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Breanna Oliver Danvers�|M|

08/21/2011 08: PM 


Present August 2011 It had been quite a few years since the events that had happened in Ipswich, Pogue and best friend Kate's hospitalized, Chases' addiction to defeat Caleb Danvers, and try to use her as the bate moreso for ransome. Times changed since then, no one had heard anything of Chase, where he went, if he was still alive nothing. Breanna had gone off back to Boston for the summer after the turn of events that had taken place, but never returned back to Ipswich, she had lost contact with everyone she had met, and became close too. Still no clue on what really was going on back in the town she once grew close to loving, a place where she left her heart, to a guy she would never forget or could ever forget. Was it her right to just leave for the summer to visit her parents yes, but it wasn't fare to her new founded friends or for instance her boyfriend Caleb when she never returned for the next school semester. Maybe haunting memories? no one knew, Breanna had kept mostly to herself, during the time she had found out Caleb wasn't an only child, which was fine with her, she actually grew close to Caleb's sister and missed the hell outta her best friends. She missed Reids attitudes, Pogues protectivness, Tylers calm silentness, Tara's troublesome self, Kates apprehension to shopping, and Caleb's....well his everything. The entire group she missed, what was holding her back? She had reasons, she wasn't like them, she wasn't one to want to be a damzel in distress all the time, sure she would fight if she wanted to but she wasn't as strong as the rest of them. She had no powers none what so ever, maybe her reason for leaving was that? that she was a liability to everyone maybe? not even Breanna herself knew why she didn't go back. After her parents had found out about the incident in Ipswich they pushed her to go back to Boston for the summer. she did, mainly it was in Breanna mind her parents keeping her there and not letting her return to Ipswich.<br /><br /> Within the year and a half since Breanna had left and gone back to Boston she had found out about a cousin who was now going to Spencer Academy, her cousin's name was Skyler, her mother's sister's daughter. Breanna was so eager to meet her cousin not to mention get back into the town of Ipswich she'd do anything to get back there. She had gotten her mothers phone and secretly looked up Skyler's number and added it to her contacts on her cell phone that her parents had changed her number in order to not beable to keep contact with anyone. She felt alone, more like caged to the damn house. She knew that the school year was going to start up again in the fall, actually a month from now in September, one swift move she could be out there but then be disowned by her parents. Breanna laughed at the thought of that, her parents would throw a damn fit to say the least and by now she wasn't one to listen to them anyways, her mother always wanted her to be a debutaunt, not Breanna's style. Breanna's mother was what people would call a damn queen of the debutant ball.<br /><br /> Breanna didn't want apart of it, she wanted to be back in Ipswich where she was happy with her friends, the man she loved even if he didn't love her back in return now, and she could get to know her cousin a hell of a lot better there since Skyler was living in the dorms at Spencer. Breanna sat on her bed looking at her luggage as she heard her mother calling for her. Making a annoying sigh she stood up and walked over to her door opening it "What is it mother" she asked as she looked at her. "I have your dress for the ball, you'll look beautiful in it" her mother explained as she showed Breanna the dress. Just to be nice Breanna gave a smile "It's beautiful mother but I'm not going" she said as she looked at her "you took my life away when you kept me here and cut all ties along with my scolorship to Spencer. If you think Im going to be a debutaunt your sadly mistakened" she said as she turned and closed the door on her mother. She flipped open her cell and dialed the Academy where she reenrolled herself without anyone's approval. "Thanks Jane, it'll be good to be back there." she said as she hung the phone up and began packing all her belongings once again. When finished she grabbed her laptop where she went online to her bank account and transferred every single cent she had into a spearate account that not even her parents could get into. Once that was done she grabbed her bags and walked out her door getting stopped by her mother "where do you think your going?" she asked as she saw the bags Breanna carried. "Well I was thinking and I'm gonna go stay at my real fathers house since you know my half sister is famous at being a debutant,<br /><br /> I'll learn the ropes from her" she said as she gave her mother a smile. As clueless as her mother was she actually agreeded to it. "Oh that is so wonderful my little peach, now dont forget the ball is in a few months and make sure to call me every night and tell me how things are going" she said as she hugged Breanna and jittered off with excitement. Breanna shook her head "like taking candy from a baby" she said as she grabbed her car keys and went out the front door to her car, packed her belongings into the car and drove off. The drive wasn't long, as she turned down the old dell road, a smile spread across her face as she spoke to herself "Home sweet home". The road was long and narrow at points, she had passed the old burnt down putnam barn where it did nothing but give her goosebumps. She continued driving down the road past the large estates where she knew who lived in each one of the four of them, she then drove past Nicky's the old hangout place where she had her first date with Caleb, then past the road that turned into a dead end where the colony house stood. Pulling up to the Academy the place was like a ghost school, no students where around due to the fact that school didn't start for another month. Breanna pulled into the front of the school and got out walking up the steps and into the building down to the registration office. Lucky Jane was still there when Breanna looked in the office. She opened the door and walked in "Jane" she said as she smiled "Breanna Winchester it's very nice to see you again and to have you back as one of our students. I'm sure your friends would love to see you again" she said as Breanna just nodded her head "Here's your dorm key, it's a private room this time" Jane said as Breanna thanked her "Thank you so much for the last minute enrollment. I'm just going to go move my things in and I'll see you when classes start in september" she said as she turned and walked out of the office. Finally home at last Breanna walked down the eerie hallway and out the front door to her car where she got in and drove past the boys dorms and pulled into the parkinglot of the girls dorms. She got out and grabbed most of her belongings at once and went her way to her dorm room. She wondered what everyone had been up to since she'd been gone as she made her way to the dorm room and unlocked it. She opened the door and smiled "Holy crap" she said as she looked around "this place is bigger then mine and Kates room two years ago, i could throw a party in this place" she said as she smiled placing her things down on the bed and then walked back out closing the door keys in hand as she went to grab the rest of her stuff.

