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May 22nd, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 44
Sign: Virgo
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August 27, 2023



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02/23/2024 01:18 PM 

Ongoing RP with Faithful Lieutenant

Bellatrix's Starter:

It had been nineteen years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and now one of the most famous tournaments at Hogwarts, the tri-wizard tournament, was soon to take place. Two students from the School of Good and Evil had been hearing about Hogwarts. And about the battle that once took place there, about the morphs and why they couldn't produce Patronus or be brought back to life.

Magic has many consequences, and you must know how to handle magic because bringing someone back to the world of living can be tricky. Still, Sophie and Agatha, both students at the School of Good and Evil, were visiting Hogwarts, and one of the Hogwarts students was talking to her about the Death Eater; the girl was Susan Bones' daughter, and her name was Amelia. Amelia looked at the two girls and said, "The ghosts that run Hogwarts are relatively harmless because the Death Eaters have corrupted their souls and cannot be ghosts."
 Sophie and Agatha looked at each other and stared at the book of dark magic that Amelia had placed in the unknown section of the library. Agatha looked at Sophie and said, "Do you think it's true? You know a Death Eaters died here. We can try to revive one, I'll go with the woman know as the most loyal and right hand of Voldemort".
 Sophie opened her eyes and asked Agatha, "Have you lost your five senses?" Agatha: "Come on, Sophie, if what she says is true, it won't be a problem." Agatha moved to where the book was and picked it up. Sophie looked at it and was curious if it was a good idea, but she had no choice but to follow Agatha. It was night, and they were supposed to be sleeping in the dormitory they had been assigned They got out of bed, and Agatha took the book she had placed under the bed and walked to the great hall where Bellatrix had been killed.
 Agatha opened the book and turned to page 177, where she found the spell to bring someone back from the dead. Agatha took a piece of chalk and began to draw a circle while Sophie watched her breathing rapidly.
 Then, they placed their wands in the middle and said the following chant.
 "Ade, noir, Nuit
 Please give me the power I ask of you!
 the power of the dark arts masters before us
 to bring back Bellatrix Lestrange."

 A tower of green and grey smoke began to form, a woman with tousled hair, a corset suit, and a skull face. Her gaze was confused, and she saw the two girls. With a desperate accent, she approached the two girls and began to question them, "WHERE IS THE DARK LORD?" Sophie and Agatha were now afraid of what they had done and trembling with fear and remorse.
 Bellatrix walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, a little confused because when you bring someone back from the dead, the person remains in the state they died in. Bellatrix still thought it was 1998 and her master was alive. The tall grass green grass of the courtyard of Hogwarts, where she ended up, you could her the darkest sounds could be heard. Bellatrix saw some students, grabbing one of them, a Slytherin, to be exact. Bellatrix looked at her while she screamed, asking in an enraged tone," THE DARK LORD? WHERE IS HE?" She screamed in a rage while a breath no one could bear came out of her mouth as if she had a thousand dead rats in it and were rotting; the girl was petrified and didn't know what to say or how to answer after all; she only was a third-year student at Hogwarts.


Hermione Granger, now an adult and serving as a teacher at Hogwarts,  was substituting for Professor Vector in her Arithmancy Class. She was working with a group of  students when she heard a crash, and someone yell. She asked the Prefect to watch over the class and answer any questions the students had, and went to find out what the trouble was.

Taking out her wand, she eased out of the classroom. She could not believe her eyes. It appeared that Bellatrix Lestrange -a woman she thought dead long ago...was alive and screaming her way down the corridor at Hogwarts! 

Hermione rose her wand. This woman had tortured her long ago. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she knew she had to be on her guard. The corridor soon filled with students and other teachers. The year was 2024.


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