๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’…๐’'๐’• ๐‘น๐’–๐’ on RolePlayer.me - www.roleplayer.me/ThisIsMineYear ๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’…๐’'๐’• ๐‘น๐’–๐’

19 years old
Hawkins , Indiana
United States

Last Login:
June 02 2024

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    ๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’…๐’'๐’• ๐‘น๐’–๐’'s Interests

basic information


Full Name Eddie Munson.
Age: 18
Born: Unkown
Gender: Male
Title(s): Did't Run, Freak and many others
Species: Human.
Speciality: Playing In The Band and D&D.
Height: 6'7".
Hair | Eyes: Black | Brown
Race/Nationality: American
Occupation: High School, and Band

personality And Interests

sarcastic, bitter, and nonconformist but incredibly kind and loyal to the close friends he has. He takes pride in his eccentricity and lashes out against those who insult him, saying โ€œIt's forced conformity. That's what's killing the kids.

heavy-metal music and Dungeons and Dragons. Eddie is the head and Dungeon Master of the schoolโ€™s DnD club, Hellfire, which he takes very seriously, forcing Mike and Dustin to find a substitute when Lucas canโ€™t make it to the last session because of basketball. Eddie plays in a metal band with his friends and is incredibly attached to his electric guitar.

Living In Hawkins

In Forest Hills Trailer Park in Hawkins, Indiana with his Uncle Wayne. There are rumors that the Upside Down and monsters are terrorizing his town. But itโ€™s uncertain whether thatโ€™s because Eddie is in shock or heโ€™s just played enough DnD for it to seem plausible.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Challenges Of Life

Avoiding blame (and the law) after he is suspected of murdering cheerleader Chrissy Cunningham. Chrissyโ€™s death has more to do with an actual monster than the edgy teen. But the outsider characteristics Eddie embraces further prejudice the small town against him, making him an easy target for their suspicion, hate, and fear when the girl is found in his trailer.

student and resident drug dealer at Hawkins High School. A senior who has been held back twice, Eddie claims that this is the year heโ€™ll finally graduate. โ€œI can feel it,โ€ he says with a grin. โ€œโ€˜86, baby.โ€

Mine connections

Mine Twin Sister Closed Kelly Munson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Straight Shot Nancy Closed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Steve Harrington Closed

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     ๐‘ซ๐’Š๐’…๐’'๐’• ๐‘น๐’–๐’'s Details
Characters: แ™“แ‘ฏแ‘ฏษฉแฅฑ แ™แฅ™แฅ’โณฝoแฅ’
Verses: Stranger Things -- Horror -- Supernatural -- Dark Triggering Stories -- Crossovers --
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Crossover, Gore, Horror, Human, Supernatural, Suspense,
Member Since:May 20, 2024

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Eddie Munson,

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Eddie Munson was born sometime between 1965 and 1968. His father was Alan "Al" Munson, a man known for hatching dubious schemes. At some point, Al became absent from Eddie's life, and Eddie became the ward of his paternal uncle, Wayne Munson.The two lived at Wayne's trailer in Hawkins' Forest Hills Trailer Park.During the late 1970s, Eddie attended Hawkins Middle School alongside Chrissy Cunningham. Sometime during their attendance, Hawkins Middle School hosted a talent show in which both Eddie and Chrissy participated. Eddie was impressed by Chrissy's cheer-leading while Chrissy fondly remembered Eddie's rock band, Corroded Coffin. Eventually, the two drifted apart once they began attending Hawkins High School, though Eddie never held animosity towards her.While attending Hawkins High, Eddie led the school's Dungeons & Dragons club, the Hellfire Club, which was despised by the town due to the rising belief that D&D was connected to the worship of Satan. Despite the rumors, Eddie flourished in the club and found purpose in reaching out to other teenagers who felt like outsiders. His belief in the benefits of being unique and his disdain for social conformity often led to clashes with the popular kids, such as Jason Carver, Chrissy's boyfriend and the captain of the Hawkins High Basketball Team. Eddie was originally going to graduate in 1984, and again in 1985, but his rebellious streak and poor grades resulted in him being held back, and ultimately led to him despising the school's principal.