Henry Fitzroy

08/14/2011 11: PM 


Pronunciation: (rOl'plA") v.t. 1. To assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. To experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. -v.i. to engage in role-playing.The Lingo:RT- "real time": This refers to your real physical existence, the *player* and their life outside the "Game" of role-play.VT- "virtual time": This refers to your 'time' online, the people you meet here and the things you do when you're here.OOC- Out of Character: This means that you are speaking to others as your "player" - the person at the keyboard. It can also refer to knowledge your "player" has that your "character" does not. For example: you've talked to the player of the character " insert character's name here" and the player told you that  that "character" has a bad knee, it's his major weak spot. If you were to go into the rooms and your character - without learning this information "himself" and without a reason of established rp- immediately attacks the characters bum knee, it is considered very bad form. IC - In Character: This means that you - the player- are currently playing out your "character". You've left reality and you're acting as your character would. It also refers to knowledge that your character has gained on his own during a role-play session. A common pitfall that new role-players make is to get their OOC and their IC emotions and knowledges mixed up. For instance, just because that hot little vamp girl is coming on to your big stud vamp doesn't mean that her player wants to make a date for real life 'nookie" later.  Role Player's Creed  1. I will maintain the illusion of the game by staying in character whenever possible. I will withhold out of character comments until absolutely necessary and even then I will whisper or ICQ them to the other players.2. If I discuss the game with other players out of character, I will not allow my character to be influenced by this knowledge without express permission of the other players. I will take the time to allow my character to learn these things on his or her own during the course of the game.3. I will separate myself as a player from my character as much as possible. While I understand that a lot of myself goes into my character and because the game is so very intense often real emotions will be drawn from me as a player, I also understand that my character is not me.4. If I am not in the mood to play, I won't interrupt other people's games by coming into it out of character. I will find others who are not in character and go somewhere meant for out of character discussion. (note: will add more rules as an when i feel like it.)

Dr River Song

08/14/2011 11: PM 


Pronunciation: (rOl'plA") v.t. 1. To assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), esp. in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. To experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. -v.i. to engage in role-playing.The Lingo:RT- "real time": This refers to your real physical existence, the *player* and their life outside the "Game" of role-play.VT- "virtual time": This refers to your 'time' online, the people you meet here and the things you do when you're here.OOC- Out of Character: This means that you are speaking to others as your "player" - the person at the keyboard. It can also refer to knowledge your "player" has that your "character" does not. For example: you've talked to the player of the character " insert character's name here" and the player told you that  that "character" has a bad knee, it's his major weak spot. If you were to go into the rooms and your character - without learning this information "himself" and without a reason of established rp- immediately attacks the characters bum knee, it is considered very bad form. IC - In Character: This means that you - the player- are currently playing out your "character". You've left reality and you're acting as your character would. It also refers to knowledge that your character has gained on his own during a role-play session. A common pitfall that new role-players make is to get their OOC and their IC emotions and knowledges mixed up. For instance, just because that hot little vamp girl is coming on to your big stud vamp doesn't mean that her player wants to make a date for real life 'nookie" later.  Role Player's Creed  1. I will maintain the illusion of the game by staying in character whenever possible. I will withhold out of character comments until absolutely necessary and even then I will whisper or ICQ them to the other players.2. If I discuss the game with other players out of character, I will not allow my character to be influenced by this knowledge without express permission of the other players. I will take the time to allow my character to learn these things on his or her own during the course of the game.3. I will separate myself as a player from my character as much as possible. While I understand that a lot of myself goes into my character and because the game is so very intense often real emotions will be drawn from me as a player, I also understand that my character is not me.4. If I am not in the mood to play, I won't interrupt other people's games by coming into it out of character. I will find others who are not in character and go somewhere meant for out of character discussion. (note: will add more rules as an when i feel like it.)

Lucy Davis (semi-hiatus)

08/10/2011 05: PM 


1. Don't send me one-liners. I am a multi-para RPer; this means that there should be more than one paragraph or at least one long one. Sometimes, when the mood strikes me, I write a lot. I don't expect you to write as much as I do. I tolerate Novella though I do not judge by quantity but by quality as the two are not mutually exclusive. In short, be creative, be at least mildly descriptive, use proper English, and we'll be fine.2. Spelling mistakes and typos happen. Occasionally I will mess up as well. Try your best to write coherent paragraphs and I will do the same. 3. I am an original character, that means that I have done everything in my ability to properly integrate my character into the canon world of Harry Potter and I expect you to have done the same. I applaud originality and new characters; however, if your character's existence is not possible according to JKR's books, then I will not be able to play with you. This means, no Hermiones marrying Tom Riddle, no slutty Ginnys trying to get in my pants, and absolutely no sparkling vampires!4. You are not a deity, don't act like one. My character is mine to control. No moving her, no killing her, no doing anything without my consent.  5. Don't bring drama into my life. Lucy can be a bitch but that doesn't mean I'm one. IC drama makes things interesting and I'm always up for that but start being an OOC drama queen and I will delete you!6. Messages=OOCComments=ICI don't need my stories littered with plans for storylines. 7. I don't keep to the "You add, you start" rule. If you want to play, message me and we'll start something. I'm actually very personable, and as long as you're not a complete git, I'm sure we can work out something. 8. I am mainly Marauder Era, however, I will play this character during Trio era and 2nd gen on occasion. Proper back stories will be up eventually, for now message me for more information. I'm sure more will come to me but that's all for now. Look forward to playing with you all,-Lucy's creator

