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Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 11: PM 

Personal Log, Stardate 63431.1

I brought my father home today after being in New Berlin for the past four days. I took an extended leave of absence from Starfleet after I received a cryptic message from my cousin Meredith that my father had taken ill.  upon my arrival, I was made to wait for several hours before being allowed to see him, only to finally be allowed access and finding him just as he always was; irascible in the extreme.  He told me it was nothing, that Meredith was simply overreacting to just a few lapses in memory, something any man his age would be experiencing. And he was right about that, at least in my opinion. My father is nearly seventy-one years old, and the occasional lapse is to be expected. Feeling a bit put out, I returned to waiting only to have a doctor tell me that there were some other outward concerns and that they wanted to keep him a while longer to run a few more tests. More tests. I know those words so well. I have used them countless times in my career, having to inform both patients and their families that a few more tests were necessary in order to "rule things out." Of course it was a stalling statement, something we doctors used when we knew something was wrong, but weren't sure what. And I could see by the expression on the doctor's face that this was the case. So, more waiting for me.Let me tell you, pacing about the lobby of a hospital is not the best way to spend your time or make friends. I am sure there are countless people in that lobby that now hate me, the neurotic Brit that wouldn't sit down. But how could I? Even the normally calming countenance of Kathryn couldn't completely soothe the angst I felt every time those doors opened and another doctor entered or left. How I wanted to burst back there and completely take over, dominate the scene and find out what precisely was wrong with my father. I would have been well within my right to do so, as a Starfleet Doctor my authority superceedes theirs. But my father wouldn't hear of it, and I am sure that the nursing staff would have been anything but supportive had I overruled their attending physician. So I was regulated to the task of more pacing, all the while blaming myself for not taking a keener interest into my father's health.I know it is not my fault. As he will openly admit, he is aging, though to hear him tell it you would think gracefully.  But I know how much it pains him, how much he longs to be vital once again and not constantly depending on the support of our family. Not that he was ever really a burden, but just constantly having someone look over your shoulder can make anyone feel like that. It was something none of us wanted to consider, getting older and now relying on loved ones to watch our every move. My father had always been a protector and provider, a vibrant force in our family. Whatever else he had been, whatever kind of man, he had always put his lineage above all else. That included me. Now to watch that vibrancy slip away, it was disheartening.Finally, after two days of traipsing about the hospital, and keeping my father's hands from wandering along the hem lines of a few nurses skirts, we were given a diagnosis: Advanced Irumodic Syndrome. It explained why the testing had taken so long, as synaptic pathway degradation can be caused by a multitude of things. They wanted to be sure. And now we had it. A disease that ravaged the brain, stripping away the ability to control even the most basic function, until the person finally died of autonomic failure.  There was no cure, nothing we could do but offer the person a modicum of comfortability until they finally passed. With the diagnosis confirmed twice (once by me), I gathered my father and his things and transported him home.So  here I sit in my father's study recording this log. He is upstairs resting, the trip from New Berlin taking more out of him than either of us realized. I thought that I would begin my own research, look at the palliative treatment for the disease and see if there was not some way to improve upon it, maybe even understand where the medical research stood at this point when it came to a cure. But I just can't bring myself to do that. I am sitting here, staring at a picture of my father and I at the last family reunion, a picture that I had forgotten about until now. I didn't even know that he kept it, but I suppose I should have. The house is a veritable collage of the family through the centuries.  But this picture stands out. It is almost proudly displayed on his desk, larger than the others that dominate its large surface. A simple photo of he and I, with "Father and Son" scrawled down one side. A telltale picture taken by my second cousin Ashland. The boy really had done an excellent job. I didn't realize he had such a talent.Sitting here, looking at the picture of us, the various pictures of other family members, a few pictures of my mother scattered about the office, I realize just how important my family line is to my father. Don't get me wrong, I had always known, but only now sitting here where he normally sits, surrounded by these photos, do I begin to comprehend the effort and care that went into researching and cataloging all these pictures and preserving them. It took a dedication that I didn't know my father had, or maybe didn't want to believe he had.  My father. James Augustus Thrace. What else do I not know about the man? Will I have the opportunity to learn before it's too late?

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 11: PM 

Rules for RP with me!

I know I know, this was a looong time coming! I probably should have done these a long time ago, and it would have saved me a lot of heartache. But live and learn, and now I know what I need to say so that people won't get all all upset (Like some have) when I tell them I cannot rp with them.  So, I hope these help clear things up, and this way I can avoid confrontations! So here they are!Rules:1. I am a  non-canon character. That means I am a true blue, 100% original. I can do what I want, and not worry about wondering if it is "In Character." So, don't criticize how I act or what I say, because that is the sure fire way to find yourself deleted!2. I will not rp with you in which we continue to introduce your character over and over.  Once,  the very first time we rp together, is enough.  Please establish yourself.3. I will not rp with someone who tries to play multiple characters at once.  This means that if you make a comment post as one character, but in that post you act as four or five other characters, I will not respond.  Pick one, make it your main, and then we can rp.4. At no point will I sacrifice myself, or "kill off" a character at any time.  While it may seem pivotal to the storyline,  I simply will not do it, so don't expect it or request it.5. Keep God Moding slim to nil. There are some people with whom this is an exception, for I have rped with them long enough that they would know how I respond. And even they know my limits. So, don't do it. I control me, you control you. Easy right?6. I don't like "magic," so don't try it. It gets on my nerves when people use obvious plot holes in order to solve their problems, so don't even think about it. Q's are an exception, because of who they are and their overall intent. But even that is a bit extreme, so it would be best to just ask before proceeding. I will not be entranced, spellbound, or any other such nonsense so don't try.7. I am a doctor, nothing else. While I do have knowledge of a lot of different fields and areas, medicine is first. So that being said, don't ask me to take over in Engineering or some other craziness. And with that, don't step into my house either. If you're a Transwarp Theorist, I would be more than happy to talk to you about it, but that is it. I'm not building warp engine with you or any other kind of strange thing. I'm a doctor, so leave it at that.8. I don't do one liners. Don't ask, don't try, just don't do it. I like to read as well as write, and when things are short and choppy it aggravates me.  Para and multi-para are great, so get it together and go with that. Just don't go crazy.9. SPELL CHECK SPELL CHECK SPELL CHECK! Holy crap, I HATE reading a bunch of misspelled words! One or two is fine, but a whole paragraph dominated by them? Not on my page! There are tons of websites that offer quick and easy spelling and grammar checks, so USE THEM! Stop being lazy! I know I use them, so don't be prideful!  Grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling make good stories great. DO IT!10. And Last but certainly not least....I AM CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP!! That's right, I'M TAKEN! So you women get those licentious eyes off me!  It's not happening, no way, no how. I am not a cheat, no matter how much you beg or whine. THE ANSWER IS NO! I am still willing to carry on friendships with you, but that is as far as it goes. You want something more? Tough.  Read my profile, its all there. Hell, you should read the profile anyhow just so that you know who I am! Again, see rule 1!!!Now then, these rules are of course subject to change as my character develops and it becomes necessary to add things or subtract or modify, whatever the need is. I posted these to clear things up a bit, and to stop all the angry messages because I don't rp with people (You know who you are!!!) Now we are all on the same page, and I hope we can do some really great rps together. Should you have any questions about any of these rules, do not hesitate to send me a message and I will discuss them. Doesn't mean they will change, but I am willing to discuss them.

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 10: PM 

When She Shall Die...