On Friday, March 21, Dustin and Mike sat down in the cafeteria, at the table where Eddie and the Hellfire Club were eating. Eddie was in the middle of dramatically reading aloud from a newspaper which warned of the dangers of D&D, and when he finished the article, he jumped on the table in order to give a speech about forced conformity. He pointed out that he and the other Hellfire members were labeled "freaks" by the school while students in other circles, such as the basketball team, were accepted by society. When Mike and Dustin brought up Lucas's inability to join Hellfire's campaign later that night, Eddie reminded the boys of how he had welcomed them into his group at the beginning of the school year, and told them that they would be the future of Hellfire once Eddie graduated. He then encouraged Mike and Dustin to seek out other "lost" students who were looking for purpose and recruit them to the D&D club.Later that day, Eddie met with Chrissy Cunningham to conduct a drug deal with her. At first, he was confused as to why she wanted anything to do with him, but he quickly warmed up to her and attempted to make her comfortable with his presence. After shared laughter, Chrissy asked him if he ever felt like he was losing his mind, and Eddie admitted that he felt that way often. He began to fool around and brought up their past, reminding her of a talent show he participated in as a middle-schooler. Chrissy remembered he had been part of a band called Corroded Coffin, and Eddie pointed out that they still played and indirectly invited her to one of their future gigs.

The drug deal having been postponed until Eddie could get Chrissy something stronger, everyone left Hawkins High's campus and headed home to prepare for the basketball game. Eddie and the Hellfire Club met for their campaign, and Erica Sinclair showed up as a stand-in for Lucas, who was at the championship game. At first, Eddie was skeptical of her ability, but quickly changed his mind when she demonstrated her quick wit and knowledge of D&D. During the game, Eddie mentioned Lord Vecna, and as the game-master, enjoyed leading the others on an extraordinary adventure. When the fate of the game landed in the hands of Erica and Dustin, Eddie advised them to give up and not try to be heroes that night. But eventually Erica won and Eddie was overjoyed at their success.After the game, many of Hawkins' teenagers headed to a party, but Eddie and Chrissy visited his trailer instead, giving her a peek into his home life. Eddie explained that he lived with his uncle, and began to search the trailer for the "Special K," otherwise known as ketamine. While Chrissy slowly grew paranoid in the living room, Eddie walked into his room and kissed his guitar as he continued his search for ketamine. When he returned to her, Chrissy was under Vecna's curse and failed to respond to him shaking her shoulders in desperation. She suddenly levitated, and as she was brutally killed by Vecna, Eddie fell backward and screamed in horror. Afterward, he ran away in fear of what had just happened.

Battling Vecna
Once again on the run on March 26, Eddie stole a radio from a construction site and hiked to Skull Rock to hide. There, the Party finally reunited with him after hiking through the woods to find him. Eddie told them about the chase and Patrick's murder, and was clearly still traumatized by Chrissy's and now Patrick's death. As his watch had stopped after being soaked the previous night, Eddie could accurately mark the time of the murder as being 9:27 PM, and with this knowledge, the Party confirmed that the culprit had been Vecna. They also discovered that they knew where Vecna attacked from: the Creel Home. Clearly distracted by something else, Dustin mentioned that his compass was throwing them off and suggested that there must be a gate nearby, strong enough to mess with the magnetic field. Eddie, along with the group, left Skull Rock in search of the gate, which they eventually found in Lover's Lake.Meanwhile, Jason rallied the town citizens of Hawkins, urging them to hunt down Eddie and his Hellfire Club and convincing them that Eddie had been responsible for the series of killings. At Lover's Lake, Eddie, Steve, Robin and Nancy all boarded the boat to find the gate. Dustin wanted to go, too, but Eddie refused to allow him. Once the quartet arrived at the gate, Steve dove in and found it at the bottom of the lake. But when he surfaced to tell the others of his discovery, he was grabbed by a tentacle from the Upside Down and was dragged through the gate. Without hesitating, Nancy dove in after him, followed by Robin and Eddie.

