𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒄✧

Last Login:
June 1st, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 29
Sign: Capricorn
Signup Date:
November 27, 2021


05/31/2024 03:56 PM 


Can you both share what initially drew you to the project of "In the Heights"?
NJ: Initially, I was just happy for Caroline. She’s on a career high right now, cuando ella y mi tia vinieron a decírmelo, I was happy. And just like Caroline, Lenore is my manager, she does everything for me. I had zero idea they wanted me to be in it as well. So, when they finally said I’m going to be Usnavi, it was really exciting. Especially with this being my first big role. I was ecstatic! This still doesn’t feel real. Se siente como un sueño. It still feels that way!

CT:I knew that Lin was in the works of taking "In The Heights" from the stage to the big screen but I was really surprised when I got the call. Lin calls me and he's so excited because "In The Heights" is like his baby. So, he's like, "As long I have a job, you have a job. Do you want to be Vanessa in this movie?" And of course, it was an instant yes. este musical es mi sueñitos. To be able to embrace my culture, work with Lin again, and be a musical that I get to star in with one of my favorite humans, mi mayor logro hasta ahora.
How does your real-life friendship influence your on-screen chemistry in the movie?
NJ:Usnavi is a little awkward because he has such a big crush on Vanessa, but he can’t act on it. Or won’t, I should say. And so, having to flirt with my best friend definitely makes me a little awkward sometimes. It definitely helps with the cluelessness when it comes to anything romantic that happens between the two.

CT:It works in our favor! I think, and it's a little fun to sort of have swapped places. I am way more shy than Nori in the real world. I'm much more awkward, but Vanessa isn't shy at all really. She's very much assertive about what she wants, for the most part, so it's fun to sort of have swapped. I think it makes for also a level of trust that we didn't have to build as strangers to be able to throw ourselves in head first. We didn't have to build that rhythm, chemistry is something you either have it or you don't, so we didn't have to sit through chemistry tests or anything. Trusting your co-star makes the acting so much easier, and makes every single day on set super fun.
What was it like working together on a musical that celebrates Latin culture and heritage?
NJIt felt very important to do! Especially because it’s what I do for myself already. Yo soy Boricua!I’m very proud to be Puerto Rican. I’m proud of my heritage and where I came from. And I’ve passed that on to my daughter as well. It’s also really important that Caroline gets to speak her truth. Every one just bypasses the fact that she is in fact Mexican, and that she keeps that dear to her heart because it’s how she keeps her mom’s memory alive and Noelle is half Mexican, so to have both her cultures being uplifted, represented, todo eso, it makes me happy.

CT:It's both so meaningful for us and fun! I have always embraced who I am despite not getting the chance to do so. It's so fun to be able to work on a project where we're not cast as "a sassy best friend" or some stereotype. Latin music is superior and I love being able to dance with such passion. It's honestly so exciting that a musical about Latin culture is getting the opportunity to be a big-budget deal. It's long overdue.
"In the Heights" is a story about community and dreams. How do these themes resonate with your own lives and careers?
NJ: For me, it just reminds me of when I was growing up. I always grew up in areas that were similar to the connections in the movie. Even now, it’s a little different but my friends son como mi familia. And that’s exactly how it felt being on set. 

CT:I think the community is something that especially is super important to us. We are a village in our little family, and we rely on each other it's especially wonderful for me who didn't have a family growing up. As far as dreams, dreams are the reason I've done anything. I started dreaming up clothes for my dad to compete in, and I think dreams are the most powerful thing, we as humans do. 
 Can you describe a memorable moment or favorite scene you both shared during the filming?
NJ:My favorite scene, I think, would have to be during Champagne. That was like the most Nori and Caroline scene you’ll get from us. I’m just focused on opening the champagne bottle and the fact we don’t have cups, Caroline is trying to talk to me but I’m like yeah! Like I hear you but I gotta open this damn champagne. And then I apparently got really into it, and was like “how do you take this gold sh*t off?” we just busted out laughing. 

