablet to Castiel: to seal Heaven and its angels and works with Castiel to fulfill this mission. Meanwhile, after Crowley begins killing Sam and Dean's old friends, they decide to give in.

In the season finale, Sam and Dean manage to capture Crowley to use him as the last trial and cure him while Naomi continues looking for Castiel and captures Metatron, forcing Castiel to work with Dean to finish the angel trials. Meanwhile, Sam is interrupted by Abaddon but fends her off as Crowley begins to show signs of humanity.

Naomi realizes that Metatron is not planning to seal Heaven but is planning to break Heaven and cause the angels to fall and that if Sam completes the final trial, he will die as God wanted. Dean returns to Sam and in an emotional breakdown they make up for their years of mistakes but Sam passes out while Metatron betrays Castiel and takes his grace, turning him human. Moments later the angels of Heaven fall all across the Earth as Sam, Dean, Kevin, Castiel, and Crowley are forced to watch helplessly.

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