"When she shall die, take her and cut her out in little stars and she will make the face of heaven so fine that the entire world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."Ben awoke suddenly in his bed, and listened to the silence around him. The only sound to be heard was that of the wind whipping about the windows of his room, the third winter storm of the season in full go. He slowly sat up, pulled the blankets off, and slipped out of bed. The moment his feet touched the cold wooden floor, he cringed and slipped them into his dark green slippers. He always did that, missed them by inches, and always received a cold reminder. He grabbed his matching house robe from the bedpost, put it on, and made his way downstairs.The entire house seemed frozen. It was as if his own personal winter had sprung up inside his new home, the winter wind finding its way through the walls and chilling the entire house to a point of morose emptiness. Surely no life could ever exist in such a dreary place, and even Ben seemed to think of himself as an odd sort of innkeeper of a long forgotten English Manor. The heavy robe he wore could not protect him from the house winds, but he still vainly attempted to wrap the dense material about him to generate some warmth. He could not understand how the cold had become so trenchant, since he had made sure to turn on the heating unit before going to bed. The blasted thing is probably on the blink again, he thought, but when he approached the monitor he saw that it had automatically turned off. He considered turning it back on, but decided instead that he wanted a fire, so he turned away from it and headed for his library.The library was smaller than he would have liked, but it certainly served its purpose well. He had painstakingly placed all the books on the shelves just a few days previous, but had yet to place the pictures and paintings on the wall of the room. He smiled at the notion of how much work remained to do in this new house before it would become a home to him, but cringed inwardly at the thought of it. If only Rebecca were here, she would have this place already stocked full of our things, and feeling like a right proper place to call home. He shuddered at the thought of her, trying to drive her from his mind. It was no use, as this time of year often did that to him. How she had loved the winter, had loved the holidays. The only thing she had ever asked of him was to get the necessary decorations, whatever she requested no matter how outlandish, and she would take care of the rest. And take care of it she did. In a day's time, their home in France transformed from a seemingly simple flat in the city of LaBarre into a shrine for the holiday season. The house would exude the pungent fragrance of cloves and cinnamon spice as she cooked and baked and overwhelmed herself with seasonal foodstuffs. His favorite scent had been the fresh peppermint, which she would put in the water for the tea on the first day of her cooking. The living room would absorb the aroma, and it would linger for days, and it would welcome him home each time he sat in his favorite chair near the bay window. Now that smell and all the others were gone, this new place still reeking of moth balls, and wood, and totally grounded him in the very real sense that he was alone.He walked to the fireplace and began the process of starting it up. It didn't take long, since he had placed treated wood in the hearth the other morning and a lighter nearby. With a little patience, he soon had a nice fire going, and he walked over to the mini bar that was concealed in a panel not too far from the fireplace and poured himself a drink. It was then that he saw the time, and he scrunched up his face in disgust. The clock read three a.m., and he wished he felt tired. It would be a long day indeed for the doctor, and he was sure at some point he would long for sleep. He turned around and walked back to the sofa, and sat down. Once again his thoughts returned to Rebecca, and how she would always argue that he just needed to return to bed, and eventually sleep would come. She had always been right, but right now he could not bring himself to follow the advice he had heard so many times in his life with her. In fact, he wanted to be up, he wanted to think. Part of his problem was this sudden dwelling on all things Rebecca. What was the cause? Sure, he had always thought about her during this time of the year, for she had loved it so, but ten years had passed since her death, and now he found his thoughts returning to her almost as much as they had the day after she died.Ben rose from the sofa and crossed to the old mahogany desk in the library and took out an old picture of Rebecca from a hidden drawer panel. He had kept it hidden in his desk, the only picture he did not allow others to see. Her hair had been shorter then, the dark ringlets framing her face and making her smile all the more innocent. Her smile had always seemed so simple, and yet so magnificent because of its graceful simplicity. She smiled for any reason, at the slightest provocation, and Ben remembered the time he had first seen it. The smile that changed my life, he thought to himself as he gazed upon the picture. As enthralling as the smile was, her eyes truly had it. Deep, dark pools of vibrant warmth that had been so fascinating to look into. How he had fallen in love with those eyes, how they would become alight with fire when she was outraged, or how it seemed her love for him poured from those wondrous portals of her heart when he kissed her. Unexpectedly the picture seemed blurred, out of focus; and he blinked and rubbed his eyes only to discover that he was crying. He shook his head and sat down at his desk, and put his head down.His head had barely touched the desk when he suddenly felt a warm hand on his face, and felt a light breath on his neck. He knew who it was before they spoke, but he waited for the voice anyway."How did I know I would find you here?" Her soft voice made him smile, despite the slight sarcastic tone."I would imagine, you know where to find me because you have found me like this before," He inhaled deeply, and brought his head up from the desk. There sat Rebecca, on the edge of the desk looking down at him, eyes radiant and smile beguiling. He turned in his chair and stared up at her, taking in the sight of her after so long. She was just as he remembered, but all the more lovely. She wore the long white dress that had been her favorite for lounging about the house all those years ago. A simple, flowing dress that hugged her lithe frame expertly, and had always made Ben want to reach out take her into his arms."So, it's that time of year again I see," She moved over to him, and picked up the picture that he had been resting on only moments earlier."You know it, same as always," he remarked, watching her as she stared at herself. She breathed deeply, and looked back at him."I thought you were going to get rid of this picture. You know how much I hated my hair in it. It's too short." She ran her fingers around her face in the picture, as if she could magically make the hair grow."I think that is why I keep it, because you think its terrible but I cannot find a flaw." He took the picture from her, and set it upon the desk. Rebecca stood up then, and walked to the window. She wrapped her arms around herself, and he watched her for a moment before finally standing and walking to her side."I see you returned to England. I wondered if you would ever pull yourself out of LaBarre. I know how much you hated being there, what with my family coming and going in the house after I was gone." She didn't turn to face him, and he did not need to see her face to know a smile was there. Instead she kept her eyes on the falling snow."That is not true, I loved France, and I loved LaBarre. But you are right; your family was beginning to make me a bit batty. Your mother wanted to come over each day and cook for me, and your brother absolutely refused to leave me alone on the weekends. He insisted on dragging me to every little night club he was familiar with." Ben crossed his arms at the memory, but he heard her begin to laugh."Find that funny do you?" He turned to her, arms still crossed. She faced him finally, the laughter still evident in her smile. She placed a hand on his chest, and moved closer to him."You must not be angry with Philippe, he was trying to do you a favor, and they love you." She kept laughing, and he smiled at her as he wrapped his arms around her."They are not the one I want. I want you, I miss you so much." The laughter was now gone, and she stared up at him. She didn't speak, but instead took his arm and pulled him over to the sofa. He sat down, and she curled up next to him, tucking the hem of her dress under her toes."Well, fill me in on all that has happened since we last spoke." She was smiling again, and though he didn't want to change the subject, he couldn't help but give in to her request."Well, I have returned to my research, finally attempting to cure all the universe's diseases like I said I would when we met. I am finally settling into the routine of this new life, and I now have things running pretty smoothly with the medical facility. Not to mention, I just bought this gargantuan place, and I still have my work cut out for me with renovations and unpacking everything. But I love it, and slowly but surely I am getting comfortable here." His sudden sprightly demeanor did not convince her, and she could tell he was not being completely forthcoming."Ben, I know there is more to it than that, and you know that your professional life is not what I wanted to hear about. You have always been able to work in spite of whatever personal things were going on with you, and you have learned to hide it well. But you can't hide it from me, you never could. Stop trying to evade me and just tell me what is going on." Her mellifluous French accent pierced him, and despite his love of it and her, he felt his anger rising."As if you don't know. You say you know me so well, and yet you want to go through all this. Why? Don't you see that I don't want to? I just want to sit here, and stare at you and think about you." He reached out for her hand, and interlaced his fingers with hers."Ben, you can't hold onto me forever, and I can tell that you grow tired of this. Every year you trudge out that old picture of me and stare at it, and reminisce on things that can never be. You persecute yourself, and now I can sense that you are close to a new happiness, and yet you chose to be hard on yourself. This year you have been harder on yourself than any other. Never have you sunk to the depths you have this year, and it is that more than anything else that tells me something is different. What is it? Have you met someone? Are you in love?" Her eyes were attempting to bore into him, as if she could search his heart herself and glean the answer."YES DAMMIT YES!" His outburst was so sudden, and it frightened him. "At least, I don't know. I have met someone, and she is....well, she is wonderful. Each and every time that we are together, I find myself longing to be closer to her, to hold her just as I once held you. But when we get close, I feel that I am hurting you, and not being honest with her. I just don't think that I am ready to be with someone else." He closed his eyes, his head suddenly throbbing and sweat beginning to form on his head. The realization of the feelings he had for someone else abruptly seemed to come crashing down upon him, and he felt as though he may break under their weight. He could not bring himself to look at her, but soon he felt her touch his face with her soft hands and bring his head down to rest on her shoulder."Ben, how long did you expect to mourn me before you finally began to let go? Honestly, this is natural, and thoroughly to be expected. You should not want to be alone, no one should. I would not wish that on anyone, especially not on the man I love." She stroked his hair, and continued talking. "Ben, I love you, and I always will you know that. But I am not here to be with you, I cannot be, and you cannot waste your life waiting for something that is never going to happen. You need to move on. This new person could be who you are looking for, who you need. Perhaps you can both be the rock the other needs in their lives.""But I don't want another rock! Rebecca, you were supposed to be it for me. All my life I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I was so proud of being able to do things on my own. But when I met you, and the way you helped me to attain my life goal, I just knew that I was supposed to be with you. I feel so guilty all the time about you, and I don't need another thing to feel guilty about. Already just thinking about someone else makes me feel as though I am betraying you. Do you know how much my heart hurts to think about you? To think of all the things we will never get to experience together?" He turned away from her once again, and crossed his arms and leaned against a nearby bookshelf. Once again she came to him, and wrapped her arms around his waste and leaned on his back."Do you remember the night you proposed to me? What you said? You said that no matter what, you would be there for me, that you would do all you could to make me happy. You also said that you did not believe that you were worthy to be with me, and that you would spend the rest of our lives together doing all you could to be worthy of my love. Well Ben, follow through with that. Just because I am not here anymore does not mean you cannot still be worthy of my love. I want you to be happy, just as happy as you had wanted me to be, and I want you to have that happiness with someone in your life. You want to be worthy of my love, to be worthy of the faith that I always had in you to be the honorable upstanding man I met all those years ago? Then let me go. Let me rest. Put those old pictures away, and don't take them out anymore." She walked around to face him, and he leaned down and touched his head to hers. She was crying softly, the tears beginning to fall down her face. He cupped her face in his hands, and lifted her head to look in her eyes."Ben, let me go. Don't do this to yourself, not anymore. You're slipping, and I am afraid you won't be able to come back again if you let go. I promise it is alright. I am fine, and you need to move on." She brought her mouth to his and kissed him, and he kissed her back gently, not applying much pressure but holding her lips to his. A tear began to roll down his face, and finally she pulled away, slowly freeing herself from him."I love much. I am so sorry for what happened, so sorry that I could not save you. It should have been me." Tears began to flow in earnest from him, and she outstretched her hand to wipe some of them away."I know you love me, so do this for me....please. Let me go Ben. Just let me go."Suddenly he awoke. He had fallen asleep at his desk in the library. He looked around quickly, almost expecting to see Rebecca there. The fire was beginning to die out, the room becoming colder and colder as each ember dimmed. He became aware of a hot wetness on his cheek, and realized he had been crying. He wiped his face and looked down, to find himself once again staring at the picture of Rebecca that he so cherished. He picked it up and wiped it off, then slipped it back inside the desk drawer. He rose slowly, his bones creaking from the cold and having sat in a position for so long, and made his way back upstairs.

