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12/03/2023 02:53 PM 

What ifs....

A small little character study on a few WHAT IF's...

What if John & Amelia grew up together?
What if the two had one another in the beginning?
What if they grew up in a normal home with parents that actually gave two sh*ts about them.
Would they have turned out differently?
Would they still be controlled, or sold by Vought industries the way that they had been growing up?
Would they have been made a weapon for Vought to control?
Would there have been countless experiments, tests upon the both of them, or made to watch certain things to program their mind in one way or another.

Would they have turned out completely normal only to slowly turn into what they were now.. only worse
Would the two of them gone down different paths?
Would John have turned into a real, true blue, Hero
Would Amelia became the Villain that Vought & the world  had first sold her as?

Promise me that we'll always be together...

What if those countless pinky promise's were broken?
What if John had somehow betrayed one of those promise's he had made to his sister?
Would she forgive him for it?

Would she just let the anger fester inside of her and slowly eat away at her sanity?
And what if Amelia was the one to have broken her pinky promise to him?
Would he forgive her or just let his anger win and hate his sister?


I f***ing needed you, and you just left!!!
What if John had died when they were still kids?
Would she continue to blame herself for his death?
Its always my fault, isn't it?
What if Amelia was alone in Vought and The Deep became the 'face' of the SEVEN?
What if in some alternate reality Amelia and John were enemies? 
What if Vought had kept Amelia locked away, kept her locked in that cell of hers without any sort of human interaction?

What if she actually got along with her mother, Crimson Countess?
What if she managed to save Black Noir from Homelander?
What if she managed to warn Homelander about Stormfront's real reason as to why she was stroking his ego?
Would he have saved himself the trouble and just killed Stormfront himself instead of Ryan doing it?
Or would she have taken the pleasure in killing Stormfront herself before the other could get close to her brother?

12/02/2023 06:43 PM 

First meeting with her nephew, Ryan

First meeting with her nephew, Ryan

The day had started out fairly normal.. Well as normal as one could get for the supes of Vought industries. John had decided to bring Amelia along to meet Ryan. His kid. This was news to her, sure she had heard the rumors about her brother actually having a kid. But never in her lifetime would she have thought that it was actually real nor would she ever be meeting him.

Well, here she was sitting on one of the lone chairs waiting for John to bring Ryan down to meet her. To say that she wasn't a little nervous was an understatement. She hadn't met too many kids in her lifetime, well besides the ones that were one of the Seven's fans. But to be meeting her brother's kid, well that was something to be nervous about.

As John finally came down with Ryan and the two took their seats on the couch, John, of course had a glass of milk in his hand. When he introduced Amelia to his son Ryan, she just did her best to smile. "Its nice to meet you, Ryan.." She began. It was normal, right? To greet a kid like that. Yes, it had to be. He didn't seem to be all that nervous around her, or at least he didn't show it. So it was fine.. At least fine for the first 10 minutes or so.

It was only when Ryan asked her about her child hood that she had started to slowly go off the rails. She began to tell him about how they had poked and prodded her with needles, the countless tests that they ran on her. Oh and of course the time that they had decided to remove her reproductive organs, "And then--"

"Okay! I think that's enough from Auntie Amelia." John quickly butted in before she could go any further.

Writer; @SoldierGirl01

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