CT:I also really love the "How do you take this gold sh*t off?". I was so happy that they were going to leave it because it's just precious. But because I don't wanna be an imitadora. I love any scene that we got to do with Noelle, I was crying each time because I felt so honored to be in her first movie with her. But as far as like, funny moments, there's a scene in "Black Out," where we're sort of in a fight, and Nori has to say, "I've been tryin' all night, you've been shaking your ass for like half of the heights" and as soon as it ends, he's immediately like, "I'm so sorry!!! I don't think that!!!" because he felt so bad having to say something degrading. A sweet whittle Noris. 
Questions for Nori Jusino,
Nori, as the "King of Modern Reggaeton," how did you incorporate your musical background into the role of Usnavi?
NJ: I started taking vocal lessons, actually. Musicals are waaaay different, you gotta make sure everyone’s on point, and if you sing the wrong note, people will notice and you gotta start over. I started my music career just by putting myself out there and getting the right connections, and just pure luck. For this I HAD to really elevate my vocals, and while I think I still sound the same. I have better control of my voice now than I did when I started my career. 
Usnavi is a character with big dreams and a deep love for his community. How did you prepare to embody this role?
NJ: It didn’t take much! Lin had a vision, and like Usnavi, I love my community, I love my people, where I come from. All of it. So in that aspect, Usnavi and I are the same, I just had to rep Dominican Republic instead of Puerto Rico. Pero mucho amor a la república dominicana. 
What challenges did you face transitioning from reggaeton music to performing in a musical?
NJ:With reggaeton, it’s usually just me. I’ll do features here and there y ya. Pero, with musicals. You’ve got Caroline singing one thing, Corey’s signing his verse, Stephanie, Dashca, and Daphne are singing their verse, and so on and so on. But we’re all doing it at the same time. It’s easy to get lost in it when you’re not use to it, but you get use to it, and once it sticks it sticks. Another thing is performing it. Dancing, acting, singing. I can’t rely on the backing track. I can’t miss a word or it throws it off. When I’m on stage for concerts, if I stop singing I have the crowd screaming back at me. That’s not the case for In The Heights. 
How does it feel to represent Puerto Rican culture in such a prominent way through this film?
NJ: It allowed me to explore como se dice? Different genres, the dancing is different. It’s got that urban vibe, but it’s still different than what I’m used to. You also get to see me acting, I had two cameos on Sky Rojo and The Queen of Flow, but nothing major. But this movie, I’m the main character. The story is following Usnavi, for the most part. So you really get to see my acting skills be put to the test. 
Questions for Caroline Tesfaye,
Caroline, you've had a remarkable career in both acting and music. How did your experience playing Eliza in "Hamilton" prepare you for the role of Vanessa? 
CT:Honestly, I feel very lucky because this is my second Lin Manuel Miranda musical role, so I've already gotten used to the fast pace of it. But Eliza and Vanessa never really rap, so I didn't have to learn that I was able to throw myself into Vanessa and we sang all of the songs live, so I didn't have as much of a problem being able to keep my voice strong while dancing, I was already used to singing for hours, but I get to dance more as Vanessa and that's a lot of fun. I always joke that I make my career as being stingy Puerto Rican men's love interests. 
As someone who is white-passing but proudly Mexican, how important is it for you to embrace and represent your culture through this film? 
CT:It's so important for me. I have never pretended to not be Mexican, but people have always tried to shove me in this box and not listen to what I'm saying. My mom was an immigrant, and this culture feels like her. I feel like she's with me with him singing in Spanish, I feel like the world gets to hear her voice through me and immigrants are silenced so much, and my mom passed away, this is me doing something for her. I want to break out of the mold and just be Caroline. I have a platform and I don't want to abuse it by not forcing people to see who I am. 
You're very active in Nori's daughter's life. How does this close-knit bond influence your collaborative work on screen?
CT:It's very easy for us to play parents because we do parent together. I don't say that lightly, Noelle is one of the most important people in my life. I am truly honored and I don't want to say blessed because it's more than that, but honestly, being able to be there for her in the ways that my mom was before she passed away and give her what I didn't have. Single dads are amazing, but every little girl needs a woman and I've never or will never will never hesitate to step up when she needs. 
Questions for working with Lin Manuel Miranda,
Both of you have worked with Lin-Manuel Miranda in different capacities. How was it working with him on "In the Heights"?
NJ: Lin is incredible! He’s one of the nicest people I’ve met since my career started. He feels familiar. Es como un tío para mí. Having him on set, everyone’s at ease. There’s no hostility. He’s just a guy you wanna be around. There’s no negativity. Anything is flipped to a positive. If you’re having a bad day, he’s there with a pep talk. Such a good dude to work with, I’m blessed to be able to work with him on In The Heights. 

CT:I think I have a tiny bit of an advantage because I've acted alongside him so I can sort of follow his train of thought and take direction in almost a shorthand because I have seen how his brain works. He's so positive and he's not arrogant enough to be like actually, I know I wrote it this way, but let's try it this way. It's a lot of fun. It's cool because we both have these different advantages to working with Lin. After all, Lin had originally played Usnavi, so he can come in with tips that only someone who's stepped into the role can give. 
What impact do you think Lin-Manuel's vision and creativity have had on the film and your performances?
NJ:He’s super involved. He’d started writing this back when he was still in college! So this is like his baby. It’s almost like a passion project for him. Whenever he felt like we needed a little more oomph, he’s like well let’s try it this way and see if it works better. He’s on set day in and day out, in between takes he’s just making sure everyone is good, everyone is happy and having fun.

CT:Lin is on set every day, this movie like we both said is his baby. He loves it. He's just so grateful to be able to see his vision in the grandest of ways. I'm not sure he ever truly thought he'd get to see this show performed to the max. We're out here with these huge dance numbers, it's crazy. Every day feels like a parade or something, and everyone's so happy to be there. It's such a positive fun set. 
Questions about the movie's impact,
What do you hope audiences take away from "In the Heights"? 
NJIWe don’t have to sit back and conform to what people think we should be. Si tienes un sueño, go for it. Do what makes you happy! Never lose who you are. No matter where you go, or what people may think of you, you are always going to be you, don’t change that for other people, and never forget where you came from. 

CT:Never ever stop chasing your sueñitos. Don't let the world's harshness dim your light of dreaming and embracing your culture. I also think another message that you can find in it is about community and happiness. I think the best way I can describe it is to quote Lin, again, from Moana and say, "you must find happiness where you are."  
How do you think this film will contribute to the representation of Latin culture in mainstream media?
NJ: It’s good to see us being represented in a positive and uplifting life. We tend to get type casted into these roles because of what we look like or how we sound. Lin bringing everyone together for this project goes to show you, you can look like me or Caroline and not be drug dealer number three, or the sassy best friend. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for representation of Latine culture. 