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 10: PM 

Personal Log, Doctor Benjamin Thrace, Stardate 62900.5

I think my stay at the Fleet Admiral's house is at an end.  I have come to realize that despite my feelings about her....for her, I cannot stay here.  I suppose it is my own fault, really.  I feel I have crossed the line, allowed my professionalism to be compromised.  I really thought that she was beginning to feel.......well something for me, but it seems all I arouse in her is anger and trepidity.  This is simply something that I am not used to.  I have never really been good at putting myself out there, at being close to someone, and for the first time in a long time I finally felt that I could be close to someone.  So many times we shared moments, great times with one another, but we whenever we seemed close to any kind of fundamental breakthrough, we would revert to arguing and criticizing eachother.  It has gotten to a point where I cannot see a need for us to continue to be in the same place anymore.  I know that she has been depending on my medical expertise to cure her current illness, and I will do just that.  My work will not be impeeded in any way, and I can continue my work from either my new home or at Starbase 231 where I still hold my position as lead researcher.  Perhaps a break from each other would be just what we both need in order to really achieve our respective jobs.   But it is more than just my want to continue my work unhindered that makes me seek this......separation.  I have never met a woman like her, so strong and yet so fragile.  She puts so much stock in her her job, how she is viewed, that sometimes her professional objectivity overshadows her personal one.  She has grown so accustomed to things being a certain way in her life that she cannot imagine a change, in which she may actually have come to depend on someone.  Not that I can blame her.  My own issues with relationships is probably more at fault, for I continue to hold back.  There is so much about me that she simply does not know, and yet I cannot seem to break that barrier in order to really connect to her, to let her in.  I want to, gods know I want to, but for some reason I cannot.  You know, if Rebecca were here she would say I was just being too pig-headed to open up, that I am allowing my past to influence too much of my future.   She messes me about in a way that I would never have imagined.  There are nights when I cannot seem to sleep without dreaming of her, or that my day is simply not complete without seeing her and that wonderful smile at least once.  But she seems to have thought other thoughts about me.  The last of my things are being moved as I make this entry, although I am leaving a fully stocked medical carrier for her personal use. There may be times when I am unable to get back to her to get her the medicine she needs, so in this manner she can make up the proper dosages.  I have shown her how to do it on several occasions, and I have left explicit instructions as well. I am confident she will acquit herself of this task well, but should she need my, personal touch, she knows how to reach me. I have just been informed that my final belongings have been transferred to my home in England.  I am now officially.....moved out.

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 10: PM 

OOC: Something I was thinking about one night...