ᵁᴺᴮᴼᴿᴺ ᴮᴼᵁᴿᴺᴱ

08/08/2011 02: PM 


[Where Ever Home Is] Max, Alec [Wheel in the Sky]Springfield Missouri - All sorts of nine-miles distance high off discrete an local kruvitz (tighted assed) area. Limited allies provided an x-amount of coastal and solid ground granted in a mild public contaminated location - Alec states cause unlike New York's large ass crowds Springfield is redunant in forgotten cemented corners, it's a wise advantage for Division to utilized arcane (hidden) buildings. These apartments aren't available for an average curious wise-ass citizen who either will thrust themselves in the dead center of cross-fire or endanger a threat of exploitation against well you'd got the idea enough said. Milestones were wreckless scattered abundant against each-which direction possible. Rebellious or best said as maverick more of the idea stating the obvious micro rocks were detached therefore loner 'stones' stumbles weakened grunts underneath Alec's notorious readied-all battered beaten in leather masculine boot's rubber thick soles. Max prior disgraced-disappointed vast spill repeated in circulation rotation mode--as ifin hells bells a busted record boosted out in rockin' rythmns. --but Alec comprehended the actual underlined jacked-up concern due to legit obvious reasons of his immediate "leave of absence". Did he forget he had a team with Max? Not a damn second chance in hell. Did he forget the rest of their brothers and sisters in Seattle Washington [location of the Manticore transgenics aka Terminal City is.] -who yeah no doubt looked up an count on them? Again. Straight up? Hell no he hadn't forgot about responsibilites that also obide. A misunderstanding was definite in this whole ordeal--Alec's suffocated himself for a few months distant-discontent. Michael assigned Alec a specific task in terminating an evil son-of-a bitch masked under a spotted mole planted clues fixated on some random mojo inner dealings with a Reaper. Reaper? Ye'ah a reaper--it's not a coax Ames White has more then a damn share of hidden secrets stuffed up in a dark closet. Michael also insinutated haunted clouded questions contain answers that involve in the massacre of this weird might as well call it more of a hunt. It initiated the time David [Now Alec] migrated as Alec shallow flashbacks are as random as from the beginning but it increases more in the now. Unsettled blurr flashbacks status have intervene an unleashed seed and/or taunted truth.-----------[Where Ever Home Is] Max, Alec [Wheel in the Sky] 2Biological standards we're aware his birth name is [David] but it doesn't matter though--he breathes, exists and walks as Alec similar to the effect as Max a trained Manticore transgenic assassin escapee. A heightened "dangerous" quoted transgenic - except for he rather it he's called genetically empowered "Freak Nation." Brainwashed-slated cut clean of zero acknowledge of that past life--or does it? A pausible evidence there is minimal chance he's retained a stead-control handle has been an attempted series of questions as of late speaking now before weeks in Alec stumble across Springfield Missouri. Second month kicked-in his recruit process inside a damn mundane crucial governed ordered system, freakiest crap crashed havoc in obssessed pursuit of an obvious predetermined attention-as ifin fate had it's foul hand with a partner that allured him into Manticore. Imagine a ordane priest looking idiot cloaked. SOB obtained ugliest set of yellow hues. Manticore's brainwash convience BOOM! Never did that freak visited him again--or did it? Far as he is concerned meanwhile Manticore did a damn bang-up job there's a mishap in their malicious underground methods that was over-looked. --it is impossible to brainwash our DNA [genes] subconscious gut instincts gushed a rush each time Alec's been tested with a random supernatural hunt that's been involved in defending his current kind [trangenics like Max], or just about anyone. Samuel Campbell claimed in blunt informed words that under a predistined route integrated into who he's become forgetting that he obtains other obligations past on through DNA genes aren't gonna remain in silence. Those constant visions? Is what the hell those were--another words if Max an himself are going to keep up their bargain of protecting their kind--they've also got to hunt evil sons of bitches too everyone is effected. Suttle weak manifesting rockin' noise ached reimburst attention. An assumed muscular auto-shape disguised under a pressured piece of motor hoggish rag tarped over. Winter is here again oh Lord, Haven't been home in a year or more. I hope she holds on a little longer, sent a letter on a long summer day Made of silver , not clay. Ooh, I've been runnin' down this dusty road. Ooh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' I don't know where I'll be tomorrow Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'. I've been trying to make it home Got to make it before too long. Ooh, I can't take this very much longer, no I'm stranded in the sleet and rain. Don't think I'm ever gonna make it home again The mornin' sun is risin' It's kissing the day. Ooh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' I don't know where I'll be tomorrow Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'....Journey's beats were abit off.  A spontaneous broken record unleashed with each increased volume tapped that gravitated Alec's stead-fast awokened curious demeanor. Slained expression wrinkled against his manly forehead while his ocean blue hues an unknown covered vehicle until he swiftly peels it with a vast motivated suspense rush. You know the feeling at the drawn second your adrenaline triggered to that anticipation mode and wait isn't an option. Music stauls more or less phased as if the appeal is satisfied of obtained success in producing an attentive statement after grabbing at Alec's attention.[Where Ever Home Is] Max, Alec [Wheel in the Sky] 3 Re-introduced zooming in on those notorious vigorous manly rubber soles degraded distilled pavement isolated underneath a mega-hot sweet set of firestone wheels, so the hood could use some reinstalled repairs but man her engine will purr after he gets his hands under it. Identical zest for thirst in life a solid black Impala -don't get your panties in knots. It isn't the same but she'd pass for a twin. "Max..." Alec's full-toned notorious voice semi-echoed at initiated claim of Max's full attention adjusted towards his direction, just about a adjacent cock-eyed vacant right in about ten inches across of the two enlarge towered apartment buildings on the opposite side. " There isn't a whole lot for you to go on. What I am getting at as far as a referrence to you're trust in me after nothing spoken in months about the time after I had left. Hell...I can't even dig enough reasons not to blame you. It is important you understand that it wasn't me having zero interest in our team. Matter of fact to be open about it---it was more of an aim to protect everyone else around me until I figured out this none-stop burden that's been consistent inside my head for the past year. There is this man Samuel Campbell, he claimed when making himself clear that this life during an after the whole Manticore scenario wasn't going to be the one thing important or set in a "pre-destined" route. Protect other transgenics that are like us Max we're going to have do our business to eliminate all the evil sons of bitches as we possibly can." continued but brief he discussed in progressed explainations. Alec strains a vivid scatter of his broad-dark manly hues as he'd articulate semi stimulated straches abruptly against his upper left jaw-line with the stub edge of his middle finger.Stimultaneous motioned shifts staked about over his broad muscular left shoulder where his ocean blue hues claims Max's---he reaches out for a claimed handle of her lower region of her slender female arm, bout an inch below the rim of her petite elbow he was clever an slick in stealing her attention. " Your question earlier? Whether or not I wanted to be out of reach of you? Yeah...don't think so. It wasn't what I wanted either long as we're on a out in the open kick here. I'll be up front about being attracted to you but never did I thought I was "good" enough." Alec exhaled sighs escaped in sync with a blunt confession outta both ends his broad nustrils and manly folds. And as far as he is concerned Max has been his woman-a semi motioning mischief trademark smirk reserves in the dent of his manly folds corners while he invited Max's enticeable curvacious woman figure into his masculine textured manly arms.