CT:I think it's nothing but positive for the Latin culture. A lot of times in movies we're casted a certain way, we've both mentioned that but it's also the real life prejudice that we and so many people like us have to face. In the Heights showcases how we are intelligent, talented, hardworking and joyful people. Immigrants can sometimes be labeled as lazy, and everything else under the sun, and it's simply not true. We need more media and entertainment that shares the truth of our people. We deserve to be able to pick up a feel good movie and see people like us, people like our families and kids can see themselves in us. It's important. 
Are there any specific messages or themes in the movie that you both feel are particularly timely or relevant today?
NJ:There’s mentions of gentrification throughout the movie. That is a constant battle for a lot of people of color, not just Latine people. Our people are being pushed out of their neighborhoods and the rent is skyrocketing, it’s unfair. So I think that is one of the more important messages within the movie. Another one would be just being proud of yourself, your home, where you came from. Our culture shapes who we are and it’s best to embrace it, even when it feels like you’re sticking out like a sore thumb.

CT:I think that the hamster wheel of working so hard for the Latin community to be continously ignored, put down and stereotyped. It's still a thing, this entire block is being screwed over and it happens so often. It's nice to see a story where these people still get a happy ending despite the fact that this country isn't always kind to us. The community, the family, these people are there for each other and want to see each other succeed. It's a love letter to the Latin community, and I'm so happy that little boys and little girls like our Noelle gets to see themselves in this movie. And Noelle gets to seriously do it because she's in it, but still, it's a project that has made me the most proud of anything I've ever worked on. 

05/18/2024 10:52 PM 

in the heights


05/18/2024 08:18 PM 


05/17/2024 05:11 PM 

truth or drink

Hiiiiii! It's again, Birdoline coming at you from the very beautiful. very hot. very fun La Parguera. It's day something, we're hot, but we're not tired! And like all things Birdoline, it's time to spice things up a little bit and bring in a special guest that I think is really cute and I would totally already have his baby, please give a very warm Isla Vibras welcome to the chest hair millionaire himself, my husband, Abel "The Weeknd" Tesfaye." Caroline says to the camera and to her best friend and husband. The table is set up with the limited edition "XO" tequila in both cocktail and shot form. "We're going to play a super fun game of Truth or Drink. The game is simple, we had Jordan," Caroline pauses and the camera shows the Tesfaye's body guard who loves the attention too much, "Back over here. thank you. gather tweets from fans with some hard hitting questions and you can either choose to answer the question or take a shot. easy peasy." Caroline says, though she can't help but laugh a little. "Birdie and I have been training for this our whole life, so I hope you're ready, babe." ;
"We are very hot and very not tired! I don't even think I've slept since I've arrived." Birdie states matter of factly with a shrug of her shoulders, it's all vibes."It's El Fin De Semana!!" Birdie exclaims, clearly quite proud of herself for pronouncing it correctly. "And if you think I won't be calling you that all fin de semana-" She pauses to laugh at her own joke before continuing on. "You're very sadly mistaken." As the camera pans to Jordan, Birdie exhales a long dramatic sigh directly into the microphone. "Don't give him too much attention, his head is big enough as it is." As the camera pans back to the trio, Birdie is wearing a wide enthusiastic smile, clearly excited for this challenge. "I did make sure to have Jordan pick a few of the more wild questions, just so you know." She waves her cue cards, looking between her best friend and Abel. "Let's get right to it, shall we? Pick your poison, El Fin De Semana!" She gestures to the variety of shots and cocktails displayed before them. "Alright, we'll start with a tame one; from user star g-one-rl...oh starg1rl..okay 'When is the new album coming? Give us the date Abel Lynn!'"
"I don't think y'all have let me sleep since we got here," Abel joked, pulling the mic away from his mouth just enough to plant a quick kiss on Caroline's cheek and whisper a soft 'I love you, baby,' in her ear. Pulling back, Abel raised a brow as he glanced between Caroline and Birdie, unable to repress a laugh as his wife referred to him oh so lovingly as chest hair millionaire. "That ain't right, Sugar Glider," He then turned to Birdie. "El Fin De Senmana," He repeated, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, I know. The more ya' drink, the less it'll sound like The Weeknd in Spanish,"
Abel rolled his eyes when the camera panned to Jordan who, unsurprisingly, was checking out a woman just out of view. "You need help," Abel shook his head, turning to Birdie and Caroline once again, pushing the thought of Jordan trying to get laid out of his mind. "Alright, alright, I think I can do this, I'm pretty open. I mean, half of the world has seen mine and Caroline's sex tape, so there ain't much being kept a secret anymore," He joked.
Listening to the first question, Abel narrowed his eyes. "Sometime in 2024," He shrugged, "I can't give exact dates but that is technically a date," Abel hoped that it would be vague enough, because if not, he'd already be taking a shot of their exclusive XO Star Fruit & Pineapple Tequila. "Next question?" He asked, hopeful that he had successfully outsmarted Birdoline for the first question, although he knew if he got lucky this time, it would be short-lived.
"Caroline begins to chant, "sleep is for the weak! sleep is for the weak!" knowing that Birdie will always be there to continue the chant because who can sleep when there's so much fun to be have? and so much work, but shhh. "En Fin De Denmana, Millonario de pelo en el pecho." Caroline said with a small laugh though she was the only one who spoke pretty close to fluent Spanish. "Don't call me sugar gliderrrrrr on the internettttttt" she whined, she did not want to answer such things, but she would because it was very true. "Hahah, Birdie called you big head." Caroline mocked from where she stood and enjoyed a little middle finger from the security guard who was a big tit baby all the damn time. "Don't any of you nasties tweet us to see the rest of the tape. We don't need to be teachin' y'all have to have babies." she said narrowing her eyes at the camera and giving them the firm "Mom-finger" to show that she was serious. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Doesn't count, baby, too vague. Drink up. Then you can ask me, birdie, or birdoline a question next to keep it fair." she said taking the bottle. "Look how pretty, this is ours. We'll tell y'all about it at the end, but we made this. and it's very yummy, and it's from our brand." she said as she poured the shot glass full and handed it to her husband. "bottoms up, babe."
As anyone could have predicted, Birdie joined in on the chant with her arms raised above her head with enthusiasm; "sleep is for the weak! sleep is for the weak!" The comment in fluent Spanish went over her head, visible confusion on her face as her arms drooped back into her lap. "Yeah, I dunno about all that." How exactly was she supposed to interview multiple musicians who spoke almost exclusive Spanish? Time would tell.