You know, the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that what I battle everyday is loneliness.  I spend countless hours each day running about attempting to find things to occupy the hours, from work to group functions, to sports teams, and I as rapidly approach the day when I will lose one of those forever, I realize that loneliness is creeping up on me once again.  I don't think I am the only one.  It is quite possibly the one thing that we all have in common. We get older, we make friends, we have intimate relationships, and it is all so that in the end, we have someone with us during the good and bad times.  There are those people who say they are proud to be alone, and find many ways to justify this notion.  They find clever words to hide the loneliness, find ways to express a sense supposed sense of independence that are supposed to make those that have someone feel jealous.  I know, because I was one of these people.  I used to (and still do on occasion) make fun of my friends who were in these long and involved relationships, their constant battles, and their drama.  I always told them their relationships were far too much trouble then they were worth, and I was so glad that I depended on no one.   But then the other night, I awoke at about three a.m., and when I rolled over in my bed I was once again greeted by a wall.  There was no other person, no young woman that I was fervently in love with; no soft breathing to remind me that someone loved me back.  There was just a wall.  I stared at it for quite a while, the faint lines from the paint brush still quite evident in the moonlight.  It was in that moment that I realized how hollow those words of independence and self-reliance were, and how lonely I really was.  Sure, I have friends and a great family, people around me who would do anything for me and vice versa, but at three a.m., when I wanted nothing more than to hold someone and tell her I love her, I had a wall.   So, what is all this about?  You know, I am not sure. I am getting older, and while I know many would fervently remind me of how young I am and how much time I still have to find that one person that I am meant for, I cannot help but look at the way my life is now, take stock all that I have and all that I have experienced, and not recognize the possibility that I may end up, alone.  How can one even begin to prepare for a life like that?  Sure there are women around me that I talk to, that I am interested in, even one that knows of my feelings for her and returns them.  But as much as I care for her, and as much as I know that she wants to be with me, still I cannot shake the feelings of loneliness.  She is quite far away now, and we do not talk that often anymore.  I had expected this to happen, that as time passed that distance would be too great for us to conquer.  Perhaps it was that initial defeatist attitude that sabotaged any advancement for us, and once again it only serves to reinforce my thoughts of how I shall end up.   Of course, I can always lose myself in my friends.  I have a great many of them, and I am quite social.  I love meeting people, talking, interacting, and experiencing new things with them.  I have many friends now that are as close to me as any family member, and some I have known for so long they are practically family.  Will they be there, all of my life, ready to stand by me and help me whenever I need them?  Of course they are.  We have forged relationships that could never be challenged or broken, and for that I am grateful.  And I have met new people who, while months ago our relationship started as nothing more than a simple diversion to help me ease a little college stress, who now I cannot wait to talk to each night.  It's great, meeting new people and experiencing all this with them, and I look forward to each new minute.   But at the end of every night, at the end of every dinner, every conversation, I return to my wall.  It is solid, it is bare, it is beige, and it reminds me every night that I am alone.  I fall asleep, wake up, and again am greeted by this wall.  For the longest time I knew I hated that wall, but I could never figure out why.  It has done nothing more than shield me from the outside elements, warm me when I was at my coldest, and provide me with a place to think and reflect. But the hate came on anyway, and it is only now that I am realizing that the wall is not my problem.....the loneliness is.

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 10: PM 

Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 62818.6

My continued research into the disease that plagues Fleet Admiral Janeway does not go well.  While I have isolated the illness, I have yet to determine its cause or a way to cure it with any definition.  While I cannot name specifically what it is she suffers from, it can best be described as a type of white blood cell overload.  All the white blood cells of her body seem to be in a state of hyperdrive, their production level way above normal.  At a first glance, one would think this increase indicative of a bacterial or parasitic infection, but at this point I believe there to be more to it than that.  I believe, that after the initial infection, the bacteriophage responsible for that inital stage may have altered the nuclear DNA of her WBC's sending them to this hyperactive state.  Normally they would have returned to baseline levels, but this disease seems to thrive in the mass numbers.  There are a few things that concern me: One is her eosinophil count.  Eosinophils are responsible for responding in the event of a parasitic invasion, so they would naturally be the first ones infected.  This of course would explain their high numbers, but now the percentage of Eosinophils in her blood have risen to dangerous levels, and I cannot stop it.  The average human eosinophil count is about five percent, but hers is currently fourteen percent.  This high percentage is troublesome, simply for the fact that upon degranulation of eosinophils, they release an array of cytotoxic cationic proteins that damage the surrounding tissues.  Too many of these could lead to her death.  Another thing that bothers me is her NK or Natural Killer cell count.  These cells are normally the regulators, making sure to control cell production by killing the cell before it becomes a problem.  Unfortunately, I can find no NK cells in the Admiral's body, and this lack of cells is extremely troubling.  Somehow, I must find a way to stimulate NK cell production without continuing to stimulate the production of her other WBC's, and I must isolate the bacteriophage or parasite responsible for the original infection or else my work would be for nothing.

Dr. Benjamin Thrace

10/11/2011 10: PM 

Medical Officer's Log, Stardate 57921.4

Recently I have begun research into the mysterious illnes that currently plagues Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway.  I became acquatined with her ailment only a few weeks previous and the following log entries will document my attempts to save her life. The patient's inital symptoms are: joint and muscle pain, lack of apetite, fatigue, sensitivity to light and touch, and an increasing sensitivity to heat.  As far as can be determined at this point, no physical representations of advanced disease have occured (hair loss, tumors, leisons, sores, etc...) but as the patient is now absent it is hard to acertain if these manifestations have not begun. Before the patient left, I was able to obtain several blood samples from the Admiral, and though they are now several weeks old, they still provide the best information.  I am convinced that the answers to all this lie in the blood, and I am attempting a full histiological workup at this time.  I can only hope that the disease does not mutate or rapidly increase in productivity while the Admiral is gone, and that the cure I develop for her will still be viable. Preliminary testing shows that the Admiral's leucocyte production is quite low, with Eosinophils and basophils showing the least in production in her body. Her neutrophilic count however, is alarmingly high, and I can only hope this is not the end result of some anastomosing tumor that has now branched to her lymphatic and endocrine system.  Systemic linkage on this magnitude could lead to a more severe form of disase that would be near impossible to treat.  Wherever the Admiral is, I hope she takes good care of herself.  At last report, she was using B-12 vitamin injections to supplement her energy loss, but the virility of the disease has probably made this stop gap measure futile by now.  My first series of tests should be completed in the morning, and I shall make a full report of findings after the analysis.