Unforgivable Sinner

08/06/2011 06: PM 

Rules: Please Read Me

The Playby: I am not Kate Beckinsale. I do not claim to be I am just using her likeness to bring Isabella to life; please understand that. If you can't then i wonder how you managed to get through my usually strict screening and would ask you to remove yourself and save me the trouble of doing so. I do know how to use the delete button and im not afraid of doing so. RP Presence:I am not on all the time, there are times I log on do nothing and leave, there are times i log on and post bulletins and little else it's my prerogative, i do what i feel like. Do not start asking where your replies are or moan that I haven't read something because my messages often go days before i can be bothered to open them, then again I might just be being a bitch as usual. Im not the kind of person that goes chasing after their comments but there comes a time when I will just get bored of waiting. There are a few exceptiosn to this rule, those people know who they are. RP Style: I role play in first and third person, if you have an objection to first or third let me know and I will tailor my replies to you. My chosen format ranges from para to multi para and at times I have been known to do novella. The one thing I really don't like is one liner's. I will do them for a while then all interest drops; I need something to work with after all.  OOC:I am a private person, what I chose to reveal is up to me and if you start asking me things that I don't want to answer I will shut you down pure and simple although some days ill just ramble my head off. Eh you pay your money you take your chances. But i will ask you to respect that this is a role play profile, therefore I come to role play not to be asked about my life. Again there are exceptions to this rule, those people already know who they are, iv being rping Isabella Sky for about four years now so I have people i consider friends on other sites and one so far that has ventured here, they are pretty much exempt from every rule. Yeah sure there will be some that take liberty with that. Some OOC will always be required for discussing story line potential but outside the realm of sl I wont go there. Messages Vs Comments:Messages are for discussions comments are for role play. I won't hide my role play in messages because I don't believe it is a sordid thing to be ashamed of. I take great pride in my writing, I happen to think that I am not bad at it. Of course there are some exceptions to the rule but those people already know who they are. If necessity dictates I will role play in blogs. Age Disclaimer:I am over the age of 18 and it is my choice to decide that i will not be rping with any character that acts like a five year old. Guess what i can fight, i can swear and i can fuck with the best of them. I like my storylines to be more than just a banal word play, it should be engaging and i believe that is hard to do with younger role players so they will be removed from my list if they slip past the screening process. This profile will role play mature subjects so yes there will be swearing, violence, sex etc. Stealing:I would like to state that Isabella's bio has been constructed from the voices inside my head, you know the ones that dont like you. Yes you, they like me, their my voices of course they like me. As adults id like you to respect that i took the time to come upwith things on my own, that i took time and effort to put words together and try and spill the contents of my head onto the page. If your a role player you will understand that, let your own imagination run free after all thats why you are here. I spend time editing my pictures, im not saying they are fantastic but i found them, i worked on them for the reason of making them look a little different. Go search the web its why they invented search engines. This page is protected by copyscape, stealing will result in deletion no questions asked. Drama/Godmoding:I have been role playing for over four years, writing even longer than that and i am well aware that drama is an integral part of any story line but that doesn't mean I want it constantly. Don't go throwing you shit at me. Work it into the storyline. In saying that I accept drama, it's only in character. Please don't come at me with he did this she did that I don't want to listen to it. My time is precious I want to enjoy it not play devils advocate. Godmoding should be kept to a minimum. Like I said I have been writing for long enough and I am more than capable of controlling for myself please dont try to do it for me, it gets my goat. Spying: My comments are covered for aesthetic reasons only and for the fact that the comments on my page are really only meant for my eyes it is my profile after all so why would whats written be there for you to read. In saying that i know people are still going to pry, enjoy there is nothing in there i am ashamed off. I have written with some very talented writers before and I have nothing to hide but really id rather you came to my profile to write than just pry. Im a pretty open and honest person and it pisses me off when my page hits jump double digits yet there is no comments being left. Relationships: Realtionships happen by  mutual consent. I don't like being pushed into things, I do things at my own pace I hope you can respect that. Isabella will be faithful. Just like her writer she doesn't believe in cheating, she has enough self respect for herself and the person she is involved with to remain faithful.  My relationship is my business and no one else but my rp partner please repsect our privacy as the case maybe. Death: Isabella is under my control, that means she will only be dying in a mode of my choice. Come at me all you want but i wont let you chose when to terminate her life. I do not abide by people announcing my death etc, get a grip people. Thank you for taking the time to read these, im really not a bitch sometimes its just better to lay out expectations and guidelines at the start. I really am a friendly person, so please feel free to drop me a message and we can work out storylines. Isabella's Writer.


08/01/2011 07: PM 


R U L E S:1. Disclaimer: I am not Emma Watson. I'm just a fan of hers; Honestly if I were to be her I really don't think I would be on here roleplaying myself; I think Emma has more important things to do than be on myspace roleplaying herself. Common sense, people- This isn't real. I am also not affiliated with her in any shape or form. I am just using her face for roleplaying purposes only. So don't even think about asking me.2. I'm a multi-para roleplayer, I cannot do novella that is too long for me to write..sorry not sorry.3. Storylines: If you want to discuss a storyline please send me a message, or a comment either one is fine.4. Relationships: It will date anyone if you are interests in my character, if not oh well sh*t happens right? I do ship Dramione, but that doesn't mean I can date other characters.5. Real Life: I am 27 years, I work part-time and I am also a mother of a 3 year old son; I'll reply once I have a free time or when I am off from work.6. Sex+:  We're all mature adults here so sex is fine with me.7. Grammar and Spellings: Nobody in this effin' world is perfect so i make a lots of mistakes when it comes to writing starters and replies. If my starter or reply doesn't make sense just tell me and don't be afraid to come forward please. English isn't my second language. 8. Starters & Replies: If you are interested on a starter we first have to discuss a story-line than once the whole situation is set on the story-line i can send the starter to you or vice versa you can send it to me.When it comes to replies, Some role players burly role play with me so i will be happy if people would role play with me more because every time i get on i don't have jack sh*t in here it's f***ing depressing! So if i end up role playing with a lot of people and i have to reply back please be patient.9. I think that's about it if i miss anything please let me know.If you read so far up to rule #9 Tell me who do you ship of any character in Harry Potter Series; After that Sign your first name,middle name and last name and LEAVE ME KUDOS. Gosh does used to be fun back in myspace 2005. OH that reminds me i come from MYSPACE 2005 so if you do too WELCOME BACK! I'm glad you are back to the ROLE PLAYING WORLD.10. Drama free here, No childish crap allow here.Sincerely,- Hermione Jean  Granger a.k.a.-MIONE.PS: Must follow the rules like i will follow yours.

Magnetic Heart.

07/24/2011 10: PM 

The Law

First and foremost, I am NOT Kristen Stewart nor am I Isabella Swan. She is a made up character from the brilliant mind of Stephenie Meyer. Also, I highly doubt Miss. Stewart has time to roleplay. If you ask me if I am either one, I will delete you.1. I am a literate roleplayer. Please keep that in mind. I'm not going to be grr about it, but ALSO keep in mind that what you send me, you will get in return. If you send me a paragraph, which I pray to GOD that you don't, that is what you shall receive. 2. I'm a veteran roleplayer. What that means is that I have been around since 2007. BEFORE Novella was cool, BEFORE everyone cared about their layouts and who was snooping around. BEFORE people cared about how their pictures were. What it boils down to is this: I know what I'm doing when it comes to roleplay.3. The whole you add you start rule is bullshit. 4. DO NOT STEAL MY SHIT! You'll be blacklisted with the quickness. Everything is tagged with my name and my user ID. Please. For the love of God do NOT steal. If you see something of mine and you like it, ASK and I will make you something if I have time.5. Twilight Verse is full of drama. We ALL know that. Don't bring that to me. I'm 23 in real life and will NOT get into an argument over the computer with a little 14 year old.6. Speaking of.. NO TEENY BOPPERS! At least 18 please.7. I don't mind accepting/adding other Bella's. NO, that doesn't mean that I'm going to steal your stuff. I add and talk to everyone. I ask that you please go over rule number four if you are a Bella or anybody else.8. I take my time with replies and starters. I also believe in quality over quantity. Please be patient when it comes to replies and starters as I do have a real life. Also messages are for sl discussion. Comments are for roleplaying. The only way I'll roleplay in messages is if it's with my Edward ;D9. Have fun. We're all here for the same thing. Please just keep that in mind. Regardless of what you think, we are all here to write. I'm not here to sit at a computer and make my layout better than other people's or my pictures better than others. We come to roleplay to escape real life. Roleplay shouldn't be filled with drama UNLESS IT IS STORYLINE MATERIAL. Again, keep that in mind with me. *Update*As I have stated, I do not like drama so please don't bring that to me. I'm literally Switzerland. Regardless if you're a friend or not, I like to hear both sides of the story. If I'm not there to actually see what has happened, I will NOT take sides. That would be wrong of me to do so. I will do my best to try and help in any way that I can for both sides. It's not because I'm being nosy or butting my head where it doesn't belong. I'm an old fashioned roleplayer. I like peace between everyone. Of course, that isn't going to happen but I like to do my part to assist in a calm and stress free environment for all. Now if you're my friend and you approach me saying block so and so or don't talk to so and so, don't expect me to do that. I talk to EVERYONE. I don't care if I talk to you and you don't like who else I talk to. Who I speak to has nothing to do with you. Unless someone is coming at me personally, I won't pass judgment. Please keep that in mind. I'm an adult in RL and I handle situations as an adult should. I just ask that you do the same ♥

