Last Login:
June 2nd, 2024

Gender: Male
Age: 36
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 13, 2011


06/14/2011 02: PM 


Really, there are three basic things to keep in mind:

1. Don't steal anything from me. This includes storylines, character information, edits, layouts, whatever.
2. Be literate.
3. Don't nag me for replies.

Now for the specifics.

Castiel is not my creation and I do not claim him to be. That doesn't mean that my edits, posts, layouts, pictures, and what have you are up for the taking. I write everything on this blog (apart from the lyrics; those belong to the respective artists), so do NOT take anything from my profile. I may edit for you, but that's only if you ask really nicely and I like you to begin with.

I cannot stress literacy enough. It's fine when we're talking out of character. You can type however you'd like when we're just goofing off. I know I tend to talk rather stupidly out of character (blame tumblr; I used to speak properly all the time), but in character, I won't accept that. We're all adults here, right? We can handle writing a few paragraphs utilizing proper grammar and nice imagery.

You nag me, I take longer on your reply, plain and simple. I'm sorry that you feel a sense of entitlement, but my attention is split between roleplay, video games, socializing, drinking, and responsibilities. I also have a medical issue at the moment that keeps me from being on and completing things as much as I'd like. You are not my greatest priority, and if you find you cannot wait for a quality reply, you can just delete me outright.

The following are more guidelines than anything else, and are not enforced as strictly as the above.

Crossovers are fine. I'd be happy to make Castiel a naive human for our roleplay if that works better for you, or you can insert your character into the Supernatural verse. I'm flexible.

I tend towards being a novella roleplayer, but I can go down to multi-para or up to mega novella if need be. I'd ask that you not attempt to one-line with me, nor do I really want anything under two paragraphs. I'd prefer around four paragraphs per response, but I do understand that not everyone can manage that every time. As long as you give me at least two paragraphs, I won't complain.

You can bunny Castiel, but you may not godmod him. This means that you cannot write his actions or dialogue, nor can you assume he'd behave in a certain way, no matter how much of an expert you feel you are on Supernatural. However, if they've made arrangements to go somewhere, feel free to set off with Cas in tow. When in doubt, ask me.

I prefer talking to my fellow roleplayers out of character. I suppose it's not that big an issue, but it's considerably more awkward for me to have Cas interacting with your character when I don't even know your name. Again, I understand the need for privacy, so I'm lax when it comes to this. I like being chummy with my connections, though. I mean, you guys are my mains, right? May as well have some conversation.

I'm female in real life. If you've got a problem with girls playing guys, then I guess we won't be roleplaying.

In character drama is a must. I'm not going to roleplay with you if our characters are just going to skip off into the sunset and frequent bars and LOL MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE LOCALS. If you want honey and sugar, look elsewhere.

Out of character drama is a no-no. Once we become friends, I don't mind being your sounding board. Go ahead and tell me when you're upset and need to talk about something that happened in real. That's what friends are for, and I value online friendships just as much as ones I've developed in real life. However, if you're going to criticize any of my life choices, show yourself out. I've had problems in the past with former friends judging me for the things I do in my personal life, so here's a fair warning: In real life, I drink. I smoke. I swear. Do not expect me to be some naive teenager that disapproves of sex before marriage and underage drinking, because I'm warning you right now, I will not tolerate judgment. I'm twenty years old, and I'm fully capable of making my own decisions. I don't judge anyone, so kindly extend the same tolerance to me.

In my headcanon, Cas is Demisexual. In layman's terms, this means he will be asexual until he develops a love for someone. Doesn't that make more sense than him having a definitive orientation? ;}

I SHIP DESTIEL. Kindly refrain from adding me just to get all up on Cas' dick because you think he's irresistible or you like Misha Collins or something. Hah, no.

I'm actually extremely nice out of character. SO, UM, LET'S TALK. :}

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