Once inside, they split up. Steve, Nancy, and Robin walked to the Creel House through the woods, while Dustin and Eddie remained at his trailer to lure the Demobats away from the house. Eddie succeeded in drawing the attention of the bats through playing a solo of "Master of Puppets" by Metallica on his electric guitar. However, as the Demobats came in swarms, Eddie and Dustin dashed into his trailer as the bats tried to break in. For a minute, they thought they were safe, but when the bats found their way in, the boys realized they had to leave the Upside Down through the gate if they wanted to make it out alive.Dustin successfully escaped through the gate, but Eddie refused to follow, knowing the barricaded door would not hold the swarm. Instead, he ran out of the trailer and lured the Demobats away from both the gate and Dustin. When they knocked him off his bicycle, Eddie pondered the option of running. However, thinking back on the actions he had taken in the previous days - specifically the shame he felt leaving Chrissy's body after her murder, and his own claims that he was not a hero - Eddie decided to make a change and stand his ground. Rather than running, he drew his makeshift shield and spear, and faced the hoard of Demobats which swarmed around him. He managed to kill several before they overpowered him and pinned him to the ground, gnawing at his skin. Dustin, who had re-entered the Upside Down in search of Eddie, found his friend in the middle of the swarm of Demobats. When the hive mind was injured due to both Murray Bauman torching Demogorgons with a flamethrower as well as Vecna being severely injured, the Demobats died and fell to the ground. In this moment, Dustin rushed to Eddie's side and cradled him, assuring him that they would get him to a hospital.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus. Nullam maximus lectus sit amet semper molestie. Nullam sit amet turpis mi. Suspendisse non enim quis neque pharetra ornare vel sit amet eros. Curabitur vitae turpis a sapien varius ullamcorper eget vitae arcu. Vestibulum laoreet, felis a ultricies dapibus, leo ex pellentesque lorem, et dapibus quam felis quis libero. Morbi id elementum lectus.

Nullam eu maximus enim. Phasellus vel justo porttitor, posuere mauris eu, pellentesque nisi. Duis quis tempus magna. Praesent velit ex, volutpat id mi ut, rutrum sodales lorem. Suspendisse mollis arcu lacus, a ornare nisl fermentum et. Donec tempus turpis eget sem efficitur, et placerat massa aliquet. Mauris scelerisque ut velit in pellentesque. Nam ultrices et orci sit amet fringilla. Nullam pulvinar tempus elit vel eleifend. Quisque varius quis tortor et sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sit amet velit tincidunt tellus vestibulum rutrum. Morbi risus sapien, dictum ac massa eget, ornare pulvinar orci. Sed blandit sapien justo, in elementum felis consequat non.

Donec suscipit maximus egestas. Ut ac dapibus odio, eu porttitor erat. Maecenas maximus venenatis luctus. Donec faucibus mauris vehicula enim interdum, at lobortis leo fringilla. Cras lacus purus, dignissim id dolor at, vulputate consectetur nisi. Aliquam vulputate volutpat hendrerit. Nullam in metus lobortis, egestas elit ac, hendrerit ipsum.

Sed vel sem sed nulla vestibulum dictum non in sapien. Sed mattis massa non arcu facilisis accumsan. Praesent efficitur purus eu interdum vestibulum. Donec placerat quis ligula eu tempor. Integer varius rutrum fringilla. Aenean consequat sapien sed turpis tristique commodo. Nam sit amet elit nec quam eleifend dictum non vel turpis. Curabitur ultricies vehicula arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet leo a sem lacinia, a mollis neque lacinia. Nunc id nulla accumsan purus scelerisque cursus in eget odio. Sed hendrerit maximus mi, blandit ultrices felis pellentesque id. Vestibulum ut nisi turpis. Cras suscipit, enim at suscipit blandit, ipsum leo lacinia neque, eu finibus purus dui a felis. Aliquam finibus nunc at ipsum molestie maximus. Proin tristique risus eu dui aliquam scelerisque.