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

07/23/2011 06: PM 

Don't do this!



07/21/2011 05: PM 

R u l e s.

NOTE: I am not, nor do I know, Georgie Henley. I use her to show to other writers what I believe Lucy to look like. Of course, her being in the films just made it easier. But regardless. I am not Georgie! And if you think I am... Why? oo1. I am a multi-para/novella roleplayer. What this means is that I do not write one liners. I won't respond to one liners, plain and simple. I like to write a story. While I do state I can do novella, sometimes I struggle. But never fear, I will always be able to handle doing multi-para.oo2. The Edits you find on my page and in my albums are edited all by me. Which means, do not steal my work. The layout I use was created by a rec site. You can find the credit on my page if you look hard enough.oo3. No godmodding, no automodding, frankly, no modding at all. Don't control me. Don't control Lucy. I can handle it pretty well myself, thanks.oo4. Delaying in replies/starters MAY happen.I have a very busy life in RL. I work Mon-Fri in the afternoon. I volunteer at a church on Wednesdays and I have a social life. Do not think I'm ignoring you, because I'm not. Real Life has a tight hold on me, but I'm trying to loosen the load so I can get back into writing once again.oo5. Stealing is a huge no-no for me. I will learn of it, and when I do, I will report and block you. End of story.Stated already in a previous rule. Just don't do it.oo6. Lucy will not be showing you the way into Narnia. Lucy isn't your guide. I'm opened to many connections, but Hogwarts is not one of them.Here's the thing. Sure, Lucy found Narnia in a wardrobe, but here's the thing. Lucy isn't your compass to Narnia. She can't just willingly take you there. I'm opened to other worlds entering Narnia (i.e Lord of The Rings for example) but don't assume she can show you to Narnia. I'm very opened, however, to some connections with Once Upon a Time roleplayers.oo7. Romantic relationships.Yes, they will happen. Lucy was seventeen in the last battle. She's grown up, she's opened to relationships. With that being said, I do enjoy myself some Caspian/Lucy. I am opened to Lucy/OC, but it has to be good. I won't write sex scenes. Thanks, but no thanks.oo8. No harming my girl.Lucy will not be the victim of your kidnapping, rape, or murder storyline. I simply won't do it. The only time I will accept kidnapping is if it's a good way for the storyline. Say Lucy got captured and has to break free, or something. But I will not victim my girl to Rape or Murder. That's just insane.oo9. Spelling and grammar.This is important to me! while I understand some people still might struggle (I, myself still do) please take the time to proof-read your starter/reply. I like to make sense of what I'm replying to.oo10. I'm a Narnia/Fantasy writer.Which means, obviously, that I will write with the general of Fantasy writers. Once Upon a Time, The Lord of the Rings, etc. I'm welcomed to Game of Thrones arc, if we can manage it and make it happen.oo11. Mains.I understand that, yes, mains are important. However, I don't easily make someone my mains. I like someone who understands their character. Who understands them and gets them and has fun writing them. Being fun out of character is always nice, too. At the moment (1.15.2016) I have one main and I am more than ready to welcome more.oo12. I roleplay both eras. Book and Film.I've read the books, I loved them. I've seen the movies, loved them just as much. If you want to write from anywhere, please don't be afraid to ask. I love writing both!oo13. Mature themes can and will happen.Now, I don't mean Lucy will swear like a sailor and strip, heavens no. But what I mean is, there could easily be blood and gore moments. Depressing moments. I do enjoy battles and writing them are so much fun. I don't mind swearing, but Lucy will not do it.oo14. Drama.In-Character drama? Yes! Let's go for it! Bring on the dramatic scenes and woes! Out-Of-Character drama? No, thank you. You can leave that at the door and don't bring it in with you. I've already dealt with drama before and I will not stay with it. Cause drama and I will disappear faster than you can type Aslan.oo15. I've been roleplaying Lucy since 2007. Yes. That's almost ten years of writing as Lucy. Now, I do not count myself as the original Lucy. I started back on MySpace and at one point, had my name set to "The Original Lucy Pevensie" due to the fact that old Lucys had disappeared and for awhile, I was the only active one. I later moved to SiteModel, becoming the first Lucy there. I then relocated to here, I was the first one created here, as well. As such, I do like to claim the title as the first Lu on SiteModel/RPM. But trust me on this, I think I'm sure I know how to write Lucy. She's a little part of me that's blossomed into something beautiful. Narnia/Lucy is a big part of me, I will not lose it. Keep to these terms and we'll get along nicely!

Into The Twilight--Directory

07/19/2011 09: PM 

Share Codes

  Share Codes   Instructions for using our whore codes: 1. click the "source" button above the text area2. Paste the code into the text area and click the "source" button again3. Post the bulletin! (: Poof You're done!*Images minimized to fit this blog  <CENTER><A HREF="; TARGET="_BLANK"> <IMG SRC=";></a><BR><FONT SIZE="3" FACE="GEORGIA">Into The Twilight<br>Est. 2011<BR><br> </FONT><font COLOR="#339999">☽</font> <FONT SIZE="3" FACE="GEORGIA">Twilight Writers<BR></FONT><font COLOR="#339999">☽</font> <FONT SIZE="3" FACE="GEORGIA">RPGS that host Twilight Verse (Canon, AU, & Crossovers)</FONT><FONT SIZE="3" FACE="GEORGIA"><BR>& getting listed is simple!</FONT><BR><FONT STYLE=" SIZE="3" FACE="GEORGIA" COLOR="#339999">ENTER THE TWILIGHT</FONT><BR><A HREF="; TARGET="_BLANK">CLICK TO VIEW</A></CENTER> Status Image Download to postMake sure to add our tag (@IntotheTwilight) or our URL ❤

