
Last Login:
May 24th, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 36
Sign: Sagittarius
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
May 02, 2024


05/05/2024 07:20 PM 

Sadness and birthdays.

may 3rd. That day always hit hard for him, his mother's birthday was not an easy one, cancer was a bitch taking the only thing that gave him life was gone now. Camden had his face over the sink washing his face before he looked up at himself in the mirror studying himself. Eyes bags were definitely showing out. he sighed before shaking his head, pulling himself away from the sink and made his way over to the shower and turned it on, awhile he took a second to grab some clothes he stopped by the picture he had sitting on top of his drawer, he picked it up, holding it in his hand looking back at the person who made him who he is today. ‘‘mum, you would told think everyone had lost their Damm mind during covid’’ he spoke, chuckling before putting the picture back in its proper place, his mother, Valentina Rose Fiore, knew very little English being raised in Florence, Italy until she met his father, Thomas Longhurst who seemed nice at first but soon turned out not to be the case as soon was Valentina told him she was pregnant, he left. She barely knew and being in a place she barley knew was difficult for her, scary even. Valentina was only eighteen years old when she had Camden on Christmas eve 1987. Soon enough he came back when Camden was a school boy later falling pregnant with twins than leaving again to never be seen or heard from again. Camden let the hot water roll down his body before he eventually turned off the water, days like theses were the hardest but he pushed through knowing his mother didn't want him to sit around and sulk about her not being around. Camden brushed his teeth before getting dressed in a simple band tshirt a work shirt over it with some jeans and pair of worn out leather boots he got as a birthday gift around the time his mother died. Camden was only 17 when his mother had broke the news she was sick, it broke his heart. But he wouldn't tell her that as he was already running the pub when she was too sick thanks to chemo Eben though she begged to go to the pub on the hard days, not working but enjoying a bit of a social status with the people that came and went almost daily to the little pub on the street in London that Valentina had opened show her ex that she can in fact do things on her own awhile raising three children in the choas, she enjoyed the choas. She function better under pressure. birthdays were always hard,especially when that birthday was connected to someone so special and someone who he loved very much despite not always seeing eye to eye that was still his mother no matter what, she'll always be his mother no matter if she's no longer here physically on earth or in sprint watching over her babies.

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