Douglas Jones *Mini Pirate*

Last Login:
June 1st, 2024

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 14
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 24, 2023


07/25/2023 11:02 PM 

Application for open connections
Current mood:  focused

Hello guys this is the requirements of being a connection with Douglas. One you have to rp with him for two weeks or more with no mute like not ever responding and if you did good and just stop you will get one check in and after that removed from the connection list and delete of the friend list. Two you ha to fill this out to prove you are really interested in being a connection. It's just short basic  character information and see if it be a good match. Okay so let's get started.

1. Your Name:

2. Age:

3. Relationship Status (Single, Engaged, Married, etc.):

4. Have any kids:

5. Have any pets:

6. Which connection are you interested in (only choose the ones that say open. Located in the connections blog):

7. Have you ever abuse, abandoned or caused fear to anyone you know:

8. What species are you (human, werewolf, vampire etc.):

9. What made you want to be a connection to Douglas? Give a brief reason:

10. In two to four sentences, give a little extra info about your character:

07/25/2023 06:48 PM 

Current mood:  creative

Hey peeps here are the connections that I have. When we role play for a while like say for a couple of weeks you can go ahead and fill out an application which be called application for open connections. These will be the people that I will reply back first when I get on cause they will be his family and close friends.

Connection Father - Closed - Killian Jones

Connection Mother - Closed - Emma Swan

Connection Grandma - Open

Connection Grandpa - Open

Connection Uncle - Killian Jones *his dad's twin brother*, Killian *Wish Hook* Jones

Connection Aunt - Open

Connection Sister - Closed - April - Alice

Connection Brother - Closed - Simon, Nate, Logan and Killian Jr.

Connection Cousin - Closed - Victor Criss

Connection Cousin 2 - Open

Connection Cousin 3 - Open

Connection Nephew - Open

Connection Niece - Open

Connection Best Friend - Closed - Sam - I - Am

Connection Good Friend - Closed - Kathleen Smith

Connection Friend - Open

When they have open beside it means you can apply for it and your name will go beside the connection. But if it has closed please don't try to apply for it cause it be for only one person at a time. Thanks.

07/24/2023 08:12 PM 

Rules :)
Current mood:  calm

Okay everyone. I hate to do this but with the other accounts I have I feel this is necessary. But will keep it short and simple. Okay here is the guidelines.

1. Okay here is the biggest one that I have noticed so this is going to be in bold print. Absolutely no smuts or having sex with my character. He is a 6 year old boy or wolfboy. Thanks. When he grows older then he can start dating.

2. I do hate people that mute, delete soon you send a starter, or don't reply back after a long ass time like months. If your gonna do those things please don't waste my time on you or you will be deleted and not welcome back to this page.

3. I'm fine with some action in the rp. He is a werewolf after all but please respect that he has trust issues and not going to warm up quickly like most child characters on this site.

4. I do not have or do a discord. No idea what that is and not doing it. You can keep the rp here only. Unless we been role-playing for a long time then I can give you my cell number and we can rp there but you have to earn it. 

5. I am open to random storylines, or we can discuss one out. I can rp in both messages and comments. It doesn't matter to me.

6. For now Douglas is an orphan child. Adoption Papers will be up soon when I get things going smoothly.

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