*The Original* George Weasley

07/18/2011 03: PM 

Georgie's Guidelines

I am not Oliver Phelps, do not claim to be. Nor am I George Weasley, he's a fictional character. I am just a roleplayer, and do this solely for entertainment purposes. 1.) I am a para/multi-para  rper. Please don't send me one liners, they tend to get boring. I have no problem with them if we are just chatting and goofing off. During role play I would appreciate the same in return, if I take the time to write out one or two paragraphs at least try and send back the same. Nothing is more insulting than spending ten to fifteen minutes or more doing a rather good reply/starter and getting a dismal one in return.2.) Please use English.. and try to use quotation marks when speaking. If I can't make out what your saying I will not answer you. Please use third or second person, first person annoys me. And NO text talk..3.)I am not a MSRP. I will not have more than one girlfriend. I will rp with you but I will not form a romantic relationship with you. I may shag you if I'm single, but that's about it. I will not rush into a relationship, I want to rp with the person and see if we click. If and when I choose a girl, she will be my only and I will not cheat and expect the same in return. Would prefer a Katie Bell or Verity (as long as playbys are a curvy pretty blond)4.) I am an adult rp, so there will be adult themes in my rps. Including Sex, alcohol, swearing. If any of this offends you, please message me and I will try and keep it out of our rp. With that said do not hack my comments, you may see the above and I don't want to hear you bitch. This is your warning.5.)I only rp in comments, messages are for ooc stuff. Please don't comment me or message me asking if I want to rp. Please just send a starter, for I'm not the best at them, but will try if I have too. A side note, I will not go too ooc with you. Theres only a select few I will. I do have aim, I will give it to those that wish. But DO NOT im me with petty shit and to entertain you, I WILL NOT drop everything to be your personal 'court jester'.6.) Drama.. please keep ooc drama away from me. I don't want to hear it, I'm here to have fun not get depressed (again only my close mates I'll deal with this.). Drama in rp is fine as long as it isn't too over the top. 7.)Picture comments, whore for whore, ect.. I will do just let me know. I do get behind so if I forget message me and remind me nicely and I will get to it.8.) I do not like rp that Fred dies, that is depressing. And please before sending me a Deathly Hallows starters message me to discuss it first. I will Rp that I lost an ear.If you've read these, sign with "George is more wicked than Fred." and your favorite WWW product. That's all I can think of, I'll add more as I think of them.