Vivamus sit amet mi laoreet lectus tempor hendrerit id id lacus. Duis sem eros, gravida a mauris at, suscipit aliquet libero. Integer ut suscipit turpis. Nunc quis neque quis risus dapibus rutrum in aliquam massa. Donec blandit eros nec enim vestibulum, at egestas magna molestie. Praesent vitae posuere erat. Nullam vel elementum tortor. Sed accumsan auctor metus, a bibendum justo fringilla sit amet. Cras semper velit id ex ornare, in rhoncus ante tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus. Nullam maximus lectus sit amet semper molestie. Nullam sit amet turpis mi. Suspendisse non enim quis neque pharetra ornare vel sit amet eros. Curabitur vitae turpis a sapien varius ullamcorper eget vitae arcu. Vestibulum laoreet, felis a ultricies dapibus, leo ex pellentesque lorem, et dapibus quam felis quis libero. Morbi id elementum lectus.

Nullam eu maximus enim. Phasellus vel justo porttitor, posuere mauris eu, pellentesque nisi. Duis quis tempus magna. Praesent velit ex, volutpat id mi ut, rutrum sodales lorem. Suspendisse mollis arcu lacus, a ornare nisl fermentum et. Donec tempus turpis eget sem efficitur, et placerat massa aliquet. Mauris scelerisque ut velit in pellentesque. Nam ultrices et orci sit amet fringilla. Nullam pulvinar tempus elit vel eleifend. Quisque varius quis tortor et sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sit amet velit tincidunt tellus vestibulum rutrum. Morbi risus sapien, dictum ac massa eget, ornare pulvinar orci. Sed blandit sapien justo, in elementum felis consequat non.

Donec suscipit maximus egestas. Ut ac dapibus odio, eu porttitor erat. Maecenas maximus venenatis luctus. Donec faucibus mauris vehicula enim interdum, at lobortis leo fringilla. Cras lacus purus, dignissim id dolor at, vulputate consectetur nisi. Aliquam vulputate volutpat hendrerit. Nullam in metus lobortis, egestas elit ac, hendrerit ipsum.

Sed vel sem sed nulla vestibulum dictum non in sapien. Sed mattis massa non arcu facilisis accumsan. Praesent efficitur purus eu interdum vestibulum. Donec placerat quis ligula eu tempor. Integer varius rutrum fringilla. Aenean consequat sapien sed turpis tristique commodo. Nam sit amet elit nec quam eleifend dictum non vel turpis. Curabitur ultricies vehicula arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet leo a sem lacinia, a mollis neque lacinia. Nunc id nulla accumsan purus scelerisque cursus in eget odio. Sed hendrerit maximus mi, blandit ultrices felis pellentesque id. Vestibulum ut nisi turpis. Cras suscipit, enim at suscipit blandit, ipsum leo lacinia neque, eu finibus purus dui a felis. Aliquam finibus nunc at ipsum molestie maximus. Proin tristique risus eu dui aliquam scelerisque.

Vivamus sit amet mi laoreet lectus tempor hendrerit id id lacus. Duis sem eros, gravida a mauris at, suscipit aliquet libero. Integer ut suscipit turpis. Nunc quis neque quis risus dapibus rutrum in aliquam massa. Donec blandit eros nec enim vestibulum, at egestas magna molestie. Praesent vitae posuere erat. Nullam vel elementum tortor. Sed accumsan auctor metus, a bibendum justo fringilla sit amet. Cras semper velit id ex ornare, in rhoncus ante tincidunt.

sweet dreams are made of these
who am i to disagree..

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lover: them
status: Single.
dating: date here
engaged: date here
married: date here

love notes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis.

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