The warning prompted Birdie to quickly shuffle through the index cards with tweets that had been pre-typed on each of them, stopping at a specific one and ripping it in half before tossing the pieces over her shoulder. "Yeah, ya nasties!" She shot a glare over towards Jordan for allowing that one in, who held his hands up in defense with a sh*t-eating grin on his face.

"No vague answers, that's cheating fin de semana del día conmemorativo!!" Birdie exclaimed, clearly she had plenty of spanish nicknames tucked away for this occasion thanks to Nori. "Bottoms up, Trey Songz."
Abel couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You know I can't answer those questions. I am under contract. Things do need to be kept under wraps. Giving you a year is the best I could do," He shrugged his shoulders, reaching for the shot of their XO tequila that Caroline had poured for him. "I swear, you're getting me drunk on purpose," he then nodded toward Birdie, "And she's just here for the ride. I don't know what the hell y'all are callin' me either so that's kinda rude,"

With that, Abel held the shot glass to his lips and let the liquid slide down his throat, as he tilted his head backwards. With a quiet gulp, the shot was gone and he gently placed the shot glass down on the table. "Alright, I'm.. actually sort of curious. So, Caroline, what's your favorite Harry Styles song? And Birdie, what's your favorite song I've released? No bullsh*t. Blinding Lights and Watermelon Sugar are wrong answers, 'cause that's what me and Harry hear all the time,"
"Contract Sm-tract." Caroline says with hands her hips though she laughs, "I'm kidding, don't break contractal agreements kiddos, it's not good and court is not fun. Birdoline will not be your lawyer, we do not have law degrees yet." She warns, sliding the glass over, watching carefully to ensure that all the liquor left the glass. "Us? Me? Us? We're angels. We would never play such games. You're a honest man, Abel Lynn." She teased, though getting drunk is always preferrable outcome for content and for the fact she liked the laugh. "Yikes. I guess I'm gonna drink on this one." She said before laughing, "I'm kidding. Easy peasy." she said, "I did want a shot though." she pretended to pout. "I think I know Birdie's answer but I'm going to zip lip cause I wanna see if I'm right . BUt my favorite Harold song is probably Golden. Or Treat People With Kindness. I love both equally, but TPWK feels like Harry as a person, and Harry and I are very similar humans."

05/05/2024 11:12 PM 

broadway social media,


05/05/2024 11:05 PM 

broadway karaoke,

*i accidentally didn't save this in blogs, but for the sake of memories i'm reuploading it here with where I posted it on discord. xo. 


[ This blog post is private ]

04/17/2024 11:25 PM 

jimmy fallon.

04/02/2024 08:38 PM 


01/14/2024 09:42 PM 


Caroline's C'est vrai
a rare and candid tell all with hollywood's latest it girl.

It’s a few days after the new year and the TikTok megastar and household name in the fashion industry turned musician and actress, Caroline Tesfaye is in a reflective mood. “I’m feeling very grateful and feeling really content right now.” she says over zoom from her home in Bel Air wearing a vintage Marc Jacob’s vintage baby tee that says “love the skin you're in” printed over a nude Chloë Sevigny. She looks effortlessly chic despite saying that she had a better outfit planned but her sweet new baby had decided to ruin it by spitting up on it. She’s sweeter than I imagined though I can’t say that I’m exactly surprised. I ask her if she’s ready for this and I confirm that she’s looked over the questions and she’s comfortable. Despite all the rumors that tend to swirl around the enigma that is Caroline Tesfaye, I still find myself not wanting to cause all harm to the little ball of sunshine that is on the other side of the screen. “I did, I’m not scared, I try not to shy away from telling my truth.” she says and I start to wander if she’s comforting me or I’m comforting her.