Dr River Song

07/11/2011 11: PM 

Gallifreyan physiology

Gallifreyans, despite being outwardly indistinguishable from humans, had a variety of biological differences that set them apart. Most of the known information on Gallifreyans is based on Time Lords, particularly the Doctor. It has been unclear for some time if the terms "Gallifreyan" and "Time Lord" are interchangeable, or if "Time Lord/Lady" is a specific rank within the society, possibly with some specialised abilities. Consequently, the following articles may have some inaccuracies due to these biases. It is believed that many traits of the Time Lords developed over time due to exposure to the Time Vortex. This was possible for humans as well as Gallifreyans, as River Song also developed some of these traits, having been concieved within the Vortex itself.TaxonomyThe Gallifreyans were classified by humans as Dominus temporis. (NSA: The Last Dodo) Despite appearances, the Gallifreyans were more related to Terileptils than Humans. (DW: The Visitation) The Doctor also once stated that he was "not an ape" (DW: Cold Blood) and that they did not evolve from apes. (DW: The Doctor's Daughter).He may also simply have meant that he was not human, as the Silurians to which he was speaking referred to humans as "apes". External appearanceExternally, Gallifreyans were identical to humans, though they tended to have a mostly Eurasian appearance. Hair and eye colour were of any colour found among humans. (NSA: The Last Dodo) Teeth were indistinguishable from human teeth. (DW: The Gunfighters, Utopia) The Doctor, especially his Seventh incarnation, appeared to have uncertain eye colours. Whether this was an actual ability of the Gallifreyans to change their eye colours or simply due to others' perception is unknown. (NA: Blood Heat, Legacy) ResilienceGallifreyans were, on the whole, extremely tough and resilient. An average Gallifreyan was superior to a human at their peak. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons)Gallifreyans could survive falls (and probably many other physical stresses) which would shatter the bones of humans. (DW: The End of Time) Gallifreyans could survive extreme cold (DW: The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Seeds of Doom, The Ribos Operation, 42, The Infinite Quest, Planet of the Ood) and extreme heat (DW: The End of the World). They could even survive the subzero temperatures and extremely low pressure of vacuum for around 6 minutes (DW: Four to Doomsday), as well as electric shocks that would be fatal to humans (DW: Genesis of the Daleks, Terror of the Zygons, World War Three, Evolution of the Daleks, The Vampires of Venice, The Pandorica Opens). R�ntgen radiation affected Gallifreyans so minimally that Gallifreyan children were routinely given radioactive toys in the nursery. They could, at will, absorb very high doses of R�ntgen radiation, transform it into a form harmless to humans, and expel it from their bodies. (DW: Smith and Jones) Radiation of other kinds could be fatal, but even then a Gallifreyan could hold out for a while after receiving these lethal doses. (DW: Planet of the Spiders, The End of Time)Gallifreyans needed less sleep than humans, and could make do with as little as an hour. (DW: The Talons of Weng-Chiang, DWN: The Highlanders)A severely-injured Gallifreyan would generally slip into a healing coma, and devote all his or her energy to healing the injury. While in the coma, they would appear to be dead. (DW: Inferno, Planet of the Daleks, The Doctor's Daughter)Time Lords also seem to have an increased resilience to higher frequencies of sound (DW: The Christmas Invasion, Partners in Crime)Gallifreyans could be disabled by a blow to the left shoulder, which possessed a vulnerable nerve cluster. (NA: Set Piece)LifespanEven without regeneration, Gallifreyans had considerable lifespans. Within one regeneration, Gallifreyans could live for hundreds of years, yet look much younger than a human of equivalent age. When artificially aged 500 years, the Fourth Doctor looked like an elderly human (DW: The Leisure Hive), whereas his eleventh incarnation looked the same 200 years apart (DW: The Impossible Astronaut).However, Gallifreyan children and teenagers grew at about the same rate as humans of the same age. (DW: An Unearthly Child, The Sound of Drums) After this point, aging would slow, with the Gallifreyan looking like a teenager for decades. (EDA: Legacy of the Daleks) Ninety years was still considered childhood. (DW: The Stolen Earth)The maximum lifespan of Time Lords was unknown. The Second Doctor once stated, that barring accidents, they could live forever. (DW: The War Games) They considered 750 middle-age. (DW: Pyramids of Mars)SensesGallifreyans had all the senses possessed by humans, and to generally superior degrees. Gallifreyans also had extraordinary reflexes and precision timing, literally superhuman. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons, DW: The End of the World, The Doctor's Daughter) The doctor even states that their reflexes are ten times a humans once. (The Time Monster) Gallifreyans also showed great hand-eye coordination and dexterity with a wide variety of tool and weapons. (DW: The Android Invasion, Human Nature, The Pirate Planet) Gallifreyans (at least, of younger bodies) were, consequently, very physically able. The Third Doctor was a martial arts master, the Fifth Doctor (much like, latently, the Tenth) was a skilled cricketer , and the Eleventh Doctor discovered a natural talent for football. (DW: The Lodger)Sight: Gallifreyan eyes were better at seeing in the dark and could gather and enhance available light. (NA: Lucifer Rising) They were capable of noticing even small objects or details from distances of at least twenty feet away (DW: The Eleventh Hour) as well as people that were quite a distance away. (DW: The Hungry Earth)Hearing: The Doctor exhibited Gallifreyan hearing by perceiving sounds from the TARDIS, while located several sections away, aboard the airship Valiant. (DW: The Sound of Drums)Taste: Using taste, the Doctor was able to identify the blood type of a sample. (DW: The Christmas Invasion, NA: Bad Therapy) He was also able to identify types of wood (DW: Tooth and Claw) and of metal. (DW: The Idiot's Lantern) The Doctor was also able to tell how much a shed had aged via taste. (DW: The Eleventh Hour) He was also able to determine the chemical and mineral composition of blue grass by tasting it. (DW: The Hungry Earth) He could tell where the four TARDIS blue envelopes were made from taste. (DW: Day of the Moon)Smell: The Gallifreyan sense of smell was equal to their sense of taste. (NSA: Wishing Well) They could do a chemical analysis of the air using their sense of smell. (DWN: Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters) On some occasions Time Lords were also able to judge what time period and location they were in by the smell of the air. (WC:Scream of the Shalka, DW: The Unicorn and the Wasp) Gallifreyans were capable of locating one another over great distances through "smell". (DW: The End of Time) Proprioception: Gallifreyans were better at coping with sudden changes in position than humans and were harder to disorient. (NSA: The Forever Trap) As well as the senses shared with humans, Gallifreyans had further senses, with at least an undefined Sixth Sense. (NSA: Wishing Well) Gallifreyans had time- and spatial-related senses and physical attributes; they were able to resist fields of slow time (DW: The Time Monster, Invasion of the Dinosaurs), notice distortions and jumps in time (DW: Invasion of the Dinosaurs, City of Death, The Lodger), directly perceive the interstellar motions of cosmological bodies or their inhabitants (DW: Rose), and perceive all possible timelines (DW: The Parting of the Ways, The Fires of Pompeii). Gallifreyans were also able to sense the presence of others of their own species, with the sense being specific enough to allow identification of one another just by sight, regardless of potential recent regeneration. (DW: The Sound of Drums)Internal anatomyBody temperatureGallifreyans had an internal body temperature of about 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius). (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) While recovering from a serious injury, it could drop spontaneously to below-freezing temperatures. (DW: Planet of the Daleks)Oddly, no humans pointed out the differences in temperatures by touch. This might mean that this was a core temperature, whereas their skin temperature was closer to those of a human. The BrainEditThe Time Lord brain was much larger and more complex than the human brain. The size differences effectively ruled out brain transplants from a Gallifreyan to a human. (DW: The Brain of Morbius) They had a highly advanced form of photographic memory, able to recall every detail of even the most insignificant moments in time. (DW: The Eleventh Hour) The Timewyrm noticed that on a quantum level, the Doctor's brain could receive information from possible futures, possibly without even realizing it consciously. (NA: Timewyrm: Revelation) Time Lords could also separate the hemispheres of their brain, allowing them to multitask easily. (PDA: Island of Death)Time Lords had an additional brain lobe dedicated to mechanical and other bodily functions, freeing up the other lobes for intellectual endeavours. (BFA: Spare Parts)Time Lords displayed the ability of touch-enabled mental manipulation; this has manifested itself in a number of different ways, including hypnosis (DW: Terror of the Autons, The Ribos Operation), mind-reading (DW: The Girl in the Fireplace), thought sharing (DW: The End of Time), the ability to relieve dementia (at least externally caused dementia) (DW: The Shakespeare Code), mentally influncing the dreams of others (DW: The Eleventh Hour) and memory erasure (DW: Journey's End). They were also capable of quickly transferring knowledge to another person by headbutting them. (DW: The Lodger)The Gallifreyans were telepathically linked to one another and were even capable of joining the entire Time Lord intelligence as one. (DW: The Invisible Enemy) They also held telepathic conversations over distances, but this is implied to have been more difficult. (DW: The Sensorites, The Three Doctors, The Pirate Planet) They could also converse with each over the astral plane, although this ability required intense concentration, and for someone to interrupt would result in possibly fatal consequences for the Time Lord in question. (DW: The Two Doctors) Their telepathy also extended to less intelligent animals. (DW: The Lodger) In ancient times, Gallifreyans who were capable of blocking out the telepathic thoughts of other Gallifreyans were called Individuals. These usually had red-gold hair and often went on to become Young Heroes. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)Time Lords were vulnerable to powerful hypnosis, such as the Morpho employed or the Great Vampires. (DW: The Keys of Marinus, State of Decay) However other forms of mind control they were more resiliant if not immune to. (DW: The War Machines, The Green Death)Skeletal structureGallifreyan skeletal structure was identical to human skeletal structure, with the exception of the rib cage: Gallifreyans had 26 ribs, two more than humans. (NA: Blood Heat)Circulatory systemGallifreyan blood was different in composition from human blood, as well as darker in colour and with a slight orange tinge to it. (DW: The Two Doctors, NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) The differences were readily apparent under a microscope. (DW: Spearhead from Space, The Invisible Enemy, Doctor Who) It was highly adaptive, with regenerative properties. (NSA: The Art of Destruction) It didn't have the same A and B types as human blood (i.e., the A and B antibodies were not present), the extra-cellular matrix was incompatible with Earth-based life and the structure of haemoglobin was different. (NSA: The Art of Destruction, DW: The Invisible Enemy, EDA: Placebo Effect)Binary vascular systemGallifreyans naturally born before the time of Rassilon and Pythia had two hearts. (NA: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible, Lungbarrow)Accounts differ as to the vascular systems of Gallifreyans in their first incarnation. Some accounts indicate that Gallifreyans normally had two hearts even in their first body. (CC: Frostfire, DW: The Doctor's Daughter) Other accounts indicate that Oldblood Gallifreyans Loomed after the Pythia's curse of sterility emerged with a single heart and gained their second only after their first regeneration, (MA: The Man in the Velvet Mask) while those of Newblood houses sprang from the Looms with two hearts from the outset. (NA: Christmas on a Rational Planet)A Gallifreyan could survive with only one heart, should the other be punctured or destroyed, though he or she would be weakened greatly. (MA: Managra, EDA: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street, DW:The Shakespeare Code) Even if all the blood were removed from one cardiovascular system, the Gallifreyan could still survive. A Gallifreyan in total cardiac arrest would need CPR on both hearts. (DW: Smith and Jones) Regeneration would become impossible if both hearts were burnt out simultaneously. (DW: Forest of the Dead)Gallifreyans could, with training, gain conscious control over their hearts, enabling them to stop their hearts and feign death, (DW: Destiny of the Daleks) and could slow them down significantly (DW: Terror of the Zygons, NSA: Wishing Well). A dual cardiovascular system being more efficient, Gallifreyans had a resting pulse of as few as 10 beats per minute. (DW: Spearhead from Space) Under stress, the hearts' rate could seem dangerously fast and irregular to human doctors. (DW: Doctor Who) Two pulses could be detected in the wrist. (DW: The Five Doctors, Time and the Rani)Respiratory systemIn order to use their two hearts, Gallifryans had an advanced respiratory system. Instead of large lungs, they had a series of pulmonary tubes parallel to the lymphatic system. This made them positively buoyant, allowing them to swim with ease. (PDA: Island of Death) They could also survive longer without much oxygen, past the point where a Human would be unconscious. (DW: The Ark in Space, The Two Doctors, Smith and Jones, NA: Legacy) Despite this, Gallifreyans (especially frailer individuals) could be affected by altitude sickness. (DWN: Marco Polo)Like most aspects of Gallifreyan physiology, the respiratory system was largely under conscious control. Gallifreyans could, at will, enter a trance state which reduced the need for oxygen. (DW: Terror of the Zygons, Four to Doomsday) Gallifreyans also had a respiratory bypass system, which allowed them to survive strangulation (DW: Pyramids of Mars, NA: Human Nature), avoid breathing poison gas (DW: The Two Doctors), and stave off drowning. (MA: Killing Ground)Gallifreyans were immune to the effect of helium gas, which could make human voices sound high-pitched and squeaky (though this is implied to be a learned technique rather than an innate ability). (DW: The Robots of Death)Other OrgansThe skin of a Gallifreyan had extra subdural and subcutaneous layers compared to that of a human, adding considerably to its durability and damage resistance. Gallifreyan skin tended to reject foreign objects such as subcutaneous implants or tags relatively quickly, (MA: Burning Heart) though such implants have been deliberately retained on occasion, suggesting this to be another consciously controllable ability. (DW: Day of the Moon)The Gallifreyans had two livers. (EDA: Halflife) They also had several organs which had no analogue in humans. (EDA: Placebo Effect)Gallifreyan physiology has been described by a human medic as having "four of everything he should have two of and two of everything else." (MA: Burning Heart.)BiochemistryOn the whole, Gallifreyan biochemistry seems to have been quite similar to human biochemistry: they could eat anything humans could and could breathe in the atmosphere of Earth. (NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)Gallifreyan biochemistry, like many other aspects of Gallifreyan physiology, was subject to the conscious control of the individual. For example, a Gallifreyan was able to counteract the negative properties of Psilocybin by modifying the chemicals into something harmless, though the techniques were not foolproof and drug overdoses were still possible. (NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) Similarly, though Gallifreyans were susceptible to the intoxicating effects of alcohol, they could easily shrug off the effects when they needed to. (PDA: The Quantum Archangel, DW: The Girl in the Fireplace) As with humans, however, excessive consumption could produce a hangover. (BBCR: Slipback) Ginger beer would also reduce their ability to tolerate alcohol. (BFA: The Kingmaker)Some Human medicines seem to have worked on Gallifreyans as well as humans: some sleep-inducing drugs or toxic gases, for example. (DW: The Brain of Morbius) Anaesthetic gases of the type commonly administered before surgery, however, did not work well on Gallifreyans; a much greater quantity of anaesthetic must be administered, and even then it may not work completely. (DW: Doctor Who) Aspirin was toxic to Gallifreyans; a single dose could kill one. (DW: The Mind of Evil, NA: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) It was said to either fatally stop platelet aggregation (BFA: The Condemned), cause massive allergic, pulmonary and cerebral embolism (MA: Burning Heart), or interfere with the hormone receptor intermediaries (EDA: The Taking of Planet 5). Death could be prevented by entering a deep coma which was outwardly mistakable for death (MA: Burning Heart), or by ingesting chocolate. (BFA: The Condemned)Other sleep-inducing drugs, although effective, due to a Gallifreyans resilience, the effects would take roughly twice as long as with humans, even if the Time Lord in question took double the dosage that the humans had. (DW: The Androids of Tara)Gallifreyans were as susceptible as humans to the devastating effect of spectrox poisoning; spectrox toxaemia proceeded at roughly the same rate in both species, though a Gallifreyan, being tougher, would not succumb as quickly. (DW: The Caves of Androzani) They could counteract cyanide poisoning, given a number of ingredients including ginger beer, something salty (but not salt), protein and a physical or mental shock, but only if done very soon after the cyanide is ingested. (DW: The Unicorn and the Wasp)During a decontamination attempt by Silurians intended for humans, the Eleventh Doctor claimed that removing the germs would remove half of the things keeping him alive, suggesting further differences. (DW: Cold Blood)

