Dark Crystal

Dark Crystal

Last Login:
May 13th, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 118
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
December 12, 2018



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07/13/2022 06:44 PM 


Mayhem Drabble
"The first rule of project Mayhem is you do not ask questions"

Life for Freya Mikaelson was chaos from pretty much her birth. From a mother who sold her up river so that she could be a frickin' rabbit, all the way to now, over a thousand years later where her lover and their daughter were in Mystic Falls raising all sorts of Hell for the town, while she returned her dead brother, and near dead niece back home. Back to a family that she'd not seen in over thirteen years. Since they broke Kai's neck, pissing the hybrid off and causing him to return with a vengeance.

She was forbidden to go with him.. Forbidden, by her younger siblings, well if that wasn't a joke all on it's own. Now she was back in their home, in her home.... Of sorts. "The first rule of project Mayhem is you do not ask questions..." She spoke with a mild eye roll in reference to her brother Elijah asking her where the Hell she had been all this time. "Cloaking spell, I never left town." She finally answered him before she turned her head slowly and looked at him. "Would you have allowed me to be happy had you known that I was still here?" She questioned as she rose to her feet and made her way past him.

There was never a moment in her life that she didn't have chaos, and quite frankly, she wasn't anticipating that going away any time soon, so did she really want her family to add to it? She had hoped that they would be happy to see her, they would be glad that she was safe, but it seemed they were all far more concerned with where she'd been, why she left them, abandoned them, not even taking into account that she didn't just do it for her, that maybe she also did it for them.

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