Fleet Admiral Janeway

10/11/2011 04: PM 

General Orders and the Omega Directive

General OrdersGeneral Order #1 (PRIME DIRECTIVE)As the right of each sentient being to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Starfleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes: introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Starfleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ships, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation. General Order #2 No Starfleet personnel shall unnecessarily use force, either collectively or individually, against members of the United Federation of Planets, their duly authorized representatives, spokespersons, or designated leaders, or members of any sentient non-member race, for any reason whatsoever. General Order #3 The sovereignty of each Federation members being respected in all things, Starfleet personnel shall observe any and all statutes, laws, ordinances, and rules of governance currently in effect within the jurisdiction of a member planet. Violators of such ordinances will be subject to such punishments or corrections as shall be determined by local governmental bodies. General Order #4 If contact is made with hitherto undiscovered intelligent life forms, under no circumstances shall Starfleet personnel, either by word or deed, inform said life forms that worlds other than their own exists outside the confines of their own space. General Order #5 In cases of extreme emergency, Federation special representatives are empowered to assume emergency powers to deal with a condition or circumstance that is deemed hazardous to the welfare of Federation citizenry. Within the scope of these emergency powers, duly authorized civilian personnel may assume temporary command of Starfleet vessels and/or personnel to deal with the emergency. Starfleet personnel must submit to their authority for the duration of the crisis. General Order #6 The request for emergency assistance from Federation citizenry demands unconditional priority from Starfleet personnel. Such personnel shall immediately respond to said request, postponing all other activities. General Order #7 No Starfleet vessel shall visit the planet Talos IV under any circumstances, emergency or otherwise. This order supersedes General Order 6. Any transgression of this general order shall be punishable by death. General Order #8 Upon sighting a warship within Federation space and identifying it as belonging to a foreign power, the commander of the Starfleet vessel shall determine the reason(s) for that craft's presence in the vicinity. If there is conclusive evidence that the vessel has a hostile intention, the Federation vessel may take appropriate action to safeguard the lives and property of Federation members. In such cases, the commander may use his discretion in deciding whether to use force to disable the hostile vessel. However, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary loss of sentient life. General Order #9 No commander of a Starfleet vessel, military or auxiliary, may grant political asylum to any individual without first being given express permission to do so by a representative of the Federation government. General Order #10 If there exists eyewitness testimony by senior officers or similar verifiable evidence that an individual has violated the Prime Directive, said individual may be relieved of duty by a duly sworn representative of the Federation government and placed under immediate arrest. The governmental representative shall then take such action as he deems necessary to minimize the results of the violation. General Order #11 Starfleet officers with the rank of captain or higher are granted full authority to negotiate conditions of agreement and/or treaties with legal representatives of non-Federation planets. In such circumstances, the acting officer carries de factor powers of a Federation special ambassador. Any and all agreements arranged in this manner are subject to approval by the Commander in Chief of Starfleet Command and the Secretary of Starfleet. General Order #12 Federation officers may violate Neutral Zone areas as designated by treaty only if such action is required to save the lives of Federation citizens under conditions of extreme emergency. General Order #13 Except when orders state to the contrary, Starfleet personnel will respect the territorial integrity of independent planetary systems and governments, and will not violate territorial space belonging to such worlds. General Order #14 Starfleet personnel may intervene in local planetary affairs to restore general order and to secure the lives and property of Federation citizens only upon receiving a direct order to do so from a civilian official with the title of governor or higher. General Order #15 No officer of flag rank may travel into a potentially hazardous area without suitable armed escort. General Order #16 Starfleet personnel may extend technological, medical, or other scientific assistance to a member of a previously unrecognized sentient species only if such assistance in no way compromises the Prime Directive of the security of the Federation or Starfleet. General Order #17 Starfleet vessel captains are to consider the lives of their crew members as sacred. In any potentially hostile situation, the captain will place the lives of his crew above the fate of his ship. General Order #18 Upon being accused of treason against the Federation, Starfleet personnel may demand a trial conducted by the Federation judiciary. If the individual is acquitted, Starfleet Command shall have no further legal recourse against the accused in said manner. General Order #19 Except in times of declared emergency, Starfleet personnel may under no circumstances convey personnel or material between planets or planetary systems when there is reason to believe that said personnel or material may be used to conduct aggression. This order applies to independent worlds within the Federation as well as to Federation members. General Order #20 Officers and personnel of Starfleet Command may employ whatever means necessary to prevent the possession, transportation, sale, or commercial exchange of sentient beings being held against their wishes within the boundaries of Federation space. General Order #21 No Starfleet personnel, either officer or enlisted, may offer his services to an independent foreign government without the express authorization of the Federation Assembly. General Order #22 As the rights of individual expression and free discourse are considered sacred, Starfleet personnel may debate the policies and decisions of their governmental representatives privately at any time, to the extent that such discussions do not violate their command oath or specific duties to the Federation per these General Orders or Starfleet regulations. General Order #23 When verifiable proof is presented to the senior commanding officer of a Starfleet vessel or post that a Federation representative may currently be acting or has acted in the past to violate the Prime Directive, the officer may relieve said representative of office, and then assume the full powers of that office pending a full investigation by government officials. General Order #24 If a commanding officer deems that an individual or group of individuals pose a threat to Starfleet personnel or Federation civilians, he may take any action deemed necessary (including the use of force) to secure the safety of those threatened. General Order #25 Civilian and military personnel taken into custody by Starfleet personnel during times of extreme emergency shall be accorded proper treatment consistent with rank or station, insofar as such treatment does not compromise the security of the Federation or Starfleet. General Order #26 No member of a ship's complement or other ground-based installation can be held directly accountable for the actions of their superiors. Similarly, no member of a ship's company or other Starfleet personnel will share in disciplinary measures taken against the commanding officer(s) if said individuals were not directly involved in the actions leading to disciplinary measures. This order extends to conditions involving proven violations of the Prime Directive; where proof of such violations exist. General Order #27 No member of Starfleet shall be required by the assignment of standard duties and responsibilities to undergo extended separation from his family if family members can be reasonably provided for aboard ship or as a part of an existing Starfleet installation. General Order #28 No officer of command rank shall be removed from command status unless such action has the complete and unqualified agreement of at least three senior officers present. Whenever possible, such officers shall include the ship's First Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Counselor, and one junior officer of command station. General Order #29 The primary responsibility of the commander of any Starfleet vessel or installation is the welfare and safety of his crew, including any civilian members. No action may be taken that creates an unwarranted threat to the safety of those individuals under the officer's charge, except in the line of duty and when otherwise unavoidable. General Order #30 Starfleet Command recognizes the right of each ship commander to interpret the specifications of the Prime Directive as he sees fit, consistent with the conditions of other existing general orders in effect, and based upon circumstances that may arise in dealing with newly discovered sentient races. General Order #31 The conditions and specifications of the Prime Directive shall henceforth apply to all sentient life forms discovered, whether they are of natural or artificial origin. General Order #32Except in the case of an extreme emergency, no Starfleet commander is authorized to order his ship to travel faster than Warp Factor Five without express permission from Starfleet Command. The Omega Directive Briefing The Omega Directive was created to deal with a threat not only to the Federation, but to the entire Alpha Quadrant; and indeed the whole Galaxy. Starfleet named the hazard the Omega molecule/particle phenomenon. It was first synthesized over 100 years ago (during the mid-22nd century) by a Starfleet physicist named Ketteract. The molecule created was the most powerful substance known to exist. A single Omega molecule contains the same energy as a warp core. It has been suggested that in theory, a small chain could sustain a civilization. It is not known whether Ketteract was searching for an inexhaustible power source, or a weapon. He created a single molecule particle of Omega, which lasted for only a fraction of a second before it destabilized. His work was done on a classified research center in the Lantaru Sector. Ketteract and 126 of the Federation's leading scientists were lost in the accident. Rescue teams attempting to reach the site, discovered an unexpected secondary effect. There were subspace ruptures extending out several light years. To this day, it is impossible to create a stable warp field in that sector. It can only be traversed under sublight power. This is the danger of the Omega molecule. Omega destroys subspace. A chain reaction could devastate subspace throughout the quadrant. Space-faring civilization would no longer exist, and many lives would be lost in space. When Starfleet learned of this impending danger, it suppressed all knowledge of the Omega phenomenon. Only Starfleet Captains and Federation Flag Officers may view this document� Article 1 Starfleet Captains and Federation Flag Officers must ensure the safety of the quadrant from the Omega threat. To this end, whenever sensors positively determine the presence of Omega in a ship's vicinity it will enter "Omega Protocol." Doing so locks all navigation, sensor, tactical and propulsion systems. Only the ship's Captain, or a Federation Flag Officer can release the Omega lockout. Access to sensor data retrieved on the Omega effect is limited to Clearance Level 10. When Omega has been verified, the ship's captain will contact Starfleet Command immediately. No information may be relayed to the ship's crew. All other priorities are rescinded until the threat is neutralized. The prime directive may be compromised during such a mission, if necessary. Blatant abuse of this power will be prosecuted to the fullest extent using all other Starfleet Directives. If violation of the prime directive is even minimally anticipated, it is authorized and advised. If Starfleet Command cannot be contacted for any reason, the primary priority is the destruction of all Omega molecules detected. There will be no computer record of the sensor logs, and Captain's/Captains' Personal Logs must be either encrypted or deleted.Article 2If Starfleet cannot be contacted the Captain may share information of the Omega Molecule. Only the senior officers of the ship and/or Starbase may help in the destruction of the dangerous molecule.


09/27/2011 02: PM 


1. If you add me, talk to me. If I add you, I'll talk to you, maybe send a starter. 2. Unless we're discussing rp, I'll be talking to you as Luffy. 3.If you're a One Piece character, please let me know where you are in the anime/manga/live action. This will prevent spoilers. 4. No rl drama! Rp is meant to destress from that. 5. No godmodding. You won't like the results.  6. I do rp fighting (I even have a playlist marked "battle"), but please refer to rule #5.  7.  I answer every message and comment. If you don't hear from me in more than 7 days, let me know. My message may not have gone through (site crashes >_<). 8. I do para and semi para, and expect the same of you. One liners are okay IF we're in conversation. NO one or two word replies ("yup", "oh really?", etc). Doing that is a waste of my time, because it makes me feel like I'm rping alone, which is boring as hell!" 9. Luffy is in this for adventure, not sex. So no erotic rps!! Anyone even trying to get into his pants will be deleted, blocked, and if you really piss me off, reported!