With 2023 coming to a close, if you could pick one song to describe your year, what would you choose?
Sweet Girl by Fleetwood Mac

This last year was undeniably one of the largest in your career. From fashion to acting to entering your popstar era. You’ve been named as costume director for a few projects, even winning an academy award for best costumes, how does styling for film differ from designing for your own brand?
It’s somehow both extremely different and extremely alike. I find such freedom in both. With my brand, it’s sort of all my vision. From the second I think of an idea for a collection, to sketching, to making a pattern, it’s all my way of creating something that doesn’t exist already. It’s me telling my story through clothes and I love it. Designing has always been my first love as far as career goes. I started out making clothes for my dad to take to drag races. With costume designing, it’s not really my story, it’s their story and my interpretation of the story. It’s a character study. It’s the way to really put yourself in the mindset of characters because wardrobe can be very personal. So, it’s really fun to think about each and every character and what they would choose to put on for certain events or day to day life. It’s giving them that ability of a first impression and letting the clothes say what they can’t, or in some cases, letting clothing fill in the blanks for things that timing doesn’t allot for.
We know that you worked on both your husband’s tour and his show on HBO Max that he co-wrote. How is styling your husband different? And how was it working on his show?
I do most if not all of Abel’s styling. He appreciates clothes, and can dress himself when he wants but since we’ve been together, he leaves most of the clothing to me. It comes from a place of being both convenient because we get ready in the same place for things and also just from the fact that I know him better than anyone. I know what he likes and I usually know what vision he’s going for. Aside from the fact that I know what he has in his closet, I know what looks good on him and I also have all his measurements memorized. Abel will tell you that none of these things I’ve listed is at all the reason, it’s just simply that I am good at what I do and have excellent tastes. Working on The Idol was so different because his character Tedros is literally nothing like my husband despite the rumors that have floated around. He would never wear a women's pajama shirt to the club. He’d never tie a cheetah print robe tie on his head. Tedros is unhinged in a way that’s totally different than Abel. It also comes up a lot in that Tedros doesn’t have money but wants to portray that he does have money. Every piece that he wears, he thinks looks good but it just usually misses just a teeny bit. Tedros uses his clothes as a costume so he can pretend to be the man he thinks he is. I hate the rattail but I loved the opportunity to be apart of the project that he’d put so much of his time and effort into. He is the hardest worker I know, and I really, really, appreciated the time I got to spend working with him.

There’s a lot of backlash on The Idol, and I feel that you can offer some of the most unique perspectives. How do you feel about people saying that Tedros is just a way for your husband to play himself? Or is it just an excuse to be able to hook up with a co-star despite being a married man? Does some of the fans' inability to separate fact from fiction ever get to you?
First and foremost, Abel is not Tedros. Tedros is not Abel. Tedros is a character that was written to be hated. If you hate him, it’s because my husband has done his job so well. He’s not the hero in this story by all means. Abel is the sweetest of people, he’s kind to his bones and he’d never be this type of person that they’ve created. I think the hooking up thing is so silly, because my husband didn’t offer up our house, put tons and tons of money into this, just so he can hook up with someone. He doesn’t need to do all that. Have you seen him? But aside from that and also that we have an incredibly healthy marriage. We’re very much in love and we’re never looking for love anywhere else because we get exactly what we want and need and more from each other. I also was on set for all of the more stripped down scenes for that very reason. I also was able to provide some comfort to Lily as well, it’s a vulnerable thing to film a sex scene. It’s not sexy at all. It’s very strategic and it’s grueling. Just because the world got to know Abel as a musician first, doesn’t mean that he can’t act and that this entire show is a work of fiction, he’s no different than Penn Bagley playing Joe Goldberg in “You”.

You said that you were on set for all the spicy scenes, can you explain to us what that was like? Was it uncomfortable? Is it hard not to feel jealous?
It’s like any other day on set, it’s just more closed to protect everyone. It’s very much choreographed. I was not jealous at all, we’re both in the industry and acting is totally not the same as real life. Everything is planned beforehand. There’s plenty of precautions and barriers and tricky camera angles to let you assume what’s happening is happening and it’s real for the characters. You have to remember that Tedros is f***ing around, and not Abel. Abel is very much respectful of everyone. He’s respectful of his costars and would never put them in a situation where they were ever uncomfortable. And even more than that, Abel is very respectful of me, and would never, even for the sake of a project, do anything to make me feel any type of way. In fact, when they were trying to work out the scenes, Sam would call me in and let Abel do them with me first, to sort of find the way to match that passion and find out how to make it somehow both very calculated and natural. Sex scenes are nothing to be jealous of, I can assure you. It’s the same way he wouldn’t care if I had them.
You’ve been relatively public with your relationship from the start, what are some of the challenges in that and do you regret letting the world in on your love?
I don’t regret it, no. I don’t think that we could keep it a secret even if we wanted to. Mostly because we’re always together, and it’s not like we’d take other dates to red carpets. It was never a super big decision we made, it was just that we knew we were going to be together forever so what was the point in taking great lengths in hiding? I wouldn’t say there’s any super large challenges but there is always the double edge sword of having everyones opinions. It took awhile, but I used to be really upset by all the comments that didn’t like me for Abel. It was hard to see fans who adore him just rip me to shreds. It’s also very strange the things that people like to grasp onto to make assumptions. An example is Abel has a necklace, well we have matching ones, but he wears his all the time. It’s gold and it’s engraved on the back with my handwriting and he wears it pretty much every day. But he will occasionally switch it out for something else if the look requires or if it’s getting cleaned, we’re very serious about taking care of all jewelry. It’s kind of our thing. But people will start losing their sh*t being like, “Abel and Caroline broke up!!! He’s not wearing his necklace!!” and I’m like what in the world? I think that’s probably the only challenge because people find things that you’d never even think of.

