*Figuring it all out*

Last Login:
May 18th, 2024

Gender: Other
Age: 31
Sign: Virgo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
April 18, 2015


01/24/2017 11:01 PM 


*Everything said in Stream, through comments, or in messages is said IN character, unless otherwise stated.

*Let me repeat that: if you see these lovely marks //, that means I am talking OOC, otherwise, it is Krystena you are conversing with.  Exception to this is if you only talk OOC through messages, then I am following your rule- and same goes if you don't talk IC in comments. 
*The occasional accident is fine when writing, but if it happens more than once, or I have to read your reply several times just to try and understand what you wrote, you're on your way to being deleted.
*I will absolutely not reply to one-liners. The only times these are acceptable is if we are talking first person or just chit-chatting. However, I will never RP in first person.
*Do NOT God-mode my character. She is an original character from a series of stories a real life friend of mine wrote that are unpublished, so do not ever try and tell me what my character would do or say. I have no tolerance for this, if you do it once, you are deleted without notice. 
*I like to RP in the third person. I don't like seeing - or * to clarify actions (unless we are on stream). I write storylines as if I am writing a book. 
* I do prefer to RP through messages, as it is easier for me, but I'll cooperate if you RP through comments. I don't keep all the comments people send me, only the ones I like and made me smile. However, if it takes more than a day for me to reply to your comment (and I've logged on since then) it is likely I didn't hit "send comment" the second time, so remind me and I'll get back to you. But if you're an ass about it, consider our RP over.
*I don't care if our opinions differ on numerous things OOC, if you start arguing with me and trying to make me change my mind, I will delete you.
*I don't add just to have a high number of friends. You want to be a mute? You will be granted with my eternal silence when I delete you.
*I am aware there are plenty of characters out there that can turn themselves into animals, the Kantians are no different. However, if your character is still in animal form after one reply (and doesn't have the ability to talk while in said form) I will inform you what an idiot you are, make sure you know that you do not know how to write correctly, and then I will be deleting you. 
*If it takes you days to reply back to me (and you didn't give a warning saying it would take a while), and you have been online since, I will consider our storyline over. Feel free to start another one, but I will not be sending the starter for that second try.
*There are occasions when I will have a storyline going that puts Krystena back in high school (as I have no problem RPing from a past perspective), just because it works better for the two characters involved. Do know, any that happens at this point does NOT put your character in a relationship with mine. The storyline is taking place in the past and will not change the future. If you want something to happen present day, we can start a second storyline.
*If it has been more than two weeks since you last replied to me and I had sent something to you, I will be deleting you. The only exception is if you tell me you will be gone for a while. If that is the case, when you go to reply again, please send you reply along with the last one I sent as I will probably not remember what was going on.
*I do not get online every day, so do not bug me for replies. If I get a message from you asking where my reply is, I will immediately end our storyline. 

Things for you to know
*my RL job is from 4:30am-1pm, Arizona time (look it up if you want to know our time difference). My mobile does not like this site, so I will never reply while at work. Also, the department I work is is scheduled to get off at 1 only because that is when 8 hours have passed but we are not permitted to leave unless all of our work is done (we do not have more people coming in later to finish what we couldn't like other departments, we are all there is) so there will days where I end up working 12 or so hours before I get to go home.
*Some times I am just not in the mood for storylines, but I will be around on streams and such, which I will let everyone know. If you piss at me for being online but leaving you waiting, I will immediately delete you and your reply.

 I have a list of "favorites", and those people will always get replies first. Even if there's a few people waiting for replies, once I reply to a Favorite, I will begin moving through the others, but if that Favorite gets back to me before I'm done, I will reply to them again before continuing. There is no physical list to find, so you'll never know if you're one of my Favorites, and they change often. If our RP is keeping me very interested or on the edge of my seat, you're a Favorite, but once it starts winding down, another may replace it. The only guarantee that you're on the Favorite list is if your character is in a relationship with mine, Krystena has a crush on your character, or you character is one of Krystena's best friends. Krystena's Besties will always get replies first, and they are the ones she has links to on her page.

I will not be posting these anywhere but here, but as there is a link to here from my profile, I hold everyone to these rules, even if they never signed them or I never specifically told them to take a look. If you don't have a trip through my profile before starting a storyline to get to know my character a little, that is not my problem and you are still held to the same expectations as everyone else when it comes to rules.

As a courtesy, if you're a multi account, or the name of your profile isn't your characters name (for example, your profile name is Dark Shadow, but your character's name is William), please work the character's name I am RPing with into your reply at least once. There are times where I have so many things to respond to, that I get mixed up and can't remember everyone's names. So please stay away from constantly saying "he" or "she" in your entire reply. It would help me a lot.

~subject to changes and additions without notice~

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