♰:Ascarion Cyrus Hawkmoon:♰

09/26/2011 08: PM 

Rules/Regeln, Language/Sprache, Facts/Fakten, Death/Tod, Sex,Sex, Sex

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

09/25/2011 01: PM 

Warrior Roles

Warrior's of Light Roles. This group alike the The Alchemist are human, they have a strong hatred to all vampires like Alchemist but unlike them they do not care if they are innocent or not. They have no believe at all in the power of spirit that can bring back people from being strigoi. They focus more on hand to hand attacks they carry a symbol of the sun on them but this are not charmed like the lily tattoos. [OPEN-PENDING-CLOSED]AGE:18LOVE INTEREST: Angeline DawesPLAYBY: Drew RoyTHE BOOKS:Trey Juarez is an 18 year old vampire hunter who lives in Palm Springs, CA. He is a supporting character in the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead, and one of Sydney Sage's only friends. He is described as being intelligent, muscular, sarcastic, witty, and easy to talk to. He is first introduced in Bloodlines, where he attends Amberwood Prep with Jill, Eddie and Sydney. He helps Sydney find out about the mysterious tattoo shop, Nevermore, and first suspects Sydney for her intelligence, but grows to become fond of her. In The Golden Lily, it is he who sets her up with her first boyfriend, Brayden Cartwright. Trey is described as tan with unruly black hair and intense brown eyes. He works at Spencer's, the coffee shop where Sydney likes to get her coffee. Sydney noted that this is good luck as it often means free drinks and discounts, as well as a friendly face.OUR STORY: Under construction.

Lord of Lightning.

09/22/2011 09: PM 

Bitch Dependency.

  Niffelheim.  The land where the Frost Giants live and rule.  Many Aesir fear going into those wooded areas in fear of being attacked and eaten by the Frost Giants.  But there was an Asgardian that wasn't afraid to enter the frozen tundra.  That man was the hope of Asgard, Thor Odinson.  But the Hope of Asgard had a heavy heart as of late.  After the divorce of Jennifer Walters and the leaving of Elektra, the God of Thunder's heart was heavy.  But instead of sitting in a man cave and watch endless romance movies or listen to a playlist that consisted mainly of the Cure, Thor was out dealing with his broken heart in another way.  Hunting Frost Giants.  Thor continued to drag the heads of the Frost Giants as he continued to walk through Niffelheim.  Rage beat in the heart of the Thunderer.  The skies above dark and cloudy, for it would match how Thor's soul felt at this time.  The blood stained the snow as the ropes tugged hard on the nose rings which Thor used to pull the severed heads.  The God of Thunder himself was unshaven, his beard unkept as he continued to walk through the snow.  His rage pushing him on more and more.  Alongside him was the boar that Jen and Thor once had together, Snorri, as it sniffed out tracks to help his master.  Thor paused for a second, using the magics within Mjolnir to track the company of Frost Giants he was picking off one by one.    But then, a large, green light appeared before Thor, which caused him to place a hand above his brow to keep the light from blinding him fully.  Thor paused as he would see two figures standing before him.  One of them glowing red, and the other, which glowed more brightly, was green.  It didn't take Thor long to piece together it was Wally and Kyle. "See, Wally?  I TOLD you this ring can do anything!"  "Except get you laid.  That is an issue that the Guardians will never be able to solve.  You're a curse.  Every woman that dates you dies."  "And what about you?  Every woman you date ends up getting trapped in the Speed Force."  "At least my loved ones come back ALIVE!"  Thor could hear the bickering as he walked towards the two.  His shadow soon cast over the two as Wally and Kyle turned to Thor.  "Thine voices.  Even in the sanctity of Niffelheim, thine words still pierce Thor's brain and give him a headache!"  "THOR! Buddy!  We're all worried that you've gone off the deep end with this love stuff.  We were expecting you to suddenly try to attack the entire world or some crazy stuff."  "Unlike the Midgardians, Thor doth not sit and watch romantic teen movies all day, eat ice cream, and masturbate."  "FUCK YOU, THOR!  And your idea of going on a Frost Giant killing spree is going to help you feel better?  You know PETA's going to have a field day when they hear about this?"  "How many vegans does it take to change a lightbulb?  None, vegans can't change anything"  "But killing Frost Giants?  I can understand maybe playing a violent video game, but this is too much."  "Jesus promised to eliminate all wicked people.  Thor promised to eliminate all Frost Giants.  Thor doesn't know about thee, but there aren't many Frost Giants around."  Wally turned to Kyle, raising an eyebrow.  "When did you promise this?"  Kyle rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and pointer finger.  "The point is is that you're scaring everyone, Thor.  You've cleaned up crime in New York and the rest of the world.  You've decimated the Frost Giant population. Solved most of the world's problems like hunger, energy, and inflation crises, and not only that, but you've been on a drinking binge."  Thor crossed his arms.  "Alcohol was invented so ugly people would have a chance to have sex.  Without it, thine father wouldn't have thought twice of being with thine mother.  Besides, Thor hasn't been that bad..."  "You've consumed all the alcohol in every state since then!  Forget abolition!  Whenever you're around, people hide the liquor because they don't want you to drink it!  I can't even go to the bar anymore without the bartender going 'fresh out'!" "What about the time that thou smoked the funny cigarettes and ate all the food in the Tri-State area to satisfy thy need for sustenance, or what thou said, 'munchies'?"  "Hey!  You said you'd keep that a secret!"  "Thor remembers the condom comment...Reversing them inside out to get some girls that were all for Going Green?"  "When you go in the backdoor, it's brown, though."  "ENOUGH!  Look, Thor, we know you're hurting and you're taking your rage out on everything that comes your way, but it's getting to the point where we're concerned.  You're too angry.  Hurricane season has been a bitch without you making them larger and disastrous.  You owe an apology to the east coast!"  "Yeah, Thor.  We miss the old Thor.  The one that used to smile all the time, whether or not the joke was on him.  The Thor that wasn't bloodthirsty. And the Thor that wasn't a raging alcohol trying to drown out all of his sorrows.  And the Thor that doesn't threaten to kill us in a drunken or angry stupor when we make fun of him.  I can only make fun of Kyle for so long before it even bores the Hell out of me!  The Mighty Thor can't let a woman beat him like that?  He's dated thousands of women and not let one girl give him Bitch Dependency!" Thor looked down at the rope and looked behind him to see the heads of the Frost Gaints.  Thor nodded before looking down at Snorri as he sat at his master's feet.  Thor thought long and hard before giving a smile, patting Snorri's head. "What's the difference between herpes and a relationship with Jennifer Walters?"  Kyle and Wally were confused before Thor lifted his head to look up at them.  "Herpes lasts forever..."  Kyle and Wally smiled before hugging Thor, laughing as they knew they got through to their Asgardian friend.  They had brought Thor back from the edges of bitch dependency.  "Thank Odin you're back, Thor.  The other Thor scared me.  Who else are we going to make fun of and not get killed for it?"  Thor narrowed his eyes at the two of them before looking at Wally. "Remember, Wallace, the difference between a bachelor and a married man is that a bachelor comes home, sees what's in the refrigerator, and goes to bed while a married man comes home, sees what's in the bed, and goes to the refrigerator."  Thor then turned to Kyle.  "And Kyle, the difference between sin and shame is that it is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out. Almost like fat girls and mopeds.  Fun to ride but thou doth not want thine friends to find out.  Right, Mr. Rayner?"  Thor laughed before setting them both down. He picked up the ropes again before turning to the direction of the sun.  The clouds started to disperse, signalling that Thor was now calmer and happier. "Come!  Thor heard that 25 cent wing night is back at Hooters!" "Awesome!  I love their wings!"  Thor and Wally looked back at Kyle with a "are you serious" look on their faces.  "What?"  "Thou goes for the wings?  Thor goes for the breasts...And he'll let that one sink in."  "Hey...Wait..."  Before Kyle could finish his sentence, Thor smiled and raised Mjolnir, teleporting the four of them out of Niffelheim and to the closest Hooters.