There’s quite a few people who have expressed their disappointment that you’re no longer family or child friendly. What do you have to say to those who feel that way?
I don’t think I’ve ever claimed to be family friendly. Sure, there’s plenty of my content that is totally appropriate for all ages. I even have a playlist on my TikTok that is all of my G-rated, E-for everyone content. I love children, I have a child. I love meeting them and that they’re excited to meet me. I do my best in creating a wide range of content in all different forms because I am a multifaceted person. I have multiple interests and I like to share them with my fans of all ages. But at the end of the day, I’m a grown woman. I don’t know if people really let that sink in. I don’t know if it's because I started doing this so young that they still see me as that fifteen year old, but I’m a twenty seven year old married woman with a baby. I’m not a kid, and I haven’t been a kid for quite some time. And I feel like you sort of have to remember that I’m the daughter of a Drag Queen. Drag Queens push all the limits all of the time. I think that when you really think about who I’m surrounded with, the idea that I’m a completely family friendly person is honestly such a stretch. I mean, my dad is Katya Zomo, my godmother is Trixie Mattel, my fairy godmother is Ru Paul. Ru named herself that since he wasn’t going to be around to do all the godmother things. I’m married to The Weeknd. I think we need to normalize letting, especially women in the industry, to create all the content that they want. Let me have a barbie on the market, make plenty of disney contents and make up videos, but also, let me be a woman and make more content that’s more suitable for those of age.
Speaking of your Barbie, due to the scandal of your sextape leaking, bonkers toys quickly removed all of your dolls from shelves and stopped production. Do you feel that is fair?
I don’t. I really don’t. I was really sad to see the dolls go. I worked really hard on them and I had designed and sewn the outfits that come with them myself before they went to be mass made. I made a barbie that didn't stick thin, because I’m not thin. I spent a lot of my life fighting an eating disorder that was put on by the pressures of society so I made a more easily relatable doll. But, what’s so hard, and so confusing about the backlash this video has brought is that I rarely see people acknowledge the fact that this tape was leaked. It was stolen from me and posted for the world to see without my permission at all. But at the end of the day, the narrative around this should change. This video was from my wedding night. As far as morals go, even though I don’t agree with a lot of that bullsh*t, what leaked was a special night between me and my husband. We as a society need to stop shaming women for everything. I fully agree that my sex tape has no business on the internet, it wasn’t made for anyone to see other than myself and my husband. I have to wonder sometimes if the uproar about this is that I am willingly giving myself over to the love of my life because sometimes I believe that men don’t want to see women feeling good and confident during sex. I found it to be terribly unfair to be punished so intensely when the tape was stolen. Our privacy was stolen. Our wedding night, the night that is so deeply personal and special, was stolen.

What do you have to say about those women (Karen’s in my opinion) who make videos claiming you aren’t a fit mother?
I mean, those are the comments that have always hurt more than anything else because I’ve wanted to be a mother for so long. Abel and I tried to get pregnant for over a year before we were able to finally see that plus sign on a test. I don’t speak often about my childhood, I tend to try and block most of that out until I was adopted by my dad, but I can say that I know what a non-fit parent looks like. I grew up with a terrible parent. The worst of the worst, in my opinion, and I know that I am a far better parent than he was. I am not really a brag type of person, and I don’t feel the need to toot my own horn often, but I am a great mother. I am most myself in being a mother. London is the most loved little girl in the world and doing right by her is my top priority every single day. And when you press these people for reasons as to why I wouldn’t be a good mother, it all boils down to content that they don’t like. It’s like their grasping for straws trying to use shaking my ass on tik tok as an excuse, or that I used to party heavy with Birdie. They’ll even start pointing fingers claiming that since my dad is Katya that I have no idea what a good parent even looks like. Because of that, I tend to feel a little more heated about the whole thing. I try not to pop off in the comments, but it happens sometimes, but my dad is the best dad in the world. I stand by that. Being raised in the toughest part of my life, being a teenager is f***ing brutal, by a drag queen is the reason that I can feel comfortable in my own body. I can feel safe expressing myself in any way that I see fit. I always had room to play, try new things and grow as a person. I also find it offensive because I’m extremely close to my mother in law, she’s an incredible mom and woman that I learn from every single day. She deserves that credit. Not to mention my grandmother who has the most unconditional love to give.
With all the comments like that, do you think there’s a reason that people sort of turned on you?
I do have an idea of the reason and it’s honestly disgusting. Sometimes when I click on the profile of the people saying these crazy things, they’ll have tons and tons of fan edits of me and Bryce Hall. Despite the fact that Bryce himself isn’t a stranger to scandal. It really shows how little people really do know about the people they watch and comment on behind the screen because Bryce and I were never actually dating. We never claimed to be dating. We just amped up what got the most likes. So, it’s always kind of funny to me to see that they’re out here riding so hard for something that wasn’t even real. How can you call people “soulmates” or “in love” when you’re seeing a one minute long dance? Aside from the fact, I won’t accept anyone calling anyone other than Abel my soulmate. He’s my husband, the love of my life, and the father of my child, he deserves those titles, he’s earned them. But I think a lot of it is a race thing. Because you know, Bryce goes to jail for punching a cop and he’s instantly forgiven. Excuses are made for him that they accept with little to no questioning, but Abel punches a cop, years ago before we were even together and that is always brought up in a negative light. So, sometimes I wonder if the fact that I’m married to a black man is what the underlying issue these people now have with me. And if that’s the case, I have no room in my life for that and losing them as fans is trash taking itself out.