Haruhi Fujioka

07/07/2011 01: PM 

The Earl

Name: Ciel Phantomhive Nicknames: Queen's Dog, Earl Phantomhive, Watch DogGender: MaleAge: 12Birthday: December 14Blood Type: Hair: BlueEyes: Right eye is pink/purple with a pentacle, his left eye is blueOrientation: Gay (uke)Status: SingleOccupation: Head Of The Phantomhive Company Mainly In Toys And Stretching Into The Food Business, Also The Queens Watchdog And Over looker Of The Black Market.Family: Rachel Phantomhive (Mother;deceased), Vincent Phantomhive (Father;deceased), Madam Red (Aunt), Elizabeth Middleford (Cousin/Fianc�e)Servants: Bardroy, Finnian, Mayrin, Tanaka, and SebastianFavorites: tea, sweet desserts Dislikes: Being around cats because they trigger his allergies.Fears: N/AWeaknesses: N/A

Haruhi Fujioka

07/07/2011 01: PM 

The Stripper/Erotic Dancer

Name: Nobuo SatōNicknames: "Miki" (stage name), NobuGender: MaleAge: 25Birthday: July 22Blood Type: AHair: black with light blue strips throughoutEyes: light blueOrientation: Gay (seme, but can be uke if forced)Status: Single/Heartbroken; SwingerOccupation: stripper/erotic dancerFamily: none; got kicked outFavorites: dancing, lollipops, revealing clothes, cute boys, forceful men, bondageFears: losing his jobWeaknesses: N/A

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