09/18/2013 11: PM 

Rules of an Archer
Current mood:  adored

About Me: I love to Role Play. Simple and plain. I role play on several sites but prefer the interaction on social sites. Overall, I guess I've been using Hawkeye for around nine years. I know the character in and out, his up and downs, loves and losts. I know what he can do in a fight and what he can't. Comic history? I have that too in abundance.The World of Role-play According to Clint Barton:COMMUNICATION: My biggest request is communication. Before we play a major idea out, we plot. I don't mind the random chats or role-plays but if it is something that will directly affect the role-play history of Hawkeye continuity here? We must discuss it. Just send me a message and we'll talk.GODMODING: DO NOT put me into no choice situations. Shoot them, punch them, beat the hell out of them, insult them, but always give them a choice. If you break this rule, I will not play with you anymore. Ever. Clint Barton is Marvel Comics copyrighted character but when I write him here, I have the right to decide if he dies or lives. Not some dumbass "fight and kill" role-player with a woody on for violence. Comic writers do not kill off their characters without plotting together, I expect the same from the people I role-play with. With that said, I'm not above taking blows and love to spar.GATECRASHING: I seriously dislike gatecrashers. What I mean by this is, don't just butt in on my RP, or if I'm RPing with someone without... COMMUNICATING first to make sure all parties involved are OK with it. If you GATECRASH... well see GODMODING... Ask before you assume anything.IC/OOC: I'm fine with OOC chat to explain something, personally I use ()'s to talk OOC. Also, just because I may know you OOC, or speak to you OOC, it does not mean I know you IC. Chances are unless we have role played an encounter where we know each other, or meet for the first time, I will think you are just some strange weirdo.SCHEDULES: I work a real life job and go to school. I love my RP as much as the next dude but I will not blow off other things IRL. If I am at work I will always be OOC and using the ()'s to talk to people when I can log from there unless it is bulletins. I may still put the () in there at times if I feel I am misunderstood by the people I am talking to. I will usually make some strange IC excuse of why or what I am doing.DETAILS/STORY/FACTS: Get the story, who, what, when, why, how, background, and research done if you are going to make a large Earth-shattering plot. Don't go in half cocked and not have the facts to back it up. Create a setting for the RP. Take notes if you must to remember people, places, and names. It will just enhance and enrich the RP. Don't sweat the normal day to day RP. COMMENTS: I do not role-play with any character that deletes their comments. My replies to a storyline are my creation and not something that I want deleted. I want the stories I have helped write to be read and enjoyed by others. No exceptions. Also, please do not send me random starters without messaging me first. FUN: This is FUN, damn it! If I get annoyed frustrated or bothered, it's probably because I am not having fun anymore. That usually happens on one of the aforementioned guidelines for my character if he is not respected. I'm one of the the most easy going, nice, funny, joker, sarcastic, stupid, intense, detailed-oriented players in the world, I am told. I like to think that's true. If its not fun for all parties involved, it's not fun for anyone, and that's the whole point of this.Cyber: Yes..I do but only with those I am comfortable with. I'm not that 3am booty call when your horny and your boyfriend isn't around. Besides, I don't see why role-players have 20 kids when all they had to do was use a condom IC. No baby daddy stuff for me at random.Misc.: I have a deep respect for everyone around me and expect the same in return towards me. I will tolerate NO drama OOC, IC is fine. I act stupid sometimes. I try to be a comedian as Hawkeye would be. If I offend anyone, please let me know in messages and I'll go from there if I agree with you. Now..I'm just curious how many people will sign this without me asking.