Speaking of Bryce Hall, if this is something that you’re able to talk about, we know that the Hype House is starting an all legal war by suing you about lost wages. Was this something that blindsided you?
Honestly, it did, because I had thought that we were all friends. I left the Hype House for more than one reason, but I did think that we parted ways the best that we could and I didn’t really think there were hard feelings. I was sure that they were salty about me leaving, but I had figured that they’d just move on and fill my spot. But instead, I am being sued by the people that I would’ve said were my friends a few months ago.
Why did you leave the Hype House? We’ve heard that they have been making some wild claims about you and your husband and the reasons that you left The Hype House, and even going on the record to say that you have turned your back on your fans and the reason that you have a career in the first place.
I don’t know how much I can say, but I think if I’m vague enough, it’ll be okay. I can’t wait to be able to speak about my experiences more candidly. I left the Hype House for a few reasons, one being that it simply wasn’t a safe place for me anymore. I didn’t feel safe or cared for. I was overworked to the point of almost exhaustion. When Abel and I first got together, there was a time in which he had to take me to the hospital just because I collapsed from exhaustion. I also grew up and grew out of the Hype House. I felt very out of place there because I was grown, if that makes sense. I was a woman, not a teenager anymore, I was working on bigger things than dance videos, and on top of that, I had met the love of my life. Why wouldn’t I want to live with him? It was time for me to go, and I never would have guessed that they would be taking me to court.

You mentioned feeling grown, and in love, how did you know that your husband was different? What made this relationship better than your previous ones? Especially that with Vinny Sixx who is backing the hype house in this court battle.
I wish that I could say something that didn’t sound so terribly cliche, but I fell in love with Abel the moment that I saw him. I walked into his house for our first day and I never walked out, really. He just knew me.I don’t know how to explain how it felt like coming home. He felt like home. I think there’s something that’s so magical about falling in love so quickly, so deeply and so truly and having that love returned back to you. I couldn’t ask for anything better. He saved my life, he changed my life and he always loved me in the way that I needed. I think the biggest difference is that I never loved Vinny. I couldn’t have loved Vinny, I was groomed. This man met me when I was 15 years old and pursued me for years. He spent his time tearing me down in hopes to isolate me further. I don’t think he ever loved me either. I think he loved the idea of me, and the clout. Because I’ve learned that love doesn’t hurt, you know? I had no business being in a relationship with a man that was over a decade older than I was and I am so glad that I was able to get out of that and find my human. At the end of the day, when you know. You know. And if love doesn’t feel like the best thing in the world, then it’s not your soulmate.
You recently captioned an instagram post with, “music is never about the music, if it was, we’d write songs about guitars. But we don’t, we write music about women." Which is a quote from Daisy Jones and The Sixx, corrected? You’ve been the muse of two artists, Vinny asks Mod Sun to be very verbal and open that “Karma” is about you. And we know that some of The Weeknd’s Dawn FM album, specifically “Starry Eyes” is about you, how does it feel to hear these very different opinions of you in lyrical form?
I mean, I’ll be honest, I haven’t really listened to Karma much. I’ve only listened to it fully twice, once when someone sent it to me and then once to show Abel. I think it’s really funny that he wrote a song about “lying” when he spent the entirety of our relationship lying to me and cheating and everything else under the sun. I think he really thought that he was reading me to filth with this song, but in reality, I did get everything that I deserved and it was a happy life with my husband, a perfect little baby, a loving family and a career that keeps me so busy and fulfilled. So yeah, Karma is a bitch, but it feels like he’s the one getting the other end of that. He thought that he was really clever with the “XOXO” but you know, if it ain’t xo, then it’s gotta go. As far as Starry Eyes goes, it’s the most lovely thing in the world. Abel puts his entire heart, soul, mind and body into his albums. Singing is his love language and to hear him sing his love for me has always been my favorite part. Starry Eyes will forever be a song that gives me butterflies and makes me feel loved. I’m eternally grateful to have it.

Some fans are always dissecting songs and lyrics looking for meanings behind them. Now that you’ve started creating your own album, how does that make you feel? Are you someone who writes from experience?
I think something that people who haven’t made music don’t really think about is the fact that you can write a true song about experiences but it doesn’t have to be your experience. It can be inspired by anything and anyone, sometimes songs are just good songs. I know a lot of people have gotten tripped up on Abel’s latest album and getting bent out of shape about “I heard you’re married”. Just remember at the end of the day, at least Abel and I, we are capable of writing songs that aren’t about us. We have plenty of songs about us, don’t worry, some that you’ve heard and some that you will hear, and even some that you’ll never hear. There’s plenty of songs on my album about Abel, and I think it’ll be easy to tell, but I also have a song with Nori, who is one of our best friends, and there’s no weird affair sh*t there. It’s just a fire song that we wrote for just having fun.
If you could describe your album, how would you do so?
Um, XO is very early 2000’s pop princess vibes, it’s very sexy and fun. It also has some more “house music” vibes as well, because you know, you can take the girl out to the party but you can’t take the party out of the girl. It’s about an equal mix of the two. Some songs are about feeling so good in a relationship and feeling sexy because of that, and about how much better it can be. Some are more songs that I would’ve wanted to hear while Birdie and I were getting ready to go out and songs that I want girly pops to post when they need to shade some d*ckbag. It’s a fun album, it’s an album to make you dance, and it’s an album that reminds y’all to not take everything so serious. Just have fun, it’s okay to do that, too.