09/18/2012 11: PM 

Bio (Comic 616)
Current mood:  adored

Clint Barton was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a car accident and was sent to a children's home with his brother Bernard. He and his brother ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, and the pair worked as roustabouts. While a member of the circus, Hawkeye was trained by the original Swordsman (Jacques Duquesne) and Trickshot. Clint's life, however, would forever be changed after he stumbled onto the Swordsman counting the money he had just robbed from the carnival. The Swordsman offered Clint to become his partner in crime, but Clint rejected his mentor, sparking a fight that ended when the Swordsman left him for dead after he fell from the high wire. Barney, too, abandoned him, in disbelief that Clint passed up such an opportunity. Trickshot stepped up his role as Clint's mentor, later asking him to join him in raiding a criminal named Marko. However, Clint severely injured one of Marko's guards and discovered him to be his brother, Barney. Repelled by the consequences of his actions (and his mentor's role in prompting them), he abandoned Trickshot and parted on bad terms. His natural archery abilities honed to an expert level, Clint wandered the country, working in various carnivals or otherwise making money out of the costume and persona of "Hawkeye". One day, when witnessing Iron Man save the lives of some people at the carnival, he decided to become a costumed crime-fighter himself. But as luck would have it, on Hawkeye's first night on patrol, he was mistaken for a criminal by the police and hunted down. He soon met the Black Widow, who was working at the time as a costumed villain for her country, and she easily seduced the hot-headed adventurer, making him think it was in his interest to defeat Iron Man. He attempted to do so according to her prompting on several occasions, but soon wised up, regretting his decision. Instead, he hoped to join Iron Man's team of Avengers. As a way of proving himself, he broke into the Avengers Mansion and convinced their butler, Jarvis, to play the role of a victim so he could display his powers. Iron Man vouched for Hawkeye, and he joined the new line-up that included Captain America, the Scarlet Witch, and Quicksilver. Hawkeye stayed with the Avengers for a long time, leaving only briefly when his temper and ego led him to believe he wasn't wanted. He returned after a short period, having joined the "non-team" Defenders in the meantime. At one point, Hawkeye was passed over accompanying the Avengers in theKree-Skrull War due to his lack of superhuman abilities. Not one to be deterred so easily, Hawkeye took on the identity of Goliath with the use of Hank Pym's size-altering particles. He hitched a ride so as to join the team in their intergalactic adventure and maintained the Goliath identity for several months upon their return to Earth. During his time as Goliath, Clint was approached by his brother, who had become a big-time racketeer. Barney had learned of Egghead's plans to construct an orbiting laser death-ray to extort money from the United States and came to the Avengers for help. The Avengers confronted Egghead and his allies, the Mad Thinker and the Puppet Master, but tragically, Barney died in the ensuing battle. Later, Egghead would use the Swordsman to capture Clint as Goliath, thinking him to be Hank Pym, but Hawkeye-as-Goliath soon defeated both criminals, avenging his brother at last. Soon afterward, Clint abandoned the Goliath identity but continued to serve the Avengers as Hawkeye the Marksman. Another leave of absence was forced upon him, when, due to a type of "affirmative action", he was replaced by the Falcon to comply with the Avengers' government sanction. During this time, he eventually found employment as a night security guard for Cross Technological Enterprises (CTE). Never gone from his team for long, he soon rejoined the fold, although one particular solo adventure would have a lasting impact. His boss, head of CTE, was the villain known as Crossfire and hoped to test his ultrasonic equipment with which he hoped to turn heroes against one another, With the help of the ex-secret agent, Mockingbird, Hawkeye defeated Crossfire. The two heroes, head over heels in love, promptly got married. At the time, the Vision was expanding the Avengers' operations, and he named Hawkeye chairman of a west coast branch of Avengers, and Mockingbird joined him as a charter member. Hawkeye led the team through several adventures, growing into a competent leader. He even had time to embark on a series of solo adventures. During one of these latter adventures, Hawkeye had to defend himself against many costumed mercenaries and villains hoping to collect a bounty placed on his right arm. The mastermind behind it all proved to be Trickshot, now dying of cancer, and he was hoping to goad Hawkeye into killing him. Instead, Hawkeye reconciled with his former mentor and friend. During an adventure where the team became lost in the past, his wife was involved with the death of the Old West hero, the Phantom Rider, and the situation caused the couple to split up. Shortly after, the government forced the membership of the U.S.Agent on the team, and Hawkeye quit. Both he and Mockingbird wound up investigating and leading the heroes known as the Great Lakes Avengers. Eventually, however, Hawkeye left the Midwest to rejoin the Avengers West Coast, although he never really led the team again. Hawkeye continued to adventure with the team, even alongside his separated wife, and was present with them when Mockingbird was killed in a demonic dimension, saving her husband's life from an attack by Mephisto.> Eventually drawn back to the Avengers' fold when the team was attacked in a plan orchestrated by Immortus, Hawkeye was present with the team when they apparently died, sacrificing themselves to absorb the energies of Onslaught. Eventually, Hawkeye and the other heroes were restored, and Hawkeye quickly rejoined the reforming Avengers.However, Hawkeye was dissatisfied. His previous experience as a team leader left him feeling too anxious as a regular member. Hawkeye turned his attention instead to the team of reforming villains, the Thunderbolts. Sympathetic because of his own outlaw past and eager for new challenges, Hawkeye offered to serve as the Thunderbolts' new leader if they would continue fighting crime and remain reformed. During his stint as their leader, he became a friend and mentor to the group, honing their skills and greatly enhancing their reputations. He and his teammate Moonstone had even began developing romantic inclinations. The Thunderbolts soon became trusted allies of the Avengers, though Hawkeye formally resigned his membership in the latter group since he didn't want any perceived criminal association with the Thunderbolts to negatively impact the Avengers. Hawkeye returned to the Avengers full-time. At one point, he and the Wasp had a dallying romance, upsetting Yellowjacket, and the two heroes avoided talking about the uncomfortable situation. Soon afterwards, however, the Avengers suffered a series of sudden and devastating attacks from friends and enemies alike, culminating in a surprise attack by the alien Kree. During the Kree invasion, Hawkeye suffered a mortal shot to the back. In his dying moments, Hawkeye overpowered a Kree soldier, using the soldier's jetpack to fly both of them into the Kree's command ship. Hawkeye sacrificed his life to single-handedly thwart the invasion. (These attacks were in part motivated by the Scarlet Witch, whose mind became unhinged with the magical powers she constantly felt forced to control, and it is believed the Kree invasion was all a magical construct of the Scarlet Witch.)Hawkeye showed up alive once more in the Scarlet Witch's mutant-dominated alternate reality, with no memory of the reality before. When a young mutant gave several of the heroes the ability to remember the way the world once was, Clint and the others were horrified at what the Scarlet Witch had done.With his memory restored, Hawkeye remembered the events his own death. When the heroes confronted the Witch and her children, Hawkeye angrily shot her in the back, demanding to know why she had killed him, as he was her friend and had only love for her. One of the Witch's children made Hawkeye vanish into nothingness with just a thought. After reality was restored several heroes arrived at the ruined Avenger's Mansion after a report that someone had been there, only to find Clint's costume and a newspaper cutting about his death, pinned to the ruins by Hawkeye's trademark purple arrows. It was later revealed that Clint indeed survived and that he was the one who nailed the costume on the wall. He realized that the whole world thought that he was dead and he himself also had doubts of who he really was. In his disordered state of mind he found himself standing in front of Doctor Strange's house. He met Strange who ensured him that he was who he thinks he is and that he is indeed alive. Strange informed him of what had happened and that Wanda couldn't be found and that he thought she might be dead. Clint didn't believe this and started to search for her. He found her in Wundagore Mountain where she lived with her aunt Agatha. She didn't remember anything and didn't recognize him at all. She also told him that she had lived her whole life in that village.Clint decided to stay in the village for some time with her until he for some reason came back to the states and contacted Iron Man revealing to him that he was alive. After Iron Man had ensured that he was who he said he was he made Clint an offer to be the next Captain America. Clint even tried the flag on and got to use the original shield but he realized that it was a mistake when he met Patriot and new Hawkeye who convinced that he wasn't Captain America. Clint let them escape and gave the shield back to Iron Man and told him that he will mail the "flag" later.Not long after this Clint again found himself in front of Doctor Strange's house now seeming as though it had been abandoned and sold to a franchise company. In reality, however, it was illusion cast by Strange to hide himself and his team members from Iron Man. They decided to show themselves to Clint and after some talk and magic they decided to give Clint Ronin's costume. They then left to Japan to save their team member Maya Lopez from the Hand.After an alien Skrull ship crashes in the Savage Land, Clint battles and kills a Skrull impersonating Mockingbird and himself. He is later reunited with the real Mockingbird during a final battle with the Skrulls. And though the two fought about their past at first, they eventually started their relationship once more.While Clint and his wife join up with the New Avengers to search for Luke Cage's daughter, Norman Osborn forms the Dark Avengers with villains assuming the identities of fugitive heroes; Bullseye assumes the identity of Hawkeye. Clint is very much infuriated that those who would exploit their good names take advantage of the invasion. He doesn't even want to wait for the Dark Avengers to show their true colors and wants to fight them immediately. After a failed attempt to lure the Dark Avengers into a battle turns instead into a fight with the Hood's crime syndicate, Clint goes on television, unmasked, and publicly denounces the Dark Avengers, stating that Osborn has formed an alliance with the Hood, and urging people to fight against his new regime. When Norman Osborn declares war on the X-Men that reside in Utopia; Clint remarks to the other New Avengers that he is going to kill Norman. With no one backing him Clint assaults Avenger Tower on his own; only to fail and get arrested by Osborn. Eventually Clint is freed by his fellow team-mates, but not before being tortured by Osbourne. After the Siege of Asgard, Clint is part of the new heroic age of heroes and he remains as part of Steve Roger's main team of Avengers.


09/12/2011 04: PM 


1. I am not psychic nor do I like surprises! Please let me know about any intentions to RP with me so we can discuss storylines before any starters are exchanged or chances are I will ignore it, unless it really sparks my imagination or you are one of my inner circle of RP friends.2. I tend to only play in third person, past tense. You should write in proper sentences with quotation marks for dialogue and line breaks where necessary. There's nothing worse than trawling through one large block of words or struggling to understand a comment due to sloppy grammar and spelling. I might experiment in other forms of writing from time to time but that will be discussed before a storyline starts. 3. Posts must contain more than one line of dialogue/action, i.e. multiple paragraphs only. Overly long comments are equally unacceptable. Writing lots does not equal quality. Strike a balance that is reasonable and we'll get on. Novella doesn't mean lots and lots of waffle. Those that think it does aren't doing it right.4. When the storyline needs it I will write adult content, but only if the storyline requires it. I will not do so when it is uncalled for. I can be as graphic or not as other players desire, contact me if you want me to turn things up or down! 5. I'd rather stick to continuity as much as possible but might be interested in off book stuff. Know your character and have an idea of how they interact and when they have interacted with mine. You will know only what your character knows about my character and you will play to the restraints of the universe our characters inhabit.6. I run multiple storylines. Our storyline together will not affect my storylines with other players and vice versa. 7. In character in comments, messages for out of character talk.8. I work full time and on top of that I am usually working towards other qualifications (that and I can be McLazy). You will have to wait for comments at times, the delays can be lengthy. If you have an issue with that then we shouldn't write together. I'm worth the wait though, so I suggest you be patient! 9. Make sure you've read these rules, seriously I can be strict....especially with those I don't know and well it'll be brutal.  I like to cut ;)

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