Caroline explains that, a little like superstar and fellow Louisiana native Britney Spears, that music was always part of the plan and she was a bit devastated when her album leaked because it wasn’t ready and she wanted to put something out that she was proud of. For awhile after the leak, she’d decided that she wouldn’t touch that side of Hollywood since the choice was taken away from her, but now that she’s sat with it, she’s wrote more songs and she’s added the help of one international popstar, who just happens to be her husband, she’s ready to share the music she created with the world. “I’ve sat with these songs for long enough, I think that it’s an album I’m proud of and I’m so nervous and so excited to share what wasn’t leaked” she says.

Does Abel have a favorite song on your album and does it match yours?
Abel does have a favorite song on the album, we’ve recorded a little album reaction that’ll be up soon, but I can spoil it a little bit, his favorite song is Nothing On (But the Radio) and he’s really not shy about telling me that. I don’t know if I have a favorite because they all are different and special in their own way. I think I got it bad and Madeline might be my favorite but because they were written about my two favorite humans in the world, my husband and my best friend.

We’ve seen you pop up around LA giving us little sneak peeks of the album, are you hinting at a Caroline Tesfaye tour? And if you are, do you think you’ll tour with your husband or do you think you’ll continue to collaborate with DJ’s like Discolines?
I mean, I’ll be honest, I haven’t really thought about a tour as of yet. We just had a baby, and I’m not sure if we’re planning on going on tour at least right now. I also don’t feel like I’m anywhere near talented enough to be on the same stage as my husband. He’s the most talented human in the world, and I am just lucky to love him and be loved by him. Aside from that, I’m about to start filming for Animal Friends (Caroline's latest starring role with Ryan Reynolds and Aubrey Plaza). I’m also working on a really cool and super hush hush project with Birdie. We’re rehearsing almost daily for Hamilton and I’m just not sure that I could give the energy a tour deserves right now. I also don’t want to overwork myself and spend more time away from the London Moon. I’m really happy just having some time at home with our family.

Do you think that you’ll be adding “Broadway baby” to your long list of career successes? Will you continue being on stage after the “One Last Time: Hamilton Revival” or is this a passion project that is one and done?
I don’t really like to put any limits on anything. I love Broadway and I’d love to do more of that. But Hamilton is a passion project and it’s the hardest thing that I’ve ever done, really. I went from like dabbling in singing to having to be able to sing for hours. I was pregnant when rehearsals started and it was exhausting but it’s so much fun and it’s truly a dream of mine to be able to just meet the original cast let alone share the stage with them. I love each and everyone of them and they’ve really made me feel like part of their family. This cast is special and it feels so much like these are friends that I’ll have for life after this.

Do you have a dream Broadway role that you're just dying to be cast in?
Honestly, Eliza is my dream role and it's so surreal that it's happening. I can't believe it most days, but I really love the theatre, so I think I'd love to play Eurydice in Hadestown, Lydia in Beetlejuice, Sophie in Mamma Mia, I think being Sandy in Grease would be super fun, too. Um, Juliet in & Juliet, Roxie in Chicago, and maybe Ariel in Footloose. wow, I did not mean to have this many, but uh, if you're casting these, call a girl up. I'll do it for free.

Do you think that there will be a project that has the name Mr & Mrs The Weeknd attached to it?
I mean, easy answer, is yes because we’ve already worked together. We have a tequila brand that is honestly really cool, I help with After Hours (the club) and we’re working on opening another property and a jewelry brand. But I’m assuming your asking as far as acting and music goes and with that I’ll say, you’ll just have to wait and see.

People are always calling you an “it girl” and especially as of late, being obsessed with your sense of style. “#Caroline street style” is always trending on twitter. What is a trend that you wish would go and what’s a trend you hope comes back?
Ugh, this is going to get me in trouble, but I’m so bored of this “clean girl aesthetic”. I mean, you guys look lovely, and get that facial glow but it’s boring. You’re not expressing yourself at all and you’re not having fun. I want more drowning in glitter, smudged eyeliner and lips all red from making out. Clean girl isn’t even an aesthetic, it’s just the lack of it. It’s just a sad beige mom for people without kids. It’s annoying because you watch these “get ready with me” videos and they make it seem like their skin is super clear just from the products they're selling, not because they see an esthetician twice a week dropping thousands of dollars. It’s boring. Perfection is boring.

I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had having this little conversation with you, so here’s our last question, what era is Caroline Tesfaye going into for 2024?
Um, somewhere between dirty filthy pop girl and plant mom era caroline. Normalize that we can have so many sides of ourselves.

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